Chapter 79

After being kidnapped, Nami became a member of Arlong's crew.

To Live

After Bell-mère's death, Nami was kidnapped when Arlong discovered her ability for drawing maps. All the villagers decided to fight to take her back, but she suddenly came back by herself, revealing that she was now part of Arlong's crew. She even showed that she could earn all the money she wanted. Disgusted by this selfish behavior, the villagers rejected her. But when Nojiko went to her mother's grave, Nami was already sitting there. She explained to her sister that in order to accomplish their mother's last wish and live, they could not rebel against Arlong who was too strong for them. Instead she decided to draw maps for him, revealing that she would be able to buy her village back for 100,000,000 Beli.

Part 2

Loid sees the bomb's smoke on the horizon and is confused. Another bomb is dropped on the town square, and Loid is caught in the explosion. During the blast, a chunk of rock hits his head, knocking the boy unconscious. Loid reawakens with minor injuries, having been protected by his helmet. As he gets up, he finds the collapsed croquette shop and the destroyed town square. Loid stands still in shock and disbelief until he hears another explosion go off in the distance. Two people run past him, telling him that the Ostanian army is coming and they have to evacuate, which puzzles Loid, remembering the adults saying there would be no war. Loid's mother arrives shortly after and is relieved to see him safe. She takes him home to gather their things, as they will be staying with her uncle in Kielberg. Loid objects, saying he still has school and that the town fair is tomorrow, and his mother tells him there will be no town fair. After packing up, Loid takes one last look at what is left of Luwen as he evacuates with his mother.

At Kielberg, Loid and his mother grieve over his father's absence. As the news report on the developing war, Loid tells himself that grown-ups are liars, citing the people who said there would not be a war and includes his father, remembering the promise he made to him. Loid admits to also being a liar for lying to get moeny from his father and vows to tell him the truth when he returns. Loid quickly gets frightened by the sound of another explosion and runs to his mother in tears. His mother comforts him, assuring him that everything will be okay. Sometime after, Loid sits by a bridge and excitedly catches a fish for dinner. As he returns home, he hears sirens go off as the town is about to be hit by an air raid. Loid is carried to the shelter, and despite the people's protests, he rushes outside to find his mother. Loid goes to his family's house, where he discovers the remains of his mother. Now all alone, Loid cries out, standing in the rubble of the town.

From that point onward, Loid spent the next few years surviving on his own amidst the chaos. Having lost everything he ever cared about and left with the things he despised, Loid decided to join the army. Taking the identity of "Roland Spoofy" and lying about his age, Loid fought in the East-West conflict, using his skills as a tactician to win his battles. As the war continues, he wonders how many more corpses he must pile up before finally seeing the light of dawn on the horizon. On one of his posts in the mountains, he hears a man get caught in one of his traps. Loid fires at the scruffy-looking individual, who calls for a time-out and begs him not to shoot.


Jackal-headed Anubis holds the ultimate judgment over the dead, measuring every heart against the weight of Truth.

Nephthys, wife of Set - the God of Darkness, desired a child, yet her husband was infertile, so Nephthys disguised herself as Eset, the wife of Set's brother Osiris, and seduced him. From that union, Anubis was born. Osiris cared for Anubis as his own, but when Osiris was murdered by his evil brother, Set, Anubis embalmed his adopted father and mummified the corpse so he would not rot. This preservation passed down to the Faithful, for if it was good enough for the Gods, it was good enough for man.

None enter the abyss of the Underworld without first being tested by Anubis. When corpses are preserved, he is the embalmer. When time for judgment comes, he is the final arbiter. In his realm, he keeps legendary weighing scales. On one side, the massive weight of Ma'at – truth and order. On the other side, he places the heart of the deceased. Should the weight of Ma'at prove infinitely heavier than that of the heart, Anubis casts the soul deep into the darkness of the Underworld, where it is forgotten, never to be reborn.

Infested Admiral

In the 25th century of Earth's history, the United Earth Directorate Expeditionary Fleet was dispatched to the Koprulu Sector, with the aim to subjugate the terran colonies, enslave the new Zerg Overmind, and use their controlled Zerg broods to pacify the protoss. Of the formidable commanders tasked with this imperative endeavor, Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov was second-in-command, with his old friend Admiral Gerard DuGalle leading the fleet.

The UED smashed into the sector, quickly disarming and seizing the Terran Dominion. However, unbeknownst to the UED at the time, their ranks had been infiltrated by a powerful shape-shifting xel'naga that took the name Samir Duran, that sought to sow confusion among the ranks of the Directorate. When Stukov violated DuGalle's orders to destroy a device named the psi disrupter that could cut Zerg off from their hive mind, Duran convinced DuGalle that Stukov was a traitor, and the admiral ordered Stukov to be executed. Duran put a bullet through Stukov and vanished. Stukov's dying transmission convinced DuGalle friend that the disrupter was the key to defeating the erg and that Duran was the traitor, before he bled out and died on the floor. Stukov's body was launched into space and given a hero's burial, with news reports saying that he died in the final assault on Char to claim the Overmind. After the UED's defeat in the sector, grief stricken over what he had done to his old friend, DuGalle committed suicide.

However, Stukov's coffin was discovered by the Zerg, and his body infested and resurrected by the cerebrate Kaloth, who desired a new leader for their renegade Swarms. After participating in some covert operations to advance the New Swarm's agenda, the resurgent Stukov caught the eye of Artanis, who enlisted the aid of Jim Raynor and the ancient protoss hero Taldarin to deliver an experimental nanite cure to the infested human. The joint terran-protoss force fought through Zerg and terran mercenaries, eventually delivering the cure to Stukov, and he was returned to his human state. Stukov was then turned over to a terran science group named the Moebius Foundation to study to the cure.

Unbeknownst to all, the same alien who had killed Stukov, Samir Duran, secretly ran the Moebius Foundation, and Stukov was experimented on and tortured. The protoss cure slowly failed, returning him to his infested state, and Duran's modifications made Stukov more and more powerful as he used him as a test subject to advance his Protoss/Zerg hybrid breeding program. Years later, Stukov was able to escape Duran's lab and contact the leader of the Zerg, Sarah Kerrigan, and aided her in destroying Duran's hybrid breeding operation, raising his lab and banishing him to the xel'naga's home dimension of the Void. Stukov then was given command of Kerrigan's infested terran legions, and assisted Kerrigan in bringing down the Terran Dominion and killing Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. He would later aid her in her war to bring down Duran's master, the Xel'Naga Amon.

During the final assault on Amon in the Void, Stukov once again confronted Duran, and personally delivered the final killing blow to the xel'naga, avenging his death and years of torture. The expedition was successful in killing Amon, and ending Duran's grand schemes.

Bubble Buddy

As every day is a holiday for SpongeBob, he wakes up wearing a Viking costume and proclaims it to be Leif Erikson Day. He then goes outside to celebrate with his friends, but finds notes at the houses of Patrick, Sandy, and Squidward notifying that they cannot, or will not, play with him due to different reasons. SpongeBob decides to, literally, make a new friend, and after several failed attempts with a stick, rock and sink, he blows a bubble figure, whom he names Bubble Buddy.

The two go to the Krusty Krab, where SpongeBob orders everything on the menu for Bubble Buddy. However, SpongeBob makes several specifications on Bubble Buddy's behalf that Squidward is forced to bend over backward to accommodate. After the meal, Bubble Buddy pays with "bubble-money," which quickly pops, infuriating Squidward and Mr. Krabs.

SpongeBob and Bubble Buddy next go to the Goo Lagoon, where they continue to cause trouble with their benign antics: holding up the restroom, causing misunderstandings, and leaving one fish to face high tide. Eventually, the beach-goers become fed up and begin to riot, even tipping over the lifeguard tower. Squidward steps in and blames SpongeBob and the bubble he has created, causing the mob to direct their efforts towards popping Bubble Buddy. They surround SpongeBob and Bubble Buddy, brandishing sewing needles and chanting their intent to pop the bubble. SpongeBob tries to escape by inflating Bubble Buddy, but he fails to be fly away from the crowd's grasp. SpongeBob implores them to realize that Bubble Buddy is his special friend, prompting the crowd to remember similar friends of their own.

Unfortunately, this is not enough to change their minds. As the crowd throws SpongeBob out of the way, Squidward brings down his needle. All of a sudden, Bubble Buddy comes to life and catches Squidward's arm before the needle reaches him, much to the shock of everyone except SpongeBob. Bubble Buddy informs SpongeBob that "things are getting a little weird around here," and departs in a bubble taxi, floating into the sky and wishing SpongeBob a Happy Leif Erikson Day. The majority of the crowd, satisfied, leaves to go on with their lives. SpongeBob happily cries for his friend blowing up so fast before leaving in a flurry of bubbles. All but one of them pop, and Squidward, left behind in a daze, awkwardly greets it.

Oda Eiichiro

Was shocked by the new Gundam. Turn A Gundam. As someone who has been a fan of the first Gundam series since elementary school I never thought it would evolve into…that! So it's come to this!!


Chapter 80



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107