Chapter 48

Don Krieg is surprised to learn that Zeff is alive. Knowing that Zeff is an infamous former pirate, who had a journey to and returned from the Grand Line safely, Don Krieg inquiries about the journal Zeff maintained while traveling. When Zeff refuses to hand over the journal, Don Krieg announces his intention to steal the journal along with the ship. The Baratie chefs shout that they are ready to protect their restaurant, while Luffy challenges Don Krieg to fight, after exclaiming that he will become the Pirate King. Angered, Don Krieg takes the food back to his subordinates and gives the Baratie Chefs and the Straw Hats an ultimatum: to either surrender the ship along with Zeff's journal or to be killed by him once he returns. After Don Krieg leaves, Gin reveals that Hawk-Eye is responsible for decimating Krieg's fleet. Upon hearing this, Zoro shows a shocked expression.


Steer Clear

Don Krieg is surprised to learn that Zeff is alive. Zeff replies nonchalantly to Don Krieg that it has nothing to do with him, whether he is dead or alive, and that he is living as a cook now. Krieg is amused and comments that from his point of view, Zeff is not living as a chef by choice, but because it is the only thing he can do. Zeff is angered but does not say a word.

Krieg then proceeds to tell the story of Red Leg Zeff, a once infamous pirate, who refused to use his hands in battle as he was a master of kicking. His destructive kicks could pulverize bedrock and leave a clear imprint on steel. He was both the chef and captain of his own crew, and he obtained his epithet, Red Leg, from his legs being dyed in the blood of his enemies after a fight. According to rumor, Zeff was supposed to have died in a shipwreck. Krieg deduces that Zeff only managed to survive the shipwreck by sacrificing his leg. Therefore, Krieg concludes that Zeff is unable to fight anymore, forcing him to retire as a pirate and instead become the chef of the Baratie. Sanji is visibly shocked upon hearing the story, but Zeff acts indifferent, saying that he still has his hands, which allows him to cook.

Zeff questions what Krieg is getting at, and Krieg replies that, since Zeff once traveled to the Grand Line and returned safely, he must have a log of this journey, and that he wants it for his future journeys. Luffy shows excitement in hearing about the chef's expedition to the Grand Line. Confidently, Zeff confirms that he does indeed have a log, but refuses to hand it over since he sees it as a memento of his former life.

Frustrated, Krieg declares that he will then have to take Zeff's log by force. Krieg acknowledges that he came back from the Grand Line defeated but claims this is only due to a lack of information. Upon stating this, Krieg again declares that he will steal Zeff's log, along with the Baratie. This angers the Baratie Chefs, and they declare that they will not let Krieg take their home from them. The chefs advance towards Krieg but get pushed back by his attacks. Krieg laughs and claims that once he gets Zeff's log, he will reassemble his pirate fleet and then find One Piece, in order to become the greatest pirate of the era. This causes Luffy to stand up and challenge Krieg, worrying the Baratie Chefs. Luffy states that he will become the Pirate King. Zoro, sitting next to Usopp at a table, casually asks Luffy if he needs a hand. Luffy says that there is no need, as he can handle it himself. Krieg laughs at Luffy's small crew and tells Luffy to stop messing around. Krieg tells Luffy that even with his fleet of 50 ships carrying a crew of over 5,000 people, they were wiped out in a week, which Krieg still claims is due to a lack of information. This intrigues Zoro but terrifies Usopp.

As Krieg demanded for food for his crewmates, to which the Baratie chefs clearly denied, weakened by the past experience and struggle, Zeff hands over the food for Krieg's crew. Krieg then leaves the restaurant to feed his starving crew and gives everyone an ultimatum- either hand over Zeff's log and the Baratie ship, or they will all die. Claiming ignorance, Gin apologizes to Sanji, but Zeff dismisses the need for an apology. The Baratie Chefs accuse Zeff of siding with Sanji, the man they insist is trying to destroy the restaurant. The head chef silences them, justifying Sanji's actions by asking if any member of the staff ever experienced starvation. After the situation is controlled, the ultimatum leaves the chefs in a dilemma: either fight or run away. They end up deciding to protect the Baratie, as it is the only place where they all feel accepted. Meanwhile, Gin tries to discourage opposition. Sanji explains to Gin that, even if he feeds anyone who is starving, the enemies of the Baratie are already fed, so he will not hesitate.

Luffy sits next to Usopp and Zoro and asks if his crewmates also approve of Sanji, but Usopp is exclusively terrified about the imminent attack. After Luffy asks Gin about his knowledge of the Grand Line, Gin tells them of the fierceness of the ocean, especially after the crew was almost annihilated by just one man. This revelation causes a commotion in the restaurant. Furthermore, when Gin discloses the one responsible for his crew's demise is Dracule Mihawk, Zoro appears alarmed.

Mission 33

A floor tile sinks to the ground next to Loid, but he jumps over it and returns the ball, scoring a point. Carrol Campbell then tries hitting the ball in another sunken tile and bouncing it back in his direction. Fiona intercepts the ball and slams it to the ground, scoring another point. Carrol decides to change plans: manipulating the net's height. He signals to the staff, and they comply. Loid and Fiona notice the changes and opt to work around them. When the Campbells realize their tricks are not working, they try using more against the Foneys, from gusts of wind to coating the ball with stink spray. However, all their schemes only amounted to little more than slight annoyances to the Foneys, who win the set and tie the scores.

Loid praises Fiona and her abilities, which she likes. As the final set begins, Fiona thinks about how she wants the match to last forever. She wonders if she could do it by extending it with an indefinite series of tiebreakers but backs down, realizing she might lose Loid's respect and that he has finally found his groove again. Loid sees how focused Fiona looks and is glad she is finally under control. Meanwhile, the Campbell siblings decide to "call in the big guns."

The game begins, and Loid sees no tricks used and wonders if the siblings have given up on them. As Fiona is about to make her return, Loid sees Carrol signaling with his tongue, then spots a glint at the ducts behind him. Inside, a sniper prepares to make his shot, aiming for Fiona. Loid moves quickly, grabbing Fiona as he takes the bullet and tumbles to the ground, surprising everyone, including Fiona.

As the commentators relay the events, Fiona asks if Loid is alright. Loid confirms this, then picks up the bullet and shows it to Fiona, telling her that it is rubber and the location of their sniper. Fiona apologizes for letting this happen, but Loid reveals he anticipated this, which is why he wore a bulletproof vest under his shirt, and Fiona is amazed. Carrol is also amazed after he sees Loid get up and walk off over getting shot. Fiona says this is going too far, even for Campbelldon, and suggests penalizing the staff for interference. Loid doubts this, pointing out that most of the tournament staff seem to be in Campbell's pocket and how any disruption to their match could risk their chances of getting the painting. However, the bullets are low-velocity, and the agents can try throwing off the sniper's aim by baiting shots as long as they can spot the signals. The line judge asks if Loid is alright, and Loid says he is suffering from a hangover. Carrol is shocked, saying it can not be true.

The game resumes, and Loid makes his serve. He sees Carrol make another signal and realizes they will target him mid-serve. Loid staggers to the side and finishes his serve, surprising everyone. The sniper radios to the "court interference squad" for assistance, telling them to do whatever it takes to ensure the siblings' win. Their tricks do not work on the agents, who predict their moves and move around them. The sniper calls in the ball boys to make their move. As Team Foney prepares to return a serve, Loid spots one of the ball boys pointing their wrist in his direction. The ball boy shoots a hidden bullet at Loid, who parries the shot, and the commentator sees Loid swinging at nothing. Fiona notes that they now have two more things to worry about, but Loid says that, unlike the sniper, the ball boys are much easier to read and will not do much harm. Loid resolves to finish the match, and the crowd is shocked by the team's bizarre movements while they play.

A frustrated Cavi Campbell yells at his kids to get it together and beat their opponents, knowing he has a lot riding on this match. The ball and a bullet go to Loid, who returns them with a wide swing. The parried bullet hits Carrol in the stomach, staggering him. The line judge asks if Carrol is okay, and Carrol tells him that he had too much milk in the morning, resulting in stomach cramps. Seeing that both teams appear impaired in the final stretch, the commentator calls the match a battle of sheer will as the audience cheers. While they play, Carrol thinks about how he does not want to lose and be beaten by Loid, but sees that he is no match for him. Loid jumps up in front of Carrol, intimidating him with his aura as he slams the ball under the boy's legs. With that, the Foneys win the championship match, and the men betting on them stand up and cheer while Cavi sinks into his seat.

Caroll approaches Loid, realizing that despite being aware of the tricks, the Foneys still won. Carrol tears up and confesses that this is the first time he is disappointed in himself. Loid encourages Carrol, who is young and talented, and by working hard to hone his skills, can become a great player one day. Carrol swears to Loid that he will train hard, and Loid cheers him on. Fiona thinks to herself that Loid does not only strive to complete his missions but also reform his enemies, which is why she loves him. Kim Campbell sees this and thinks about how lame this is and is done with tennis. Cavi tears up, saying that despite losing the tournament, he gained something after seeing how much his son has grown, while a member points out how much money he just lost. One of Cavi's men interrupts him and whispers a message to him, which Loid notices.

After the game, the Foneys go through a catalogue filled with all the art from Cavi's collection. Fiona picks Lady in the Sun, but Cavi appears to tell them he cannot give it to them. When Fiona asks why not, Cavi states it is due to circumstances beyond his control, but promises any other item and will even give them an extra item as an apology. Fiona and Loid whisper to each other, realizing that Cavi received a call from the SSS, who must have gotten the same intel and are probably on their way to pick it up as they speak. Cavi speaks up, asking if they will take his offer, and Fiona asks to see the collection in person. Granting her request, Fiona goes to a private room full of Cavi's art. Cavi asks where Loid is, and Fiona says he left to sleep off his hangover and not to worry about him. She glances at Lady in the Sun and sees it in the room. Fiona then asks Cavi for a recommendation for her choice and if she can leave her bag on a nearby counter, which he allows.

Cavi's butler approaches Cavi about Lady in the Sun, and Cavi tells him that the SSS will arrive in 10 minutes and to prepare it for them in the lobby. As the butler prepares the painting at the counter, one of the men tells him to hurry it up. When the SSS arrives, they retrieve the painting and thank Cavi for cooperating before leaving. Cavi has his butler see Fiona out, who asks the butler if WISE will let them moonlight as tennis pros. The butler removes his face mask, revealing himself to be Loid and says he has had enough of tennis for a while. As they leave, Loid asks Fiona what she picked for their prize, and she shows him a weird pot Cavi recommended, along with some garish rings he threw in. The agents then agree to gift them to Handler as a souvenir.

On the drive home, Loid admits to panicking a little when Cavi refused to give them Lady in the Sun but reveals that they successfully obtained it. Having planned, Loid brought a forgery of the painting and swapped it with the original while disguised as the butler, sneaking the original inside Fiona's bag. With this, the SSS will have to scour the forgery for a secret code that does not exist. Seeing the secret code on the painting, Loid and Fiona decide to bring it to HQ for analysis and high-five each other over completing the mission.


A horrendous demon with a bottomless appetite for human flesh, Bakasura is a nightmare come to life.

After committing countless atrocities, Bakasura has demonstrated no end to his depravity, no limits to his brutality, no sating his desire to slurp human meat, crunch bone, and guzzle hot blood. So many are his vile victories over mankind that they cannot be relayed here, yet it his defeat at the hands of a man that is worth the telling.

According to the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, the famous Pandava brothers were traveling in exile with their mother, Kunti, when they came to the village Ekachakra. Disguised as brahmins, they sought alms from the villagers in order to sustain themselves. They soon learned that a demon, Bakasura, was living outside the village, devouring the people as they passed through the woods. The chief went to the demon and begged that the feasting stop. In return, a cart of food would be sent to Bakasura each day. Bakasura consumed not only the provisions, but the person that brought the cart as well.

After hearing this tale from a weeping woman whose son would bear the cart on the morrow, Kunti declared that her son Bhima, who possessed impossible strength and had slain demons before, would take the cart instead, as repayment to the kindness the villagers had shown their family.

Once in the forest, Bhima nonchalantly ate the food intended for Bakasura. Furious, Bakasura threatened to eat Bhima, which he just laughed off, goading the demon to attack him. All day they battled until Bhima finally slew the demon, tied him to the cart and dragged the body back to the village, where the people celebrated the victory in bewilderment.

Hunger, however, is a demon that cannot be defeated and, inevitably, Bakasura's disgusting rumble will rise again, now more ravenous than ever and ready to feed.

Heretic Witch Doctor

Nazeebo represents the Witch Doctor class in Diablo III.

All Witch Doctors hail from the Umbaru tribes. Secluded deep in the jungles of Kehjistan, the Umbaru people are unlike any other in the lands of Sanctuary. They have very deeply rooted spiritual beliefs and teach that this life is nothing but a shadow of what really awaits us on the other side.

Real life exists in the Mbwiru Eikura, the Unformed Land, and our spirits go there when we die. Due to this belief the Umbaru have learned to not fear death and ritual sacrifice is a normal part of life in their tribes. One of these practices is the Igani Bawe or Harvest of Souls, which is a ritualistic war between the different tribes. Participating in this mock battle is one of the highest honors for a Witch Doctor and they spend their lives preparing for it. Even though no lives are lost during the 'hunt' anyone captured by an opposing tribe is to be sacrificed after the war has ended. Since this ritual sacrifice is decreed by the spirits of the Unformed Land no one questioned the practice, at least no one until Nazeebo did.

During the last Harvest Nazeebo defied his peoples' laws and stopped an opposing tribe from taking the life of his master because he knew the truth. Nazeebo knew that the elders had lost contact with the spirits and truly knew nothing of the Unformed Land that lies beyond their reach. The elders were using the laws and traditions of the Umbaru to further their own power and were not offering any spiritual guidance to their people.

Nazeebo encountered others and planted the seeds of doubt in the minds of other Witch Doctors to help his people on the proper path to the Unformed Land before he set off on his own personal journey to the lands of the West where a great evil was rising that threaten not only his own tribe but all the people of Sanctuary.

Sandy's Rocket

SpongeBob visits Sandy's treedome, and then sees that Sandy has built a rocket ship. Sandy explains to him that she is going to the moon, and SpongeBob begs her to take him with her. Although she immediately insists that he cannot come, saying that this trip is for science and not for fun, and that there isn't even enough room for him on board, SpongeBob's begging ultimately convinces her to let him come with her.

That night, Patrick comes to SpongeBob's house and gives him some "Alien Repellent," which they sneak into Sandy's treedome to spray on the windows. Even though they agree to only spray the windows, Patrick inadvertently enters the rocket, and SpongeBob follows. After playing with the ship's various features, SpongeBob accidentally starts up the rocket and it starts to launch, which makes Sandy wake up and figure out the cause. SpongeBob and Patrick fall right down the rocket. Luckily, the gravity significantly decreases while they're in outer space. The ship loops over the moon a few times, falls back down to Earth, and crashes back in Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob and Patrick are both convinced that they are on the moon and that the aliens are projecting their memories onto the environment to trick them.

The two begin capturing everyone with Sandy's net guns (intended for harvesting moon rocks), believing the citizens of Bikini Bottom to be aliens. Eventually, they capture everyone in the city. When Sandy arrives and chews them out for ruining her experiment, SpongeBob and Patrick shoot their net guns at her, capturing her too. Sandy attempts to explain the truth to them, but they slam the door in her face. Then, the two become convinced that the other one of them is an alien. Patrick attempts to shoot SpongeBob before he has a chance to capture him, but had his gun pointed the wrong way and ends up shooting and capturing himself. SpongeBob starts the rocket again to return home, and when it reaches the moon, the rocket crashes on top of it, having run out of gas. Noticing that things are different, SpongeBob looks out the window to see the Earth where he realizes his mistake. Before the episode ends, all the Bikini Bottomites who are being stored in the cargo hold of the ship, say: "SpongeBob, we aliens would like a word with you."

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 10: "Farewell To A Worthy Foe"


Oda Eiichiro

Wonder what it means to be 'cool'. Right now I think Sachiko Kobayashi is cool. And so was the late Yoshie Utsumi.


Chapter 49



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107