Chapter 21

After defeating the Buggy Pirates, Luffy, Zoro and Nami are about to depart with Buggy's treasure, but the villagers arrive and ask about the pirates. Seeing that their mayor has been knocked out, they ask who did it, and Luffy admits it was him. While they are being chased out of the village, Chouchou helps them escape by holding back the villagers. The mayor soon wakes up, and after asking about Luffy and the others, runs after them to thank them as they sail away.

The War of the Shifting Sands


Luffy, having beaten Buggy, begins to leave the city with Zoro and Nami. Nami splits the loot into two bags: one for Luffy and one for herself. When the villagers arrive, they find Boodle unconscious, and Luffy admits that he knocked him out. The villages then ask if they are pirates, and Luffy cheerfully says he is, angering them and causing them to give chase. While the crew is running away, Luffy says that it must be a very good town, because they were prepared to fight pirates to protect a single person, but he also mentions that no matter what the villagers say, they are not going to stop.

On the way, they encounter Chouchou, who protects Luffy and the others. They reason that this is to pay back the debt of Luffy avenging the destruction of his owner's shop, as he refuses to let the villagers pass. Near the boat, they encounter three of Buggy's crew who Nami stole a boat from previously and who Zoro beat up afterwards. Luffy, carrying a worn out Zoro on his shoulders, is stopped by one of the pirates, who taps Zoro on the head, saying that he should not be a coward and should show his face. When Zoro lifts his head and glares at them, the three pirates run away in fear.

Meanwhile, the Mayor wakes up and finds the town's people around him. They tell him that they have chased Luffy and the rest out of town. As they curse the pirates, he gets angry, saying that he is the only one allowed to insult them. He rushes to the harbor to thank the crew.

As the boat leaves, Luffy says he left his bag of treasure back at the harbor to help them rebuild. Out of rage, Nami threatens to drown him in the sea, calling him an idiot.

Mission 6

On the day of Eden Academy's admissions announcement, the Forgers look for Anya's exam number "K-212," but to no avail. At the headquarters of Westalian Intelligence, a woman brings up the time and day of the announcement of the admission to a higher-up, but he responds flippantly. The woman reminds him that Operation Strix is of great importance to the peace between Westalis and Ostania. Nonetheless, the higher-up is confident in Twilight's ability and expects him to soon send a message of their acceptance in the form of an oriental code, unaware that the Forgers are in shock from realizing they have been rejected.

As they prepare to head back home with a teary-eyed Anya, Henry Henderson stops the Forgers from leaving. He shows Loid a list of names with Anya's name on top, revealing that the list is the waiting list for Eden's admissions and that Anya will be given a spot upon an accepted student's withdrawal. Loid expresses confusion that they have been scored so highly after his violent actions at the interview, but Henry justifies that Loid saved Murdoch Swan, giving an explanation about the danger of mosquitoes, and thus he scored the Forgers highly, though Loid does not quite believe him.

As Henry continues to talk, Yor is worried that none of the accepted students will decline and begins to imagine assassinating the parent of one of the accepted students at a formal social gathering in order to obtain a spot for Anya. After her daydream, Yor shakes her head and reminds herself not to kill an innocent person while an amused Anya laughs at her overactive imagination. Henry advises the Forgers to be prepared as several applicants withdraw every year and that he may no longer be at Eden Academy when they arrive due to Murdoch Swan's influence. Loid offers any assistance to Henry, who thanks him but simply tells them to wait for the call.

Three days later, Loid quickly picks up a phone call from Eden Academy. Upon hanging up, Loid turns to Yor and Anya and blasts a party popper as he announces that Anya has been offered a spot. Franky arrives at the Forgers' front door with a bottle of alcohol to celebrate Anya's success, introducing himself to Yor. The group drinks while eating delivered dinner, with Franky and Yor soon becoming drunk from the alcohol. Franky blurts out that he stole the answers for the exam, but to Loid's relief, Yor is too drunk to listen. Franky suggests that Loid buy Anya something as a reward, with Anya exclaiming that she wants to do something instead. Anya shows Loid a scene from Spy Wars, where Bondman rescues Princess Honey from the evil forces in a castle, explaining that she wants to get rescued in a castle, just like Princess Honey. Loid refuses, but Franky suggests renting a castle in Münk for 50,000 dalc after Anya starts to cry.

The Forgers and Franky arrive at the castle, but Anya is disappointed that there is no one as bad guys or servants at the castle, thus Loid summons WISE agents stationed in Ostania to Newston Castle to act as roles. Anya assigns Loid as the spy that rescues her, Franky as the bad guy, and Yor dismissively as anything. Anya crouches behind a table as a princess in her "prison" while Franky plays along. Loid stiffly asks for the princess to be returned, shy about roleplaying in front of his agency. Franky introduces Yor as "Yorticia," the world's deadliest witch. Yor drunkenly attacks Loid with a kick he barely manages to dodge and leaving him with a bleeding cut on his cheek.

Yor continues to attack Loid with rapid kicks, but the heel of her left shoe eventually snaps, sending her falling backward, and she falls asleep. Loid smacks Franky away when he tries to stop Loid and approaches Anya to save her with a blush, embarrassed. Anya runs out to hug Loid, expressing her gratitude and determination to work hard for school. Loid congratulates Anya as they look at a shooting star on the balcony. At WISE HQ, the director and the secretary receive the large expense report from Twilight for the castle rental.


Many know the legend of King Arthur, and yet the man who set that legend into motion remains shrouded in mystery. His origins, and the source of his power, are secrets known only to him. Even his very nature is questioned. Is he simply a man greatly adept in the magical arts? A demon? Or something in between? Whatever the answer, what is beyond doubt to all who encounter him is that Arthur's right hand, the great wizard Merlin, is a being of immense wisdom, and formidable strength.

In the ages of warring kings, where ruler vied against ruler and only the strongest rose to rule the land, Merlin pledged his skills in service to great sovereigns as both an advisor and a devastating battle mage. A collector of secrets and ancient lore, Merlin is a master of arcane wizardry, able to wield a myriad of elements and harness them to his will. He also devoted his mind to the art of prophesy, one day foreseeing the rise of a ruler destined to stand above all others, and unite the land beneath his banner.

When Uther Pendragon fell in battle against the barbarous hordes of the invading Saxons, Merlin swore an oath of fealty to his successor, Arthur. From that day, the mage never left the wielder of legendary Excalibur's side, a tireless advisor, fellow warrior, and friend. Together they brought about the rise of Camelot, and the unity of a once fractured land. The foul Saxons were driven back across the distant sea, and the people of the kingdom knew peace, justice and prosperity.

To any who think to cross Merlin, beware. Many have tested him, seeking his knowledge, his secrets, or the source of his power for themselves. And few, if any, have lived to tell their tale.

High King of the Alliance

Son of the Alliance's first king Llane Wrynn, Prince Varian witnessed his father's murder by the half-orc Garona Halforcen, instilling his dislike towards the Horde. He then grew up to be a respectable man, with good signs that he would become a good king of Stormwind one day. Unfortunately due to the plot of the Black Dragon Onyxia, Varian ends up being split in two, his diplomatic but more passive side residing in Stormwind, while his warrior spirit stranded to Kalimdor, amnesiac and picked up as a gladiator by Rehgar Earthfury. Befriending two other gladiators, Valeera Sanguinar and Broll Bearmantle, Varian would make a name of himself in the ring as "Lo'Gosh/Ghost Wolf", but he soon broke away from his gladiator life. Accompanied by his two friends, he reclaimed his true identity and kingdom, slaying Onyxia.

Returning as the King of Stormwind and becoming the High King of the Alliance, Varian led the Alliance in many battles against the Lich King, Deathwing, Garrosh Hellscream, the Iron Horde and finally the Burning Legion. While at first his hatred for the Horde for killing his father made him a bit too hotheaded, he managed to temper his ferocity and develop his diplomatic side further in a good balance with his warrior spirit, seeing the big picture and the importance of unity. He heroically sacrificed himself during the assault of the Burning Legion on the Broken Shore, buying enough time for the Alliance to regroup. His son, Anduin, has assumed Varian's position as King of Stormwind and High King of the Alliance.

Never one to back down from a difficult task or shy away from the front lines, King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind has always sought to do what he believes is best for his people. Without question, he is eager to pick up a sword and shield in defense of the Alliance, Azeroth, and now... The Nexus. There is no opponent too great nor battlefield too harsh to stop Varian from leading those around him toward victory.

Warsong Gulch

The calm over Ashenvale was pierced by the shriek of goblin shredders grinding into motion, tearing into trunks. Gorshaka grinned as she wheeled the worg around and gestured to two others with her spear. Together the trio rode confidently across the plain toward the enemy base.

A quick look around the entrance ramp confirmed it was deserted; with weapons ready, the attack party followed warily behind their leader as she strode into the lair of the night elves...

"Just a few steps closer..." Aron thought, his breath held as he kneeled on a perch overlooking the flag room below. The stench of unwashed orcs drifted through the corridor long before they showed themselves. The filthy creatures were sauntering into the stronghold as if they owned the place!

The orc wench and her two lackeys strode in, closing in on the battle standard displayed proudly in the main hall. He unsheathed his daggers. The time was right.

Aron jumped down from his hiding place behind the trailing orc and shouted, "NOW!" He stabbed swiftly at the unprotected back of the shaman, and the orc quickly fell to Aron's poisoned blades. Two other night elves appeared from concealment, weapons drawn and springing into action.

Gorshaka whipped around, eyes wide. A trap! She shoved the remaining orc forward. "Grab the flag," Gorshaka yelled, as she drew her sword.

The young orc stumbled blindly toward the flag, too terrified to notice the menacing Freezing Trap set in his path. Instantly he was caught in its teeth, unable to move or to scream. The trap's owner took aim and let fly three arrows in rapid succession, and Aron and the remaining night elf pounced on the stunned orc with vengeance in their hearts.

Realizing she was caught fighting a losing battle, Gorshaka turned and fled down the hallway, leaving her acolyte to his fate. All too soon, trailing shouts in the alien elf-tongue echoed behind her. Pursuit was not far behind.

She'd seen something on her way in... there! Off to the side, a strange magical rune of some sort. The swift elves were closing in on her. The warrior grabbed the rune in desperation, her chances of escape quickly fading. The rune burst in her hand, and magic flooded into Gorshaka's body, strengthening her legs. She felt renewed, recharged. Glancing back once at the angry throng just behind her, the orc dashed away at speeds rivaling her worg at full charge. The defenders were left far behind as she left their compound and fled to the safety of the lumber mill.

Gorshaka slowed to a walk as she entered her own base. The night elves were trickier than she had assumed. She would be ready next time - that base, and the whole of the forest, would belong to the Warsong clan in good time.

Oda Eiichiro

Congratulations!! Two of my friends are in Akamaru Jump. Shinyacchi, Matsuicchi, I'm cheering for you. Go onward!!


Chapter 22



Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107