Chapter 51

Roronoa Zoro begins battle with Dracule Mihawk, hoping to earn the title of World's Greatest Swordsman. However Mihawk turns out to be more powerful than Zoro could have ever hoped to imagine, and he is easily bested. While Mihawk does not take him seriously as an opponent by initially fighting him with a small knife, the strength of will Zoro demonstrates greatly impresses him to the point that he draws his real blade out of respect. While this does not change the inevitability of Zoro's defeat, Mihawk promises that he will remember his name. Zoro is cut down with all but one of his swords destroyed, but he humbles himself and seems to find solace in having been able to witness the greatest in the world.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent

Zoro Overboard

Having now fully drawn his swords, Zoro expresses his shock at meeting the World's Greatest Swordsman Dracule Mihawk so early in their adventure. The impending duel has garnered the full attention of everyone present; Krieg Pirates, Straw Hats, and Baratie staff alike. However, Mihawk humiliates him by answering his request with a pocket knife, which was the pendant he was wearing around his neck. He states that he isn't like most fools who would go all out to hunt a mere rabbit. He goes on to explain that while Zoro may have earned some fame as a swordsman, the East Blue is the weakest of the four seas that are separated by the Grand Line and Red Line. He actually regrets that he didn't have an even smaller knife. Zoro is now furious at the degree to which he feels underestimated and prepares to attack, telling Mihawk not to regret it when he dies. As Zoro charges, Mihawk likens him to a frog in a well; stating that its time he experiences the real world beyond his little well. Zoro attempts to use "Oni Giri", but Mihawk effortlessly stops all 3 katana with the tip of his knife. Luffy is visibly surprised, while Johnny and Yosaku can't believe that one of Zoro's signature techniques was stopped so easily. Zoro himself considers how no man has been able to stop the technique before, and yet Mihawk countered it so easily with a "toy". The shock sends him into a frenzy, ferociously swinging at Mihawk while he wonders how the real world could possibly be so far out of reach with all his training and preparation. Mihawk continues to dodge and counter without so much as breaking a sweat. Zoro remembers his promise to Kuina, and redoubles his efforts. Mihawk notices his mental anguish and questions what burdens him so, and why he seeks the ultimate power. He again calls Zoro a weakling, this time angering Johnny and Yosaku to the point they attempt to intervene, but Luffy stops them. Zoro gets back on his feet, and prepares the "Tora Gari".

This time Zoro remembers his promise to Luffy instead, and how Luffy's reaction was that he'd expect nothing less of him to be standing at his side as Pirate King. Before Zoro could land the attack however, Mihawk pierces him in the chest with his knife. While everyone is shocked at the devastating blow, the biggest surprise comes from Mihawk, as Zoro simply stands there with the knife in his chest. He asks Zoro why he refuses to step back, and Zoro doesn't really know himself. He explains that if he were to take even one step back, it would be like stepping back on every vow he's made to this point, which would prevent him from ever making it back to where he is now. Mihawk states that such is defeat, but Zoro feels that is even more reason not to step back. Mihawk questions if he'd stand by this conviction even if it meant his death, but Zoro counters that death might actually be better. Mihawk is incredibly impressed by Zoro's strong display of will, and upon removing the knife from his chest, asks the latter to state his name. As Zoro complies, Mihawk finally draws his blade, telling Zoro that he will remember his name, as he does not often see his level of conviction in this world. As a gesture of respect to a fellow swordsman, he tells Zoro that he will fight him with the World's Strongest Sword.  

Zoro prepares his ultimate attack, the Sanzen Sekai, as Mihawk charges toward him. The move ultimately proves ineffective, as all of his swords except the Wado Ichimonji are broken in Mihawk's attack. As his swords break, he concedes defeat and muses how he never even considered the possibility of losing. He stands to face Mihawk, exposing his chest, and extending his arms out to receive the final blow. Mihawk is puzzled, and Zoro tells him that a cut to the back is a shameful act among swordsmen. Mihawk is pleased with Zoro's brave gesture and slashes his chest open. As Zoro begins to fall from the wound, Mihawk makes a mental note that Zoro shouldn't rush his own death. 

Mission 36

Damian Desmond, Emile Elman, and Ewen Egeburg look at the school bulletin and see that the Imperial Scholar get-togethers will start next week. Although the event has nothing to do with the boys, they eagerly discuss how they will eventually become Imperial Scholars. Peering from the corner, Anya Forger watches the group and recaps her goal to become an Imperial Scholar and help Loid Forger with Operation Strix. However, Anya has given up on earning eight Stella Stars, discouraged by her lack of progress in academics and sports. Anya resolves to Plan B: befriending Damian, which is not going any better. While Anya thinks, the boys see Anya staring at them; Damian tells her to stop staring, while Emile tells her to go away.

Anya expresses her frustration, and Becky Blackbell appears and does the same, albeit for a different reason. Becky says she knows how Anya feels as love is hard to communicate. Her statement prompts Anya to think about what she loves: Loid, Yor Forger, Bond Forger, peanuts, and cartoons. When Anya connects it to Damian, she bluntly denies it, and Becky assumes she is being bashful. Becky decides to help make Damian fall for Anya. She says boys are easily fooled by outward appearances, so if Anya dresses up all cute, Damian is sure to fall for her. Thus, Becky and Anya go on a shopping trip on the weekend.

Martha Marriott, Becky’s butler, drives the girls to the shopping center, where Anya is excited to be riding around in their fancy car. Becky complains about not seeing Loid when she picked up Anya and how tough of a rival Yor will be after seeing how pretty she is. Hearing this, Martha quietly discourages Becky from homewrecking. Becky compliments Anya’s bag (by working-class standards) and asks what is inside. Anya produces a large wad of cash, shocking Martha. Before leaving, Loid had gifted the spending money to Anya, believing that forging a positive relationship with the Blackbells could have serious benefits. Anya wonders how many peanuts she can buy with the money, but Becky reminds her that they are shopping for clothes.

At the shopping center, the staff from the clothing department line up to welcome Becky. An employee informs Becky that they have prepared a variety of brand-new haute couture fashions for her. Anya is surprised by all this and asks Becky if her father is the "Prince of Darkness." She then asks how much money Becky brought, but Becky says she has never brought money anywhere in her life. Becky tells Anya that the store usually brings stuff to her house, but she was so excited to go shopping with Anya that she reserved the whole store. With that, Becky helps Anya find a look that "even Damian cannot resist."

Anya tries on various stylish outfits while Becky shares her thoughts. Afterwards, Anya gets exhausted and remarks that fashion is hard. Becky agrees, saying they cannot narrow down their options when they do not even know what Damian likes. Anya points out that she wears her uniform at school every day, so Damian will not be able to see her new clothes. Becky says all the halls throw parties at the end of the term, and students will be allowed to wear street clothes with the teacher’s permission. Becky realizes that if the parties are open to parents, Loid will most likely be there. She shouts that she needs something too and asks a shocked Anya what look Loid prefers. Becky also tries on different outfits, wondering what Loid would like. After finishing, Becky concludes that she does not even know anymore and decides to buy them all, much to Martha’s concern and Anya’s shock.

Becky asks what Anya has decided on, but Anya tells her that she cannot look at clothes anymore, so Becky says they can check out the shoes. The girls check out all the accessories at the store, and Becky continues to buy more, and the boxes Martha is carrying continue to stack up. They stop at a café to rest and have sweets. Martha, covered by boxes, sternly tells Becky that she has bought too much. Becky remarks that Anya did not get anything; Anya says she does not even know what she wants, reiterating that fashion is hard. Becky looks quietly, then shyly asks if Anya had fun shopping. Anya smiles brightly and tells Becky that she had so much fun, as this is the first time she has gone shopping with a friend, and Becky is touched to be called her friend. Becky decides to find something Anya wants while Martha watches from the side with a smile.

The girls head to a stuffed animal shop, but a sheep keychain catches Anya’s attention. Anya asks what it is, and Becky explains it is a department store’s mascot. Seeing how cute it is, Anya decides to get one, while Becky remarks on how childish she is. Anya says it will be a memento of their shopping trip and proof that they survived. Becky is hesitant, remembering her father saying he does not want her wearing anything less than the finest. Before Becky can think any further, Anya buys keychains for themselves, and Martha urges her to accept the gesture of friendship, saying her father would say the same. An embarrassed Becky then takes the keychain. She asks Anya why they went shopping, and Anya says she forgot. They brush it off and decide to head home.

Becky and Anya fall asleep on the drive back, and Martha flashes back to Becky’s days before Eden. When Becky was in preschool, she would make fun of the other kids and pick on them, calling them brats. After learning that she would be attending Eden Academy, Becky expressed her distaste, saying the school has ill-bred kids, to her father’s shock. While Martha prepared Becky’s uniform, she told her madam that understanding that you do not have it all figured out is the first step to growing up. Later, after returning from Eden on the first day, Becky tells Martha about Anya and how school might not be so bad after all. Back in the present, Martha looks at Becky and Anya and expresses her happiness for Becky.

Returning home, Loid is stunned to see the keychain, which cost 300 dalc apiece. Anya says it is her and Becky's special thing while Bond glares at the keychain.

At the start of school, Becky and Anya greet each other and cheerily talk about their matching keychains. Passing by, Damian and his friends see the girls chatting, and their smiling faces catches Damian's eye. One of the boys asks Damian what is up with him, and he dismisses them in embarrassment.


Worlds end, when the Destroyer dances. But so too do worlds begin, as Destroyer becomes Benefactor. It is the eternal cycle of destruction and creation, a cosmic song heard by all, but the steps of its dance are known only to one – the Lord of Dancers, Shiva.

A god of ambiguity and paradox, Shiva has as many names as there are stars in the sky. He is the embodiment of grace and compassion, but also the roaring storm which sweeps away all that stands before it. He comes in forms both fearsome and benign; destroyer and creator in one. To Shiva falls the responsibility of ensuring the sanctity of all that is. This duty requires both ferocity and mercy, for it is Shiva who must stand against the all-consuming dark and conjure light from its depths with his dance.

When the world has reached its end, it is Shiva who ushers it into oblivion. His dance, once begun, cannot be ended save in cataclysm. A purifying conflagration that reduces the old and weary world to ashes, so that something new might rise in its place. Thus has Shiva come now to the world and revealed himself to the warring gods who populate it. By his dance will the mistakes of the past be undone...and a new beginning allowed to commence.

Demon Hunter

In the world of Sanctuary Demon Hunters are spoken of in whispers. They are as feared as the demons they hunt and for good measure. Valla, like all demon hunters, walks a fine line between the tides of corruption from the enemies she faces and giving in to the sea of writhing hatred that fuels her quest to rid her world of the forces of Hell. The only thing that saves her is her incredible discipline that tempers all of her actions since answering the call of her order.

Valla's story starts many years ago when she was a young child. She lived a quiet life in a small town in the Eastern Kingdoms with her parents and younger sister Halissa. Her life changed when a demon horde descended upon her community and butchered everyone. Valla and her sister were the only two to survive the slaughter, her parents and everyone else she had ever known were mercilessly killed by the demons.

Valla and Halissa ran into the forests surrounding her home for safety. Eventually the stress of narrowly surviving a demon attack, living like an animal in the woods and the constant fear that they would be discovered became too much for Halissa to handle and she snapped in the middle of a violent rain storm.

Valla chased after her sister to try and protect her. In Halissa’s fractured state of mind she ran straight into the rapids of a nearby river. Valla tried desperately to save her, but the rain made her grip too slippery, the current was too strong. The last Valla ever saw of Halissa was her being taken by the river. Valla would soon be found by a band of Demon Hunters that were tracking the horde responsible for killing her village and thus began her life as one of their order.

It would take many years for her to temper her hatred with the discipline needed to face powerful demons. She would face a powerful demon called Valdraxxis who used her memories of her lost sister against her, but this only would serve to strengthen her resolve and allow her to finally realize her true potential as a Demon Hunter. When Valla stared into the abyss that was Valdraxxis’ soul, it was the demon that blinked first.

Valla would later play an integral role in the saving of Sanctuary as she fought mercilessly against the Lords of Hell and she would eventually bring down the Prime Evil, Diablo, before he could destroy the High Heavens. Her duty is not yet over though as Death itself has now come to challenge her...

Opposite Day

One morning, Squidward is woken by SpongeBob and Patrick, who throw a surprise birthday party for him. He shouts that it isn't his birthday and having had enough of SpongeBob and Patrick, decides to move out of Bikini Bottom the next day. That afternoon, he calls Bikini Realty to arrange for his house to be sold, so that he may move out of the neighborhood. He is warned that if his home is surrounded by bad neighbors, the house may not be sold. Squidward is convinced that SpongeBob and Patrick may ruin his chances of selling his house. Squidward thinks that whatever a good neighbor does, SpongeBob and Patrick do the opposite, which gives him an idea.

A now-goofy Squidward tells SpongeBob that it is Opposite Day the next morning, and that everyone must act opposite to how they usually act. A now-grumpy SpongeBob believes him and initially plans to lie in bed all day, but he is interrupted by Patrick, who has never heard of Opposite Day due to Squidward not telling him beforehand. He informs Patrick, who stops breathing, until SpongeBob exclaims, "not that opposite!" and proceeds to show him how, immediately forgetting his initial plan to be lethargic all day. A montage of the two doing "opposite" things, such as talking backwards and acting as Gary's pets, is then shown.

Squidward's plot soon begins to backfire on him. SpongeBob "fixes" (damages) his house, and a shocked Squidward cleans the debris with a bulldozer. SpongeBob concludes that Squidward is acting like him, and he must therefore act like Squidward, which is the opposite of SpongeBob.

While Squidward is still fixing SpongeBob's house, the real estate agent arrives, and SpongeBob and Patrick both pretend to be like Squidward, giving her a tour of the house unguarded, while describing it negatively and doing the opposite of what she asks. When Squidward realizes what is going on, he rushes to his house and attempts to explain the situation to the realtor, who, upon hearing that he is the real "Squidward" as well, finally realizes throughout everything and berates them of intentionally messing with her for it.

Gary comes in with a pickle on his face, resembling Squidward's large nose. He meows with a Squidward-style voice, which is the last straw for her that she angrily storms out and officially declined Squidward's house of being sold. Squidward begs the realtor to sell his house, but she refuses stating she wouldn't sell the house if he was the "last Squidward to exist on Earth" and then she storms off.

SpongeBob and Patrick tells Squidward "Happy Opposite Day." A furious Squidward shows SpongeBob and Patrick how much he "likes" (hates) them by attempting to run them over with the bulldozer, scaring SpongeBob and Patrick out of their wits as they run away into the distance while he is now on the warpath against them. SpongeBob then asks Patrick if he ever feels that Squidward likes them too much before the episode ends.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 12: "Enter the Mysterious Lady Pirate"


Oda Eiichiro

WO----AAA~~~~H!!! I went to see it, the One Piece anime advance screening!!! It is aweSUUUUUM!! Please don't miss it!!!


Chapter 52



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107