Chapter 53

Don Krieg orders his crew to attack Baratie so that he may take it for himself. Luffy makes a deal with Zeff to get out of his servitude as a waiter for a year. Luffy starts fighting against Krieg and his crew. The cooks of the Baratie prepare for combat and Sanji shows his proficiency in kicking for the first time.


Sabagashira No. 1

Don Krieg decides to steal the Baratie, saying that it will make a perfect ship for the Grand Line, since no one would suspect it to be a pirate ship and when one of his crew speaks out about going back, he kills him. Krieg also mentions his plans to read Zeff's logbook to better prepare his crew for the grand line. This inspires the Krieg Pirates, and they start to attack the Baratie, to which Luffy responds by attacking them and defending the Baratie as per his agreement with Zeff.

However, the chefs are ready to fight, they release a wood platform in front of the restaurant, so that they do not have to fight into the restaurant and damage it, and Patty and Carne show off the Sabagashira No. 1 which is the fish head of the Baratie, and a paddle boat, which they use to attack Krieg. However, Don Krieg manages to subdue it easily and throw it back toward the chefs, but Sanji kicks it back just as easily showing his true strength.

Mission 38

At a WISE safehouse, Sylvia Sherwood and a rookie member review a file containing attendees to the Imperial Scholars mixer, including Donovan Desmond. Seeing how the mixer is a treasure trove of intelligence, the rookie suggests sending more agents to back up Twilight. Sylvia advises otherwise, saying that sending inexperienced agents would make for easy pickings for the SSS. She reminds the young man that they are in enemy territory, and Eden Academy is on the front lines of this cold war.

As Loid Forger introduces himself to Donovan, he thinks about his investigations of any media regarding the man. In it, he could not learn much about Donovan since his disappearance from the public eye. With this conversation, he must learn more about Donovan, his behavior, how to get him interested in "Loid Forger," and extract the plans for the war he is plotting. Donovan recalls the incident at the orientation and apologizes for being too busy to respond personally. Loid offers to bring a token of regret to his manor, but Donovan rejects him with an uncharacteristically bright smile, startling the spy.

Donovan states it is just a spat among kids, but Damian yells that Anya laid hands on him, a Desmond. Loid agrees and insists on making amends after what she did. Donovan smiles again and says it is fine, although he appreciates the sentiment. Loid realizes he is being blown off and withdraws, but not before thanking Donovan for his generosity.

Seeing that his father does not care, Damian tries to express his humiliation to him, hoping for affection. However, Donovan responds with an exasperated sigh, unnerving Damian, while Loid watches quietly. Donovan continues this until Damian apologizes to him, and he smiles in response. Loid speaks up, saying Damian's anger is justified. He proceeds to talk about Anya and her bizarre behavior. Hearing this, Damian, Ewen, and Emile unanimously think about how Loid has it rough. He then talks about the challenges of raising children and how uncontrollable they can be.

Donovan concurs, saying that despite sharing your blood, your children are essentially strangers, people impossible to understand. He says that, in the end, people will never truly be sympathetic to each other. While he says this, Damian is left stunned.

Loid wonders if that is why Donovan seeks to control other nations with threats of military force and if he has uncovered a core belief. Loid proceeds to agree with the statement, saying that, as a psychiatrist, he sometimes wonders if he can understand even 10 percent of what goes on in his patients' heads. He adds that it may be arrogant to think that people can understand each other. In his thoughts, Loid knows that the idea of people reaching a mutual understanding by talking to each other is idealistic at best. Nevertheless, he tells Donovan that what is important is meeting them in the middle. Loid admits that despite not understanding Anya's actions, he acknowledges her and creates opportunities for dialogue, even if it works out or not. Loid then thinks about how he, as a spy, will never stop seeking to understand others.

Loid steps forward to pat a dejected Damian's shoulder and says that it may have been why Donovan took the time out of his schedule to meet with his son. Donovan supposes so, which surprises Damian. Loid then talks about Damian's respect for his father, bringing up his school report on Donovan's work, which he had secretly snuck a peek at in the school. Loid claims that it moved Anya so much that it was all she could talk about at home. He tells Donovan that he was touched by Damian's respect and knowledge for his work as Party Chairman, praising the boy.

Loid mentions his initial concerns about the National Unity Party's platform but changed views after hearing about the passion with which Donovan looks out for Ostania's interests. He wonders if he should attend one of the party's seminars, again praising Damian's report. An embarrassed Damian tells Loid to stop, and Loid happily apologizes. Donovan decides to wrap up the conversation, but not before remembering Loid's name and saying that he enjoyed their conversation. Loid is satisfied with the result, chalking up Donovan remembering his name as a victory, and was able to memorize the faces and features of his security team. Loid thanks Donovan for sharing his time with him.

Before he leaves, Loid asks Damian not to tell Anya about their conversation. He says Anya is at an awkward stage, and if Damian thinks she hates him, Loid suspects otherwise, so he hopes they can get along. Damian shyly says he does not hate her, surprising his friends. He quickly gets embarrassed and yells at Loid to go away. Loid laughs it off and bids goodbye, leaving the Desmonds to talk. However, as Loid leaves, he and Donovan quietly glare at each other with some suspicion.

Donovan looks to Damian, asking what his son wants from him. Damian starts getting nervous and says it was nothing. He struggles to get the words out, thinking back to Loid, emphasizing the importance of creating dialogue with others. As Donovan prepares to leave, Damian remembers Anya saying she will summon all her courage to tell Loid that she failed. Damian shouts out to his father, informing him of his Stella Star from the midterms, his 50 on his reading test, and how the griffin he made in art class won first prize. Hearing this, Donovan congratulates him. Damian wonders aloud why Donovan agreed to see him. He is interrupted by Donovan, who says he acted on a whim and tells his son to think nothing of it. As he walks away, he tells Damian to continue striving not to besmirch their family name. Damian enthusiastically agrees, while Ewen and Emile cheer him on.

Watching the exchange from inside the school, Twilight confirms his impression of Donovan and senses how distant he is from his son. He concludes that the closer Donovan and Damian are, the better the odds of success are for Plan B. As for Donovan, Twilight decides not to tail him, and his next step is to lay the careful groundwork and take his new intel to HQ for analysis. Before he leaves, Twilight sees Damian and his friends excitedly cheering for Stella. Loid watches them quietly before making his way out.

Loid returns home to see Anya fast asleep with Bond. Yor explains that Anya was already asleep since she was dropped off by Becky and Martha, and Loid thinks about how carefree she is. As Anya mutters that she and Loid will "fight the superboss together," Loid has no idea what she is babbling about.


After rigorous celebration, Parvati, Goddess of fertility and love, washed the dirt and sweat from her body. It floated upon the surface of her pool, formless and purposeless. With a wave of her hand, it was transformed into a boy, her son, and set him to guard the door as she finished washing. Shiva, the supreme being, returned and found this child doggedly blocking his path. Fearing the safety of his wife, Shiva drew his sword and cut him down.

“This is your son!” Parvati cried. “You must save him!”

Hurriedly, Shiva replaced the head of the child with the wisest creature in the world, that of an elephant. Thus, was Ganesha truly born.

Generous, warm-hearted, and optimistic, Ganesha has assumed authority over the very thing his mother tasked of him - obstacles. For those whose hearts are filled with boastful arrogance, Ganesha challenges progress. Financial difficulties, faulty materials, and unhappiness plague their every action. But, for the honest, the hard working, Ganesha clears the way. A life of good fortune, bright skies, and joyous laughter.

Obstacles can be either placed or removed. So, to Ganesha all mortals pray when starting a new endeavor, that their path will be open and their future bright. That he may grant them success.

Only with reluctance has Ganesha joined the Battle of the Gods. Violence is the last obstacle the elephant-God would ever place. But these are not mortals that threaten existence. They are Gods, and it is time that Ganesha determined who should succeed, and who should fail.

Crusader of Zakarum

Johanna represents the Crusader class added to Diablo III in the Reaper of Souls Expansion Pack.

Crusaders are unbending champions of faith and law. These living fortresses use impenetrable plate and towering shields to wade through scores of foes, leaving demonic bodies smoldering in their wake.

The thick of battle is unforgiving, but crusaders rush in without hesitation, relying on holy magic and heavy armor to guarantee victory. Well-trained crusaders are adept at deflecting attacks entirely, often shrugging off massive blows that would fell lesser combatants. If pressed, they can sacrifice speed and mobility for pure staying power.

Bone-crunching flails and wicked shields are perfect for melee, but crusaders are hardly limited to extinguishing evil at close range. When one of these divinely empowered warriors joins battle, blazing fire and blinding light follow, smiting entire packs of enemies who dare to resist judgment.


The episode begins with business as usual at the Krusty Krab, until suddenly, an alarm begins to blare, signaling an attempt by Plankton to steal a Krabby Patty. Plankton, patty in tow, escapes outside by making a hole in the door with a laser.

SpongeBob chases after him. After a long chase across the cityscape, SpongeBob finally recovers the Krabby Patty and is congratulated by the townsfolk, while Plankton walks home downcast. SpongeBob, feeling sorry for Plankton, decides to befriend him.

SpongeBob invites Plankton to go jellyfishing with him. Realizing he can take advantage of SpongeBob, Plankton goes. At Jellyfish Fields, Plankton remains fixated on evil and destruction, while SpongeBob tries to explain fun to him by singing the "F.U.N. Song." Eventually, Plankton starts singing the song as well, first, he sings his own version with violent lyrics, but eventually, he sings SpongeBob's version and seems to finally be having fun. He seems to forget about stealing the formula and begins to develop a genuine sense of friendship.

When Mr. Krabs sees this, he refuses to believe that Plankton has changed, and sets up a trap for them when he goes to the Krusty Krab to meet SpongeBob the next day. He attempts to tempt Plankton with a Krabby Patty, but Plankton sits motionless and apathetic with the patty in front of him. After SpongeBob and Plankton leave to go to the movies, Mr. Krabs begins to suspect that Plankton really has gone straight and nice, until he realizes that he actually did take the patty.

At the Reef Cinema, Mr. Krabs appears in front of the projector and demands everyone in the theater to reach into their friend or partner's pocket to see what they have got. SpongeBob reaches into Plankton's pocket and finds a Krabby Patty. SpongeBob realizes that Plankton used him to get a Krabby Patty. Plankton attempts to explain that he realizes now that he only ever wanted friendship, before admitting to everything and running off with the patty through the movie screen, tearing it in half in the process.

SpongeBob believes Plankton won, but Mr. Krabs tells him he did not. He shows SpongeBob behind the screen, revealing Plankton to be badly squashed on a damaged concrete wall with the Patty. SpongeBob apologizes to Mr. Krabs and they decide to go back to the Krusty Krab and have a fresh Krabby Patty. Mr. Krabs flicks Plankton off the wall and onto Bubble Bass' hand, where he mistakes Plankton for a jelly bean. Bubble Bass chases Plankton around his hand with him screaming, concluding the episode.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 13: "Wanted Man"


Oda Eiichiro

When looking through an old Lego catalog I found a pirate ship even bigger than the ones they sell now!! Was it discontinued!? Mr. Lego Japan Representative-Man!?


Chapter 54



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107