Chapter 74

Arlong's fish-men had been beaten by Zoro while Arlong and his crew were in Cocoyasi Village. In order to regain the trust of the pirates who start to think that she let the swordsman escape, Nami fights with Usopp who has been captured. From Arlong's point of view, he watches her stabs him and plunge him into the sea. Satisfied by this behavior to be worthy of a true Arlong Pirate, the fish-men congratulate her. However she tells him that she only did that so that she could buy the village Arlong promised her. From a distance, Johnny watches unseen and quickly runs back towards the village.

Meanwhile, Hatchan returns and realizes he has been tricked by Zoro. Luffy and Sanji, pulled by the sea monster Momoo, finally arrive in view of Arlong Park.


Realizing it has been Zoro in their grasp all along, Arlong explains that since he has the highest bounty in all of East Blue, it's natural that a bounty hunter would want to take him out. He wonders where Zoro could be, to which Usopp responds that he doesn't know and asks to be let go. Though his lie doesn't fool anyone, Arlong then gets the idea to kill Usopp to get Zoro to show up, but Usopp tells them that this won't work and asks Nami for help. Causing more doubt among the crew about Nami's loyalty, and Usopp berates her for betraying Luffy saying that even now he still trusts her, to which Nami calls him an idiot.

Hatchan then returns, and is surprised that Arlong is back and that his comrades are hurt, and is even more surprised to learn that it was Zoro who did it, telling the crew that he just gave him a ride to Cocoyasi Village because he was looking for Arlong and he thought Zoro was Arlong's guest. Which makes Arlong happy that Zoro is looking for him, Hatchan then asks who Usopp is. Nami, in order to prove her allegiance, attacks Usopp. She announces he will kill him and appears to stab him from Arlong's point of view. Johnny watches unseen from the bushes. Nami then pushes Usopp into the pool which solidifies the crew's trust of her, and she reminds them again of her goal - to purchase back her hometown village.

Luffy, Sanji, Yosaku, and Zoro all arrive at Arlong Park and are pulled ashore by Momoo.

Part 2

Loid quickly makes a plan to make their escape through the fire escape on the north side. Before Loid can make his move, Bond gets a vision and nudges him, trying to stop him. Suddenly, the floor in front of them collapses. Loid is shocked and thanks Bond for saving him. Loid mistakenly believes it was Bond's nose that was able to detect the collapse, unaware of his powers of foresight. Seeing the amount of smoke, Loid uses a plastic bag to make a crude oxygen tank, allowing them to cross the areas with smoke and puts Daisy in a backpack.

The two jump out of the second-floor window and remove Daisy from the backpack. A nearby old man is amazed by their efforts to save Daisy. They realize Bond is on fire and quickly douse him with a bucket of water. With his fur wet, Bond's body is revealed to be skinny, and Loid has to stifle his laughter, to Bond's embarrassment. Suddenly, Bond catches a scent and tries to shake off the water before running off.

Behind a corner, a man dressed in black enjoys the sight of the burning apartment, visibly excited as the woman, Miss Bennett, cries out for Daisy. Bond quickly runs at him and bites his leg. Panicked, the man grabs a knife out of his bag, with numerous fire accelerants and incendiary devices falling out in the process. Seeing this, Loid easily deduces that the man is the culprit responsible for the recent arsons in the area. Before the arsonist can hurt Bond, Loid quickly immobilizes him and ties him up with a cord, deciding to let the police handle him.

Outside the apartment, Ms. Bennett happily reunites with Daisy, hugging her. Bond smiles at the sight of the happy owner and dog. The old man informs the woman of her saviors, but Loid decides to leave discretely to avoid attention. He pats Bond and praises him for his actions. Bond thinks Loid will scold him for biting the man's legs instead of the arms like he was taught, but Loid reminds him to be careful as his family will worry about him and apologizes for trying to train Bond so hard. Bond happily nuzzles up against Loid, which embarrasses him. As they return home, Loid plans for them to go to the dog park the next day and wonders why Bond's bark changes when he is wet.


It is no coincidence the fields and forests surrounding the Mediterranean are haven to shepherds, farmers, and wildlife. They're guarded by aged Sylvanus, a benevolent spirit of nature, whose glittering eyes and easy grin match the vibrant life that grows in these lands.

Companion to all woodland creatures, both mundane and fantastic, Sylvanus has been seen with fawn and wolf, nymph and satyr, and even trees come to life. He protects and nurtures those that respect his domain.

When the boy Cyparissus went traveling with his pet deer, Sylvanus accidently allowed wolves to hunt the peaceful animal. So stricken with grief at the loss of his pet, the child succumbed to despair and died. Wracked with guilt, Sylvanus transformed the child into the Cypress tree, whose sap weeps like the saddened child.

Old and wise, Sylvanus views the passing of time with ease and understanding. His laughter is the wind in the leaves, his touch the sprout of flowers from the earth, and his voice the call to calm the most savage beast. He is slow to anger and slower to act, which is why his presence on the battlefield is so strange. As the war between Gods spills into the idyllic realms Sylvanus keeps, he is left with no choice but fight back.

Combat Medic

Rosa Morales was a medic of the United Earth Directorate of Earth. When the UED launched its invasion to conquer the distant terran colonies of the Koprulu Sector and subjugate the alien powers there, Morales signed up hoping to make a difference and protect her family. Initially the assault was successful in conquering the Terran Dominon, and Morales was part of the elite medic team that pacified the Second Overmind and allowed the UED to control the majority of the zerg. However, the invasion ended in disaster as the fleet was destroyed, stranding Morales in the Koprulu Sector 60,000 light years from her home. In spite of her origins, Morales was later inducted into the Dominion Navy Medical Corps of the same nation she had arrived to conquer, and continued to save lives in a new alien sector.

The medics of the United Earth Directorate follow a time-honored tradition of selflessly marching into combat zones to aid their injured brethren. These fearless women, aided only by protective shielding, are highly skilled healers capable of restoring the health and vitality of wounded soldiers. While expendable, the massive losses of terran marines during the Great War began to become cost prohibitive. The medic's use of chemical modifiers has greatly enhanced the survival rate of UED forces, lengthening the expected battlefield life expectancy to over nine seconds.

During the Guild Wars, the Confederacy experimented with adding medics to front-line infantry units. By the Great War, Confederate medics mostly remained at bases to care for wounded soldiers. The Dominion still maintains a combat medic program, as medivac dropships are expensive to deploy. Despite their armor and arm-mounted shields, medics are vulnerable on the battlefield. Generally, their only armament is the A-13 flash grenade launcher, which is used to provide illumination and blind enemy targets.

Your Shoe's Untied

In the beginning of the episode, SpongeBob is watching a dancing anemone on TV, supposedly "looking for the sports channel." Patrick comes bursting through the door with his hands inside a pair of new shoes. When SpongeBob asks to see them on his feet, Patrick confesses that he does not know how to tie his laces. SpongeBob says that he will teach Patrick, untying his shoes to demonstrate. However, SpongeBob's attempts to tie them again fail. Upon reminding Patrick that he is late for something, Patrick rushes out of the Pineapple, saying that they will have to do the lesson later, and SpongeBob faces the realization that he has forgotten how to tie his shoes, as they have remained tied ever since his life began. When a good night's sleep fails to jog his memory, he decides to set the problem aside for the time being and get a move on to work. Moving, however, presents a problem, as SpongeBob trips over his untied laces every step of the way to the Krusty Krab.

SpongeBob finally arrives, only to find Patrick already there eating a Krabby Patty. Not wanting to look foolish in front of Patrick, he pounds his feet through the floorboards so that Patrick cannot see them. Patrick only suspects SpongeBob of dieting, so SpongeBob takes care to keep his shoes hidden as he trudges to the kitchen. Even through his exhaustion, SpongeBob realizes he still has to cook, and that doing so standing in one spot will be simple enough. However, bringing the order to Squidward across the room presents a daunting challenge. He tries shuffling over, millimeters at a time, but gets practically nowhere as Squidward orders SpongeBob to move. With one gingerly step forward, he trips and catapults the Krabby Patty into Squidward's mouth. This mishap repeats several times until Squidward is engorged with Krabby Patties, which makes the customers angry.

Mr. Krabs, occupied with a crossword in the bathroom, hears disgruntled customers leaving to eat at the Chum Bucket. He bursts out with his pants down and demands to know why his customers have left. Squidward replies with some difficulty that SpongeBob is to blame. Angered, Mr. Krabs calls for SpongeBob to present himself. Feeling ashamed, SpongeBob tells Mr. Krabs that he cannot remember how to tie his shoes and asks him for help. Mr. Krabs solemnly informs him that he does not wear shoes.

In desperation, SpongeBob starts asking anyone (including Painty the Pirate) if they know how to tie a knot. Failing to find someone who wears shoes, SpongeBob's cries of anguish summon The Flying Dutchman. As it so happens, the Dutchman has held the title of Fancy Knotting Contest Champion for 3,000 years and is confident that he can teach SpongeBob a thing or two about knots. He demonstrates various knots of increasing complexity, but is stumped when SpongeBob asks for a knot for tying shoes. The Dutchman admits that he has no need to tie his shoes as, being a ghost, he no longer has feet. This fact does not impede his enjoyment of wearing a sock on his ghostly tail.

SpongeBob drags himself home, thinking that his shoes will forever remain untied, but Gary, surprisingly, ties his shoes for him. Gary also reveals that he wears a pair. Amazed, SpongeBob asks Gary where he learned to tie them. Gary reveals a record player underneath his shell and finishes the episode putting on a record of the song "Loop de Loop," which finally teaches SpongeBob how to tie his shoes perfectly.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 27: "Parade!!"


Oda Eiichiro

Swing' is gonna be big this year!! These snazzy gang-rock tunes will be my background music for One Piece this year.


Chapter 75



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107