Chapter 46

Sanji makes his show with the ladies. Two days after Gin's departure, Don Krieg arrives at the restaurant starving and begging for food.

Pantheon War

An Uninvited Guest

After Zeff asks Sanji to leave the restaurant, they start a fight. Sanji claims that he will not go until Zeff dies, which Zeff answers that he will live another hundred years.

After this interruption, Sanji continues to serve the Straw Hat table. However, he shows favor to Nami as a female. Usopp becomes agitated with Sanji's discrimination. Nami quickly realizes her advantage and plays up to Sanji asking for free food. When Zoro tells her that she is tricky, Nami warns them that they should be careful too.

Two days later, Don Krieg galleon appears. The Chefs and clients are frightened due to his reputation. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Krieg's ship is in a pitiful shape. An agonizing and frail Don Krieg enters the restaurant with the support of Gin and begs for food and water.

Patty's reaction is to call the marines so that they could benefit from his weak state. However, like he did for Gin, Sanji returns with some food, despite Carne's warnings about the pirate's treacherous past. When Carne finished speaking, Don Krieg strikes Sanji and in front of a shocked Gin, claims that he wants the restaurant ship for himself.

Mission 31

Fiona Frost reflects on how Loid Forger being with his family has led him to develop inappropriate emotions and become a worse spy. Seeing Twilight become like a knife with a chipped blade makes her heart ache. Still, she finds this new version of him adorable and endearing and still yearns for him. Because of this, she is determined to usurp the wife position from Yor Forger.

Fiona details their new mission to Loid. She tells him of a man by the name of Cavi Campbell who, after earning a fortune in the energy sector, became a world-renowned art collector. For the mission, they seek to acquire the painting Lady In The Sun, worth roughly one million dalc. The painting was previously owned by the late Colonel Erik Zacharis, who worked in the East's military intelligence division during the war and played a major part in ending it. They believe he was in possession of secrets which could reignite the flames of war in documents known as the Zacharis Dossier.

The dossier is rumored to contain information about human experimentation by the East on prisoners of war and massacres committed by the West. It is believed that the painting they are hoping to get holds the key to finding this dossier. They hope to retrieve the dossier before the Eastern government learns of its existence and gets it for themselves. The painting is being kept beneath Campbell's mansion with tight security. Loid asks if Fiona has a plan, and she confirms she does.

In an underground tennis court, a doubles match is finishing up, with many in the crowd complaining about losing the money they wagered. Loid and Fiona show up in disguises with tennis rackets in hand. Loid asks Fiona if this was the best option, and Fiona says she believes it to be the most promising one. While the competitors are usually very skilled, the winner of the tournament gets to take an item of their choice from Campbell's collection. It also gets rid of any risks of having to try and steal the painting.

Loid and Fiona get called to play as "Twain and Nafalia Foney," the names Fiona registered them under, as well as getting introduced as a married couple. Their opponents are Walson and Bobble, a famous duo that dominated the Grand Slam Circuit a decade ago. Loid tells Fiona that he has not played much tennis, and Fiona tells him he just needs to stay in the corner and out of her way. She believes by showing off her tennis skills she can prove how much of an asset she would be to Operation Strix. They announce the betting odds at 120 to 1.3, with Walson and Bobble being the clear favorite to win. Walson and Bobble announce to Loid and Fiona that they have been working hard towards perfection and will win this match. Loid wishes them a good game, to which they respond that it will be a slaughter.

The game begins with Loid serving, and he immediately slams the ball down onto the far edge of their opponent's court, leaving a burn mark on the ground and slamming into the fence. They earn their first set of points, and Loid continues to earn more points without letting the other team get any until they win the game. Walson and Bobble are shocked at their loss but decide in the next game to aim for Fiona since they have not seen her play yet. Like Loid, she destroys them and wins the game without letting up any points.

Campbell's associates begin to question whether the match was rigged or not, to which one of the other associates responds that, unlike those ordinary opponents, Loid and Fiona will have trouble against his Bolic Brothers. Another associate questions this saying they are just drug addicts, but he tells them that their new drug "Oso-R" is being given a trial run in the next match. This drug leads the Bolic Brothers to transform from skinny, non-muscular men to large men with lots of muscle. Loid, after seeing them, questions whether this was really risk-free and Fiona simply responds by telling him they just need to do their best.


War. It is an inevitable truth of Gods and Men. Harbinger of death and misery, of orphans and widows, of safety. It can be brutal and bloody, lacking all mercy, stripping away humanity, leaving only violent souls. Some believe war is about more than victory, some believe it is how that victory is won. That a warrior can be honorable, can treat his enemies with respect, that he can retain his humanity. When there is war to be fought, this is the kind of warrior Hachiman teaches.

Pregnant with her unborn son, Hachiman, the Empress Jingu led a fierce campaign against the forces that slew her husband. Fearing her child's birth would slow the army's advance, she tied bandages about her belly and held him within for 3 years, until the war was done. Each day, she prayed she would not lose the child, that he would be born strong. That he would be a God. As 8 banners descended from heaven, heralding his birth, her prayers were answered.

Hachiman embodies all a warrior should be. Temperate but fearless. Deadly not ruthless. Respectful, to enemies and allies alike. He understands that war cannot be stopped, so he teaches how war should be.

Even in this, a war between Gods, Hachiman will retain his code. It is the humanity of the Gods that appeals to mortals, that makes them love and worship him. Should Hachiman lose even that, then he is no warrior. He is only war.

Nathrezim Lord

Mal'Ganis is one of the Nathrezim, or dreadlords, who served as the Lich King's elite jailers. He aided the Lich King in his task of preparing Azeroth for the Burning Legion's second invasion, spreading a plague through Lordaeron that would turn the population into mindless undead. Posing as the leader of the Scourge, he confronted Prince Arthas at Stratholme, and watched him purge the city before its citizens could turn. Impressed by Arthas' resolve, Mal'Ganis goaded the prince into following him to Northrend. In a desperate attempt to defeat Mal'Ganis, Arthas sought and found the runeblade Frostmourne. However, this was Mal'Ganis' plan all along, as Arthas forfeited his soul to the Lich King when he claimed the weapon. When Arthas finally confronted Mal'Ganis with Frostmourne in hand, Ner'zhul betrayed his jailer and commanded Arthas to slay the dreadlord.

Mal'Ganis, being a demon, wasn't killed and his soul merely returned to the Twisting Nether. After reforming his body, he returned to Northrend, where he manipulated the Scarlet Onslaught - an elite branch of the Scarlet Crusade - in the form of Barean Westwind. When his cover was blown, Mal'Ganis retreated, but eventually came back when the Legion invaded Azeroth for the third time.

Hall Monitor

At Mrs. Puff's Boating School, it is time to select the hall monitor for the day. Mrs. Puff notices that SpongeBob is the only one who has yet to serve as hall monitor. SpongeBob then approaches Mrs. Puff, and after desperately attempting to find another candidate, she is forced to give the hall monitor duties to SpongeBob.

After being elected as Boating School Hall Monitor, SpongeBob gives an extremely long speech, which ends up lasting the entire school day (and thus his whole tenure as hall monitor), which puts Mrs. Puff and all of his schoolmates to sleep. Out of sympathy, Mrs. Puff allows SpongeBob to at least wear his uniform until the next day, though privately apprehensive of her decision.

However, SpongeBob goes above and beyond the call of duty and decides to become the "hall monitor" of the city, with disastrous results. His activities include an atrociously vain attempt to direct traffic, resulting in a massive pile-up, and scaring a couple out of their house in the guise of the "Open Window Maniac," with the intention of showing them the "dangers" of leaving a house window open. Later, SpongeBob comes across Patrick eating a strawberry ice cream cone and labels him a criminal after Patrick drops the ice cream on the ground.

Then, a newspaper boy comes up to SpongeBob and Patrick, and gives them a newspaper with the headline "Maniac strikes Bikini Bottom." SpongeBob looks at the newspaper headline alerting about a maniac causing trouble around town, blind to the fact that he is himself the article's subject. SpongeBob suggests they stop this maniac, which gives a saddened Patrick the chance to, in his words, "be good" by becoming SpongeBob's "deputy." They end up getting ice cream twice as part of Patrick's "ex-criminal" advice and then decide to split up to find the maniac, communicating using walkie-talkies.

Seconds after SpongeBob runs off, two police officers pull up next to Patrick. They ask him if he has seen the maniac, showing him a wanted poster with a picture of SpongeBob, which he at first mistakes for an imagined, separate maniac, and screams with terror at the mere sight of the poster.

The cops patiently assure him that it's just a drawing and not the real thing and instruct him to tell them if he has seen the person when they show the picture. Patrick agrees to cooperate, but he keeps screaming whenever the police show him the sketch. Eventually, the cops decide to have a little fun and repeatedly show and hide the picture as Patrick screams every single time. The officers then drive off, suggesting to Patrick that he stays indoors and take the ice cream cone off his head.

Soon, night suddenly falls, and Patrick becomes scared. He calls SpongeBob and asks him to return to home. SpongeBob comes back as Patrick finds a poster of the maniac before he sees SpongeBob in the distance across the street under a streetlight. However, Patrick recognizes him as the maniac rather than SpongeBob. He alerts SpongeBob through his walkie-talkie, and SpongeBob attempts to escape the maniac. Everywhere he goes, Patrick tells him the maniac is there, causing SpongeBob to hide in a mailbox for safety. Upon being told that the maniac is also in there, he bursts his arms and legs out of the mailbox, sprinting around the city in a blind panic. In his terrified state, he topples several buildings and crashes through a fence covered in the wanted posters. After seeing a poster from the fence, he finally realizes that he is the maniac who has been reported in the newspaper and is being pursued by law enforcement causing Patrick to scream and run away offscreen.

The police arrive to arrest SpongeBob, but Mrs. Puff appears and berates him for causing the destruction of Bikini Bottom. She then explains and confesses the situation to the police, letting out that he is her responsibility. The police interpret this as taking responsibility for the crimes, and she is arrested instead.

Sometime later at Boating School, Mrs. Puff is working with the class on their essay while she is being broadcast on TV from jail, until she tells SpongeBob that he needs to see her after class, "six months from now." and the episode ends with a sound of a cell door slamming.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 8: "Battle In the Forest of Judgment"


Oda Eiichiro

The whole planet is into the World Cup!!! I wanna watch it so badly and it's distracting me from my WORK!! But I'm going to watch anyway!!! Even if you are getting in the way of what I should be doing, I'm rooting for you JAPAN!!


Chapter 47



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107