Chapter 45

Sanji refuses to leave the restaurant to become a pirate. Gin departs to rejoin his crew.

Clocks Lie

Before the Storm

Luffy offers his amazement that Gin's meal saved him from death, and asks Sanji to join his crew. After introductions are made, Sanji tells Luffy that Zeff used to be a pirate himself, and the Baratie is the old man's treasure. On top of that, all the other cooks are pirate-types themselves. In a restaurant frequented by pirates, they are perfect for the job, but the waiters could not handle the fighting and quit. Luffy realizes that's why Zeff wanted him to work for a year, and repeats his offer to Sanji. Sanji refuses, and will not say why. Gin, a pirate for Don Krieg, asks what Luffy's plans to do, and Luffy tells him his goal of finding One Piece. Gin warns Luffy to not enter the Grand Line, despite not knowing that much about it himself.

In the kitchen, the other cooks warn Patty that his treatment to Gin might attract Don Krieg. What makes Krieg so fearsome is that his 'crew' consists of 5,000 men, divided into fifty crews. Patty is not scared, however, and says that giving the pirate free food would have an adverse effect on the paying customers. The fighting cooks of the Baratie have chased off attacking pirates before, and if they do not like it they can quit. Fellow cook Carne points out that's what he told the waiters. Before the argument could turn physical, Zeff shows up to quell the violence.

Outside, Luffy and Sanji bid farewell to Gin, who sails off. When Zeff appears to call the boys back to work, Sanji sends the plate he served Gin's meal on overboard, removing any 'proof'.

In the kitchen, Luffy declares that he's now Chore-Boy, and after breaking several dishes, is told by Patty to wait on customers. In the dining hall, Luffy is furious to find his crew and Nami relaxing while he's stuck working. Sanji then appears and proclaims his love to Nami, poetically lamenting the 'obstacles' between them. Zeff shows up out of nowhere and says that Sanji can go be a pirate, he's not needed at the Baratie.

Elsewhere, Gin has made it back to the crew he originally belonged to, and tells his boss, Don Krieg, that he can take the crew to the Baratie.

Mission 30

At WISE Safe House G, Sylvia Sherwood is briefing Fiona Frost on Loid Forger's mission next week. Sylvia is assigning Fiona to the mission as well, as per Fiona's proposal to make it a joint operation. Sylvia instructs Fiona to inform Loid of this development and to work out the plan together, warning Fiona to ensure it does not get in the way of Operation Strix. Fiona is silent for a few moments and asks about the progress of Operation Strix. Sylvia replies that it is proceeding slowly, but Operation Strix was intended to be a long-term operation.

Fiona apologizes that she could have done more for the operation in the wife role if she had been available earlier, she wonders if she could stand in as the wife if it is not too late. Sylvia rejects her, saying that changing wives now would draw scrutiny from Eden Academy and that the Forgers are in good standing with their neighbors so they are keeping the family as-is. Fiona then mutters that there would be no choice if the wife were to abandon the role. Sylvia warns Fiona not to be plotting something as Fiona leaves. As Fiona walks through the hallway, other WISE agents draw away from Fiona, thinking Fiona is trying to steal Loid's operation to make a name for herself. Fiona is referred to as "ruthless," "arrogant," and "icy" due to her single-minded focus and stone face.

At the Forgers' apartment, Fiona rings the doorbell. Yor Forger opens the door, greeting Fiona. Yor asks who Fiona is, and Fiona introduces herself as Loid's co-worker. Yor apologizes and explains that Loid and Anya Forger took Bond Forger for a walk. Fiona's thoughts reveal that she is aware of Loid's absence and was waiting for Yor to be alone. Fiona claims she came to return a magnifying glass Anya left at the hospital. Yor thanks Fiona and invites her in.

Both Fiona and Yor sit on the couch, and Fiona sips a hot drink. Yor admires Fiona's beauty in amazement. Fiona assumes Yor thinks she is Loid's lover while complimenting their home. Fiona is determined to remove Yor from Operation Strix and usurp her wife role. Fiona tries to look for an opening, but Yor is nervous as they have never had guests besides Franky Franklin and Yuri Briar. Fiona decides to make Yor leave of her own will as it would be risky to remove her directly.

Fiona brings up Anya, asking if Yor does not tire of having to raise a child in an attempt to pressure her into giving up her role of wife. However, Yor does not think so and says she and Anya have a lot of fun together. Yor wishes she was good at more things to make it easier for Loid. Fiona agrees and begins to claim that Loid frequently complains about Yor at work but is interrupted by the return of Loid, Anya and Bond. Anya loudly announces their arrival home as she, Loid and Bond return.

Loid is surprised to see Fiona and asks what she is doing there. Fiona greets Loid as Yor explains that Fiona came by to return the magnifying glass. Loid assumes something urgent must have come up and explains that they returned early, as it looked like it was about to rain. As Loid and Fiona hold a conversation, they mouth different words to communicate secretly. Fiona states that she is here to assess the state of Operation Strix, and Anya is shocked to discover that Fiona is also a spy.

Fiona asks Loid if walking Bond is an essential part of this operation and why it was not Yor doing the errands instead. Seeing his talents being wasted on playing house, she suggests they review his operational tactics, but Loid tells her it is not her place. Anya wonders if she is a bad guy when she sees her fight with Loid. However, Anya reads her mind and learns that Fiona is deeply in love with Loid. Fiona believes she would provide far superior domestic and operational support, imagining Loid praising her abilities and deciding to marry her instead as Yor runs away crying. As Loid and Fiona stare at each other and Anya is left stunned, Yor decides to make coffee for all of them.

It has begun to rain outside. While boiling water for the coffee, Yor recalls Fiona's previous words about Loid's complaints and imagines Loid deciding to report her to the authorities and marrying Fiona instead. Yor feels she cannot blame him if he feels that way. She serves cocoa to Anya and coffee to Loid, giving him a jar of milk. Fiona thinks Yor must be incompetent as Loid takes his coffee black, but Loid pours the milk into his coffee to reduce the damage to his stomach. Fiona bites her thumbnail at the thought of Loid showing a side she does not know to Yor, then assumes it is part of his character as Loid Forger.

Amused by Fiona's thoughts, Anya accidentally drops her cup of cocoa on the table. Yor quickly wipes off any hot cocoa on Anya in concern. Fiona thinks Yor should have scolded and trained her in place of Twilight to raise a strong daughter. Fiona then imagines training Anya by a strict minute-by-minute schedule to maximize her knowledge and strength and transform her into a Stella Star procurement machine. Anya is scared by this and decides she cannot let Fiona become her mother. As Fiona is about to ask Loid to consider replacing Yor, Anya begins clinging to Yor and calls her the best mother in the whole world for wiping up her cocoa. Fiona tries to appeal to Anya by offering imported cocoa, but Anya hisses at her angrily.

Yor is moved by Anya's words and tells Loid that she is going to try harder for the family. Loid smiles and tells Yor that she works hard enough as Anya cares a lot about Yor. Yor tears up and says she will be a better wife. Fiona has a flashback of when Loid was training her as a spy, telling her to never show her true feelings. Having observed his many disguises, she detects that his smile is at least genuine and clenches her fists. Fiona says she forgot to buy potatoes and prepares to leave. Loid remarks that Fiona did not bring an umbrella with her and decides to walk her to the station.

Loid runs after Fiona, who tells him that they have been assigned to partner up on the next mission. As she turns towards Loid with a sad expression, she is grateful for the rain for hiding her emotions. Fiona informs Loid that she will contact him with details at the hospital. She resolves to show how capable she is in the hopes that Loid will realize she is the only one fit to be his wife and walks away in the rain.


Might makes right. To impose order, to bend the world to your will – these are the marks of a true leader. Only a true leader has the strength of will and the force of arms to make his enemies bow before him. Only a true leader deserves the respect and adulation of his followers.

These are the guiding principles of Tsukuyomi's existence. Proud, but violent, he is the God of the Moon and the Night. Wielding his twin tonfa, Shingetsu and Mangetsu, he overcomes his enemies with effortless skill and a mocking laugh, forcing them to bow before him – for what good is victory without an audience to see it?

He is the opposite in every way of his sibling, Amaterasu. Where she is light, he is dark. Where she is kind, he is cruel. But in his cruelty there is purpose. A true leader cannot show weakness, cannot brook insult – even one unintentionally given.

Such was the reason that Tsukuyomi struck off the head of the goddess of plenty, Uke Mochi. For her manner offended him, and offense must be answered as swiftly and surely as possible, lest weakness be revealed. Order must be maintained, whatever the cost.

Amaterasu did not understand. She cast Tsukuyomi from her sight, forever exiling him from the heavens. The day would be hers, and the night his. Another insult, but one Tsukuyomi has borne in silence...until now.

For now, the Great Dreamer has awakened and cast a shroud of madness across the world and its peoples. The order of all things breaks down, and weakling gods like Amaterasu falter.

But a true leader sees opportunity in chaos.

The time of Amaterasu and her followers is done. Tsukuyomi seeks to impose a new order upon things – one more to his liking. A long night falls across the world.

And now, a new moon rises...

Son of Hellscream

Garrosh Hellscream was born on the orcish homeworld of Draenor, and grew up untainted by the demonic blood that twisted the orcs who invaded Azeroth. Though he wasn't demonically influenced himself, Garrosh was haunted by his family's legacy: his father, Grommash Hellscream, was the first orc to embrace corruption by drinking the blood of the pit lord Mannoroth. Garrosh lived in the shadow of his father's acts until he met Warchief Thrall, founder of the renewed Horde, who explained to the younger Hellscream how Grommash ultimately gave his life to lift the demonic blood-curse, and freed his race from servitude to dark forces.

Uplifted, Garrosh joined Thrall in Azeroth and quickly became a hero of the Horde by leading a successful offensive against the Lich King. When Deathwing shattered the world, Thrall was forced to leave his throne to stop the destruction, and left Garrosh as his successor. Looking for ways to gather more resources and new territory for his people, Hellscream has initiated several brutal strikes against the Alliance, razing Jaina's city of Theramore and later clashing over the continent of Pandaria. As warchief, Garrosh's controversial actions - among them claiming the heart of an Old God named Y'Shaarj and ravaging Pandaria's Vale of Eternal Blossoms - fueled rebellion, leading Horde dissidents and a vengeful Alliance to besiege Orgrimmar and depose him.

Victorious, Orgrimmar’s liberators dragged Hellscream to trial in Pandaria, where they recounted each of his crimes against Azeroth. The former warchief was unapologetic; worse, he escaped his captors, vanishing with the aid of the bronze dragon Kairozdormu to an alternate Draenor in the past. There, he was able to confront Gul'dan and witness his transformation into one of the first green orcs, corrupted by the influence of the fel powers, and slowly change the course of events leading to the birth of the Iron Horde. Garrosh also managed to give an idea to create a gateway between the alternate timeline and the current one in order to return to exact his vengeance on Azeroth, in a form of the Iron Horde's Dark Portal and then sent the Iron Horde in order to conquer the world. During this conflict he was eventually defeated and killed by Thrall in a mak'gora.


At the Krusty Krab, an overweight fish named Bubble Bass arrives and makes a very long, complicated order. SpongeBob quickly assembles the patty Bubble Bass has on his mind and serves it to him, but Bubble Bass points out that he forgot to add pickles. SpongeBob is so horrified by this that he slowly begins to lose his mind and cannot remember how to create a proper Krabby Patty. Mr. Krabs tells him to go home and get some rest, but this does not help matters at all.

While SpongeBob is gone, Mr. Krabs has Squidward take over for him, but Squidward just burns all the food and drives away all the customers. Mr. Krabs worries about losing money and decides to visit SpongeBob's house, where he finds everything in disarray. Mr. Krabs explains to SpongeBob that if he remembers how to make a Krabby Patty, he will regain his confidence and be able to return to work. It takes several days, but eventually SpongeBob remembers how to make a Krabby Patty properly from his frustrations.

SpongeBob returns to the Krusty Krab, where Bubble Bass confronts him again. SpongeBob serves him his meal confidently, knowing full well that he didn't forget the pickles, but Bubble Bass announces that he has forgotten the pickles again and laughs at SpongeBob's failure. However, when he looks closely at Bubble Bass's mouth, SpongeBob realizes that Bubble Bass has been tricking him by hiding the pickles under his tongue the whole time to avoid paying, as well as the pickles from last time, and even someone's car keys which the latter was not seen on-screen, exposing his burglary. Panting, Bubble Bass immediately flees the restaurant to avoid punishment. Mr. Krabs then asks everyone to give three cheers for SpongeBob returning which they gladly do. SpongeBob then asks them to give three cheers for Squidward for taking his place while he was gone. However, the crowd jeers instead of cheers Squidward because of the awful job he did. Squidward's frown gets droopier and droopier with every jeer (they do it 4 times), but SpongeBob assumes they're cheering so he continues to chant "Hip hip!" until the last jeer which is one customer yelling, "Boo, you stink!"

Oda Eiichiro

I don't care if we get flak for this but we're on a yo-yo kick at the office. Sure, might be a bit late to the fad but yo-yo's are all the rage here. I'm currently practicing the 'loop the loop'. I'll do my best.


Chapter 46



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107