Chapter 73

Zoro knocks out all of the fish-men and has Hatchan tow him to Cocoyasi Village. Sanji, Luffy, and Yosaku run into Momoo, the monster of Grand Line who destroyed Gosa Village and chase him off. Arlong comes back to find what Zoro has done. Usopp gets captured and Zoro runs back to Arlong Park to save him, while Sanji, Luffy, and Yosaku have Momoo tow them to Arlong Park.

Monsters of the Grand Line

Hatchan finishes preparing Momoo's meal and makes a trumpet sound to lure Momoo to his dinner. The sound alerts Zoro who finds Hatchan sitting on the shore. Hatchan asks who he is, and Zoro responds that he is a guest. Hatchan responds that Arlong is away at Cocoyasi village and offers to transport him.

Meanwhile Luffy, Sanji, and Yosaku are confronted by the large sea creature, Momoo. Yosaku suspects he is hungry and suggests to give Momoo. Luffy responds by punching Momoo. Sanji then berates him for hurting the beast just because it's hungry and offers Momoo food. However, Sanji suddenly kicks Momoo for trying to bite his hand. He then knocks him out when he tries to retaliate. The group then proceed to eat their lunch.

Meanwhile, Zoro arrives at Cocoyasi village. Arlong returns to Arlong Park to find his crewmates have been injured. When asks who did this, he finds out it was Zoro. At first angered, he pacifies himself after learning that Usopp has been captured. Some of his crew hypothesize that Nami was the one that let him escape, saying that betrayal is her specialty. To which Nami responds that she would never betray the crew. She reminds the crew of her promise to buy back the village fair and square, and Arlong believes her. He says they need to take care of Usopp and Zoro, while Zoro finds out Usopp was captured and heads back toward Arlong park, as wells as Luffy and company.

Part 1

Bond lunges at Franky and bites his cloth-covered arm. At the park, Loid is training Bond to immobilize targets without fatally wounding them. As Franky yells at Bond for biting him, Bond inadvertently lets go of his arm. Loid scolds Bond for releasing the target and muses that Bond is too kind to bark and bite. Loid decides to move on to scent work and explosives detection, but Bond looks forlorn upon hearing him, to Loid's concern. Franky suggests that the training is reminding Bond of his bad memories at Project Apple. He tells Loid to make the training fun for Bond and leaves. Accepting his suggestion, Loid takes Bond out on a walk through the streets.

While walking, Bond sees a vision of a boy dropping his ice cream and crying. He looks around and spots the same boy holding the ice cream and makes a plan to prevent the fall of his ice cream, receiving Loid's praise. He runs forward and tries to stop the boy from tripping to the confusion of Loid and the boys, who think he is trying to steal the ice cream. Bond's actions end up causing the boy's ice cream to fall, leaving the child in tears. Loid apologizes and buys him a new one with three scoops.

Bond once again receives a vision of an old man being struck by a bicycle. He quickly runs over to the man and pulls him by the coat, angering him but saving him. Loid angrily scolds Bond for biting strangers and is confused at Bond's actions despite his lack of disciplinary problems. Bond has another vision but chooses to ignore it after imagining an angry Loid sending him back to the pound.

Suddenly, Bond foresees an apartment in flames as a woman cries out for her 'Daisy.' Using his nose, he is able to pinpoint where the apartment is and tries running toward it. Loid initially holds him back but relents when Bond loudly barks at him. They arrive at the apartment, where Loid asks if anyone is still inside. Meanwhile, the onlookers gossip that it is arson. Recalling his vision, Bond gnaws off his leash and runs into the building, with Loid following behind. In the building, Loid calls out for Bond, looking for him. He sees a burning piece of debris about to fall onto Bond and quickly kicks it away. To his surprise, Bond has picked up a small pug that was left behind, wearing a collar with the name 'Daisy.' They try to leave the building, but a flaming pile of rubble falls and blocks the way out. Seeing their troubling situation, Bond begins to panic.


So fragile is the line between sleep and death, the difference only waking with the dawn. In that darkness she reigns, as the sun sinks below the horizon, as stalkers hunt their prey, as shadows thicken to consume the light. She is primal in a way that even the mightiest of Gods must fear, for she is the Goddess of Night, Nox, and from her was born all the certainties of life.

Friendship and Love, Sunsets and Dreams, these are the Gods of inspiration. Nox is mother to them all. So too is she the mother of misfortune: Doom and Blame, Deceit, Strife, Woe and Death. Nox must love and protect all her children equally, as any mother would. They are her calling and her curse; her greatest pride and deepest shame. It is for her children she has now come to war.

Clothed not in black, but blackness, Nox is rarely seen. She glides between the light, just at the edge of vision. A specter. Even the God of Thunder is known to fear her, for Nox could steal his whispered breath and send him to a sleep eternal where dreams do not exist and no one ever wakes with the dawn.

Broodmother of the Swarm

Like many of the Queen of Blades' creations, the Broodmother Zagara was birthed of the terrible ash and heat of Char. Unlike most zerg, Broodmothers are capable of complex problem-solving and multi-tasking, and are possessed of the ability to command members of their race with fewer sapient traits. Each Broodmother is an important piece of the greater Zerg organism, able to provide large groups of Zerg with a nearly "independent" perspective.

Zagara is as vicious and resilient as any in the Swarm, but she also possesses extreme cunning. In the years since her emergence, the Broodmother came to see the volcanic planet of Char as the Swarm's crucible: a brutal environment that pushes the zerg to increasing fitness, sharpening their claws and teeth and forcing their flesh to grow thicker.

Autonomic learning has convinced Zagara of the inferiority of other intelligent species, and the time she spent uniting disparate feral broods on Char only strengthened her contempt for the weakness of most races in the galaxy.

When Kerrigan first returned to Char, Zagara resisted Kerrigan's attempt to retake the Swarm, but when Kerrigan defeated her, Zagara submitted, and thus she served the Queen of Blades.

Zagara continued to serve the Queen of Blades during her campaign of vengeance against Arcturus Mengsk. After Kerrigan's victory against the Dominion, she turned her focus towards destroying Amon, a fallen xel'naga. Eventually Kerrigan, Artanis and Jim Raynor met a xel'naga who could gift his essence into Kerrigan to transform her into a xel'naga. Zagara participated in defending a flank during Kerrigan's long transformation sequence as Amon's forces attacked her. Just before the transformation was complete and as Amon's forces were decimated by a psionic pulse eliminated by Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades relinquished her leadership and gave the Swarm to Zagara.

After aiding her Queen in destroying Amon, Zagara took her Swarm and returned to Char where she forcibly lay claim to Char and the systems surrounding it, and crowned herself Overqueen. However, seeing the only way forward for the Swarm in the sector as peaceful co-existence with the terrans and protoss, Zagara set forth motions of peace to the Dominion and Daelaam. This was met with hostility from Abathur, who instigated a silent coup against Zagara in an attempt to respark conflict, but Zagara was able to discover Abathur's plot and foil it, maiming and imprisoning the evolution master and allowing peace talks to continue.

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II

The episode begins on one Saturday morning, SpongeBob is watching his favorite show, The Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, while eating Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy Bran Flakes. He has entered a competition and is listening to see if he has won the mystery prize. The announcer pronounces the winner as "SpringBoob SquirePin," for his life-sized Krabby Patty mannequins of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. SpongeBob calls out that "SpringBoob SquirePin" stole his idea before the announcer announces that he has made a "slight" error in pronunciation and that the real winner is indeed SpongeBob SquarePants.

Within seconds, SpongeBob's prize is delivered to him. SpongeBob has won the conch signal, a conch which has a noise that is a signal which Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy respond to. SpongeBob blows the shell and Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy hear it from Shady Shoals Rest Home, springing into action. When they arrive at SpongeBob's house, Mermaid Man at first thinks that SpongeBob has been disfigured before Barnacle Boy recognizes him and points it out to his crimefighting partner. SpongeBob explains to the duo that he won the Conch Signal in a contest and that there is no danger; he is simply seeing if works. They then explain to him the importance of the signal and tell him that he must only use it for major emergencies.

Later on, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy hear the conch once again while showering and rush to SpongeBob's house, where he appears to be dead on the floor. However, he then reveals that he simply is having trouble opening a jar of mayonnaise. Barnacle Boy is annoyed by this, but Mermaid Man reminds him that emergencies do not come around as often as they used to, and he tells SpongeBob that he can blow the conch "every once in a while." However, SpongeBob ends up constantly calling Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy to help him with normal everyday tasks. Eventually, the two heroes are exhausted, and Barnacle Boy confiscates the item and yells at SpongeBob, who is now in tears and apologizing, explaining that he just wanted to spend time with them. Barnacle Boy ignores his pleas and attempts to destroy the conch signal using his iconic 'Sulfur Vision' but cannot bring himself to do so out of weariness.

Mermaid Man stops him from scolding SpongeBob and tells SpongeBob that the conch signal is too great of a responsibility for him. Instead, they let SpongeBob join them on their daily patrol, with SpongeBob dressed as a superhero.

They do various activities, such as keeping lookout from on top of a tall building. While patrolling the streets in the invisible boatmobile, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy see an old man, who was once the Atomic Flounder. The two joke about how he could possibly return to villainy before SpongeBob attacks the old man, taking the joke seriously. They stop him as he states his misconception, not understanding that the man is no longer a villain or threat. Angered by this revelation, the former Atomic Flounder pushes SpongeBob off of him as he yells at the heroes and blows atomic breath in Barnacle Boy's face, disintegrating it. The fumed old man then storms off from the heroes.

At a diner, SpongeBob asks Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy what they will do the next day before they ask SpongeBob to find their theme song on a jukebox. As he tries to find it, they both remark he is a good kid but a pain and decide to "ditch" SpongeBob. Outside, however, they are attacked and trapped by their nemesis, the Dirty Bubble. When SpongeBob finally finds the song, which is the special dance mix version, he comes outside to tell them and sees their predicament. He asks the Dirty Bubble for his autograph, saying that he is his favorite super villain, and accidentally pops the Dirty Bubble with the tip of the pencil, saving the day.

The trio then ride off in the invisible boatmobile and closes the episode singing a Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy-themed version of "Jingle Bells."

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 26: "Sorry for Making You Wait, Boys!!!"

バギー一味冒険記vol.26「またせたな!!! 野郎共 !!!」

Oda Eiichiro

Thank you so much for the mountains of New Year's cards and birthday presents!! I'll return the favor by 'moving your hearts'!!!


Chapter 74



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107