Chapter 80

Nojiko tells the Straw Hats of Nami's burden in saving Cocoyasi Village. She tells them that Nami had spent the last eight years trying to raise 100,000,000 Beli so that she could buy the village's and her own freedom from Arlong. Meanwhile, the Marine Captain of the 16th Branch, Nezumi, arrives at Cocoyasi Village to steal all the money that Nami had earned over the years. Nami realizes that the Marines coming after her money was actually Arlong's doing, so she confronts him, saying he broke their agreement. Arlong laughs and grabs Nami by the mouth, saying he technically never broke their agreement.

A Crime is a Crime

Nojiko continues to tell the Straw Hats the story of why Nami joined the Arlong Pirates. She tells them that Nami sacrificed herself at a young age so that no one else in the village would get killed by Arlong, like their mother did. Sanji and Usopp are infuriated by this. Meanwhile, Zoro sleeps through the story. Sanji exclaims that he would kill those pirates, but he gets hit on the head by Nojiko. She warns him not to speak in such a manner. Nojiko tells the crew that by going around and calling Nami their friend, they are putting her eight years of hard work in jeopardy by making the Arlong Pirates doubt her. She tells them not to make Nami suffer any more than she already has. In the meantime, Nojiko continues telling her stories of her and Nami's past. Flashbacks show Nami entering Arlong's crew so that she could earn 100,000,000 Beli and buy the village's freedom back along with her own. She remembers just how recently Nami only had 7,000,000 Beli more to collect before her goal would be realized. Back at the village, Genzo arrives at Nami's house with the company of the Marine captain of the 16th Branch, Nezumi. The Marine captain asks her if she is the criminal he heard about. Nami replies that she guesses she is, noting that she is working for Arlong. She tells him that she is part of his pirate crew and that he should let her be. Nezumi laughs and says that he has no idea what she is talking about. He denounces Nami as a petty thief, and that the money she stole from many pirates is property of the government. Nami threatens Nezumi once again that she is part of Arlong's crew, but he remains unfazed. Nezumi orders the Marines to ignore her and search the premises for the money. Nami angrily yells at them to get away and attacks them with her staff. Genzo yells at Nezumi, telling him that the money was being used to save the village since the Marines wouldn't do anything about their current conditions under Arlong. Nami is surprised that Genzo knew about the money. Genzo reveals that he and the villagers knew about the money and what Nami was trying to do all along. They learned about it from Nojiko and never told Nami that they knew, because they were afraid of pressuring her and ended up making her run away from it all. At the same moment, Nojiko also arrives at the scene and denounces the Marines for their actions and for failing to save the village. Once again, Nezumi ignores the accusations. Nami is suspicious of Nezumi because he knew exactly how much money Nami was hiding and laughed when Nojiko said that Arlong would attack his ship if he lingered around too long. Nami finally understands that Nezumi is a corrupt Marine and that he has been sent by Arlong to take her money. Nami then goes to confront Arlong for breaking their agreement. Annoyed, Arlong grabs Nami by the mouth and laughs, telling her he did no such thing. He says he technically never broke the agreement. Nami curses him for deceiving her by way of using a loophole.

Part 3

Loid recognizes the man as an Ostanian soldier, who surrenders and explains that he is a deserter who got lost wandering the mountains. He begs for something to eat, but Loid ignores his pleas and prepares to end him. The deserter pleads with him again, saying he does not want to die without ever being with a woman. Loid is amused by this and wonders how even the enemy can seem human. He gives a cigarette to the deserter, who starts talking about a research experiment at a university. In it, the test subjects were shown something unpleasant while unaware of the context, but when a certain idea was placed in their heads, they had a complete shift in opinion. Loid tells the deserter to get to the point, so the deserter explains that the whole war is pointless, caused by a diplomatic fiasco, and forcing regular people to fight each other.

Loid strongly believes that Ostania started the war, but the deserter tells him that Ostania says otherwise. The deserter then talks about the bombing of Luwen, saying it was a false flag operation. Loid gets riled up and points his gun at the deserter, saying that those bombings took all his friends, and the deserter retorts that he is in the same boat. Loid kicks down the deserter and prepares to shoot him, blaming Ostania for taking everything from him. He recalls his father's question about knowing the "Ostanian monsters" and seeing their evil deeds. Loid tells himself he has, which is why he will do the same to them in order to avenge everyone's deaths. However, Loid hesitates to shoot and is promptly shot in the head, only being protected by his helmet. His attackers are the Ostanian army that had been pursuing the deserter. Not wanting to get caught, the deserter flees. Loid also makes his escape, and as he stumbles down the mountains, he wonders what he is doing.

After suffering multiple injuries, Loid gets sent off the front lines to recover. While recuperating, Loid reunites with General, Corporal, and Major, who had miraculously survived the bombings after they chased after him right before the first bombing. While they are happy to see him alive, Loid starts to tear up, having blamed himself for their supposed deaths. With the friends now together again, an excited Loid invites them out to a restaurant, only to learn that they are to be deployed tonight for a military campaign, but they promise to hang out once they return. However, Loid would find out that the operation they were assigned to was planned recklessly, and all that came back from his friends were their dog tags.

With the loss of his friends, Loid reflects on his path up until this point. He comes to understand that he truly knew nothing about this war he was fighting in. Without knowing the reason why and making to his own conclusions, Loid picked up a gun and obeyed his country's orders to fight those he hated. He concludes that "Ignorance isn't bliss. Ignorance is weakness. Ignorance is a sin."

After some time, Loid is approached by a man who knows his real name and that he enlisted with a fake name and age after Loid's reunion with his friends. The man reveals himself as military intelligence and has come to recruit Loid, stating that his skills were better suited for information, the strongest and essential weapon of all. The recruiter adds that Loid would be court-martialed if he refuses to join them. He then instructs him to pack his things and meet him at the station at noon on Tuesday. Sitting down to think about his decision, Loid holds his friends' dog tags in his hands and tells himself that all the information in the world will not bring them back and that nothing he does will allow him to return to the days of his youth.

Loid arrives at the station and realizes the man is who he claimed to be. The recruiter then takes Loid's belongings and tosses them into a fire and tells him that he must throw away his name and rank and become a shadow for the sake of his country. Loid tells the man that since there is no one left that knows his real name, he does not care, nor does he care about his country and winning the war. The man asks what Loid's reason is, and as a youthful group of children pass them by, Loid claims there is none. Upon joining military intelligence, Loid meets his new commanding officer, Sylvia Sherwood, whose orders are to turn him into a first-rate intelligence operative through the harshest means necessary.

Reliving his training days, Twilight jolts up in a cold sweat. Yor is happy to see him awake, commenting how he was tossing and turning. Twilight remembers he is in "Loid's" house and tries to collect himself, thinking about what he just dreamt of. Anya asks if he had a bad dream and tries to read his thoughts, but Twilight's mind is cloudy as he says he does not remember. Anya pats her father's head, assuring him that there is nothing to be afraid of, which embarrasses him.

Loid wonders why he was asleep on the sofa, and Anya reminds him how he fainted after she got a Tonitrus Bolt. Loid quickly worries about how this damages Operation Strix, and Anya apologizes for messing up. However, he asks Anya if it brought her closer to Damian, which she confirms. Loid says it is a good thing, telling her that friends are important and to cherish them, thinking back to his old friends. The silence is interrupted by Bond, whose stomach starts growling. Loid decides to prepare dinner, and upon Anya's request, he makes hot onion soup. Afterward, the Forgers sit in the living room to enjoy their meal.


When Eset was born, she was a Goddess. When she was married, she became a Queen. But a legendary journey to resurrect her murdered husband would make her a savior.

From the God of Earth and Goddess of Sky, Eset was born, and she was a Goddess in her own right, loved by wealthy and poor alike, champion to sinners and slaves, artisans and aristocrats. She commanded the force of magic, for she knew the True Names of many things. For in the True Names lie true power.

Eset and her husband Osiris ruled Egypt, symbols of order and justice, and led their kingdom to true prosperity. But Osiris had a brother, Set, who harbored jealousy and malice, and sought to usurp his throne. For him, murder alone was not enough. Set hacked Osiris to pieces and cast them across Egypt.

Fleeing Set's wrath, Eset traveled the land in secret, gathering the remains of her husband. Meanwhile, Set's rule plunged the land into chaos incarnate, and all seemed truly lost. Unable to locate a final piece, Eset could wait no longer and summoned the potent powers of her magic to reassemble her husband and give him new life. That night, their love became a child, Horus, who would avenge his father and cast evil Set out of Egypt.

Her bravery, tenacity, her skill and love drove Eset to save Egypt and become the mother of all Pharaohs. Long has she prayed that chaos would never again rise to threaten the rule of order and prosperity, but peaceful days are at an end. This time, it may not be her husband torn asunder, but all the world, and even the Goddess of Magic may not have the power to reassemble it from oblivion.

Veteran Firebat

Lewis's infatuation with fire began in his childhood. Later in life, he had the opportunity to join Raynor's Raiders and fight for the future of the Terran Dominion. He hesitated, but when he learned he could become a firebat, that sealed the deal. His tendency for pyromania earned him the nickname "Blaze." After the fall of Arcturus Mengsk, Lewis joined the Dominion Armed Forces. He heard of the disappearance of Jim Raynor after the End War, and wondered what happened to his former commander.

Firebats are "armored assault troopers," often attached to provide support for marine squads. Particularly devastating in close quarters combat, they're typically armed with dual arm-mounted flame throwers and wear heat-resistant fireproof armor similar to those used by marines, although heavier.

Dying for Pie

The episode begins with Squidward having a dream one night that he is dressed in island clothes and playing the piano on an island. He hits one of the notes, but it makes a bell sound, which is coming from SpongeBob hitting a bell, which in reality is his alarm clock going off revealing that it was all a dream. The episode changes to the next morning at the Krusty Krab, where it is Employee Brotherhood Day, a day on which all employees must exchange gifts that they made themselves. For his gift to Squidward, SpongeBob presents him with a sweater made out of his own eyelashes. When Squidward scoffs at this heartfelt gift, SpongeBob begins to cry copiously, eventually handing Squidward a sweater made from his own tears.

Squidward, wishing he could simply buy a gift instead of spending time on making one, finds a group of pirates outside with a sack of pies. The pirates claim that these were bombs and Squidward laments on being unable to purchase one, causing the pirates to lie and withdraw their claim and he is given an indeterminate flavor for $25. Squidward presents his supposedly homemade pie to Mr. Krabs, who decides to give it a taste test. He breaks a tiny bit off the crust and goes to get some milk. Tripping on his way, the fallen crumb of pie explodes on contact and wrecks the back of the Krusty Krab, blasting Squidward and Mr. Krabs away. While Mr. Krabs believes it to be a deliberate attempt on his life, Squidward confesses that he bought the pie, ignorant of its contents. Back in Mr. Krabs' office, SpongeBob discovers the "pie" that Squidward bought for him, while not noticing the large hole made by the explosion.

After Squidward explains how he got the bomb to Mr. Krabs, they realize that the bomb is still in the Krusty Krab. When they rush back to the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob has apparently eaten the entire pie. Mr. Krabs is disgusted at Squidward for his act and asks how he will live with himself for "killing" SpongeBob after all of the nice things the sponge did for him. Squidward then imagines SpongeBob serving food to a customer, only to then suddenly explode into many small cubes from eating the explosive pie. Horrified, Squidward suggests they get him to the hospital to remove it, but Mr. Krabs states that it will not do any good. Having seen this situation play out eleven times prior, he tells Squidward that the pie will explode upon reaching SpongeBob's lower intestine. Squidward still tries to call the hospital, but the doctor reveals to have seen this situation eleven times before as well and cannot save him. A guilt-ridden Squidward laments on SpongeBob's fate and asks how he will tell him. Mr. Krabs insists that Squidward does not tell him, as it will only make him feel worse. He explains to Squidward that SpongeBob has only until sunset to live and says that he should enjoy his final hours. Truly remorseful, Squidward decides to come up with a plan to make SpongeBob's remaining hours the most fun he has ever had, and so he asks him what he would most like to do. SpongeBob presents an extensive list of exactly that. He calls it his "friendship list." A montage of Squidward and SpongeBob playing together is shown.

The final activity SpongeBob has planned is watching the sunset with Squidward. Remembering Mr. Krabs' warning about SpongeBob's death, Squidward nervously agrees to participate. As they sit facing the setting sun, SpongeBob casually notes the brick wall Squidward has built between them. SpongeBob then mentions that if he were to die, "in some sort of fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend," this sunset would be exactly what he would want to see. Squidward begins to tear up at this while SpongeBob lets out a small burp, saying something of indeterminate flavor just hit his lower intestine. With the sun nearly past the horizon, SpongeBob begins a five-second countdown, letting Squidward finish the count. At the end of the first count, with the sun still visible, SpongeBob chuckles that they may have started too early. Squidward, increasingly nervous, begins counting down once more. When he hits "three," the sun finally sets, and an explosion rocks the wall. Squidward breaks down into tears, thankful he was at least able to make SpongeBob's last few hours meaningful.

Another explosion occurs, which knocks the wall down, crushing Squidward. He pulls himself out from underneath and, to his bewilderment, finds SpongeBob alive as well and blowing bubble bombs. Enraged, Squidward angrily yells at SpongeBob that he was supposed to explode after eating the pie.

At first, SpongeBob is confused, thinking Squidward wants him to "explode" in anger. He then remembers the pie that he was saving in his back pocket for them to share, while Squidward realizes he did everything for nothing. SpongeBob then walks over to share the pie with Squidward, only to trip on a rock. The pie bomb splats into Squidward, and the entirety of Bikini Bottom is destroyed in a nuclear explosion. Before the episode ends, Squidward miraculously survives, uttering "Ouch" in pain.

Oda Eiichiro

I've got three favorite watches. But none of them tick anymore. Batteries are shot. Off to the watch shop.


Chapter 81



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107