Chapter 81

After Arlong has Nezumi steal the money Nami saved up to purchase Cocoyasi Village's freedom, she agrees to save up the money again from scratch. However, the villagers have had enough, and rise up against Arlong despite Nami's pleas. Luffy then comes upon Nami, and she breaks down, asking for his help to defeat Arlong. Luffy and the Straw Hats readily oblige, and Luffy breaks into Arlong Park as he confronts Arlong.


On the Marine ship docked outside Cocoyasi Village, Nezumi gleefully examines the money he stole from Nami, laughing at her stupidity to work for Arlong for her freedom this long. Meanwhile, Nami confronts Arlong in Arlong Park over her money being stolen, and Arlong acts as though Nezumi stealing it was out of his control, saying Nami will just have to start saving 100,000,000 Beli again from scratch. He reminds her that if she tries to run away, he will kill the residents of Cocoyasi Village, and Nami remembers Genzo telling her that they had kept this threat secret to her in case she wanted to run away. Nami breaks free and runs out of Arlong Park, followed by Arlong's jeering. Back in Cocoyasi Village, a furious Genzo tells the villagers to prepare to take up arms and fight the Arlong Pirates, while Nami is desperately running back to stop them, as she knows they'll die if they fight, and that would be the end of everything. Genzo tells the villagers that they promised each other eight years ago that they would endure the fish-men's cruelty as long as it took for Nami to buy back the village, but they can no longer keep living under these conditions if Arlong has no intention of ever letting them go. However, he shouts that they'll never forgive the fish-men for toying around with Nami's good heart, and all the villagers agree with him, stating that they are more than ready to fight, and have been for eight years. However, Nami reaches them and tries to assure them that she is readily willing to save up the money again, even saying it would be easier this time. The villagers are shocked and deeply moved by her efforts. In Arlong Park, Chew laughingly comments that Arlong can be pretty heartless, with Arlong replying that he's not just going to let a navigator of Nami's ability get away from him. However Arlong replies he isn't completely heartless and that he will let Nami go eventually, but only after she has made a map of the entire world, as he and the other fish-men roar with laughter upon realizing that will take decades.

Meanwhile, Genzo does not listen to Nami's assurances, telling her that she knows it would be in vain. He embraces her, commending her for the efforts she has made to liberate them, which almost moves Nami to tears. Genzo then tells her to leave the village, and Nojiko backs him up, encouraging her sister to go and pursue her dream. Now desperate, Nami pulls out a dagger, declaring that she does not wish to see any of them hurt again, and telling them they'll die, but Genzo displays his dedication by grabbing the dagger, cutting his hand in the process, and the villagers say their hearts are set. Genzo shouts at Nami to get out of the way, and the villagers race past her toward Arlong Park, declaring their will to fight even if it is likely they will lose, leaving Nami kneeling in the middle of the street. Driven to her breaking point by rage, grief and despair, Nami grabs the dagger and begins to psychotically stab herself in the shoulder where her tattoo is, repeatedly screaming Arlong's name as tears run down her face. However, Luffy comes and grabs Nami's arm before she can harm herself further. Keeping her back to him, Nami tells Luffy that he doesn't know anything about what's happening here, and that she already told him to leave the island because this has nothing to do with him, throwing a few handfuls of dirt in his direction. Luffy acknowledges both these points, but he doesn't move or say anything further. Nami finally breaks down in tears, turns to face Luffy, and begs him to help her. Luffy responds by silently putting his straw hat on her head, before he walks forward and declares extremely loudly that he will help. Nami is shocked to have the straw hat on her head, knowing Luffy's attachment to it, and is moved to fresh tears, as well as when she watches Luffy walk toward the rest of his crewmates, who were waiting just ahead and tells them to come with him, to which they immediately agree. Meanwhile, the villagers have reached Arlong Park, only to find a battered and bloodied Johnny and Yosaku sitting in front of the gate. The pair mentions how they heard Nami's backstory from the woods, and ashamed at having doubted her character, went to confront the Arlong Pirates, but were defeated. The two bounty hunters do not intend to let the villagers pass them, as they have no chance of winning, and instead are waiting for another group of men, to the villagers' confusion. Inside Arlong Park, Arlong wonders if Johnny and Yosaku were part of Zoro's crew, and Kuroobi doubts it, saying they were too weak for that. Just then, Luffy punches the gate off its hinges and asks which of the fish-men is Arlong, much to Arlong's shock and chagrin.

Mission 63

A news report discusses Jonas Wellman, a renowned former opera singer in Ostania who plans on traveling to Westalis for a cultural exchange event. Because of his popularity which reaches even Westalis, people hope his performance will improve East-West relations. However, tabloids reporting scandals about Jonas are published, with claims of Jonas's mistresses to crime connections. Jonas gets swarmed by reporters about these stories, which he declares are untrue.

At WISE Safe House D, a rookie is in disbelief over the allegations. Sylvia Sherwood orders him to take whatever steps necessary to ensure the news of the scandals does not reach Westalis, but the rookie refuses. Sylvia walks up to him and slams on the wall, reiterating her order. While they work, Sylvia asks the rookie why he is so upset about the situation. The rookie explains that people in both the East and West fought hard to make the cultural exchange happen, and he believes it will amount to nothing with the scandals.

Sylvia asks the rookie if he hates Jonas, which he affirms and cites the tabloids. Sylvia explains that the tabloids were mouthpieces for the National Unity Party during the war and that the people claiming to be the sources of the stories are all suspect. Regardless, the rookie dislikes Jonas, and Sylvia tells him to act based on objective reasoning, reminding him that lives may hinge on any little scrap of information. A WISE agent reports to Sylvia about a death threat sent to Jonas. Sylvia orders an investigation into everything the police know before leaving for the embassy to change plans for the event. On the way there, Sylvia is exhausted from training the recruits. She flashes back to when she instructed Twilight and wonders if she was being soft then.

A while later, the rookie shows Sylvia a new tabloid rebutting all of Jonas's scandals, which she is already aware of. The rookie arrogantly changes his stance on Jonas, and Sylvia punches his head. The WISE Agent says they do not have to worry about the death threat anymore, but Sylvia denies this, believing that the person who made the threat will go through with it. Watching the live news footage of people gathered at Jonas's office, Sylvia notices a guard who looks out of place. She calls a kebab store near the office and orders the kebab man to watch the suspicious guard. Sylvia and the other agents move out to interfere, the rookie asks if they should call in Twilight, but she says he needs to rest after he keeled over in his home.

Inside Jonas's office, his associates tell him that the police asked them not to leave the office. However, as they have a party tonight, they plan on taking the back door to avoid the media. Outside, the kebab man sees the guard revealing a silenced pistol and starts to worry. As Sylvia and the other agents arrive, he reports that the guard is preparing to shoot. Sylvia orders the kebab man to keep Jonas away from the guard, which he does by approaching him and his guards with kebabs. Sylvia runs up to the guard and strikes his hand with her belt, making him drop his gun. The man tells Sylvia not to get in the way of his justice and reveals a knife, but Sylvia strikes under his jaw, knocking him out. While the kebab man apologizes to the guards, Sylvia and the other agents run off with the unconscious man.

At the airport, Jonas departs for Westalis in high spirits after being cleared of his scandals. Meanwhile, Sylvia's shoulder aches from the day before, for which she makes an excuse. Returning to the Safe House, Sylvia discusses the guard with the agents. Confirmed to have sent the death threat, Pance Karmer is a former soldier who bounced from job to job after the war, racking up multiple arrests for assault. Still affected by the war, he was obsessed with "punishing the corrupt" for the sake of the people. Sylvia says he took too much pride in having fought for peace, something they themselves must watch out for.

The rookie vows never to be deceived by his ignorance. He plans to see one of Jonas's performances as an apology, but the WISE Agent tells him that Jonas may be defecting to Westalis. He explains that one of Jonas's mistresses was the wife of an organized crime boss who might go after his life if he returns. The rookie is confused, recalling the article rebutting Jonas's scandals, while the Agent and Sylvia move on from the topic. The rookie asks for the truth, so Sylvia tells him to find the answers himself.


Imagine you can, if only for the briefest of moments, glimpse the future. Your spirit yearns to see all that you hold dear prosper, shining like a beacon against all the rest of creation, defiant against hardship and basking in the glow of peace and security. Imagine then, seeing the truth, a truth of an altogether different kind.

You see your kingdom, the divine beings who protect it and its mortal peoples, and upon looking closer, you see a rot begin to form. A weakness, fraying away at the very heart, a fundamental absence of strength that threatens to spread, yawning wide into a void that will consume all.

What lengths would you go to, to prevent this from happening? What would you sacrifice, whose blood would you be willing to spill? For the god Set, he would pay any price, even the blood of his own brother, Osiris.

Set saw the tyrannical control his brother held over the land, the hoarding of strength and power even from his own son. He looked to that son, fair Horus, starved of the means to take the reigns of command when his appointed time came, incapable of leading them into any future but darkness. Set looked upon an unworthy king, and a worse successor, and he chose to act.

He knew the world would seek to damn him, to decry his deeds as those of a murderer, slavering for power. But Set would endure such lies, to save his kingdom. He would seize the throne back from the unworthy and the weak, from the sinister and the corrupt, and in time, when the truth of the world mirrored the truth he desired in his heart, they would throng the streets to praise him. Set would be their deliverance, no matter the cost.

Steward of the Templar

Fenix was once a protoss zealot, and praetor of the Protoss Defense Forces. He personally led his fellow warriors into battle against those who called themselves the enemies of the Protoss Empire. Revered by his warrior-brethren, he was dubbed the Steward of the Templar, and is one of the most celebrated heroes in protoss history.

During the Great War, Fenix fought for the protoss against the threat of the zerg. On his homeworld of Aiur, he rallied alongside Artanis to stop the invasion of the Overmind, but a zerg attack felled him during the defense of the city of Antioch. There he was mortally wounded, and presumed dead. However, his body was recovered and placed within the chassis of a dragoon. The disgraced Tassadar returned to Aiur and was judged to be a heretic by the protoss government of the Conclave for allying with the Dark Templar Zeratul. Though he condemned himself for doing so, Fenix allied with Tassadar and fought his own people in order to save Tassadar. However, as the burned Khor-shakal, Tassadar surrendered himself to stop the fighting, but Fenix, seeing Tassadar as their last hope for victory against the zerg, fought on alongside the terran Jim Raynor and Artanis, freeing Tassadar. The allies then banded together and struck down the Overmind, shattering the Zerg Swarm.

However, Aiur was ravaged, and as the protoss evacuated the planet, Fenix and Raynor stayed behind to ensure the evacuation. To prevent the zerg from following the protoss, Fenix and Raynor destroyed the warp gate the protoss were using on the Aiur side, stranding themselves with the zerg. However, soon they were contacted by Sarah Kerrigan, who warned them of a second Overmind growing on the planet Char, and of the invasion of the terran United Earth Directorate. Fenix allied with Kerrigan to stop the UED, helping rescue Terran Dominion emperor Arcturus Mengsk from their forces. The desperate alliance attacked the United Earth Directorate stronghold and Mengsk's former capital of Korhal, driving them from the planet. But as they stood victorious, Kerrigan betrayed her allies, attacking Fenix and his forces. In a last stand, Fenix was slain under a tide of zerg.

Fenix's legacy would live on years after his fall, and his death would be a rallying cry for many protoss, and even for Raynor, for years to come. Brainscans from Fenix would later be used to create a robotic Purifier construct, who would take the name Talandar.

Imitation Krabs

As the episode begins with Plankton in his newest bid for the Krabby Patty secret formula entering the Krusty Krab as a robotic salesman, he presents SpongeBob with an offer for one million dollars if he reveals the formula. SpongeBob explains, in no uncertain terms, that the formula is the property of Mr. Krabs and may not be divulged. Enraged, Plankton bursts out of the robot and threatens SpongeBob with violence, only to be caught by Mr. Krabs and shot out from a straw back to the Chum Bucket. Mr. Krabs stresses the importance of the formula's safety to SpongeBob, who takes it upon himself to be more vigilant. However, SpongeBob attacks a customer mentioning the formula in passing, thinking him to be Plankton in another disguise. To prevent further customer trauma, Mr. Krabs clarifies that the formula will be safe as long as SpongeBob only discusses it with him.

Little do they know that Plankton's newest robotic disguise has been made in the image of Mr. Krabs. He first encounters Squidward, tasked by the real Mr. Krabs to take inventory of the storage room (in response to his wise-guy remark about "why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?"). Plankton, as Robot Krabs, fails to fool Squidward, but the offer of a day off buys Squidward's silence. SpongeBob enters as Squidward skips out and notices Robot Krabs, who he believes is Mr. Krabs; the oddities of the robotic suit only slightly faze SpongeBob. When Mr. Krabs starts calling, however, Robot Krabs distracts SpongeBob and turns into a toaster. To keep Mr. Krabs out of the way after his repeated appearances, Plankton takes out a penny and sends it rolling into Mr. Krabs' office. The enticing coin lures Mr. Krabs out of the restaurant, leaving Plankton's plan unimpeded.

Robot Krabs finds SpongeBob scrubbing the floors in the kitchen and asks him about the formula. Surprised, SpongeBob says they have not initiated the secret handshake yet, so Robot Krabs allows SpongeBob to lead them through it. The "handshake" consists of standing on one foot, balancing a glass of chocolate milk on their heads, and singing the Bikini Bottom national anthem. What follows is a ritual that goes on for six and a half hours and consists of many bizarre and ridiculous feats, leaving Plankton worn out from controlling Robot Krabs. After all this, SpongeBob still will not discuss the formula, causing Plankton to explode in anger at all of the things that he did were seemingly for nothing. However, SpongeBob explains that it simply must not be discussed out loud and holds up a bottle containing the formula in written form.

As Robot Krabs eagerly reaches for the bottle, the rolling penny from earlier enters the kitchen, followed by the real Mr. Krabs. He gets into an argument with Robot Krabs, and the two try to convince SpongeBob that they are the genuine article. Unable to handle the situation calmly, SpongeBob threatens the both of them with a vat of tartar sauce until he gets some answers, deciding that the best way to weed out the impostor is to present the two with a quiz about the Krusty Krab. The first two questions are generic ones that anyone who has been to the restaurant could answer and Robot Krabs answers both correctly. The third and final question is one so complicated that not even the real Mr. Krabs can answer it. SpongeBob promptly blasts him with the tartar sauce and rolls him out the door in a fry basket, convinced he is the impostor.

Believing Robot Krabs to be the real Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob presents him with the formula. As Plankton laughs in triumph, SpongeBob notices the penny that Mr. Krabs was chasing and unwittingly drops it into Robot Krabs' coin-operated self-destruct mechanism. With only ten seconds until detonation, Plankton briefly ponders the intelligence of such a design choice that it was not one of his better ideas before making a frantic dash back to the Chum Bucket. Unfortunately, he arrives too late and the robot explodes, obliterating his restaurant and causing the metal fist to crush Plankton (a simple "ouch" shows he is only injured). As the formula bottle rolls back to SpongeBob, he realizes his grave error.

Suddenly, Mr. Krabs is heard screaming for help, and he is shown still in the fry basket fending off Hans wielding a fork to eat him. SpongeBob rushes over and carts Mr. Krabs back to the Krusty Krab, apologizing for believing him to be the impostor. Mr. Krabs forgives him, but ends the episode by saying that the penny will be coming out of his paycheck.

Oda Eiichiro

At long last it's the return of the Star Wars series toys!! Gonna buy every last one of 'em without fail!! The only problem is finding display room


Chapter 82



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107