Chapter 58

Sanji's flashback: Sanji's 85 foodless days.

The Crap-Geezer

Sanji tried to divide his small portion of food wisely, but after 25 days he had only one piece of moldy bread left. He had only seen one ship that did not even see him pass. After 70 days, weak and hopeless, he decided to reach Zeff to steal his food.

Upon arriving, he found Zeff's bag was still almost full. He became enraged and approached Zeff with a knife, declaring he was taking the food and did not care about him. However, when Sanji opened the bag, he found it had only been filled with treasures. Sanji realized that Zeff had given him all the food and that he had only survived by eating his own leg. When asked why he acted such foolishly while they hate each other, the pirate revealed that, he too, believed in the All Blue and that he was trying to find it in the Grand Line. However, now that he no longer has his crew, he could not realize this dream anymore. He decided if they were rescued, he would retire from piracy and start a restaurant.

The miracle occurred, after 85 days, the ship Sanji had seen came back and saved them.

Back in the present, Sanji's behavior makes more sense: in the memory of the old man that saved his life, he will not allow anyone to kill him or steal his last dream.

Mission 42

At Franky's Tobacco Store, Franky gives Loid a fake I.D. for Department Two of Doust Industries and the engine test results for a new fighter jet they are developing. Loid thanks Franky for the documents, and Franky reminds Loid that he is charging Loid for them. Loid asks about the pictures he requested of the members of an association. Franky informs him that it will take a little longer as his contact specialized in that intel has been eliminated. Loid is shocked and questions if the SSS got him.

Franky describes the rumor that an organization called Garden eliminated him. Loid is aware of the group but believed that half the stories about them were urban legends. Franky explains that they are real, and the group kills traitors under orders from the shadow organization. Loid is not surprised that there is an unofficial paramilitary organization. Franky tells him it is rumored that one of their soldiers can wipe out an entire military troop, but Loid dismisses him, leaving and telling him to get the pictures.

Franky stops him and asks Loid to help him with a job. Franky holds up a missing cat poster for Kopi, a male Nortblue cat. Loid is confused, so Franky explains that the cat belongs to a server named Kacey, who works at Franky's favorite cafés. Kopi had disappeared last week, leaving Kacey devastated. Franky looks at Loid with a serious expression, asking him to help find the cat so he can get Kacey's smile back and help them get together. Despite Franky's threats to stop providing intel and attempt to throw in a gun he developed that looks like a toothbrush, Loid walks away. Franky resolves to catch the cat himself. Franky uses a payphone to call other informants to help locate the cat. He eventually gets a report finding a cat matching the description on Ritter Street near city hall.

As Franky approaches the location outside city hall, Franky encounters Yor, who is stepping out for a lunch break. Yor asks Franky if he works in the area too, and Franky explains that he is looking for the cat. Upon hearing the situation, Yor decides to help Franky find the cat. Franky has installed a C20 Feline-form Listening Device at points where cats congregate, with sensors to react to the sound of Kopi's bell collar. Yor is amazed at Franky's invention. However, he realizes the cats have destroyed the listening devices, putting them out of order.

Franky prepares to use his next invention, the Cat Nearness Inducement Prototype (or CAT-N.I.P.) Decoy System, designed to release the scent of catnip to lure Kopi to them. Yor compliments Franky's skill at building gadgets. Franky explains that he has always dreamed of making the world a better place with his inventions and getting rich with patents. Soon, a hoard of cats arrives, lured by the smell of catnip. Franky manages to spot Kopi among the large horde of cats. Meanwhile, Yor is distracted by some cats clinging to her.

Franky tries to use the Hyper Long Hand to catch Kopi but fails as Kopi jumps out of the way. Next, Franky tries to use the Camera-shaped Net Launcher but fails to get within two meters of Kopi to successfully use it and ends up running after him. Yor manages to get the cats off her to see Franky chasing Kopi.

Franky brings out his exoskeleton power suit to give him superhuman powers, but it requires 15 minutes for the battery to warm up the motor, so Kopi runs away towards a road. Behind Franky, Yor asks to borrow his exoskeleton power suit and easily rips out the back part, throwing it in front of Kopi to stop him. Yor leaps at Kopi when he stops and catches him. Yor happily waves at Franky that she caught Kopi. Franky thanks her but is stunned that the exoskeleton suit he spent ten years building was destroyed. He consoles himself that it is a small price to pay in order to win Kacey's heart. He returns Kopi to Kacey, who cries in relief, but discovers Kacey is already seeing someone. Franky wishes the couple all the best and leaves, crying as he resolves to live for his work.

At city hall, Yor is cheerfully working, feeling good after helping Franky. Camilla comments that Yor seems to be in high spirits while Millie asks if Loid bought Yor something nice. When Yor denies it, Camilla and Millie are annoyed at Yor for having a nice time. Sharon sarcastically suggests Yor is happy because she has become normal, prompting Yor to become excited. A man in a suit comes in to tell Yor that she has a phone call, informing her that it is from her special contact. When Yor picks up the phone, the caller calls her Thorn Princess and says she has a new "client."


Upon the high winds of Maya lands rides the feathered serpent, Kukulkan. Awesome and terrible to behold, majestic yet sinister, Kukulkan embodies the danger and beauty of a double-edged sword.

Time has worn away knowledge of this God like the breeze over stone. Perhaps Kukulkan prefers this. He is known by many names and worn the face of man and beast - and worshipped with the kind of reverence born of fear.

Dotted across the vast forests of the Maya lands stand great pyramids bearing his serpentine likeness, architecturally perfect so as to catch the light and bring to life those slithering stone statues. Painted in blood, sacrifices were made upon these sites to appease Kukulkan. He is the lord of death and rebirth.

To the world, he brought the four elements, but of wind he keeps control. A great gem, worn about his sinuous neck is said to be the source of all air.

To the people, he brought the calendar. That glorious, portentous stone disk, which counts time to a distant future, only to stop abruptly and with horrifying finality.

To the battlefield, he brings a legacy of power and domination. Sacrifices made for his favor were measured in blood, but mortal blood is weak. It seems that, for Kukulkan's ultimate appeasement, the blood of a God is required.

Cryptic Necromancer

The necromancer, as his name implies, is an unseemly form of sorcerer whose spells deal with the raising of the dead and the summoning and control of various creatures for his purposes. Though his goals are often aligned with those of the forces of Light, some do not think that these ends can justify his foul means. Long hours of study in dank mausoleums have made his skin pale and corpselike, his figure skeletal. Most people shun him for his peculiar looks and ways, but none doubt the power of the necromancer, for it is the stuff of nightmares.

Xul was the necromancer in the group of Heroes who battled Diablo and his brethren during the events of Diablo II. He survived the journey, and later trained an apprentice named Mehtan.

Scaredy Pants

As the episode begins on the evening of Halloween in Bikini Bottom, SpongeBob is cleaning the dishes at the Krusty Krab at the end of the workday. He becomes frightened by the door suddenly closing and a message reading "BOO" written on order slips.

After he finishes, he begins to run away, but Mr. Krabs stops him and asks him if he wants to hear his "annual scary story," and he then does. Mr. Krabs sets up a campfire and he tells the story of "The Flying Dutchman," a ghost who steals souls on Halloween. Squidward, dressed up like the Flying Dutchman, appears behind SpongeBob, saying that he will steal his soul, terrifying him. SpongeBob, who has a reputation for being easily scared, is then nicknamed "SpongeBob ScaredyPants," rushes home, and is scared by everything he sees on the way.

After being accidentally scared by Patrick wearing Groucho Marx glasses, he asks him for help. They make a "Flying Dutchman" costume, but it fails to scare anyone. SpongeBob realizes that a "real" ghost has a round head and that he has a square one. Patrick shaves SpongeBob's head, making it round. Believing themselves to be scary, SpongeBob and Patrick go around town attempting to scare people, and believe themselves to be successful in doing so, although their "victims" are simply confused by their antics.

Then, they go to the roof of the Krusty Krab, where a Halloween party is taking place. They turn off all the lights in the building and Patrick lowers SpongeBob in with a rope while providing the voice of the "Dutchman," which initially terrifies everyone. However, when a jellyfish stings Patrick, whom the rope is tied to, he starts running around in pain, causing SpongeBob to fly around uncontrollably, exposing his true identity.

Everybody starts laughing at SpongeBob, but suddenly, the real Flying Dutchman appears. He explains to them how offended he is by people dressing up as him for Halloween, and that SpongeBob's costume is the worst of all and the final straw. Before he is about to steal the souls of everyone present, the Flying Dutchman first takes off SpongeBob's costume.

The Dutchman flees in terror, which reveals that SpongeBob’s brain is completely exposed as a result of Patrick's shaving. Subsequently, everyone runs away from the Krusty Krab screaming, leaving SpongeBob satisfied to finally have succeeded in scaring people. Patrick comments on SpongeBob's "pink hat," and SpongeBob explains that it is not a hat, but rather his brain. Patrick also screams and runs away. Before the episode ends, SpongeBob reassures Patrick that his skin will grow back.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 17: "The Twelve-Hour Bout"


Oda Eiichiro

I put some beef jerky in orange jelly and it tasted like MSG. Also made me feel sick.


Chapter 59



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107