Chapter 49

The "hawk-eyed" man that destroyed Don Krieg's fleet is revealed to be the same man that Zoro has been looking for. Learning that such strange incidences and powerful people will be common in the Grand Line, the Straw Hat Pirates receive even more inspiration to sail it. Despite having just barely made it back from the Grand Line, Don Krieg decides that they will be stealing the Baratie as a means to return to it. As they initiate their siege of the ship, their galleon is suddenly cut in half. As Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp run out to check on the Going Merry, they find it, as well as Nami, missing. Zeff peers into the distance and spots a man drifting towards them on a small boat that he appears to recognize.

The Vigil


Zeff knows of a man with "hawk eyes" who seems to fill Gin's description. While the eyes alone aren't enough of a giveaway, the fact that he destroyed Krieg's entire fleet is more than enough proof that he is referring to the man he is thinking of. As Usopp and Luffy discuss never hearing of him, Zoro clarifies that is in fact the man he is looking for. Zoro's puzzled look from the previous chapter comes from the fact that he is looking for that same person, and that he was thought to be found nearby, according to some information Johnny gave him. As some of the chefs discuss a previous customer who get really drunk, Zoro decides that Johnny must have gotten his information mixed up. Sanji asks if perhaps the hawk-eyed man bore some kind of grudge against them, but Gin states that he recalls nothing like that, and that he just attacked them. Zeff proposes that maybe they disturbed his afternoon nap, enraging Gin at the possibility of that being the only reason. Zeff implores him not to get so upset, as such a thing is common in the Grand Line. This further excites Luffy, and he consequently decides that they must go to the Grand Line. Zoro agrees that his goals are undoubtedly tied to the Grand Line, prompting Sanji to label them all as idiots who would rush to their deaths. Zoro acknowledges that Sanji may be right, but warns against calling them idiots. He explains that the day he decided to become the World's Greatest Swordsman, he threw away all attachment to his own life, and thus he is the only person who has a right to call him an idiot. Luffy and Zoro chime in agreement. While Sanji expresses his disapproval, their conviction noticeably stirs something in him, prompting a smile from Zeff. Patty rushes in and reminds them all that Don Krieg's fleet is still parked in front of their ship.

Meanwhile, Don Krieg's crew recovers thanks to Zeff's food offering. They are rejoicing at being saved, and finally making it back from the Grand Line, which is also known as the "Pirates's Graveyard". However, Krieg tells them the plan is to actually return to the Grand Line. When he sees the lack of motivation in his men to return to where they were almost killed, he fires on a man who criticizes his decision. The crew quickly changes their mind and obey Krieg's orders. He then explains that they will steal the Baratie, not worried about the opposition since they are mere chefs.

When Krieg's men attack the restaurant, their galleon is suddenly cut in half. The men are in disbelief as nasty waves rock the boat. Krieg's subordinates try to tell him that the ship has been cut, but he refuses to believe that someone could cut a ship as big as theirs. Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp worry for the others, remembering that the Going Merry was outside in close proximity as well. When they head to where they left the Going Merry, they find Johnny and Yosaku almost drowning without a ship. The bounty hunters tell them the abominable truth; Nami fled with the Going Merry and all their belongings. At the same time, Zeff looks and notices a man on a small boat drifting towards them. 

Mission 34

Nearing the Forgers' neighborhood, Fiona offers to drive Loid all the way to his home, wanting to spend more time with him. Loid removes his disguise and reminds her that he is a happily married man that does not want anyone getting the wrong idea if they see him leaving a young lady's car; he adds that people get reported to the SSS all the time for infidelity. Fiona’s heart beats, and in her thoughts, she asks if Loid acknowledges her skills, which would make her a more suitable wife and partner. Loid gets dropped off at a park, and before he can say goodbye to Fiona, he is interrupted by Yor calling for Anya and Bond to go home.

Loid sees his family still playing at the park and takes note of it. Fiona glares at them, then steps out of her car and walks towards Yor. Fiona greets Yor, who is surprised by her presence. Loid also walks over to greet them and says Fiona gave him a ride home while she thought to stop by and say hello. Fiona looks at Yor’s racket and asks if Yor plays tennis. Yor explains that she and Anya practiced with Loid the other day, and Anya proudly states that she hit many home runs. Loid thanks them for their help, and Fiona scoffs in her thoughts. Fiona believes Yor to be presumptuous for believing Loid, saying that she herself would have helped Loid achieve further greatness. Fiona proceeds to challenge Yor to a game.

Loid asks what Fiona is doing, and she explains in code that she wants to make sure Yor is prepared for the physical rigors of Operation Strix. In her thoughts, Fiona plans to crush Yor and have her relinquish her role as the mother. Loid tells Yor that she does not have to accept, but Yor believes if she declines or loses, Loid will report her to the SSS for being a weak tennis player and replace her with Fiona, thus she accepts the challenge. Reading both of their minds, Anya can feel the tension between the women and flashes back to Becky excitedly telling her about the latest episode from Berlint in Love, where the main character’s fiancé encounters his childhood friend, but Anya could not sympathize as she prefers cartoons. Relating this to the current situation, Anya claims to understand what Becky was talking about, saying she likes action battles too.

Before starting their game, Fiona tells Yor to come at her with everything she has. Loid tries warning Fiona but gets told to step back. Yor agrees with Fiona’s statement and decides to go all out, making a powerful swing as she serves. However, Yor appears to have missed her shot, and the ball drops to the ground.

Fiona scoffs at this but sees the ball slice up into small pieces. Yor thinks about how she always cuts through the ball when she swings too hard and decides to hold back a little if she wants to hit the ball. Yor calls Anya for another ball, and Anya gets Bond to bring one over. Yor then tells a stunned Fiona that she is going to try again. While Fiona tries to process what just happened, Yor swings the ball, which moves faster than sound and in a perfectly straight line. Fiona tries her best to return the ball but struggles to push it forward. She thinks about how her love for Twilight cannot lose to Yor, who stands in the way of her ambition. Fiona ultimately fails, and the ball breaks through her racket.

Fiona falls to the ground, shocked by her defeat. Yor rushes to Fiona, asking if she is okay, while Loid thinks about how he warned Fiona. Fiona declares Yor the victor for now but will one day challenge her to a revenge match. Fiona tells Yor to enjoy her life until then before driving off and, in tears, declares that she will never give up. Yor wonders if she upset Fiona somehow, but Loid says Fiona is very passionate about tennis, and Anya thinks about how energetic she is. Loid hopes Fiona did not give Yor the wrong idea, but because of their sham marriage, cannot imagine Yor being affected by her. His thoughts are interrupted by Yor, who enthusiastically exclaims her victory. After Yor struts away in a huff, Loid starts feeling exhausted. Anya says she is hungry, and Loid decides to get something delivered.

The next day, Loid meets with Sylvia Sherwood, who briefs him on their findings from the secret code and hands him the "Zacharis Dossier," in the form of Erik Zacharis's diary. Reading it, Loid learns that the threat Zacharis hid was his collection of starlet photos. Zacharis liked theater and bought postcards to support the actresses, but his wife disapproved of them and told him to get rid of them. Unable to part with them, he locked away his collection lest it reignited the flames of strife between him and his wife. Astounded at the revelation, Loid asks how the dossier rumors started. A WISE Agent tells him that before the war's end, Zacharis hosted Western diplomats at a musical performance and made them swear to secrecy so his wife would not find out. Over the years, the story got embellished into the current rumor.

Realizing that he went through all that trouble for some postcards, Loid tries to find a greater mystery behind it, but Sylvia assures him that there was no bombshell to reignite the war and considers it a victory. Loid agrees, then sees a picture of Zacharis smiling with his wife and daughter and contemplates the notion that any lie is justified in the name of peace.

On his way home, Loid goes to a bakery and orders an apple tart and a slice of caramel nutcake for Yor and Anya, respectively. Back at home, Anya plays with Bond in the living room while Yor sits on the couch with a dazed expression.

Meanwhile, Fiona trains in the mountains to train her swing speed as she swings a large rock tied to a stick, roaring while the wildlife watches from the side in fear.


Do you hear it? That distant rumble like thunder across the mountains? Like pitched battle from miles away? Like a stampede of elephants across the plains? Know it is none of these things. That rumble you hear is the bellowing snore of Kumbhakarna, the Sleeping Giant.

Quick with a laugh, honest with friends, but devastating in battle, Kumbhakarna embodies the traits of a hero, but loyalty to his tyrant brother, Ravana, often leads him to the wrong side.

So jovial and pious is he, that when granted a boon by Brahma, Kumbhakarna wished to take Indra's place and rule the Heavens. Indra was jealously threatened, convinced Brahma would let the good-natured giant usurp him, and magically twisted Kumbhakarna's tongue at the last second. Instead of asking for “Indraasana” (Indra's Seat), he asked for “Nidraasana,” ... to sleep.

Now, Kumbhakarna is a dozing behemoth, waking only once every six months. Yet, Ravana is concerned with the growing fervor of the battle between gods and demons, sensing his dominion slipping. Prematurely, he has awoken his brother and pressed him to fight. Though reluctant, as if he knows his brother's stance is unjust, Kumbhakarna fights out of loyalty and a warrior's code.

Now, that rumbling you hear, it is not his snores, but Kumbhakarna's mighty roar. Or was that a yawn?

Wandering Barbarian

Sonya represents the Barbarian class in Diablo III.

Steeped in mystery and tradition, Barbarians refer to themselves as the "Children of Bul-Kathos," the great and ancient king. To better protect their lands from outside forces, they adopted a nomadic lifestyle, frequently moving within the confines of the Steppes and maintaining few permanent settlements. Isolating themselves from the world outside their territories, they eschew the use of magics and complex machinery, as they believe these things can only weaken their resolve developed over so many years.

The Children of Bul-Kathos have developed a kinship with the land and have learned to harness the primal energies within nature to enhance their own substantial physical prowess. It is because of this, together with their freedom from the trappings of the outside world, that the Western Kingdoms have historically referred to these tribes as "Barbarians," an epithet that belies the rich cultural and spiritual history these people truly possess. Although some trade with these curious bands of nomads, they do so only along the outermost borders of their lands. All intrusions into the territory surrounding Mount Arreat are forbidden, and warriors from the northern tribes are quick to thwart any incursions. Every foreign attempt at conquest has been met with fierce and decisive resistance.

An account of one skirmish recounts how hordes of Barbarian tribesmen silently appeared where none had been but moments before. Their bodies painted in mysterious designs and their faces howling as they charged like the fierce mountain winds, the tribesmen descended on the invaders. Fully half of the trespassing army immediately dropped their weapons and fled, the remainder were set upon by the Northmen with fervor that none of the battle-hardened invaders had ever witnessed. No mercy was asked and none was given, but in the end, when the outlanders sounded a full retreat, no chase was given either... at least none that could be observed.

Since news of Diablo's re-emergence has spread, a small number of Barbarian warriors have begun roving the lands outside the Steppes, prepared for war and seeking information regarding the recent activities of the Prime Evils.

Renowned for their awesome combat prowess as well as their arrogant demeanor, the Barbarians appear to be perpetually girt for battle. Through harsh conditioning, the Barbarians excel in physical combat and tremendous feats of strength. They derive their power chiefly through intense physical training, but they also tap primal energies from the living world around them. They can manifest these or add to their already considerable catalogue of superhuman feats of strength and power.

Squeaky Boots

The episode begins on Pearl's birthday, where Mr. Krabs attempts to cheaply entertain her party guests. When this does not receive a warm reception, he moves on to presenting Pearl with his present. She opens the package, eagerly hoping for a pair of the popular flipper slippers all her friends wear. What she finds instead is a pair of rubber fishing boots; a real bargain for Mr. Krabs, but a mortifying gift for her. Pearl starts to cry, and she cries very loudly causing the house and the camera to shake.

Left stuck with a two-dollar pair of boots, Mr. Krabs wonders what he can do with them. SpongeBob arrives to ask for his paycheck, and Mr. Krabs decides to play up the value of the boots, telling SpongeBob they are meant only for the world's greatest fry cook. At first, SpongeBob doesn't seem to believe it, but Mr. Krabs wins him over saying they are far from ordinary and were handed down by "the most famous fry cook in the sea." SpongeBob longs to wear such a pair, but Mr. Krabs denies his request until SpongeBob offers up his paycheck in exchange.

Moments later, Squidward is polishing off a drinking glass when he notices SpongeBob wearing tall black boots. SpongeBob asks Squidward if he likes them, but Squidward doesn't respond. SpongeBob, however, takes a liking to the new boots immediately, thinking they are pretty cool and have made him an official fry cook. He then proceeds to start bouncing around in them. Unfortunately, the boots make a loud squeak every time they move, much to the annoyance of Squidward. To Mr. Krabs' ears, the boots merely make the sound of music.

That night, Mr. Krabs begins to dream about the cash lining his register, but sounds of squeaking invade his slumber and the squeaky boots appear in his dream jumping in his register. He awakens to see his window opening and closing squeakily. He goes to close it, but he steps into a knothole, breaks his leg literally in two and falls outside. Limping back upstairs, he finally closes the window and returns to sleep, but the window opens once more. Repeated attempts eventually yield success, but he breaks his other leg on the way back to his hammock and becomes entangled in it, just as the window resumes squeaking open and closed.

Trudging to work on bandaged legs, the tired Mr. Krabs looks forward to at least having a successful business day. He arrives to find Squidward leaving for a week-long vacation in a huff. Mr. Krabs cannot understand what could be wrong when business is booming, but it soon becomes clear as SpongeBob comes into view, revealing that the squeaking of his new boots are to blame. Mr. Krabs is rather surprised SpongeBob is still wearing his new boots, with SpongeBob replying that he loves them. Enthusiastic as ever about wearing the boots of "the world's greatest fry cook," SpongeBob demonstrates how he hopes to live up to the title by performing various feats and tricks with the boots squeaking all the while. The tricks start with him running in place while holding plates of krabby patties before giving them to the customers. SpongeBob even manages to make the boots "talk" by moving them around, asking "can I take your order?" While the customers don't seem to be bothered by the squeaky noise, Mr. Krabs grows even weaker and wearier. SpongeBob then begins performing more and more tricks with his boots and starts zooming out of control all over the Krusty Krab, causing Mr. Krabs to retreat to his office for peace. The sounds permeate inside, however, and he decides he must get rid of the boots once and for all.

Back at the pineapple house, SpongeBob heads to bed, still wearing the boots, vowing never to take them off, as they've changed his life (even though Gary appears to be annoyed by them as well). While he is sleeping, Mr. Krabs slips off the boots from SpongeBob's feet and brings them back to the Krusty Krab to hide them. The next morning, Mr. Krabs is sitting peacefully with his dollar bills when SpongeBob enters with a little sobbing, apologizing for losing the "blessed boots," and admitted his belief of his fault. Mr. Krabs attempts to console him with "magic oven mitts," but they do nothing to heal SpongeBob's pain. Unsure of what else to do, Mr. Krabs takes a customer's order. However, the order comes out as a series of squeaks. Horrified, Mr. Krabs soon has a big heartbeat and hears everyone and everything making the dreaded squeaking sound.

Driven to madness, Mr. Krabs snaps and confesses he took the boots and hid them underneath the restaurant's floorboards. He pulls the floorboards out, takes the squeaky boots to the kitchen and dips them into the fryer before devouring the shriveled footwear. Confused, SpongeBob asks why he ate his boots and Mr. Krabs replies that he doesn't need special boots to be a great fry cook as he already is one. He gives SpongeBob his long-overdue paycheck and an extra bonus, before quickly deciding to take back that extra bonus. Mr. Krabs then heads off on a week-long vacation with Pearl, having finally bought her a pair of Flipper Slippers for the trip. Much to his dismay, however, a tell-tale squeak starts hiccupping from him as he drives and continues all the way down the road, ending the episode.

Oda Eiichiro

Right, it's been four weeks since that manga everyone's been talking about started. There was an oath we took to have our serials run together in Jump back when we were assistants on Rurouni. I've forgotten how long ago that was but we finally did it. Well, Takei-san, what more can I say than congratulations.


Chapter 50



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107