Chapter 76

Nami tells the Straw Hat Pirates to leave the island and stay away from Arlong. She tells Luffy that they are not her crewmates and that she never saw them as such. Luffy decides to go to sleep on the spot, which infuriates her. Meanwhile, Usopp is revealed to be alive and that Nami faked his death in order to save him from being killed by Arlong.

Back at Luffy's group, Nojiko appears and begins to tell the crew the story of Nami's past on the condition that they leave after she is finished. Meanwhile, the 16th Branch of the Marines, along with their captain, Nezumi, arrive at the village. Nezumi asks Genzo to guide them to Nami's house.


When Luffy refers to Nami as his crewmate, she tells him that he is no more than a nuisance. She says that she only stayed with them because of their money. Zoro argues with Sanji that he is making things more complicated with his romantic advances toward her. Sanji responds by saying that love is like a hurricane.

Johnny interrupts their quibbling when he yells at Nami, calling her a witch. He says that all she cares about is getting all the money hidden in Cocoyasi Village, where she is willing to join the Arlong Pirates and will go so far as to kill people in order to do so. He follows up by calling her a witch again and that she is cold-blooded. He swears that he saw her killing Usopp. Nami is unfazed and asks Johnny what he is going to do about it. Johnny is taken back by surprise.

She also tells them that if they want to live, they better stay out of Arlong's business because he is infuriated by Zoro's stunt. Nami says that Luffy and his crew may be monsters, but they are no match for the real monster. Zoro responds by saying that he couldn't care less and asks where Usopp is. Nami tells him that he is at the bottom of the ocean. Irritated, Zoro tries to attack Nami, but Sanji stops him. The two of them begin to argue. Zoro tells him to not interfere when he has no idea what is going on. Sanji ignores him and tells him that he is just irritated after his loss with Mihawk. Zoro gets mad and points his sword toward Sanji's neck. Sanji taunts him and tells him to just try. Yosaku tells the two of them to stop because they are in a serious situation right now.

Nami tells them to leave and go fight elsewhere and she couldn't care less, bidding them farewell. Luffy then immediately fell asleep on the spot, announcing that he was sleepy and could not care less about what was happening on the island. Nami then yells at him, saying that he can die for all she cares. Afterwards, Johnny and Yosaku decide to part ways with Luffy and the others because they are afraid of getting hunted down and killed by Arlong. They tell everyone that they will meet again one day.

Meanwhile, Usopp, who is revealed to be alive, wanders through Cocoyasi Village. He wonders and asks himself why Nami would pretend to kill him but stabs her own hand instead. It then occurs to him that Nami was actually trying to save him from being killed by Arlong and comes to the conclusion that she is not a witch. Following this realization, Usopp decides to look for Zoro. He remembers that the octopus guy told him that Zoro was looking for Arlong earlier. Terrified, he assumes that Zoro could have returned to Arlong Park to search for him. He decides to run straight for Arlong Park in order to save his crewmate. However, he spots Zoro in the distance as he is running.

At the same time, Sanji asks Zoro if he thinks that Nami killed Usopp. Zoro tells him that it is a possibility as she got pissed after Usopp called her "small" last time. Sanji gets angry, thinking that Zoro was referring to Nami's breast size. Sanji and Zoro then clash, but Usopp gets into the crossfire and gets his face injured.

Meanwhile, Nojiko is out in the tangerine fields and hears the house door slamming shut. She goes inside and notices Nami with her head on the desk. Nojiko comments on the mess of thrown furniture and broken glass on the floor which Nami has made and asks her if anything is wrong. Nami says that she was only taking a little rest at first before opening up to her sister. Nojiko then understands that her friends have come to take her back and she understands why she is upset, as nothing upsets Nami more than having to say the word "friend".

Back with the Straw Hats, Luffy is shocked by Usopp's face. He asks him if Nami was responsible for it, Sanji and Zoro take responsibility for it. Usopp tells Luffy that Nami had saved him, and he feels that Nami had joined the Arlong Pirates for another reason. Nojiko then appears and tells them that it's useless and there is no way that they could change Arlong's rule. She then agrees to tell the crew about Nami's past, but they must leave after she is done.

Back at the village, 16th Marine Branch captain, Nezumi appears with his team and asks Genzo to lead them to Nami's house.

Mission 60

Sylvia briefs Fiona on a man named Sergei Ostosky, an executive on the economics committee who is unlawfully restricting strawberry exports to Westalis, causing a national strawberry shortage. As a result of the shortage, there were no strawberries on Foreign Minister Brantz's birthday cake, and he went into a rage. Sylvia assigns Fiona a mission to deal with the problem before it causes a diplomatic crisis.

Fiona approaches Loid while he is working at Berlint General Hospital to ask for someone who can forge a state seal for a fake export license. Loid decides to direct Fiona to one of his assets that has the connections to do so. As he leaves to talk with some hospital staff, Fiona stares at him from behind with a lovesick expression in her eyes and resolves to successfully complete the mission for his sake.

In an alleyway, Fiona heads down a flight of stairs to the location of Twilight's intel guy. As she approaches the door, she sees a button and a note stating to press the button for "service." Suspicious, she uses a pen to press the button, and it is revealed to be an electrified trap. She scoffs at the childish trap and enters before a dusty chalkboard eraser falls from above.

As Fiona goes through, she continues to encounter several amateur-level traps and riddles. Finally, she comes to a door at the end where she is greeted by a man with a black bag over his head aiming his gun at her. She greets the man with Twilight's code phrase, and he removes his bag revealing him to be Franky Franklin. Franky tries to flirt with her jokingly, and she almost leaves out of exasperation.

Fiona names her request for a forged official seal, and Franky tries to get more details from her, saying he will get it from a friend of his. Fiona is unwilling to trust him and tries to get him to introduce his friend to her directly, threatening to have him incarcerated. She eventually acquiesces when he reminds her that she will not be able to meet with the counterfeiter without him and he contacts his friend via the radio as a secret caller.

Fiona and Franky are waiting outside a bar where they arranged to meet with the counterfeiter. Fiona attempts to enter, but Franky stops her and convinces her to wear a disguise before entering. They change into disguises suitable for a club, pretending to be a couple. Franky is excited to be on a "date" with Fiona, who is wholly unenthused about the situation.

As they enter, they are stopped by the bouncer until Franky reveals his identity. At the club, Franky greets his many friends, showing off his "girlfriend." Eventually, Fiona reaches her limit and threatens to kill him unless he stops. Franky apologizes before noticing the presence of his counterfeiter friend, the Quill, downstairs, and they approach him. Franky tries to greet him, but Fiona interrupts and gets straight to the point with her offer. She tosses a paper with her deal at him, but he throws it away upon seeing it and the deadline, walking away.


When the Gods of Rome ride chariots across the sky, it is Vulcan that made them. When they reach for weapons to wield in battle, it is Vulcan that forged them. When the very earth rumbles and mountains erupt in searing flame, it is Vulcan's rage that burns. Smith of the Gods, Vulcan crafts with fire and forge as an artist would with paint and brush.

As an infant, so hideous was Vulcan that his disgusted mother, Juno, cast him into the sea from the heights of Mount Olympus. So great was the fall, it smashed one of Vulcan's legs, a wound from which he would never recover. Beneath the waves, a sea nymph, Thetis, rescued the child-god and raised him as her own. As Vulcan grew, he ventured to the surface and discovered fire and the art of smithing. His natural talents emerged and he forged wondrous jewels for his adopted mother.

Summoned to a gala on Mount Olympus, Thetis wore Vulcan's glittering gifts, but when Juno discovered Vulcan had made them, she jealously demanded he return to Mount Olympus. Angrily, Vulcan refused. In his stead, he sent a magnificent throne of gold and gems that imprisoned Juno when she sat upon it.

For three days Juno was so entombed, and would have remained so had not Jupiter, Vulcan's father, interjected. To Vulcan he offered an exchange, Juno's freedom for the hand of Venus, the most beautiful Goddess of Love. Vulcan agreed.

Though his vengeance was served cold, the fire of spite still burns in Vulcan's chest. Unable to truly forgive, he loses himself at the forge. None of the wondrous chariots, jewelry or weapons he crafts can ever fill the hurt in his heart, but each one is worthy of a God.

Primal Pack Leader

Dehaka is a primal Zerg pack leader from Zerus, the birthworld of the zerg. He is fixated on collecting essence, believing that change is necessary for survival.

After Kerrigan came to Zerus and became the Primal Queen of Blades, Dehaka realized she was the most powerful of the Zerg. He allied his pack with her Swarm, believing she would lead them to new essence.

When Kerrigan took the Swarm to Korhal, Emperor Mengsk deployed a Psi Destroyer that could harm the Zerg by attacking their hive mind. Since Dehaka and his pack lacked the psionic connection the Swarm Zerg shared, they were able to approach and sabotage it, allowing Kerrigan's Zerg to advance. Soon afterward, Dehaka and his pack participated in the assault on Augustgrad, slaying Arcturus Mengsk. In the aftermath, Dehaka swore to aid Kerrigan in her war against the fallen Xel'Naga Amon.

Something Smells

The episode opens up as SpongeBob wakes up one morning, realizing that it is Sunday, and decides to have an ice cream "sundae" for breakfast. However, he sees he has no ice cream and finds standard toppings like bananas and cherries to be blasé, so he instead creates a new type of sundae made from onions, ketchup, and the contents of a nearly dead potted peanut plant. Unbeknownst to SpongeBob, the result of eating the sundae is intensely rancid breath.

After breakfast, SpongeBob begins his Sunday to-do list, which consists of saying "Hi!" to everyone in town. Unfortunately, the townspeople are universally disgusted by the smell of SpongeBob's rancid breath and run away from him. SpongeBob is very confused by this, and asks Patrick if he notices anything wrong with him. Patrick, not having a nose, cannot discern the foul odor. After running down a list of possibilities, Patrick concludes that SpongeBob is simply ugly. SpongeBob is dismayed by this revelation and isolates himself in his home.

Later, Patrick visits SpongeBob, who has resigned to become a hermit and tells Patrick to just go run away from him like everyone else. Patrick then tells SpongeBob the story of The Ugly Barnacle, which fails to cheer him up. Patrick then encourages him to take pride in his ugliness. It works, and SpongeBob's confidence grows, so they decide to go see a movie at the Reef Cinema.

As they take their seats, all of the movie-goers still try to avoid SpongeBob, which angers Patrick and sends him into a tirade. Patrick forces the other viewers to look at SpongeBob. With every word SpongeBob speaks, the viewers panic and flee, soon leaving no one in the auditorium. Patrick gets hungry, so they go to the lobby to buy a snack. However, no one is at the counter. Instead, SpongeBob pulls some of his sundaes out of his pocket and gives them to Patrick. After eating them, Patrick feels a sudden urge to use the bathroom.

While washing his hands, Patrick asks a fish next to him for some soap, but he quickly runs away. Upon finding no one will stay within his vicinity, Patrick fears he has caught "the ugly" from SpongeBob and hides in a stall with a paper bag over his head.

Eventually, SpongeBob smells Patrick's extremely foul breath and tries to tell the rambling Patrick before shouting at him to get his attention. He then tells Patrick that it is not his appearance, but his breath which stinks, much to Patrick's relief. SpongeBob then asks what he ate, after being told it was the sundae SpongeBob made. The latter realizes that they are not ugly, but simply have bad breath from the sundae.

Immensely relieved their appearance was not the problem, the two begin to run around shouting, "We stink!", causing their noxious breath to melt down the theater. SpongeBob and Patrick run into Squidward, looking at wigs in a window display. SpongeBob cries out in joy, "Guess what, Squidward? We stink!" as they hug him, leaving Squidward staring blankly as SpongeBob and Patrick start running away into the sunset laughing and cheering while the episode closes.

Oda Eiichiro

The drama in each and every single match is what makes professional wrestling so interesting. May the great entertainer, Giant Baba, rest in peace.


Chapter 77



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107