Chapter 52

Roronoa Zoro has been utterly defeated and nearly killed by Dracule Mihawk. Luffy attacks Mihawk out of anger, but he reveals that Zoro is still alive. Johnny, Yosaku, and Usopp recover Zoro's body from the ocean and administer what first aid they can. After regaining consciousness, Zoro tearfully promises his captain that he will never lose again until he defeats Mihawk and becomes the World's Greatest Swordsman. After Mihawk's departure, Usopp, Zoro, Johnny, and Yosaku set off to retrieve Nami. Luffy on the other hand stays back and decides to help the chefs of the Baratie against Don Krieg.

Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow

The Oath

 Luffy, Usopp, Johnny and Yosaku are horrified at the cut Zoro has received, while the Krieg Pirates are in pure disbelief that someone as strong as Zoro stood no chance against the power of the Grand Line. Remembering Zoro's earlier words that his ambition meant he no longer had any attachment to his own life, Sanji is still perplexed that Zoro wouldn't throw it away if it meant certain death. He states that it should be simple, yelling out to Zoro as he falls into the ocean. After having seen his first friend utterly defeated, Luffy charges against Mihawk full of rage while Johnny and Yosaku dive in to save Zoro. He does so by extending his arm all the way over to Mihawk's location, shocking everyone present, as they were unaware he was a Devil Fruit user. He is easily avoided, as Mihawk deduces that he is one of Zoro's friends. Instead of fighting, the swordsman tells him that Zoro is not dead.  

As Johnny and Yosaku recover Zoro's body from the ocean, Dracule Mihawk re-introduces himself, telling Zoro that it is much too early for him to die. Mihawk implores Zoro to learn more about both the world and himself, and to become strong. He promises that no matter how long it will take, he shall await him at the top in his strongest form. He encourages Zoro to press on with his strong will and surpass his sword, but more importantly, surpass him. While Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku attempt to resuscitate Zoro, Mihawk turns to Luffy and asks him his goal. When Luffy answers "Pirate King", Mihawk smiles and casually tells Luffy that will be much more difficult than surpassing him. Luffy is undeterred by this, and asks Usopp if Zoro is ok. Usopp says that he's still alive, and only lost consciousness. Johnny and Yosaku plead for Zoro to say something, and to everyone's shock, he lifts his blade in the air. He apologizes to his captain for making him worry, repeating his earlier sentiment to him that he would be in a real dilemma as Pirate King if Zoro was not the World's Greatest Swordsman. Fighting against his pain and coughing up blood, he tearfully vows to Luffy that until the day he defeats Mihawk and becomes the World's Greatest Swordsman, he will never lose again. He asks his captain as future Pirate King if he has any issues with this, which Luffy happily denies. Satisfied by these spirits, Mihawk turns to leave without paying much attention to the Don Krieg pirates who he was looking for in the first place. He tells Luffy that him and Zoro make a good team, and wishes to see them again in the future. This new nonchalant attitude towards Krieg angers him, and he attempts to fire on Mihawk. The swordsman deals another devastating blow to what's left of the galleon, sending Krieg's men flying. When the dust settles, Mihawk is no longer present. 

Having jumped back aboard the Baratie in the wake of Krieg and Mihawk's clash, Luffy tells Usopp to go on ahead and get Nami. Usopp promises to do so, then asks Luffy to stay here and convince Sanji to join them. He suggests that when they have five people in the crew, they should go to the Grand Line, and Luffy agrees. Sanji notices that Don Krieg's men are starting to plot something. Luffy decides to make a deal with Zeff: if he gets rid of them, it will settle his debt with him.

Mission 37

The Imperial Scholars mixer is Eden Academy's semi-annual get-together exclusive to Imperial Scholars, their parents, and select alumni. In short, it is a meeting between Ostania's top brass. Because the event is currently taking place, school security has tightened, with agents and the military on guard. Inside the campus, Twilight overlooks the security disguised as a professor. He remarks how difficult it is to infiltrate the Imperial Scholars mixer, citing past failed attempts by other agents.

The event is being held at the "Tower of Wisdom," which not only has few possible entrances but even tighter security with state-of-the-art technology. There is the option of taking the tower by force, but that could only work once and be effective if the goal was to assassinate Donovan Desmond. But because Operation Strix requires establishing continuous contact with Donovan, it is out of the question. Approaching Donovan in disguise is another option, but Twilight is aware of the risks and decides to meet him as Loid Forger instead. He concludes that opportunities to make contact with Desmond outside the tower are virtually nonexistent but should try to explore those possibilities.

Meanwhile, Cecile Hall finishes class for the day, and the teacher reminds them to leave the school grounds as it will be closed in the afternoon for the Imperial Scholars event. The students chat about the mixer and who will be attending. One of the girls asks Damian if his dad will be there since his brother Demetrius is an Imperial Scholar. Damian does not hear them, instead thinking back to a phone call with Demetrius. Damian asked his brother to deliver a message to Donovan: to meet with him in the courtyard at Library 2 after the mixer. Demetrius agrees but tells Damian not to get his hopes up, as their father is a busy man, before ending the call.

In the present, the girls continue to ask to meet with Donovan, and Damian angrily tells them to leave him alone and stomps away with his friends in tow. Having read his thoughts, Anya realizes Damian's plan. Seeing that her plan to win his heart with fashion failed, she decides to tail Damian and face Donovan herself.

The boys have already noticed Anya sneaking behind and glaring at them, so Damian yells at her to go away. Ewen speaks up to tell Damian why Anya has been chasing him. Damian reddens up, assuming romantic reasons. Ewen explains that Anya might be chasing him to curry favor with Donovan, and Emile agrees, saying Anya is the same as all the other kids. Embarrassed and enraged, Damian calls Anya names before running away. Anya suggests punching him again, but Becky, who has been with her, reminds her that she will get expelled if she does.

Suddenly, Anya hears Twilight's thoughts, expressing his frustration at how Anya and Damian are not getting along and that Plan B is failing. Twilight switches perspectives, wondering if that is her way of attempting to befriend him. Twilight continues to follow Damian if he decides to meet with Donovan. Hearing her father's plan, Anya follows after Damian. Heading to the courtyard, the boys discuss Damian's plan to meet with his father. Eavesdropping on their conversation, Twilight confirms that Damian will meet with Donovan as the boys decide to check out the mixer for themselves.

Outside the Tower of Wisdom, Imperial Scholars and their families walk through the school grounds, heading to the event. The boys are amazed at how many people there are, and Emile comments that even among all the famous people present, Donovan is a V.I.P., which makes Damian freeze up. He decides not to see his father, shocking the boys and Twilight. Damian reasons that Donovan is an incredible and busy man that does not have time to waste on people like him. As he turns to inform Demetrius of his decision, he is stopped in his tracks by Anya, who cannot let him do that.

Twilight and Damian are surprised by her sudden appearance, and Damian once again tells her to leave, calling her a stalker. Anya smugly taunts Damian, asking him if he is scared and says she knows he is. Damian wonders if she is reading his mind, causing Anya to worry. Anya nervously reveals that Damian got 50 points on his reading test. When asked how she knew, Anya says she peeked over Damian's shoulder, making Becky think Anya really is a stalker. Anya says Damian is scared his father will find out about his poor grade and tries empathizing with him, admitting to getting 17 points. Anya says she does not know if Loid likes her, so she is also scared, and adds that he gets mad at her often. Despite that, Anya believes in her father because she loves him, so she will use all her courage to tell him that she failed.

The boys, Becky, and Twilight stare at Anya in confusion, who quickly wonders aloud what she was just talking about. Damian starts walking in the opposite direction, and Ewen asks where he is going. An embarrassed Damian says he will go to the courtyard to meet with Donovan. His friends follow him, cheering him on, while Damian says it is not because he is scared. Twilight, not sure what just happened, quietly commends Anya for the effort.

In the courtyard, the kids quietly sit and wait for the mixer to end. Becky is surprised that Anya is doing the same, as she just wants to go home. She assumes Anya is eager to meet Damian's parents because she wants their blessing to marry, misreading her seriousness. Becky decides to wait with Anya, hoping to see the "big moment" with her own eyes. Anya falls asleep shortly after and Becky realizes her mistake. She asks a nearby Martha to take Anya back to their car as they prepare to leave. On their way out, they pass by Twilight, who reveals a handmade duplicate of Anya's expensive sheep keychain made with cheaper materials. With that, Twilight puts his plan into motion.

Twilight continues to observe the mixer from the outside until it finishes. He watches Desmond leave and decides to make his move. At the courtyard where Damian's group is waiting, Loid appears and asks the boys if they have seen a sheep keychain. Damian recognizes the description and gives Loid the replica that was planted on the ground earlier for them to find. The boys connect the dots and realize they are talking to Anya's father. Realizing who he is talking to, Loid quickly kneels before Damian and apologizes for Anya's behavior at the orientation. He tells Damian that he would also like to apologize to his parents, and at that moment, Donovan arrives. In his thoughts, Twilight apologizes to Damian for needing to crash his family reunion. Damian is surprised his father showed up, while Loid comes face-to-face with Donovan. He tries to talk to Donovan, but the bodyguards tell him to leave. However, Donovan gives him the chance to speak, prompting Loid to apologize for Anya's behavior towards Damian and introduces himself with a smile.


Ravana's immortal reign subjugates the people. Shiva's boon grants the demon-king invulnerability against gods and beasts. Only mortal men stand a chance of defeating him, but Ravana's might is too potent for a mere man to overcome. All seems lost.

To save us, Vishnu took human form. Rama, prince of Ayodhya.

At age 16 he was already the perfect embodiment of man. Strong, humble, handsome, patient, devout; he is what mankind strives to be, yet, for all our flaws, can never reach.

When a neighboring kingdom, cursed by Ravana's magic, asked for aid, Rama answered, despite the misgivings of his father. With his brother Laksharma, Rama set out and slew a horde of demons. At the palace, Rama cleansed the curse by freeing the queen from stone. The city celebrated and Rama was invited to string Shiva's bow – with the prize princess Sita's hand in marriage. Shiva's bow could not be lifted by any man, let alone strung, but Rama broke the bow in half. He and Sita wed immediately.

Returning home, Rama was to be crown prince, but the jealousy of queen Kaikeyi forced Rama into exile, where he's remained these past fourteen years.

Yet Rama was recently seen on the field of battle. Word is, Ravana stole Rama's wife, and Rama left exile to embrace his destiny. He must defeat Ravana, free his wife, and set mankind on a path for peace, else darkness and evil will conquer all.

Lord of Sin

Azmodan, the Lord and Aspect of Sin, is one of the four Lesser Evils which make up the seven Great Evils and was born from one of the seven heads of the great dragon Tathamet at the beginning of time. After the events of the Sin War, Azmodan, together with Belial, banished the Three to Sanctuary when they realized the Three were planning to break the pact Hell had made with Heaven. This began the time known as the Dark Exile. Shortly thereafter, a civil war broke out between the two Lesser Evils, which Azmodan quickly won. He has ruled Hell for the last 300 years to this day. He is also the ruler of the Realm of Sin in the Burning Hells.

During the Black Soulstone cinematic first revealed at Blizzcon 2011, it is revealed that it is Azmodan who is invading Sanctuary during the events of Diablo III. The reason is because he seeks the Black Soulstone, with which he intends to become "The Prime Evil".

Culture Shock

The episode opens on another day at the Krusty Krab, with Mr. Krabs manning a free salad bar, SpongeBob preoccupied with cleaning rogue dust particles off a table, and Squidward daydreaming about dancing. Mr. Krabs is getting irritated at the lack of customers when one decides to come in. Ecstatic at finally getting a customer, Mr. Krabs orders SpongeBob to cater to the fish's every whim. Unfortunately for them, the fish was only looking to get change for a dollar and is driven away by SpongeBob's excessive enthusiasm, though not before leaving a penny behind for SpongeBob. However, Mr. Krabs notices the penny and literally gets the drop on it first.

As Mr. Krabs stores the penny away in his vault, he gives his two employees the bad news: Profits are way down this month, and they need a gimmick to bring in customers. His request for ideas yields a response of apathy from Squidward and increasingly absurd ideas from SpongeBob. After Mr. Krabs points out that he was thinking along the lines of "live entertainment," Squidward hits a brainstorm: the first Krusty Krab talent show, which he would host.

He nearly blurts out his intent to make himself into a star, but quickly corrects his faux-pas by claiming it would "bring culture to this cultural wasteland we call Bikini Bottom," and that it would bring in much-needed revenue. Squidward draws in Mr. Krabs further by claiming that Pearl could become a star through this. SpongeBob is excited at the chance to show off his talents and runs off to call his parents, while Mr. Krabs gives Squidward approval to organize the show. As preparations are undertaken at the Krusty Krab for the upcoming show, SpongeBob asks Squidward when he is going to go on the show, even demonstrating his act, which consists of blowing a hippopotamus-shaped bubble, then tap dancing along with it. Unfortunately, the talent does not impress Squidward, who claims it is not "cultured" enough. SpongeBob runs off, vowing to come up with the most "cultural" performance ever.

Later that evening, the Krusty Krab is packed; among the audience are Patrick and SpongeBob's parents, the latter of whom Mr. Krabs personally introduces himself and nonchalantly admits his miserliness. Backstage, Squidward makes it very clear to everyone else that this is his own chance to reach stardom, but is interrupted by SpongeBob's newest act: inflating himself with water and showing off his spongy characteristics. Squidward once again shoots him down, not wanting SpongeBob to ruin his chances at stardom. SpongeBob tearfully begs Squidward to let him on the show, claiming he will do anything, with the cephalopod assigning him to clean up after the show is done. SpongeBob, not realizing that Squidward has assigned him custodial duties, endeavors on his new "act" with great enthusiasm.

Squidward goes on stage to introduce the audience to the first Krusty Krab Talent Show, in the process making a joke about how no one else would give the Krabby Patty a home. This greatly amuses Patrick to the point where he randomly interrupts the next parts of Squidward's speech with loud guffawing. Not able to get in a word edgewise, Squidward eventually just introduces Pearl by her name alone and leaves the stage. Pearl is unveiled with a set of cheerleader pom-poms, and Mr. Krabs is ecstatic to see his daughter in the spotlight. Her act is a cheerleading routine about the Krusty Krab, but her size and weight launch the entire audience up into the air with each jump, resulting in everyone eventually lying about in various states of pain. As she leaves the stage, SpongeBob drops into badger Squidward about his next "act," asking which direction he should mop the floor, with the latter trying to ignore him.

The next act is poetry by SpongeBob's pet snail, Gary. While the pet "speaks" in meows, no one, except for Sandy Cheeks, can understand how good his poetry is. Squidward is increasingly anxious at this point, both from how much time Gary is wasting with his act and from SpongeBob bothering him again. The third act is by Mr. Krabs' business rival Plankton as "The Amazing Plankton," with him intending to make a Krabby Patty "disappear" before the audience's eyes. However, it is just another ploy to steal the Krabby Patty formula, one that Mr. Krabs puts a stop to. Plankton, vowing revenge, attempts to vanish into thin air with a magic spell, but only blows himself up and leaves the restaurant in shame as the crowd boos him.

The crowd by this point is getting fed up with the terrible acts, and Mr. Krabs storms backstage, angry at the lack of good responses. Squidward temporarily placates him by claiming he "saved the best for last." After some buildup with spotlights, Squidward appears with his dancing gear, wearing a blue swimsuit, to looks of confusion from the audience.

Squidward starts out dancing to orchestral music before the music suddenly changes into a trance-like techno beat; Squidward's dancing also becomes incredibly bizarre. Unfortunately for him, his time in the spotlight comes to an abrupt end as the audience members, completely disgusted by his talent, or lack thereof, pelt him with tomatoes from the free salad bar. Mr. Krabs, hoping to cash in on the audience's rage, quickly slaps a one-dollar price tag on the front of the free salad bar, which one audience member admits is "worth every penny" because they all hate Squidward's act more than all of the other acts put together. Squidward criticizes the audience for having no appreciation for his talent, only to be coldly rebuffed as the crowd says, "No talent!" repeatedly. Now extremely furious, he storms backstage, where a waiting SpongeBob asks whether he can go on now. Squidward permits him to do so, as the show is over, much to the sponge's confusion.

SpongeBob gets to work cleaning the stage, only to receive an unexpected surprise: the audience not only interprets the cleaning as an act but appreciates it. Squidward thinks the audience has changed their mind about him and charges in as SpongeBob leaves, only to be met with silence. He storms off again, and SpongeBob continues cleaning to great applause. Squidward charges in and is once again met by silence. However, he begins to realize that SpongeBob seems to be tied to the audience's sudden change in behavior, and tries several times to get the audience to cheer for him by doing SpongeBob's act, only to be rejected and have another tomato thrown at him. Squidward is forced to conclude that it is SpongeBob the audience is cheering for and watches from the sidelines. Squidward gets praised by Mr. Krabs for organizing the event, and SpongeBob's parents for making their son a star. Mr. Krabs, lying in a wheelbarrow full of money, says he will need another one for next week's show; Squidward can only sigh and watch with sad envy as SpongeBob gets a standing ovation for his cleaning, ending the episode.

Oda Eiichiro

My debut work from 6 years ago will be in Akamaru Jump. It's a Western. Speaking of which, seems there's gonna be an unrelated Western story published in the same issue. The author is a Mikio Ito? I know I've heard that before but... wait, it couldn't possibly be!?


Chapter 53



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107