Chapter 75
Luffy and Sanji arrive on Nami's home island. The two of them regroup with Zoro and Johnny. Meanwhile, the Arlong Pirates show off their incredible power by easily destroying a Marine ship led by Commodore Pudding Pudding.
Of Sea Maps and Fish-Men
The sea monster, Momoo, pulls Sanji and Luffy's boat at full speed onto the shore. Luffy and Sanji are then sent flying into the sky. Momoo crashes into the shore head-first and sinks into the sea in pain. At the same time, Zoro is urgently trying to find Usopp. He hears a loud noise but pays no attention to it until he is caught in Sanji and Luffy's unconventional landing. Zoro explains that they have to hurry in order to save Usopp, who has been captured by Arlong before he is killed. Zoro is about to run off when Johnny appears and informs him that Usopp has already been killed by Nami. Everybody is in shock after hearing this.
Meanwhile, the survivors of the Gosa Village observe a Marine ship approaching the shore. It is led by Commodore Pudding Pudding with the intent to liberate the inhabitants of the island. The Commodore tells his men that their goal will be to rescue the survivors of the island as well as take out the pirates inhabiting it as their sense of justice prevents them from overlooking a pirate base.
Arlong questions the existence of the 77th Branch of the Marines as he has never heard of them before. He concludes that they must be new, so he tells his lieutenants to either buy them off for 2,000,000 belly or to dispose of them if they turn down the bribe. Just as he finishes talking, his crew warns him of an impeding cannonball coming towards him. Arlong then catches the cannonball with his open mouth and crushes it with his monstrous jaw strength. He spits out the remains and tells Kuroobi to cancel the negotiations. Arlong's top officers, Hatchan, Chew, and Kuroobi offer to get rid of the Marines. Moments later, Chew jumps onto the deck of the Marine ship and attacks everyone on board. At the same time, Kuroobi tears off the ship's rudder, and Hatchan pushes it into the reef. The combination results in the creation of a massive whirlpool that sucks in the ship, presumably killing everyone on board.
As the officers return, Arlong apologizes for making the three go through all the trouble. They reply that it was nothing due to their fish-men strength and the maps Nami has drawn, while claiming themselves to be "invincible". Chew then asks Arlong whether he would let Nami go once she pays off her debt of 100 million belly since she is an invaluable member of the Arlong empire. Arlong replies that he would rather die before he breaks a promise regarding money. Back to Luffy's side, Luffy yells at Johnny while grabbing him by the collar, telling him that what he is saying is nonsense and that Nami would never hurt one of her crewmates. Just then, Nami appears and asks Luffy who he is calling a crewmate.
Mission 59
Becky watches a scene of Berlint in Love on television, where the male lead Vincent is seduced by his lover Sonia. Reminded by a framed photo of the Forgers, Becky calls up Anya's home and pretends that she happens to be dropping by their house while in the neighborhood. Soon after, Becky is at their door, confusing Anya with her quick arrival. Becky's thoughts reveal her intent to confess her love to Loid, though Martha disapproves.
Anya calls over Loid, announcing Becky's visit. Loid greets Becky, with Martha apologizing for their unannounced visit with a gift. He welcomes Becky to their home with a bright smile and thanks her for being a good friend to Anya, causing Becky to fall backwards with a lovestruck expression and reminding Anya of Fiona. Martha leaves Becky at the Forgers' home, reminding her to behave.
Anya takes Becky on a quick tour of the house, but the gap between their financial status is evident when Becky assumes their living room is a storage vestibule and is amazed at Anya's room being smaller than her dog's doghouse, leading Anya to put a stop to their tour. After finding out Yor is out walking Bond, Becky begins to fantasize her and Loid in a similar situation as the Berlint in Love scene earlier, with her marrying Loid. Anya is shocked but is soon persuaded after reading Becky's mind with the benefits of Becky being her mother. Anya decides to help Becky out with her plan, asking Loid to play with them and cheering Becky on. Loid chats with Becky, trying to gain more intel on the activities of Becky's father, while Becky is flustered as she wonders if Loid is interested in her.
Yor arrives home with Bond and greets Becky. Anya tries to introduce Bond to Becky, who is too busy with plotting how to defeat Yor to notice. Becky tries to use techniques she learnt from her television dramas, letting her hair down and flipping it, but to no avail. Yor decides to serve everyone tea and seats Becky besides Loid. In a last-resort effort, Becky leans on Loid's arm, pretending to be tipsy after drinking the tea. Yor is distraught, thinking she somehow poured alcohol into Becky's tea, and quickly carries her to a hospital. In her rush, she sees an oncoming car and tosses Becky in the air before taking a hit from the car and doing a roll to catch Becky. Yor continues to rush to the hospital but Becky stops her and confesses the truth to Yor, apologizing. Yor is not angry and simply relieved that Becky is well, to Becky's surprise.
Yor apologizes for jumping to conclusions and dragging Becky to a nearby park, wondering aloud how Loid can put up with her. After Yor gets asked why Loid chose to marry her, she recalls her hazy memory of the night Loid told her that she was strong, which Becky takes at face value. Loid and Anya soon catch up with them. Seeing a strongman game, Becky tries to prove her strength to Loid but falls under the weight of the hammer. Yor mistakenly assumes that Becky wanted to win the grand prize for Loid and single-handedly wrecks the game with her strength, rendering everyone speechless. Defeated, Becky asks Yor to train her and they return home where Yor teaches Becky how to punch. Martha who arrives to pick up Becky is confused at the sight of Yor training Becky.
Terra Mater, quite literally the mother Earth, rests dormant beneath every living thing. Upon her flesh, trees stand like hairs, rivers weave like veins, and oceans lap against her sides. Long has she slept; since her son, the Titan Saturn, was cast down by his own son. It had all gone so wrong.
At the forging of creation, Terra was split from all other primordial matter to form the earth. Above her, Uranus, the sky, suspended angelically. She loved him immediately and made him her king. Their children were Titans, beings even more powerful than they. In his fear and jealousy, Uranus buried the Titans within the earth. Terra began to see the arrogance, the vanity, the hatred in her husband. Conspiring with her children, she freed them and overthrew Uranus.
Youngest of the Titans, Saturn, ruled next. Terra could not have been more proud, but prophecies claimed Saturn would be defeated by his children, just as Uranus had. To prevent this, Saturn consumed his offspring. All but one. Jupiter escaped, and with righteous fury split Saturn open, unleashing his swallowed siblings. Violently, they defeated the Titans, Terra's children, and claimed the world as their own.
Mournful of the children she lost, Terra slept. And ages passed.
But the ravages of a new war have scarred her skin. Her grandchildren, those arrogant, vain, treacherous Gods that stole the world from her son, those Gods, so reminiscent of Uranus, bleed into her bones with every battle. Now, she finally rises from her slumber. She rises to claim the throne for herself.
Hierarch of the Daelaam
Artanis is the leader of the Daelaam. A renowned warrior, he seeks to unify his beleaguered people, and will let nothing stand in his way to restore the glory of the Protoss. As a renowned Templar with centuries of experience, Artanis combines martial prowess and tactical acumen—striking swiftly with his psi-blades, taking the brunt of enemy assaults with his Shields, and calling upon his flagship, the Spear of Adun, to turn his foes into dust.
Artanis was a student of Tassadar, and with the appearance of the Zerg during the Great War, Artanis was thrust into command when his teacher was disgraced for defying the will of the Conclave. Now an executor, Artanis allied with Fenix to repel the Zerg from their homeworld of Aiur, but after Fenix fell in battle and he was ordered away from his home to hunt Tassadar, Artanis became disillusioned with the leadership of the Conclave. Instead of capturing Tassadar, Artanis allied with him, helped him rescue the exiled Nerazim Zeratul, and even fought his own people as he prevented Tassadar's capture. When Tassadar was freed, Artanis commanded the Protoss in the final assault on the Zerg's Overmind, with Tassadar sacrificing himself to slay the creature.
However, in the aftermath, Aiur was overrun with feral Zerg, and Artanis worked with Zeratul to lead his people from the planet to the Nerazim world of Shakuras. But the Zerg followed them there, and the Protoss were forced to hunt the Uraj and Khalis to activate a temple capable of purging the Zerg from the planet. Artanis had little time to rebuild their society and try to settle when their planet was attacked twice, first by the fanatical Nerazim Ulrezaj, and then by Sarah Kerrigan, who kidnapped the Nerazim's matriarch Raszagal and demanded the Protoss aid her in killing the second infant Overmind controlled by the invading Terran United Earth Directorate. When Kerrigan's further betrayal resulted in the matriarch's death, Artanis sent a retaliation fleet, and alongside the Terran Dominion and UED fleets, fought Kerrigan's Swarms. But all fleets were repelled.
With an uneasy peace, Artanis reunited Protoss society into the Daelaam, and was made Hierarch to represent all Protoss tribes. His primary goal was to reassemble his fleet to retake Aiur, slowly forming the Golden Armada, the largest group of Protoss ships ever assembled. Six years of tensions, tribalism and border conflicts later, Artanis released his fleet on Aiur, assaulting the feral Zerg inhabiting the world. However, Zeratul warned him of the return of the fallen Xel'Naga Amon, and during the attack Amon seized control of the Khala that bound Artanis's people, taking direct control of the majority. Zeratul gave his life to free Artanis from Amon's corruption, and Artanis swore to continue the fight, escaping the planet on the Spear of Adun.
Over the course of the war, Artanis managed to rally his people and bring into his fleet the forces of the Tal'darim under Alarak, and the Purifiers under an AI construct of the memories of Fenix named Talandar. Together, they used a Xel'Naga relic named the Keystone to drive him into his home realm of the Void, then allied with Jim Raynor and a redeemed Sarah Kerrigan to dog him there, slaying the Xel'Naga once and for all. In the aftermath Artanis attempted to rebuild his society, but the scars of the war made it a struggle.
Years later, Artanis was alerted to a Zerg incursion on the planet Gystt, and found Zagara and her Zerg there, having regrown the planet using a Xel'Naga creature. Artanis was skeptical of the Zerg's intentions, but joined peace talks there at the behest of Emperor Valerian Mengsk. But a plot brewed by Abathur threatened to respark the conflict between the three races, with Artanis prepared to purify the world. A joint-race survey team managed to uncover Abathur's plot and stop him, allowing peace talks to resume. Yet even after these talks, tensions rose over conflicts on the Terran Dominion and Daelaam border, causing Artanis to be pressured by his people to retaliate against the Dominion.
Squid's Day Off
As the episode begins, Squidward laments having to work at the Krusty Krab on a Sunday, a day where the restaurant is utterly devoid of customers. His nerves are further frayed by SpongeBob continually testing the service bell. Squidward reminds SpongeBob that he will ring the bell to call in orders, of which there will be none because there are no customers. His frustrated pounding of the cash register causes it to burst open and several coins spill out. Mr. Krabs hears the noise and comes storming out of his office.
Squidward attempts to pick the coins up, but Mr. Krabs shoves him out of the way and hurriedly scoops them up to wash under the tap. However, SpongeBob comes up, startling Krabs, and a dime drops down the drain. Mr. Krabs quickly sticks his claw in the pipe to catch the dime and grabs hold of it, but his claw gets stuck. Refusing to relinquish the dime, he has SpongeBob assist him in pulling it out. After yanking too hard, Mr. Krabs is detached from his arms, flies backward, and slams against the wall. The impact knocks a shelf lose, causing several items to fall onto his head, knocking him unconscious.
As Mr. Krabs is being taken away to the hospital, he leaves Squidward in charge of the restaurant. Squidward seizes the opportunity to take the day off, with the excuse of running a few "very important boss-like errands," and leaves SpongeBob in charge of both the grill and the cash register, giving his employee hat to him. As he happily walks home, his mind turns to SpongeBob, imagining him foolishly giving Patrick enough cash to bankrupt the establishment as change for a quarter. This sudden fear causes Squidward to hurry back to the Krusty Krab. After witnessing SpongeBob's impeccable ability to make precise change, Squidward resumes his "errands."
Returning home with the intent to relax, Squidward next envisions SpongeBob accidentally setting the Krusty Krab on fire. He rushes towards the restaurant, realizes the scenario he has thought up is absurd and walks back home. By sheer coincidence, however, a fire truck passes by, making Squidward think the Krusty Krab is actually on fire. Upon rushing back with a fire extinguisher, he finds things quite un-charred and everything in fine shape with SpongeBob eagerly awaiting the completion of Squidward's errands. Squidward goes home once more, vowing he will not return to the Krusty Krab, but visions of SpongeBob's increasingly destructive behavior send him back again and again, each time finding the Krusty Krab unchanged from his previous frantic visit, and being asked each time by SpongeBob if he has completed his errands.
On the brink of insanity, Squidward finally resorts to welding his own door shut so he cannot get out. While attempting to relax with a bath, Squidward thinks he hears SpongeBob's laugh outside, but sees it is merely a branch of coral scratching against his house. He thinks that he sees SpongeBob behind the shower curtain, but it is just his toilet with two toilet paper rolls on top. Then, he hallucinates SpongeBob in the bath asking him if he is finished with the errands yet, then escapes down the drain. In a feat of hysterical strength, Squidward bursts out of his welded door, naked apart from a mass of bubbles. While dashing toward the Krusty Krab attempting to beat SpongeBob there, he passes Sadie, her son, Patrick, and Mr. Krabs, just as the latter left the hospital recovered. The sight of Squidward running without either his clothing or his sanity causes Mr. Krabs' arms to come loose again.
By the time Squidward derangedly bursts into the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob is "already" there — as he never left. Squidward slowly winds down and regains his sanity, relenting that his errands are finally complete, just in time for the last of his bubbles to pop. SpongeBob lends Squidward his pants and notices that in all this time, nobody came to the Krusty Krab because they never switched the "Closed" sign to "Open" and that they very easily could have taken the whole day off. As SpongeBob laughs at this, Squidward's nose falls off and his head slowly deflates, thus ending the episode.
Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles
Conclusion: "Oh Captain, Our Captain!!"
Oda Eiichiro
I went to New Year party. I got to ask the thing I've been wanting to ask about to the sensei I wanted to ask about it; was very informative.
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