Chapter 54

The Baratie chefs wage war on the Don Krieg pirates. Both asserting to be more powerful. Sanji fights one of Don Krieg's men claiming to be invincible, Pearl.

Tales of the Titans


The Don Krieg pirates attack the Baratie chefs. Both claim to be more powerful as they've each faced separate, but challenging perils. Patty and Carne, who have exited safely from their tank, beat back many of the Krieg Pirates and cheer on their fellow workers. They remind them they fight not for just the Baratie, but their freedom to cook and fight where they are shunned from most ordinary restaurants.

However, the self-proclaimed Invincible Pearl appears behind the two chefs. He claims to be the most powerful and proves it by beating the chef duo in one punch as he wears his armor made of pearl and steel. When Sanji see that some of Krieg's pirates take the opportunity to steal Carne's knives, he kicks away all of the pirates and retains ownership of the knife for his chef friend.

When this Pearl continues his arrogant taunts, claiming he has not even bled one time in his battles, Sanji attacks him. At the same time, Don Krieg treacherously attacks Luffy who was enjoying Sanji's show. Luffy is sent flying in the process, but accidentally fall back on Pearl's head, knocking it into his armor. Pearl lifts his head and reveals A drop of blood coming from his nose as the first time he's bled in battle.

Mission 39

In the morning, an alarm at an Eden Academy dorm wakes its residents. Emile and Ewen wake up and tell Damian to do the same, or he will miss morning muster. After morning muster passes, Henry Henderson looks at Damian, who has woken up with dark circles under his eyes. As punishment, Damian is tasked with helping the dorm mother with chores and is forbidden from leaving school grounds until he finishes. Behind the corner, Ewen and Emile watch worriedly.

As Damian helps the dorm mother, his friends come to check on him. Damian, who studied all night, wants to earn more Stella Stars, and Ewen says he is pushing himself too hard. They mention that their dorm tutor will take all the boys to the movies and get roast beef on the way back. Damian is firm on not going and will study instead, hoping for his father's praise if he works hard to better himself. After being shooed away by the dorm mother, Ewen and Emile purposefully loiter around the halls in an unkempt manner. Henderson sees this and decides to punish them as well, which they accept with excitement.

Damian is surprised to see his friends join him, who say they will help him so they all can go to the movies. Damian tells them to go ahead without him, but they stay to help him do the chores anyways. Ewen adds that they can pretend to be Imperial Scholars, wrapping a sheet around himself like a cloak. While the boys play around, Henderson watches from the inside and thinks about how there is nothing more elegant than the precious elegance of youthful friendship.

While they play, Damian looks at the sky in a daze. Mr. Green, the school custos, jokes that Damian has the face of someone who would rather be at a picnic, which an embarrassed Damian denies. Henderson decides to give the boys a new punishment for their tomfoolery while doing chores: going on a field research trip with Mr. Green.

Mr. Green takes the now frantic boys on a fast-paced canoe ride, planning to take them to a lake for a picnic. As Damian spots an approaching "waterfall," he accidentally falls off the canoe. When he cries for help, Ewen and Emile jump after him, only to end up in the same situation. They decide to let Damian survive to live on their dreams, which moves him. Green interrupts, revealing that the water is shallow, and embarrasses the boys.

After starting a warm fire on land, Green tells them to catch some fish for dinner. With Green's help, the friends prepare to fish. They look for bait and turn over a rock to find some earthworms, which frighten Damian. After Ewen and Emile chase Damian around with worms, they start fishing and successfully catch fish for each of them. As they enjoy their hard-earned meal, Green tells Damian that it is okay to enjoy oneself every now and then. After eating, he takes the boys to "Stella Lake," which Damian is excited to see.

Upon reaching their destination, the boys are amazed by the lake, where the stars reflect on its surface and look like they can be reached, hence the name Stella Lake. Damian is shocked there are no Stellas but denies that the trip was wasted. He, Ewen, and Emile lie down on the ground and look at the stars. While taking in the sight, Emile says the stars look like sugar sprinkled on the sky, which makes Damian burst into laughter. Green says they should be heading back and reminds them to write out a proper field report.

After returning to the dorm, Green sees Henderson with the reports in hand. Henderson thanks Green and asks if he was able to "let the boys loose," which he confirms. While Henderson reviews the reports, he says Damian's needs some work, noting how brief it is.


Power does not come without sacrifice. The greater the sacrifice, the more immeasurable the power. Ravana, the Demon King of Lanka knew this. For years he worshipped, showing his devotion through isolation, prayer, and penance before the shrine of Shiva. Yet for years he was met with only silence. In his pursuit of immortality, he sacrificed his very life. He cut off his own head.

Agony and pain met him as it regrew. He was greeted not by Death, but by rejection. Shiva the destroyer did not want him. Ravana was undaunted. Nine more times his head was offered, and on his tenth sacrifice, finally Shiva was sated.

For the Demon King, Shiva granted a boon. Instead of immortality, he gained invulnerability against those he viewed as threats: Gods and Demons. Ravana could not be destroyed.

A master of combat, a genius scholar, a peerless leader, and now invincible, Ravana amassed an army of fiends and monsters to conquer the world. None could stop him. The Monkey King tried, but Ravana fought off his attacks. The Demon King's armies conquered all, leaving Ravana to rule from a golden throne.

Vishnu, in his wisdom and grace, would not permit Ravana's dominance. By Gods and Demons Ravana could not be harmed, but by mortals...

Thus was Vishnu reborn Rama, a mere man. Now trained as a warrior, Rama calls the Demon King to battle.

Pride scraping like a knee on stone, Ravana rallies his monstrous siblings, his conquered allies, and his formidable army to answer Rama's taunt. And their rivalry will shake the world.

Flesh Carver

There are many butcher demons within the Burning Hells, though they used to be solely under Diablo's command. The butchers are stitched together from the parts of other demons to combine their strengths, then given life through wicked magic.

Under the guise of searching for the king's missing son, Archbishop Lazarus led many of Tristram's citizens into the old cathedral. The archbishop lured them into a trap, and most of them were killed by the Butcher. The survivors were left with wounds that festered with disease, and even the town's healer found them almost impossible to treat. The Butcher was eventually slain by Prince Aidan and his allies.

Twenty-two years later, the resurrected Butcher demon was summoned to the dungeons beneath King Leoric's manor by Maghda and her Coven.

MuscleBob BuffPants

SpongeBob starts his day off by posing in front of a mirror as he gets ready to make himself "large and wide." He goes to his stuffed animal barbell weights, and with great effort manages to lift them over his head before falling to the side. Just then, Sandy comes inside, and SpongeBob shows off his stick arm "muscles," bragging about his "state of the art weight set." However, Sandy bluntly tells him that he is not going to gain any muscle mass lifting those. She then shows him her arms and asks if he wants arms like them. He then decides he could use some help and Sandy recommends he starts using her own personal training program. SpongeBob is ecstatic, imagining himself being big and muscular in various situations - flipping Krabby Patties, jellyfishing and sleeping - with a bodybuilder's physique and agrees to come to Sandy's treedome at 5 AM to begin his new workout.

At the treedome, SpongeBob is put through a progressively intense series of warm-up exercises from push-ups to boxing to running on a giant hamster wheel, each resulting in his arms separating from his body. Sandy now takes the less than enthusiastic sponge to the "arm cruncher," to which the sight of the contraption drives SpongeBob away, only leaving a phone in Sandy's grasp. Back home, SpongeBob is despondent and in pain at how difficult working out actually is until a voice addresses him from the TV, calling him a wimp. It is a commercial for the Anchor Arms, a set of inflatable muscle balloons with options ranging from normal to "veiny," and "for the ladies... hairy!," with the shark demonstrating its uses. Gary meows skeptically, but SpongeBob is interested and goes to buy some.

Later, while wearing the Anchor Arms, SpongeBob heads towards Mussel Beach, freaking out everyone else along the way. Once he gets there, everyone is awestruck by "MuscleBob BuffPants," and follows him to the Juice Bar. Sandy comes along asking where SpongeBob is and finds him surrounded by his new fans. A short moment where SpongeBob cannot move his drink reveals the downside of his Anchor Arms: because the "muscles" are just air inside an arm-shaped balloon, he is still a weakling, but manages to avoid detection by sipping the straw from a distance. Sandy is naturally confused as to how he managed to gain muscles so quickly, to which SpongeBob replies that he found his own secret workout. Intrigued, Sandy asks what the secret was; putting SpongeBob on the spot as everyone else also wants to know.

SpongeBob manages to fool them by claiming armpit farts are his secret workout, pushing aside skepticism by pointing out the results. Everyone else promptly begins armpit farting, while Sandy congratulates SpongeBob for finally finding a workout that works for him. To SpongeBob's surprise, she then suggests he needed to put those muscles to the test, and it just so happens the Anchor Toss Competition is today. Completely caught off guard, SpongeBob doesn't notice a drink being placed on top of his Anchor Arms and tries to tell Sandy he is not interested, but she decides to go sign them up anyway. Scared of being exposed, he tries to stop her but finds himself pressured down by the drink. The panicking SpongeBob finally catches up to Sandy after the waiter takes the drink off of his hand, sending him flying into the pole next to her. Unfortunately, Sandy has already signed them up, and there's no turning back.

At the Anchor Toss, everyone is preparing themselves, except for the worried and unsure SpongeBob. He nervously says he is ready when Sandy comes by to check, but quickly begins inflating more into his Anchor Arms in desperation when she turns away. Perch Perkins announces the start of the 8th Annual Anchor Toss Competition, with Don the Whale making the first toss. His anchor lands at 200 yards, with an "instant replay" crushing the helpless measurer. Next up is Larry the Lobster; the measurer, not wanting to be crushed again, tries to run out of firing range, but the anchor tracks him and crushes him at 210 yards. Sandy is up next and launches her anchor with her signature karate kick; the measurer desperately tries to outrun the anchor but is hit at 510 yards, putting Sandy in the lead.

It's finally SpongeBob's turn, with the crowd chanting his name as they do his armpit farting workout. SpongeBob tries to lift the anchor, but only manages to pull it on top of himself. He manages to pass it off as a joke but knows that he can't keep the charade up; he is going to be exposed as a phony. However, he decides he has to try anyway and blows his arms up to the "jerk" size, apparently breaking them. He puts all of his might into lifting the anchor, but all it does is push the air into various parts of his body and eventually the Anchor Arms explode out of overinflation, revealing SpongeBob to be a fraud. Upon realizing this, the crowd exclaims that he lost and start cheering for Sandy, since she won. Sandy herself is very angry and disappointed in SpongeBob for lying to everyone, tapping her foot incessantly; SpongeBob gets the hint, realizing he never should've taken the easy way out of exercising as there's no substitute for hard work and trudges after her.

The episode ends back at the treedome, as SpongeBob's new exercise is changing the TV channel 100 times with his thumb, much to his discomfort. Sandy figures they have finally found an exercise that works for him right before SpongeBob's arm falls off again and he asks if she can pick it up. Sandy seems to just sit there closing out the episode.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 14: "Pirate Alliance"


Oda Eiichiro

I can't get, 'A SAD MOMEEEENT!!', out of my head. Itsumo Koko Kara is a weird comedy duo name but they're funny.


Chapter 55



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107