Chapter 56

Sanji decides to sacrifice himself in order to save Zeff. While doing that, Sanji remembers 9 years ago when he first met Zeff.

City Boy

I Refuse

Taking Zeff hostage, Gin asks Sanji to leave the ship. Sanji refuses and tells him to go to hell. What might appear as a very egotistical reaction on Sanji's part, turns out to be a gesture of sacrifice. Indeed, Sanji asks Gin to point the gun at him instead of the owner, and when the newly conscious Pearl attacks him, he does not avoid or counter him anymore. Luffy gets ready to punch Pearl, but Sanji yells at him to stop. If they do anything further to harm the Krieg pirates, Gin is highly liable to act on his threat. Sanji knows this, and holds himself accountable for Zeff and the Baratie. The reasons behind his weird shift in behavior are hidden in the past of these two chefs: Sanji blames himself for having destroyed Zeff's former life, his dreams, and his strength. He does not want him to lose anything more and would die rather than give Don Krieg the Baratie.

Pearl takes this opportunity to wallop Sanji, since he won't raise a finger to possibly endanger Zeff. The cooks around them are dying to know what could have possibly happened to them so long ago, because they were under the impression that Sanji had hated the head cook. While Sanji is down after several attacks from Pearl, two words come to mind before the scene flashes back in time: All Blue. Nine years ago, young Sanji was an apprentice chef on the Orbit cruise ship. He one day told his older chef companions about his dream to find the All Blue, a legendary sea where all species of fish and seafood from all the world's oceans could be found. After mocking him for believing that such a sea exists, they began to eat the many leftovers left by the clients. Sanji finds this disgusting, and berates them for eating scraps, when there is still fresh food and their next port of call is only two days away. The more experienced cooks reply that on the sea, one does not know what may happen. A sea-faring cook must take advantage of whatever resources are available. He doesn't see the allure, and rejects their leftovers again.

Suddenly people on the deck began running and yelling for help. The ship is being attacked by Zeff and his crew, the Cook Pirates.

Mission 41

Yuri Briar is surveilling a room through a listening device as three men enter to make an illicit deal. He quickly assesses the position and skill of the men through their footsteps, determining that two of them are big and professional and that his target, Conrad, sits on the sofa. After Yuri announces they have made the deal, the Lieutenant tells him they are going in. The Lieutenant and two members of the SSS enter, arresting the men on suspicion of espionage. Conrad attempts to evade arrest through the window, only for Yuri, who is waiting outside, to disable him.

At the SSS building, Yuri's superior praises him for his work and gives him another assignment to investigate Franklin Perkin, a journalist who writes several books and articles that slander Ostania and sells them to Ostanian black market presses that release them to Westalis, and stop his work from influencing public opinion. The Lieutenant expresses some concern for the amount of work Yuri has been doing lately, but Yuri reassures him. Yuri is personally disgusted at Franklin for selling out his own country for money.

Yuri monitors Franklin, referring to him as Subject J-095, and carefully logs all his actions from waking up to sleeping, as well as the appearance of fellow passengers on the train and his conversations with his co-workers. The Lieutenant is impressed at the number of details but tries to persuade Yuri to let someone take over as he has pulled two all-nighters in a row. As the Lieutenant reads the report aloud, Yuri twitches in response to words that sound similar to Yor and gets told to rest.

At Franklin's apartment, the landlady loudly knocks on his door to demand he pay his back rent. Franklin tries to persuade her to give him a few more days and promises to pay up the day after tomorrow. After the landlady leaves, he prepares to head out and informs his father. Yuri and the Lieutenant nod at each other and follow Franklin. Franklin tries to find something to write about as he discreetly takes pictures with a camera hidden under his jacket. Several children run past him, playing with a Bondman replica pistol. Franklin walks up to them and snatches the replica pistol, throwing it into a nearby dumpster. The children quickly dig into the dumpster to find the toy, and Franklin takes a picture to show them as desperate and hungry street urchins. He then intimidates the boys when they threaten to report him to the SSS, which angers Yuri.

Franklin returns home to write a new article. His father is concerned about his activities, but Franklin says he wants to make the country a better place for his family to live and wishes they had more money so his mother would still be alive. As Yuri listens, he wonders if Franklin is motivated by concern for his family on the report but rips it out and crumples it.

On the 11th, Yuri continues to monitor Franklin, noting no signs of attempted contact with his publishers, but deduces that he does it during his work at the post office. After a load of mail gets cleared by the monitors, Franklin offers to handle the mail instead and, while hesitant to do so, discreetly slips the manuscript into the mail, all of which is seen by Yuri.

On the 15th, Franklin prepares to leave but sees Yuri and SSS officers waiting outside the apartment. Though shocked, he accepts his fate and tells his father he will not be back for a while. After Franklin walks outside, Yuri informs him that his publisher has already been arrested. Franklin expresses appreciation for them waiting outside, and Yuri tells him there was no reason for his family to witness his disgrace as he handcuffs him. Franklin asks which of the two is the true disgrace: the one who fights against tyranny, or the one who serves it, to which Yuri responds that he would never do anything to cause his family pain. As Franklin gets escorted away, Yuri says he will apply for his father to receive financial assistance, and Franklin thanks him.

Returning to the SSS building, Yuri is congratulated by his boss, who promises to treat him to a steak dinner. Later in the evening, Yuri drops by the Forgers' home with the whole family in attendance. Yor is surprised by his late visit and asks if something is wrong, to which Yuri replies that he simply wanted to see her face. Anya hears his thoughts and gives him a consoling pat. Yor also pats Yuri on the head and praises him for working hard, which elates the young man.

Ix Chel

There are many stories about Ix Chel, and her faces are as myriad as the phases of the moon. Among some tribes she is known as the Great End or the Red Rainbow. Among others, She of the Pale Face. But she is perhaps best known as the Lady of the Rainbows.

Whatever her sobriquet, Ix Chel is a goddess of facets; the moon is within her purview, and fertility as well. She is associated with life and medicine, but death walks in her shadow. All the colors of the rainbow are hers to command, but she weaves them into catastrophe for those who dare stand against her. She commands the storms to wash away those who anger her, but brings the rain to those who need it. But though her roles are many, she takes her responsibilities seriously.

It is said that Ix Chel was there at the beginning of the universe, and that her children, the Bacabs, took the form of jaguars to race to the edges of the world, in order to hold it up. Ix Chel herself often takes the form of a great jaguar to achieve her ends – such as when she fled her husband, the sun god, or made war on her enemies. With her spindle, she guides the motion of the universe, weaving together the formative elements of existence so that creation rises from destruction – and vice versa.

But now, that ancient cycle is under threat. The pantheons are slow to confront the foe before them, and their petty rivalries and grievances endanger all that is. Thus it falls to Ix Chel to paint a picture of hope, and light the way to a new dawn...whatever the cost.

Veradani Monk

Kharazim represents the monk class in Diablo III.

In the monasteries of Ivgorod, there are champions whose skill knows no equal, who hone their bodies and minds to perfection: The monks of the Sahptev faith. Servants to the 1001 gods, these holy warriors are pure in spirit as well as body, and capable of supporting any allies they may find in their mission to carry out the will of the Patriarchs.

With unshakable faith, Kharazim followed the decree of the Patriarchs and set out to discover the heavenly fire that had fallen upon on the town of New Tristram.

The Chaperone

The episode begins at the Krusty Krab, with SpongeBob making a Krabby Patty in the kitchen. Just then, Spongebob hears Pearl running in crying so profusely that her tears literally flood the restaurant. Spongebob asks Mr. Krabs what is wrong with Pearl, and he explains to SpongeBob that her apparently "long, tan, and handsome" prom date has just dumped her the day before the prom. Mr. Krabs offers to take her instead, but she starts crying, causing an earthquake. He then suggests she take Squidward or one of the restaurant's customers to the prom, but she continues crying, which causes the earthquake to become worse. Ultimately, he offers to have SpongeBob accompany her. Pearl does not want to be embarrassed by SpongeBob, and begs him to try his best to not do anything embarrassing. Mr. Krabs proceeds to give SpongeBob words of advice, only for another SpongeBob to walk over and reveal the other SpongeBob was a realistic wax dummy in his likeness. Despite being excited to go to the prom with Pearl, SpongeBob admits later he never got a date for his own prom and is a failure.

At home, using a magazine Gary provides as a guide, SpongeBob dresses up and uses extremely long and unstable artificial legs to make himself look "long, tan, and handsome" for Pearl. On the night of the prom, things initially work well for SpongeBob and Pearl. However, SpongeBob's costume soon begins malfunctioning, resulting in disaster and severely embarrassing Pearl. SpongeBob, after having broken everything at the prom, runs into the ladies' restroom crying.

Pearl, feeling sorry for him, attempts to console him and restore his confidence. This ultimately succeeds, and Pearl and SpongeBob join the prom dance. They begin doing a dance called "Doing the Sponge," which everyone else soon begins doing. However, this results in many injuries and mass destruction. An angry mob forms and lifts up Pearl and SpongeBob, who think they are popular enough to be lifted as until the mob throws them out of the building.

SpongeBob apologizes, but Pearl tells him not to worry as she knew it was going to be a total disaster the whole time and even though it was a disaster, it was really fun. Mr. Krabs opens the door with a rake saying "Keep away from me flower!" Pearl thinks he is talking about her, but Mr. Krabs really meant a literal flower on the walkway. Pearl says goodnight to SpongeBob as she returns home, and tries to get SpongeBob's attention, but as she does so, SpongeBob appears to be frozen.

Mr. Krabs congratulates SpongeBob on his success at the prom, then goes in his house and closes the door, then the real SpongeBob appears to retrieve his wax dummy of himself, and carries it off, laughing.

Oda Eiichiro

Ran out of room to lay down the futon so I cleaned up my room. Kinda lonely without the stacked up magazines and clothes. I remain hopeful that things will be back to normal in a few weeks.


Chapter 57



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107