Chapter 130

Nami suffers from a strong fever. The Straw Hats grown concerned as they have no doctor on-board besides Nami.

When Vivi reviews the paper, she learns that the Arabasta Kingdom is on the verge of a civil war and won't be able to hold out much longer. Nami then stands up, pretending she is fine. On the deck, she feels an atmosphere change and orders the ship to change direction to avoid a storm.

Meanwhile, Vivi has taken her decision: in order to reach Arabasta as soon as possible, they must find a doctor to cure Nami, since traveling with a healthy navigator is the fastest way. A giant cyclone suddenly appears in the path they would have taken had it not been for Nami's instinct.

One day later, they enter a winter area, suddenly Zoro spots something weird in the sea.

Maximum Speed

Sanji continues to worry about Nami's health, while Vivi believes she has come down with a climate sickness. Vivi then asks if their is anyone on board with any medical knowledge and the crew points to Nami. Luffy suggests that some meat might make her better, but Sanji tells him that although a nutritious meal would do her some good it will not heal her of her sickness. Sanji then goes on to explain that he puts in more work into preparing Nami's food then any of the men, which does not bother Luffy as the meals are still excellent.

Vivi comments that Nami's fever has risen again to 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit). Usopp suggests that they find a doctor for her in Arabasta. Vivi points out that it will take another week to get there. Luffy asks what it is like being sick, which none of the crew members know the answer as they have never become sick before. Vivi is shocked at this and lets them know that a 40 degree fever is very painful and that Nami could die. Everyone is shocked and immediately begins to panic and run around the room.

Nami then wakes up and tells Vivi about a newspaper. Vivi reads about the ongoing situation in Arabasta and how it does not look good. Nami then tells the crew that she is fine and goes to navigate the ship, which has been neglected as Zoro was in charge of navigation. She tells him he can't navigate by following a cloud and urges them to head portside, to the south.

Luffy then checks Nami's temperature with his hand and is burnt, but Nami once again brushes off his concern. Vivi then asks that the ship get to Arabasta as fast as possible—and that the fastest way possible is to get Nami medical treatment first.

A cyclone then suddenly forms right in the path they had avoided by Nami's instinct. Vivi is impressed with her ability to feel the weather.

A day later Zoro spots a man walking a top of the water.

One Krabs Trash

Mr. Krabs holds a yard sale at his house where he passes off his (and other people's) garbage as valuable antiques. Patrick and SpongeBob come by, and Mr. Krabs tricks them into buying a plunger and a soda drinking hat, respectively. After they leave, several people come by and each of them offers a large sum of money to Mr. Krabs for the soda drinking hat, prompting Mr. Krabs to get it back from SpongeBob.

Mr. Krabs finds SpongeBob, who has modified the hat to blow bubbles. He first tells SpongeBob that he looks like a girl with the hat, but SpongeBob thinks it was a compliment. Mr. Krabs then tries to offer him other hats in exchange for the soda drinking hat, but SpongeBob declines the offers. At night, Mr. Krabs draws a ghost on a paper and uses a fishing rod to scare SpongeBob into giving up the hat. The "ghost" tells SpongeBob that he must give the hat back to the owner; when pressed, Mr. Krabs invents the name Smitty Werbenjägermanjensen. However, Krabs' plan backfires when SpongeBob tells him that there is an actual dead person with that name and SpongeBob has placed the hat with Jensen's remains. Mr. Krabs goes to the cemetery to retrieve it. He goes looking for the grave, seeing Squidward weeping over a grave literally memorializing his hopes and dreams along the way, until finally finding Smitty's massive tombstone.

He defiles the grave and takes the hat out, only for Smitty to rise up and tell him to give the hat back. When Mr. Krabs refuses, he gets the army of the living dead to attack him. Fortunately, he successfully defeats all the skeletons and runs back to the businesspeople to get his money. However, they have found out there is a whole warehouse of those hats, severely depreciating their value. They see SpongeBob wearing a hat with clapping hands and chase after him to buy the hat from him for even higher sums than they offered Mr. Krabs for his hat. Mr. Krabs breaks down at the lost financial opportunity. Squidward passes by, watching Mr. Krabs cry and ironically calls his boss a baby as the episode ends.

Jango's Dance Paradise

Vol. 4 : "After Him! Usopp's Security Force"


Oda Eiichiro

I went to see a K-1. The match between Kurosawa & Kakuta pierced straight through my heart. Here it comes…YEAAAAAAAH!!!




Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 24