Chapter 62

Don Krieg is disappointed with Gin's decision to disobey him and refuse to kill Sanji. He decides to kill Gin, his own commander, through his poison gas MH5. Luffy and Sanji attempt to convince Gin that his captain is not worth his life. However, Gin accept his fate as a failure. He has betrayed his captain and feels he deserves to die. When Don Krieg launches the poison bomb, Luffy steals two masks and tosses them to Sanji and Gin. When he realizes that there is none for him left, one is miraculously landing next to him.

Once the poison smoke clears, everyone is safe, except Gin who had sent back his mask to Luffy.


Don Krieg is disappointed with Gin because he disobeys his order to kill Sanji. Before that, Gin was the person he trusted the most. Krieg sees excess in Gin's personality that will win in the battlefield. Gin says he will always respect and admire Krieg. However, he cannot kill Sanji and requests to let the Baratie go free. Krieg becomes angered at Gin's gall. The Krieg Pirates remain confused about what happened to Gin.

Krieg prepares to shoot his MH5 bomb. All of Krieg's crew pull out their masks to survive. Krieg demotes Gin and asks him to throw away his mask. The Don Krieg Pirates cannot believe that Krieg would kill Gin. Gin was very loyal, such as when the crew hazed from Fullbody, Gin went alone to the ships of the Marine and masqueraded as captain. Gin always sacrificed himself to save Krieg and he did anything to win, that's why people called him "Demon".

Meanwhile, Luffy attempts to stop Krieg, but fails. Luffy takes back his step and announces he will save Gin from Krieg. But Gin still believes in Krieg as his commander and throws away his mask as he was commanded. Krieg shoots the MH5. The Baratie cooks escape by diving underwater and Krieg's crew uses their masks to protect themselves from the poison gas.

Thinking quick, Luffy takes two masks away from some of Krieg's pirates. He gives the masks to Sanji and Gin. When Luffy wants to take a mask for himself, no masks remain. Suddenly, he spots a mask as the MH5 activates and places it on his face. After 5 minutes, the gas dissipates and Gin is revealed to have not worn his mask. Luffy realizes that Gin selflessly gave him his mask.

Mission 47

Yor looks through the peephole and sees a waiter with room service. Yor is relieved, but Olka says she did not order anything. Yor hears a gun click behind the door and quickly moves Olka to safety, dodging the bullets fired through the door. Olka grabs Gram from the bed as the assassin reloads his silencer and reaches for the doorknob. His hands are then hit by throwing darts, courtesy of Matthew McMahon. He points his gun and Matthew and Furseal Grey, but Yor hurls her weapon through the door and pins his head to the wall.

After retrieving the corpse, Matthew informs the group that the itinerary got leaked and there are multiple enemies aboard the ship. He directs Yor to take the group to a vacant room in the second-class suite while he covers up the mess. He forewarns her that the ship might return to port if there is a public incident and recommends she avoid fighting to prevent that. After receiving domino masks to disguise themselves, Yor, Olka, Zeb, and Gram leave for the second deck lounge.

After losing communication with their "Knockman", the informant confirms that "Shaty Grey" is their target and relays more information through a walkie-talkie. On the other end is an assassin who tells his fellow assassins that they must work together if their target's guards are from the Garden. He says they will evenly split the bounty and share all information. One of the assassins finds the idea a drag and suggests killing every woman on board with a baby, but he is promptly killed by the assassin, who says they are not psychopaths. After dumping the body into the ocean, the acting leader of the assassins continues, telling the others not to draw any unnecessary attention, and confirms with the informant that he will share all and any information with them.

While walking through the halls, Furseal says the masks make them look conspicuous, and Yor assures him that the second lounge is holding a masquerade ball, where they will blend in. She also notices that they are being followed and discloses this with the others. Yor plans to lose their pursuer before their destination is known, blend into a crowd at the lounge, and try causing a disturbance.

Upon arriving at the ball, Yor senses the enemy’s bloodlust. Yor remembers that she cannot cause a scene in the crowd and must get through the ball without killing anyone, grabbing a button from Furseal's suit. Nearby, an assassin decides to make his move, rising from his chair. Yor swiftly spots him and throws the button at his neck, knocking him unconscious and back to his chair. Another assassin is dispatched to kill Olka, but Yor stops him, grabbing his hand. She acts as if she was invited to a dance and dances the man away from Olka. She proceeds to crush his hand and knocks him out, leaving him at a seat. Yor returns to the others, and they decide to go through the shopping promenade to the second-class area.

At the shopping promenade, Anya sees a skeleton keychain and wants it, but Loid refuses, deeming it invaluable for her education. While Anya throws a tantrum, Loid spots several listening devices, undercover SSS agents, and suspicious groups across the ship. He concludes that he and Anya must be on their best behavior to avoid unwanted attention. Realizing their conversation is most likely being heard, Loid stresses over buying the keychain, overthinking the risks of his choices. Reading her father's mind, Anya starts to feel a little guilty. Suddenly, she overhears the thoughts of hitman Sickle-and-Chain Barnaby, who plans on taking the bounty for himself. As Barnaby walks through the promenade, he sees Yor and her group and decides to kill her first.

Anya realizes her mother and the hitman are going to fight. Although Anya knows Yor can likely take care of herself, she fears that Yor will expose her identity and cause Loid to divorce Yor (and abandon Anya). Meanwhile, Loid decides to buy the keychain for Anya as a memento of their trip, attempting to emulate a normal and good dad. However, he is shocked when Anya asks who cares and shouts at him to stay back. The chapter ends with Yor and Barnaby about to cross paths.


Pale white shines the light from her sentinel high above Earth. She watches, the eye that pierces shadow, and listens with the ears of birds and beasts that use the darkness to hunt and revel. As Queen of the Night, she is known; the Goddess of the Moon, Awilix.

They say the sun is her lover, and from his light does she shine, but those that say so have never beheld her. Left unrestrained, the sun burns skin, scorches the land, blinds the eyes. Moonlight does no such thing. Like soft white petals it blankets the night, casting the world into mystical illumination. Never has it brought calamity or ruin, only the chance to see where once there was none. She is no different. Her mysterious radiance needs no other to shine.

These days, the night is less welcoming. Those loyal followers, the jaguars, whose whispered roars bellow into the silence of her domain, prowl at her command. While it is, no doubt, beyond the understanding of mortals, the very moonlight is threatened. A war unlike any before it would end all things. For once that pale white will glimmer on the ugliness of bloodshed, for the night belongs to Awilix.

The Last Horadrim

Deckard is exploring Dragon Shire when the forces of the Raven Lord accuse him of hiding a girl from them. Said girl, Orphea, turns out to be a powerful magician of some sort and the two of them travel to the court of Raena, the Lady of Thorns and a powerful Realm Lord. There, they warn her of the Raven Lord’s designs on her realm and the rest of the Nexus.

She is initially reluctant to get involved due to her own problems with a curse that's turned her husband to stone and is now slowly afflicting her. When Cain explains that her people are already in danger and that the Raven Lord has already set his eyes on a new realm which would give him more power than her, she rallies her armies and allies to defend King's Crest and oppose the Raven Lord's forces in his plans to conquer Alterac Pass.

Later, the Lady of Thorns, despite being deeply injured, confronts the Raven Lord and opens a portal, urging Deckard Cain to lead her people to safety. Raena then succumbs to her curse and is turned to stone.

Sleepy Time

After settling for bed in the evening and sleeping, SpongeBob has a strange dream where he is driving a hot rod in a Krabby Patty-themed location and he has his driver's license, then crashes into a rock. However, Mrs. Puff appears and tears up SpongeBob's license, and he is then propelled out of his own dream. He appears as a small, glowing version of himself in the outside world, where he sees himself sleeping. SpongeBob realizes that his soul has started travelling, and he sees Gary's dream cloud. He then jumps in.

In his dream, Gary has a humanoid body who can speak English and resides in a huge library. Gary tells SpongeBob some limericks before SpongeBob goes out of Gary's dream cloud and into Patrick's. Patrick's dream is completely empty, except for a kiddy ride that he is riding on. SpongeBob explains to him that in a dream, he can do whatever he wants, which he demonstrates by changing size and creating a million copies of himself. Patrick says he's already satisfied, and SpongeBob goes out of Patrick's dream cloud. The ride then stops and Patrick takes out a quarter but drops it in a sewer grid.

Next, he goes into Squidward's dream, where Squidward is playing his clarinet for a king in a theater. SpongeBob distracts the king by telling him a limerick that Gary recited in his dream, and Squidward stops, angry at SpongeBob for invading his dream. The king growls at him for not playing. After this happens several times, Squidward becomes so furious that he snaps his clarinet, but SpongeBob saves him by turning into a clarinet. It produces no sound, and SpongeBob just sings horribly, which surprisingly everybody applauds at. A crowd then picks up SpongeBob while throwing Squidward into a fruit cart, wondering how he can make such music. He then transforms back into his normal form and runs out the exit doors at the back of the theater. Squidward is knocked into the fruit cart by the audience and the king while they chase SpongeBob as he exits the dream.

SpongeBob goes into Sandy's dream, where they are skydiving and have to land on a painted target. SpongeBob asks if it's "kind of dangerous," and Sandy says "Not as long as you got a big ol' parachute." SpongeBob misunderstands her twice (such perceiving "pair of shoes" and "parakeet"), and while trying to explain to him, Sandy fails to open her own parachute in time and lands in a truck filled with clam manure. SpongeBob falls out of Sandy's dream and says to himself "All right, that's it. No more messing with people's dreams."

However, he then goes to what he thinks is Mr. Krabs' dream, but actually is Pearl's dream, where she is having a tea party with her stuffed animals in a very childish and girlish setting. After realizing this, he immediately goes to Mr. Krabs' dream, where he's fishing for money. Mr. Krabs instructs SpongeBob to pull out his money net from his back pocket, which turns out to be Mr. Krabs' wallet. SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs manage to catch Moby Dollar, but it escapes and Mr. Krabs shoots SpongeBob out of the dream via a harpoon gun tied to SpongeBob.

He is launched directly into Plankton's dream. Plankton, in his dream, is a giant monster and can shoot lasers from his eye, and is destroying the city. SpongeBob realizes that it isn't a dream, but a nightmare. Once Gary is about to be crushed by Plankton, SpongeBob pricks his foot by turning into a pushpin, and Plankton deflates. The angry Bikini Bottomites close in on him and Plankton tells them that he guesses he has some explaining to do, but gets his punishment by being stepped on by everyone else. Plankton then wakes up in terror.

SpongeBob then goes back to his own dream cloud, where the angry faces of everyone whose dreams he entered appear around him. When he wakes up, everyone (except Patrick) is in his house complaining that he's messed up their dreams and tells him to stay out. Just before the episode ends, Patrick then appears out of nowhere and asks everyone if they have a quarter, and they stare at Patrick in confusion.

Richie's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 1: "The Island's Indigenous Kumate Tribe"


Oda Eiichiro

I watched Tenten-kun. That song in it is so funny. I'm sure it's gonna be a hit. This is the start of a really great anime!!


Chapter 63



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107