Chapter 50

The Straw Hat Pirates discover Nami's betrayal, which is possibly connected to a bounty poster she discovered. The "Hawk-Eyed" man Zoro had been seeking out, is revealed to be Dracule Mihawk, the World's Greatest Swordsman. The Straw Hats initially make plans to go after Nami, but this plan is halted when Zoro decides to challenge Mihawk to a duel. Nami sails away deeply hurt about leaving good people behind, but also wonders if she'll ever be free.

Spirit World

A Parting of Ways

As the Krieg Pirates find themselves reeling from the devastating attack to their ship, Johnny again apologizes for allowing Nami to escape them with the Going Merry. In a flashback, Nami was looking through known bounty posters, having stopped at a particular one for 20,000,000 Beli. Nami then started to act strange, furthering Johnny and Yosaku's interest. They tell her that the pirate featured in the poster had been quiet for a while, but recently started rampaging again. As they are talking, she moves Johnny and Yosaku's treasure to the Going Merry's deck and asked them to turn around as she changed clothes. While the two fought their temptation to peak, they were suddenly pushed overboard by Nami. Nami told them she had a nice time, but since she was a pirate thief, there were no exceptions. She says goodbye, and tells them that if fate truly links them, then they will meet again. 

In the present, Zoro and Usopp are upset (Zoro for being betrayed, Usopp for losing the Going Merry). Luffy spots the ship on the horizon, and tells his crewmates they're going after her. Zoro tries to say that no good will come of chasing after a thief like Nami (To which Usopp retorts she stole their ship), but Luffy tells them that he will accept no one else as their navigator. Zoro wonders why he followed such a troublesome captain, but nevertheless agrees with his captain's orders and prepares to set sail along with Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku on their ship. Luffy is not able to join as he still has debt to repay to Zeff, and Zoro warns him to be careful. As they begin to part ways, one of Don Krieg's subordinates yells to him that the man who destroyed their fleet has returned to kill them all. 

Aboard the Baratie, the chefs discuss the man slowly drifting towards them, before Zeff confirms his identity: the "Hawk-Eyes" man is introduced as Dracule Mihawk, the world's greatest swordsman. Zoro is in absolute disbelief, and the Krieg Pirates demand to know why Mihawk has followed them. He tells them it was simply to "kill time" inciting the anger of one of the pirates to the point he attempts to shoot him. Mihawk draws his blade and easily redirects the bullets away from himself. While some Krieg Pirates believe he simply missed, Zoro corrects them and tells them that he actually changed the trajectory of the bullets with his blade. Zoro tells Mihawk that he's never seen such a sword handled so gracefully, with the Master Swordsman replying that there is no strength in swordplay without grace. Zoro asks Mihawk if he cut the ship as well. When Mihawk affirms, Zoro is absolutely certain that he is indeed the strongest in the world, a goal he tells Mihawk that he himself is trying to reach. He then challenges Mihawk to a duel as Mihawk said he was looking to kill time, as the Krieg Pirates and the Baratie staff realize Zoro is indeed the "Pirate Hunter" they've heard of before. Usopp tries to warn Luffy that the Going Merry is getting farther away from them, but he ignores it as he has now become focussed Mihawk and Zoro. Mihawk disembarks his ship and approaches Zoro, but doesn't seem interested in dueling him and calls him a weakling. He tells Zoro that if he were truly a great swordsman, then the difference in their powers would be obvious without the need to cross blades, and asks if this desire to duel comes from his conviction or ignorance, Zoro replies that he is doing this for his own ambition, and to fulfill a promise to a friend. 

The scene then changes to Nami sailing away on the Going Merry, she has already begun to miss the crew. She comments to herself about how she thinks they are good people, and wonders if they will still call her a friend when they meet again, if they meet again. As the scene gets closer to her face it's revealed that she is crying, saying that she just wants to be free, and addressing someone named Bell-mère.

Mission 35

Yor trudges home from work with a dazed expression. The neighbors greet Yor and ask if she is alright, and she mutters that she is being kicked to the curb and is a fool to think that a game of tennis would change anything. The neighbors assume that Loid is cheating on Yor and hope she reports him to the SSS. Loid overhears their gossip and wonders if Yor has become suspicious of Fiona. He realizes this is bad for appearances, and if Yor ever tells Yuri about the recent events concerning Fiona, Loid getting caught by the SSS seems all too possible.

Later at night, in the Forger home, Anya and Bond play with Franky, who appears to be enjoying himself while taking care of them. Before Loid can step out, he gets interrupted by a frisbee to the head, and Franky expresses his irritation at having to babysit every time Loid goes out. Loid explains that he has to clear up the misunderstanding about his relationship with Fiona to Yor. Franky tells him to do it at home, but Loid says there are certain things he cannot discuss in front of Anya. Loid decides to pay Franky for his help, and Franky quickly changes his tune, taking Anya and Bond to the park.

Loid meets up with Yor and takes her out to a bar. After getting their drinks, the two toast to Yor's hard work with Anya and the housekeeping. Yor senses that Loid has something he wants to say, but concludes that he will be replacing her with Fiona. Loid tries bringing up the incident with Fiona the other day, and Yor suddenly shouts, believing her thoughts are true. Yor wonders what she will do if she is no longer a part of the Forger family. She then remembers that she and Loid married out of self-interest, so she does not have the right to pry into his personal life. Assuming that Fiona is someone he legitimately cares for, Yor decides to withdraw from their fake marriage so he can be happy.

She tries to inform Loid of her decision but cannot bring herself to say anything. Seeking strength through liquid courage, Yor downs her and Loid's drinks. However, a now-drunk Yor asks Loid if he is in love with Fiona, demanding an answer. Loid tries to explain that he and Fiona have a strictly professional relationship, but Yor does not listen to him and talks about how she is a bad wife and is not pretty like Fiona. She sulks, remembering Loid saying she was pretty and believes he must be bored with her now. Loid realizes that Yor has been jealous and has romantic feelings for him. Although initially surprised by the revelation, Loid enters "Twilight Mode" in 0.1 seconds and immediately takes advantage of the situation, attempting a honey trap on Yor.

Loid clasps her hands, telling her to trust him, and asks if she hates him. Yor is surprised by Loid's sudden advances, and her heart starts racing. Loid tries asking her to be his real wife but gets cut off by an embarrassed Yor kicking him in the chin, and he goes up in the air. Loid gracefully lands on his feet, seemingly unaffected, and the onlookers applaud. However, he starts to wobble and interprets Yor's powerful kick as a rejection, concluding that she did not have romantic feelings for him after all. While Yor frantically apologizes to Loid, he tries to make sense of the situation. Believing he botched the emotional analysis that badly, Loid wonders if being with Yor has thrown him off balance as he loses consciousness.

While asleep, Loid hears a lullaby his mother sang to him when he was young. He wakes up and finds himself resting his head on Yor's lap, who is singing the lullaby. A flustered Loid gets up and asks what happened, and Yor explains they got kicked out of the bar for causing a commotion, so she brought him to a nearby park while Loid was asleep for about five minutes. Loid realizes that he has not been knocked unconscious since his training days and has gotten sloppy. Yor apologizes to Loid, saying all she has is brute strength, and assumes that is why he is ready to move on. Loid confides to Yor about his mother, who always kept him feeling safe around her, even during the war, because she was strong. Loid relates this to how Anya would not be her smiling, energetic self if Yor did not give her that sense of security. Loid then thinks about how the agents of the state have been working hard to rebuild the world with their blood, sweat, and tears, yet Yor managed to accomplish all that on her own, and he tells Yor that she is strong.

Loid assures Yor she is an incredible mother and has no intention to replace her as Anya's guardian. Yor says she is not an expert, as all she knows is what she learned from looking after Yuri. Loid says she is right: because Yor has been parenting since she was a child, she is second to none. He tells her to have more faith in herself, which is why he hopes she will continue being Anya's mother and his wife. Yor tears up, and she accepts Loid's proposal. They decide to head home, and Yor says she will make them some hot tea when they return.

Back home, Anya waits for Loid and Yor to return and notes how late they are, suggesting they are "shacking up together." Franky asks where she learned that phrase, and she says most of it was from Becky. Franky then asks if Anya likes her parents, to which she replies that she loves them. Loid and Yor return shortly after, and Anya and Bond rush to greet them. Anya asks if they were flirting but stops when she sees Loid with a swelled-up chin and an embarrassed Yor behind him. Franky bursts into laughter, and Anya calls Loid a "chin monster." Yor laughs to herself as Franky picks up Anya, who tries touching Loid's chin. While serving everyone tea, Yor thinks about how she was just as surprised as everyone else when she married. As Yuri was the only attachment she ever had, she never imagined finding a place with the Forgers that she was so unwilling to leave behind.

The next day, Yor wakes up and is surprised by Loid's swelled chin. Loid is shocked that she forgot everything that happened yesterday, and they end up having the same conversation all over again.


There are few elements as destructive or as purifying as fire. Agni, God of Fire, embodies both of these qualities, with a head for each.

Though the source of his origin warrants debate - for there are many tales of his parentage ranging from two simple sticks rubbed together to the cosmic energy that made all things at the beginning of time - Agni is a pivotal and important God with many duties to the Pantheon. He is the twin brother to Indra, God of the Heavens and Rains, and chief among warriors. Conversely, Agni is chief among priests, acting as a messenger between mortals and gods. Every Hindu ritual and prayer is performed in front of a fire of some kind, so Agni carries the words and sacrifices, traveling between the Earth and the Heavens. He is welcome in every home and every hearth and much beloved by the Faithful.

Through his flames, Agni provides heat and light but also cleanses impurities. Smoke from his pyres creates the air and holds the Heavens aloft. The sun, a source of fire itself, brings life-giving energy to the world, and his lightning streaks the sky during storms.

For all his kindness and service, Agni has two faces. One is the face of kindness and purity, turned towards the people and Gods. His other face, grim and resolute, guides the God of Fire to play his role in the cosmic cycle of creation and destruction, to burn and blacken all the atrocities of the world to ash.

Archangel of Justice

As Archangel, Angel and Aspect of Justice, leader of the Heavenly Host and a member of the Angiris Council, Tyrael was born from one of the virtues of the great titan Anu at the beginning of time. He has fought against the forces of Hell since time immemorial. For countless eons Tyrael thought the only principles of justice were the laws of the High Heavens. This view of Creation was shattered once he encountered the denizens of Sanctuary, humans. Humans were the spawn of rogue angels and demons who had become weary of the endless Eternal Conflict that consumed all of the focus of both Heaven and Hell.

While at first many angels saw humanity as an abomination, Tyrael saw the potential for good that resided within this new race. Tyrael would spend much of his time observing humanity, but direct interaction was forbidden by the laws of Heaven. Eventually Tyrael would come to face one of the most difficult decisions of his existence when humanity was endangered by the release of the Prime Evils onto Sanctuary. Tyrael would have to choose between following the law and letting the exiled leaders of Hell destroy mankind or intervening to help save humanity and turning his back on the one central ideal he held most dear. It was this decision that caused Tyrael to learn the true meaning of justice. Justice wasn't upholding some lofty, idealistic laws, it was doing what was right.

Tyrael came to the aid of the humans many times when the Three threatened them. First when he armed humanity with the sacred Soulstones to contain the Prime Evils and again when he sacrificed himself to destroy the corrupted Worldstone to prevent the forces of Hell from pouring into the mortal world, but not even death could stop the embodiment of Justice.

Twenty years later Tyrael would return from death only to find himself put on trial by his peers. Tyrael had done the unthinkable by interfering on behalf of humanity and his answer to the crimes of breaking Heaven's laws was to renounce his divinity. Tyrael would no longer stand among the angels if it meant idly standing by while the innocent suffered. Now a mortal, Tyrael would immediately be faced with another challenge as the forces of Hell sought after the Black Soulstone to unleash the Prime Evil upon Creation.

Tyrael would not face this challenge alone as a mortal Hero; the Nephalem would come to his aid in this battle against the forces of Hell. After a hard fought battle, the forces of the Light would emerge victorious and the Prime Evil would be locked away within the Black Soulstone, but the threat wasn't over. The evil within the Stone would begin to seep out into Heaven and only Tyrael could see the subtle changes within the holiest of realms. Tyrael was again faced with the decision of following the laws of Heaven or breaking them to save his former home, only this time his decision would have far darker consequences.

Nature Pants

While at work, SpongeBob daydreams about becoming a jellyfish and living in Jellyfish Fields; his inattention leads to a fire. SpongeBob explains his wish to Mr. Krabs, who laughs and says that SpongeBob would not last a day in the wild. Undeterred, SpongeBob quits his job and gives away all of his possessions to his friends. He even gives a tearful Patrick his prized jellyfish net, Ol' Reliable. Sandy is shocked to hear of SpongeBob's plans, but SpongeBob does not listen and hopes that maybe one day they will end up like him. After saying goodbye to all his friends, SpongeBob removes his pants (except his shoes) and runs away naked while acting like a jellyfish, leaving Sandy and Squidward somewhat confused as to why he took off his pants. They leave after betting on his maximum time (Sandy gives him a week and Squidward gives him 11 mins) while Patrick starts to cry because he is devastated at the loss of his best friend.

Once he arrives at Jellyfish Fields, SpongeBob is glad to be "home" and he tries to blend in with the other jellyfish. Patrick and Sandy have a picnic to try to trick SpongeBob into coming home, but SpongeBob resists. A crazed and heartbroken Patrick soon returns with SpongeBob's jellyfish net, Ol' Reliable, intent on making SpongeBob his trophy. SpongeBob frantically tries to dissuade Patrick as his former friend chases him through Jellyfish Fields.

SpongeBob eventually jumps into a jellyfish hive out of Patrick's reach, forcing Patrick to give up. When the jellyfish return, they sting SpongeBob and chase him away. That night, SpongeBob tries to sleep in a cave, but feels very itchy. He finds poison sea urchins all over him, forcing him to run out of the cave scratching himself very fast.

Finally realizing that the wilderness is not as good as he thought, SpongeBob tearfully returns to Bikini Bottom. Upon reaching the pineapple, he is greeted with a "Welcome Home" party by his friends. All is forgiven, SpongeBob puts his clothes back on and Mr. Krabs gives him his Krusty Krab employee hat back. Everyone then piles in Squidward for a group hug. However, the poison sea urchin bacteria spreads and everyone except SpongeBob becomes itchy. Therefore, he concludes by stating "It's great to be home!"

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 11: "Crab Attack"


Oda Eiichiro

The voice actors were chosen for the anime so I went to the recording session to learn about it. I was so moved by their stunning performances which were even better than I imagined.


Chapter 51



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107