Chapter 70

Zoro arrives at Arlong Park. Nojiko is introduced and revealed to be Nami's sister.

The Great Adventure of Usopp the Man

Zoro, Usopp and Johnny arrive in front of Arlong Park. In order to prevent Zoro from foolishly attacking the fish-men, he's tied up by Johnny and Usopp while they search for the Going Merry. They soon found it anchored near a local village. Usopp, who acted bravely once away from Arlong Park, becomes a coward again once he notices three Fish-Men next to the boat. He and Johnny flee into the sea once they have been spotted, leaving Zoro alone and powerless in front of the Fish-Men.

When Usopp and Johnny pull themselves out of the sea, they notice that the village has been completely devastated and postulate it was destroyed by the Fish-Men. They are impressed by the power of these creatures. They find one of the Fish-Men has returned to the village, suspicious of Zoro being alone. While Johnny is able to hide himself, Usopp starts running until he bumps into a kid, Chabo, and a woman, Nojiko. When the Fish-Man is about to capture them, Usopp decides to act bravely for once, and tries to defend the two villagers, but is knocked out by Nojiko.

When he wakes up, the three of them are in Nojiko's house, in an orange farm. Nojiko tells them that nobody fights the fish-men because it's suicide. Chabo, a boy from Gosa Village, whose father has been killed, understands this, and returns to his mother rather than seeking revenge.

Usopp understands that Nojiko's intentions are not bad, and tells her that he is looking for Nami. Nojiko then tells Usopp that Nami and her are adopted sisters, and that Nami is a member of Arlong Pirates.

Mission 55

After finishing her fight with the Swordsman, Yor wonders how she found her weapon the way she did and if someone was behind it. Below, Anya hears her thoughts and retreats, not wanting to be spotted. Yor brushes it off and supposes that it was the wind, then checks on Matthew.

Inside the bilge, Loid suspects more bombs hidden in the ship and tells this to everyone inside. Loid explains that if their enemy’s goal is to sink the ship, the bomb he disarmed would not be enough. He suggests evacuating the passengers as a precaution, which the SSS agents refuse, saying they cannot afford to cause a panic, which Loid sees as them trying to save face. The agents make an order to have every free officer and crew member search the ship, and to ensure that none of their VIP passengers notice.

At the ship atrium, Anya rushes back to the daycare and encounters the injured Assassin Leader, who tries thinking of a new strategy to kill Olka. However, he smells explosives inside a clock in the area and realizes it is the doing of the informant. After he leaves, Anya thinks about telling this to Loid, but does not know where he is and wants to avoid revealing her secret. Instead, she tells a nearby crew member that she saw a strange man wiping a booger on the clock. While initially skeptical, the crew member decides to have it checked out.

Outside Princess Lorelei, the informant listens to his bugs on a raft tied to the ship. As he hears that all the assassins have been wiped out, the Leader drops in. Pulling out his switchblade, he asks the informant where he is going, calling him Snoops. He asks what he was thinking by planting the bombs, and Snoops answers that he did so to send Olka and her guards sinking with the boat. The Leader points out that their employer, Leonardo Hapoon, has friends on the ship, and Snoops replies that he made the bombs look like they were from the West, which could spark another war, something he believes Hapoon would like. The Leader tells Snoops to get moving, but they quickly turn on each other when Snoops says he only brought enough supplies for one person on the raft.

Back inside the ship, Loid leads the covert operation in defusing the bombs and is told that a bomb was found on the upper deck. After seeing the bomb hidden inside the clock, Loid wonders if the true goal of the enemy really is to sink the ship. He realizes there will not be enough time to disarm it and instead unscrews the clock from its post and removes it, settling on throwing it into the sea. Meanwhile, the Leader tries to stab Snoops, who catches his arm and points his gun at his head, then explains his master plan of setting off the "real" fireworks show. Despite the crew member's pleas, Loid throws the clock off the ship, just above the Leader and Snoops. The bomb goes off, knocking the assassins off the raft. With the bomb dealt with, Loid tells the crew member to announce something over the intercom to calm everyone down.

Watching from afar, Anya sees that the bomb was stopped and credits herself for it. Suddenly, the daycare worker appears behind Anya, upset at her for running off. Anya says she had to use the bathroom, and as she gets dragged back to the daycare, she says that it might not have been the last bomb, which the lady interprets as Anya needing to go the bathroom again. And as Loid orders the crew to search the ship and to ask the SSS agents to stay on high alert for the rest of the voyage, sharks circle the assassins.

Inside the storage area, Yor and Matthew prepare the inflatable boat for Olka and the others' rendezvous. While Matthew gives Zeb instructions, Yor wishes Olka a great life on the other side and receives a hug as thanks. Despite Yor's protests because of her soiled hands, Olka has her hug Gram, saying that Yor's hands are the reason he has a future. Yor appreciates the gesture and embraces the child, remarking how warm he is.

Before leaving, Olka says she will pray for Yor and her family to find peace and happiness. After she leaves, Matthew and Yor watch for the signal from the retrieval ship. Matthew sees Yor getting sentimental and snaps her out of her daze, reminding her that they are foot soldiers. After pausing for a moment, he relays to Yor that Loid and Anya requested to meet her the next day. Matthew assures her that he will be on the lookout for any more killers and tells her to do as her family asks, to consider it a reward for completing her mission. He then tosses Yor a handkerchief, telling her to put some ice on her face so her family will not notice the swelling. He also tells her to make sure they do not see her chest wound, which an embarrassed Yor says they will not.

After ensuring everything is secure, Twilight returns to the daycare as Loid to pick up Anya, who has fallen asleep. Picking her up, he thinks about how he had to abandon his family again despite resolving the crisis. Realizing what he just said, he reminds himself that his "family" is part of his mission and starts overthinking things all over again.


Brave Hercules, a demigod son of Jupiter, born with impossible strength and force of will; for whom no task is insurmountable, no heroic deed unachievable. Yet, Like all of Jupiter's illegitimate children, Hercules once drew the ire of Juno, and though he is now known as a hero, his greatest achievements might never have been done without Juno's initial tragic involvement.

She struck Hercules mad, and he slew his own children.

Once recovered, grief stricken, Hercules sought penance for his crimes. An oracle of Jupiter advised he should pledge his service to the king Eurystheus, and so Hercules reluctantly did so. Jealous of the demigod, the king set him to twelve impossible tasks, expecting him to fail at the first, to slay the Nemean Lion and return with its hide.

The Nemean Lion captured women and devoured soldiers. Its fur was so thick no weapon could pierce it, and its claws so sharp, no armor could guard against them. Hercules tracked the lion to its mountain caves and drew it out, firing arrows that shattered against the beast's impenetrable coat. Agilely, he dodged as the lion leapt to maul him. In the end, Hercules aimed a powerful shot straight into the lion's roaring maw, a place the powerful fur did not protect, and slew it. Then, using the beasts own claws, he skinned the hide, wearing the mantle proudly as his new armor.

Eurystheus was aghast upon the hero's return. Immediately the legend of Hercules began to grow. Eleven more labours the confounded king set against him, but time after time, year after year, Hercules performed what could not be done, earning fame, glory, and the peace he so desperately sought.

Savior of the Templar

Tassadar, once branded a heretic by the ruling body of the Protoss Empire known as the Conclave, is now considered one of the greatest heroes in the history of this enigmatic race of psionic warriors. From an early age, Tassadar was wholly devoted to the Khala, the protoss religion and psionic link that shared thoughts and emotions between their society. However, he also questioned the Conclave's rigidity, stoicism, and dogmatic obsession with tradition. Despite his reservations about the protoss leadership, his innate intelligence and strength allowed him to rise quickly through the ranks and eventually earned him the rank of Executor of the Empire's forces. He took in a young protoss named Artanis as a pupil, training him in the ways of the Templar.

It was Tassadar who made first contact with both the ravenous zerg and the relatively young terrans. Once the Conclave examined the zerg and realized the threat they posed, they ordered Tassadar to wipe out any signs of their infestation, including worlds inhabited by the terrans. Tassadar, however, felt it was the protoss' responsibility to protect the terrans and refused to carry out his orders unless there was absolutely no hope of saving the planet in question. Eventually Tassadar was ordered to return home and face the Conclave for his insubordination, but he refused in favor of continuing his fight against the zerg as best as he could without sacrificing terran worlds. His fight would eventually bring him into contact with several allies, including a terran named Jim Raynor as well as a group of protoss known as the Dark Templar, an individualistic sect that had been exiled in ages past for refusing to join the Khala. Though initially hesitant to interact with the Dark Templar, Tassadar came to appreciate the powers of the Dark Templar that were lost to those who embraced the Khala by interacting with their Dark Prelate Zeratul. Eventually learning to use those powers for himself and combine them with his understanding of the Khala, Tassadar gained completion beyond the scope of the Khala.

Despite his new abilities, the Conclave abhorred his interactions with the Dark Templar and branded him a heretic to be executed. Ever dedicated to protecting his home regardless of his own fate, Tassadar returned to the protoss homeworld of Aiur to defend it from the zerg, convincing Artanis, Zeratul, Raynor and the protoss hero Fenix to come to his aid. After defeating the Conclave forces that were more intent with stopping him than the zerg, Tassadar rallied what was left of his allies and made in one last stand against the Zerg Overmind. Despite their best efforts, nothing could significantly harm the Overmind, and thus Tassadar sacrificed himself by crashing his carrier into the massive creature while channeling both the Khala-based powers that he had grown up with as well as those of the Dark Templar. The resulting explosion succeeded in killing the Overmind, and while the zerg still rampaged across Aiur their loss of an all-powerful leader gave the protoss the room they needed to survive.

Fools in April

The episode begins with SpongeBob waking up and realizing that it is April Fool's Day. Squidward sees him and wonders what SpongeBob is so pleased about, until he looks at the calendar, and realizes that it is April Fool's Day, which he says is SpongeBob's favorite holiday. Fearing the worst has to come, Squidward calls Mr. Krabs saying he caught something terrible and that he just could not be able to make it to work. Mr. Krabs says that there is an art collector in his office who wants to buy Squidward's art and name him the artist of the month. So, Squidward immediately rushes to the Krusty Krab, only to find that it was a silly prank by SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs. Squidward attempts to resign from his job, but SpongeBob persuades him to stay, promising not to pull any further pranks on him.

However, SpongeBob continues to prank the customers inside the Krusty Krab while not pranking Squidward but getting carried away with it. The customers do not take offense to SpongeBob's pranks as they are harmless and playful in nature and they even laugh with SpongeBob. Although Squidward is not receiving any more tricks as SpongeBob promised, he gets furious over his and the customers' laughter. Eventually, an angry Squidward decides to get revenge on SpongeBob by showing him what he feels is a "real" prank.

Squidward sets an elaborate rope trap attached to an anchor suspended from the ceiling and squirts a blob of mustard in the middle of the lasso. As SpongeBob goes to clean it up, Squidward cuts the rope holding the heavy anchor, causing SpongeBob to get his foot caught in the rope, triggering a chain reaction that sends him flying around the restaurant, colliding into several objects and areas, ending with him into landing in a garbage can. Squidward laughs hysterically at him, but a hurt SpongeBob runs out of the restaurant crying. Bewildered by SpongeBob's reaction, Squidward calls out to him, saying that he was just kidding, and turns to the customers for support. But the customers are appalled by Squidward's prank, seeing it as far too harsh and nasty to be funny. They all feel sorry for SpongeBob and call Squidward out on this as they storm out of the restaurant in disgust. Distressed at their reaction, Squidward frantically insists that it was only a joke, but as he looks around at the damage his prank did to the restaurant, it slowly dawns on him that SpongeBob's pranks were actually funny, harmless, and meant to make people laugh so that SpongeBob could laugh with them. While his prank was just cruel, and meant to hurt and humiliate SpongeBob so he could laugh at him, as he couldn't tolerate the latter being happy. Overcome with immense guilt, Squidward realizes that he has no choice but to apologize to SpongeBob, albeit without any confidence.

Squidward goes to SpongeBob's house and sees SpongeBob's hat behind a rock. He goes over to apologize but then sees that it is just Patrick wearing the hat while digging. Squidward asks why he is wearing the hat and where SpongeBob is, and Patrick tells Squidward that SpongeBob is in the house "impressed" (instead of depressed) and was crying a lot. This, of course, makes Squidward really sad and he rushes over to SpongeBob's house and bangs on the door. He has gone so far as to force his way in, but SpongeBob slides his arm through the door and removes the doorknob, clearly in no mood to talk to him. Losing patience, Squidward gets his clarinet and starts playing badly, refusing to stop until SpongeBob reluctantly answers him. Squidward sadly attempts to apologize, but considering that apologizing to people is not something Squidward usually does, especially to the one person whom he despises the most, it is not so easy.

Squidward tries other methods of apologizing to SpongeBob, including sending him an apology note in a bottle but shoving the cork all the way in the bottle and apologizing to SpongeBob far away via two cans attached to a string, but these are foiled by SpongeBob not having a bottle opener and Patrick using the string as floss, respectively. Eventually, he is able to apologize by putting a bubble over his head, so that SpongeBob cannot even hear his apology. Squidward walks away, saying that his conscience is clear, but is confronted by memories of what he did. After he imagines his mother telling him he stinks, he runs back and genuinely apologizes to SpongeBob, even admitting he likes him, his friends, and everyone else in Bikini Bottom, but tells SpongeBob not to tell anyone. SpongeBob promises not to tell and forgives him, but then fully opens his front door, revealing that everyone else is inside behind him, and witnessed Squidward's apology. They all say "April Fools!" to Squidward, who is flabbergasted by this. Squidward states that he was fooling them as well before running away to his house, while laughing maniacally, causing SpongeBob to ask, "What would we do without Squidward?," ending the episode.

Oda Eiichiro

Happy New Year I wanted to try using a large font just once. But seriously it's just like, definitely a happy time n'stuff.

明けましておめでとう 一度こういうでかい文字を入れてみたかった。しかしあれですねめでたいっすねー

Chapter 71 



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107