Chapter 24

The Usopp Pirates (without Usopp) approach the restaurant Tamanegi saw Usopp enter with the pirates, and confront Luffy, Zoro, and Nami over the fate of their captain. Learning that Usopp had gone to "that place", the Usopp Pirates tell Luffy and the others about Usopp's trips to Kaya's mansion to tell her stories, in an attempt to help brighten her spirits. However her butler, Klahadore, disapproves of Usopp's interactions with Kaya, believing Usopp to be a bad influence for having the blood of a pirate. Luffy's group and the Usopp Pirates arrive just in time to see Klahadore insult Usopp down, before he strikes Klahadore and declares his pride at being the son of a pirate.

Lord of His Pack

Things that can't be faked

Piiman, Ninjin, and Tamanegi sneak across town to the restaurant where Zoro, Nami and Luffy are eating. Afraid their captain is being held hostage, they approach with caution, until they simply barge in and find Usopp gone. Seeing Luffy eating meat scares them, and Zoro jokes about having just eaten their captain. After things settle down, the Usopp Pirates work out that Usopp has gone off to visit the mansion where the sick girl lives. He apparently goes there every day to lie and tell her stories.

At the mansion, Klahadore the butler explains to his mistress Kaya that he will not allow Usopp inside, on account of his lying. He explains that it is his duty to see she is safe and well on behalf of her late father, and mentions there are two bodyguards on the front gate. Despite his efforts, as soon as Klahadore leaves, Usopp appears outside Kaya's window, claiming nothing could keep him away. Usopp goes onto tell her a story about landing on a giant goldfish's excrement and thinking it was an island, making her laugh.

Back at the restaurant the boys finish explaining to Luffy and the others why they like their captain, and Luffy announces they will go to the mansion, both to ask for a ship and to see Kaya.

After they reach the mansion, Luffy climbs over the gate. After Merry tells Klahadore that there are intruders, he enquires about the bodyguards, and Merry says that they're having lunch. As Usopp finishes his story about feeding a giant goldfish to a tribe of dwarves, Luffy and Usopp's pirates appear and greet him. Usopp tells Kaya that they've heard how great he is and want to join him, but Luffy promptly states that that's a lie. As Luffy asks Kaya for a big ship, Klahadore appears and demands to know what they are doing. Klahadore tells Luffy he will not get a ship and that they all need to leave.

Klahadore begins to insult Usopp because his father is a pirate, and that as far as he is concerned all pirates are filthy. When he asks what Usopp wants from Kaya, money or otherwise, Kaya becomes upset. She screams at Klahadore to stop, but the butler continues insulting Usopp, telling him to use one of his usual lies instead of admit to being the son of a pirate. Usopp loses his temper and punches Klahadore for insulting his father, shouting that he is proud to be the son of a pirate.

Mission 9

It is morning in the Forger household, and Loid greets Yor with breakfast as she sleepily enters the kitchen. Yor wonders if Anya is still asleep, and Loid catches sight of her peering around the corner, wondering if what happened yesterday was still bothering her. Loid tells her he is not mad at her and tells her to eat breakfast, and she obliges, apologizing for messing up at school. Yor insists that it was her own fault, and Loid says that what is done is done and should be forgotten as long as she has learned her lesson, telling her to keep her chin up.

At the bus stop, Loid tells Anya to apologize to Damian when she gets to school. She nods, and Yor and Loid wave to her as the bus takes off, Loid telling her to be good as Yor turns to him and says it is about time they get going too. Loid looks at the bus as it retreats and thinks to himself that world peace depends on Anya making up with Damian, encouraging his daughter in his head.

Anya arrives at school thinking to herself that she will do her best and quickly runs into Becky as her chauffeur is waving her off. They greet each other, and Anya excitedly asks Becky if "milady" lives in a castle to which the latter replies that she does not, of course, going on to say that she would be willing to come by and pick up Anya in her car as she notices her friend arrived by bus. Anya wonders if she would get to be milady too, causing Becky to smirk and remark that she never said she would adopt Anya.

Becky remarks to Anya that she is jealous of the boarding house students who do not have to commute as she then catches sight of Damian and his friends, Becky letting out an "Ugh" of disgust as the two groups pass each other. Emile Elman asks her what is with that and Becky replies by asking if they have to be so annoying so early in the morning, as Damian blushes, his friends retaliating behind him. Anya thinks about her father's words and begins to approach Damian to apologize, but Becky pulls her away despite her protests, saying they should hurry away from the trio and to class before they "catch their stupidity." Loid, who had followed his daughter in and was watching her actions from the rooftop, curses and thinks to himself that Becky should not interfere, then wonders if she is under orders from the enemy. He thinks to Anya that, since friendship groups begin coalescing by the first day, she needs to hurry up and makeup with Damian by the end of the day.

In class, Becky and Anya are sitting totally isolated from everyone else as the rest of the students fear Anya after her actions yesterday. They start to gossip about her, but Becky just tells her that humans are superficial and cannot see beneath the surface which causes Anya to ask if she is actually super smart, flattering Becky, who says she would not go that far. Becky then tells her to call her by her name, smiling and saying that she wants to become better friends with Anya, and the gossip fades as Anya realizes that, although school is scary, she will be fine.

The teacher enters and begins taking roll call as Ewen asks Damian why he has not said anything, Damian angrily thinks to himself as he stares at the back of Anya's head that nobody has ever gone against him before, not even his big brother. Anya notices him staring and turns around, but Damian looks away, and the teacher begins the class. Anya falls asleep but awakens when Becky announces that they are going to science class next, the teacher thinks that Anya really is a delinquent if she is sleeping in the first period on her first day. Anya protests, saying she must apologize to Damian first, but Becky tells her that he already left and tells her friend she should just forget about him anyway since she does not think he deserves an apology. Anya says that she has to do it for world peace, and Becky says that it is true that they do not know what he will pull, but that it is fine because she is on her side, hugging her as Anya says that it is okay. Loid, who has, at this point, snuck in and disguised himself as a cleaner, overhears this and thinks that it is not okay. Anya overhears his thoughts with her telepathy and is shocked by his presence.

In science class, the class is outside, and the teacher is discussing sunlight reflection. Anya does not pay attention and catches sight of a lighter patch being reflected in the ground, looking over to find that it spells the phrase "Fortune-telling Yoiko: It is good to apologize today." Anya wonders if it is a message from a god but then looks up to realize that it is just Loid on the school's roof reflecting it down with an etched mirror, thinking to herself that it is a lot of pressure.

In literature class, the students are reading along in their textbooks as the teacher reads a passage, but Anya's has been altered so that it reads about making up with friends instead of sticking to your own beliefs.

At lunch break, Anya sees a piece of paper with "apologize" written on it stuck to another student's back, and the omelet she orders has "Sorry" written on it. As she and Becky sit down to eat, Anya catches sight of Damian and his friends and stands up to go finally apologize, but Becky stops her once again, Loid, who has now disguised himself as another member of staff, snaps and finally decides to go and forcefully remove her interference. He uses the speaker system to summon Becky elsewhere, leaving Anya alone with Damian and his crew.

Anya walks around to where they are sitting and begins to speak but is quickly cut off by Ewen and Emilie, who Damian then tells to shut up. He wonders to himself why he cannot seem to say anything when Anya is right there in front of him, and what the weird feeling in his chest is. Anya decides to quickly apologize as she is getting chills, hearing the thoughts of Ewen and Emilie as they think of potential insults Damian might use to shatter her. This gets to Anya, who then bursts into tears as she says that she is sorry about yesterday and that she wants to be friends. Damian begins to blush furiously as Loid looks over, glad that Anya finally managed to do it, and Ewen asks Damian why his face is red, the latter lying and replying that he is just angry. Damian thinks about how Anya went against him and looked him straight in the face as his heart begins to pound, and he turns away as he decides he would rather die than accept that he likes a commoner like her, running off. A shocked Loid falls to the floor as he realizes that Plan B has been totally ruined. Meanwhile, Damian's friends ask why they are running and he tells them to shut up. Anya shudders, thinking school is scary, and elsewhere, Becky wonders who called her to the lounge.


As the shadow of death spreads across the world, Cliodhna, queen of the banshees, emerges from her palace beneath the earth to haunt the lands of men once more. A daughter of the Tuatha De Danannan, she is beautiful and terrible in equal measure, and her keening signals misfortune to any unlucky enough to hear it, mortal or otherwise. Her magics are potent, and with them she can drive the sea into a frenzy or conjure storms. Such is her reputation that there are few who dare to face her on the battlefield or off.

Though her aspect is sinister, Cliodhna is known to some mortals as a goddess of love and beauty, as well as a herald of death. It is said that her song can heal the sick - or end their suffering. Fittingly, she is known to have a great fondness for mortals - or at least those wise enough to honor her. She is said to sometimes grant boons to those who show her the proper respect even as she lures others to their doom for her own amusement.

Despite this often-capricious nature, she is revered as a patron by those mortals brave enough to seek her blessings, and is known to watch over entire families. It is whispered that she even once took a mortal man as her betrothed and left the hidden lands of the Tuatha De Danannan for him - for a time, at least.

Whatever the truth of such tales, Cliodhna is nevertheless also known as a herald of ruin and death. Her spectral form and eerie voice bring despair to those around her, and she is said to haunt those places where much blood has been shed. That she walks the world once more is sure sign that the long struggle between the pantheons of the world has at last reached its tipping point. But it is anyone's guess whether the queen of the banshees has come to quell the conflict - or bring it to its inevitable conclusion...

King of Stormwind

Anduin Wrynn is the son of Varian Wrynn and heir to the throne of Stormwind. Anduin was for a time following his father's disappearance the king of Stormwind, but following Lady Prestor's unmasking and Varian's return, the latter took up the mantle of king again. His relationship with his father has always been somewhat strained: although he loves and respects his father, he prefers a more peaceful approach to foreign relations, and does not agree with the king's more aggressive tactics. However as time wore on, he began to rub off on his father, who became more appreciative of diplomacy and peaceful tactics. He is also close with Jaina Proudmore and views her as a family member, affectionately calling her "aunt", and was dismayed by her change in personality and world-view as a result of Garrosh Hellscream's actions. He was subsequently relieved when she finally returned to her senses during the Blood War.

In his teenager years, Anduin took up training in the ways of the Light and became a priest, and soon after became a pupil of the Prophet Velen, leader of the draenei. Anduin becomes the King of Stormwind after his father dies heroically against Gul'dan and the Burning Legion, during the Battle for Broken Shore. After taking the throne, Genn Greymane became his second-in-command and military advisor.

The War Effort

With a whoop, Saegan yanked on his fishing rod. The fish went sailing over his head, scales glittering in the afternoon sun, and landed neatly on the huge piscine pile behind him. Whistling through his beard, the dwarf ambled over to his catch, removed the hook, and tied the net around the lot. With calloused, experienced hands, he broke down his pole and line, placing it back in his pack with care. Saegan then swung the full net over his shoulder and limped his way down the dock.

The Menethil gryphon master frowned dubiously at the load on his back as he approached. The gryphons themselves, however, perked up at the smell of fresh fish so close. Saegan smiled and winked. "I'll give a tip to th' gryphon that flies me back home to Ironforge an' keeps this cargo safe." Within minutes he was in the saddle, soaring above the mountains, with a content gryphon clutching the net in its claws.

The fisherman looked down upon Dun Morogh as it came into view. Armies were practicing and mobilizing. Adventurers and scouts left the city via gryphon or mount, riding hard to get to their destination. All around, the tension of impending war grew in the air. As Saegan's gryphon flew through the gate of Ironforge and into the city, the usual bustling sound assaulted his ears, but with an edge. The clangs from the forge were nearly overpowering. The sharp orders of military groups moving out were unmistakable. Ironforge was the center of the Alliance world as it prepared for war.

He dismounted as soon as he landed and gave the fleet gryphon one last fish from his haul. "No more now," he chuckled as the greedy creature clacked its beak toward his net, "this is for th' war." Hefting the load once more, Saegan limped around the Great Forge toward the Bronze Kettle. As he did, he glanced over to the anvil with his good eye. Smiths of all races and creeds toiled over their creations, working as fast as they dared to supply the war effort. He shook his grizzled head as he entered his destination.

Daryl looked up and grinned as Saegan threw the pile of fish on the table. "Some haul," he remarked. "Throwin' a party?"

"You know I'm not," Saegan replied. "Help me clean and gut this lot. I would have done it there, but Menethil's just a hop over the mountains, and besides, I needed a bit of company." He took out a knife and grabbed one of the fish, starting on the business.

For hours, as they prepared and cooked the fish, they spoke about the latest developments. The silithid threat was growing greater with each passing day. Strong adventurers sought the answer to the riddle surrounding the Scarab Gate. The young and the crippled, however, were not idle in the war effort. Supplies were needed on the front lines in Kalimdor: food, metals, herbs, all manner of materials. Orders came in every day, calling for more to be sent across the ocean. Saegan wasn't young, not by any stretch of the imagination; his leg had been badly broken in a skirmish with Tauren some years ago, and he could no longer keep up with the younger, stronger fighters. With reluctance, he'd retired his sword and began fishing in order to supply the fighters with food every night. It wasn't precisely a glorious job, but a necessary one.

At last the rations were made and packed. Daryl helped Saegan wrap and pack them in a crate. "Sure you don't need any help, there, lad?" Daryl asked as the fisherman limped out the door.

"Nah," Saegan called over his shoulder. "I have to do somethin' to help against those damned bugs; this much, at least, I can do on my own." Hefting the fragrant crate, the dwarf slowly made his way to the Military Ward; Huntress Swiftriver would have plenty of food to provide for the soldiers today.

Oda Eiichiro

I went to the party for the 'Big Two' Awards. It's been a while since I let loose singing and partying like that. Feeling rejuvenated is sooo important.


Chapter 25



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107