Chapter 82

Luffy confronts Arlong while the rest of the crew fight the other fish-men.


After Luffy's explosive entrance, Arlong identifies himself, to which Luffy does likewise as he walks towards him. He is stopped by two of Arlong's men, stating that he needs to speak to them before continuing, but Luffy simply slams the two's heads together and knocks them out, which shocks Arlong and the other crew members. Arlong asks what another pirate wants with him, but Luffy ignores his attempts at diplomacy and throws a huge punch in the fish-man captain's face, sending him crashing into the opposite wall, appalling the rest of the Arlong Pirates. While doing so, he remembers Nami's tearful plea for help. Arlong doesn't seem to be hurt despite what just happened, and instead angrily wonders what Luffy is doing, as Luffy furiously shouts that Arlong made his navigator cry.

After this declaration of war, the fish-men attack Luffy. However, they are easily knocked back by a few kicks from Sanji, further angering Arlong. As the rest of the crew enter, Sanji berates Luffy for rushing in ahead, but Luffy replies that he won't lose. Sanji retorts he wasn't worried about Luffy, and simply wanted him to leave some fighting for the rest of them. In the very back Usopp says he doesn't mind if Luffy doesn't share, and Zoro needles him over his lack of courage. The rest of the pirates are surprised to see Zoro, with Hatchan particularly enraged after Zoro tricked him, and they are shocked to see that Usopp is still alive as well. Just outside, The rest of the villagers are astonished by the Straw Hat's abilities. Johnny and Yosaku state that even even those four can't defeat the fish-men, there's no hope for the East Blue, and they again make their dedication to preventing the villagers from interfering clear. Genzo demands to know why these men are going so far for their sake, and the pair simply declare that it's enough of a reason that they made Nami cry. Arlong realizes that the four are here for Nami, but he simply laughs, asking what humans can possibly do to fish-men. Hatchan states that Arlong doesn't have time to waste on them, as he summons Momoo with his trumpet-call, to the horror of the villagers and Usopp, as it's revealed he was the one who destroyed Gosa. However, Momoo is still hurt from his earlier encounter with Luffy and Sanji, who are not very surprised to see him again. Remembering the beating he received at their hands, Momoo turns and runs, to Hatchan's bewilderment. Arlong then demands to know if Momoo is running, and while he says he won't stop him, he smiles evilly while doing so. Momoo freezes and begins shaking in fear before deciding he's more afraid of Arlong than he is of the Straw Hats, and turns around and charges them, with the rest of the fish-men following. As the Straw Hat crew ready for a fight, Luffy angrily states that this is a waste of time. He stomps the ground hard enough to embed himself in the rock up to his ankles, winds his body up, and stretches his arms out to grab Momoo's horns, shocking the fish-men with his reveal of his Devil Fruit abilities. Zoro shouts for Sanji to run for it, as he has a bad feeling about what Luffy's about to do, which is confirmed as Luffy uses is wound up body to swing Momoo around him in a giant circle, slamming him into fish-men and the pillars holding up the canopy of the tower, collapsing them. Luffy then sends the unconscious sea cow flying off into the water, as he dramatically turns to Arlong and states that he's only here to beat up him. Arlong, now thoroughly enraged, declares that's perfect, as he now plans on killing Luffy himself. Hatchan, Kuroobi, and Chew prepare to enter the fight themselves, which Zoro is excited about. Meanwhile, Usopp and Sanji angrily berate Luffy for his reckless move.

Mission 64

At the end of the school day, Martha Marriott and Becky Blackbell leave Anya Forger at the school bus station. However, as Anya waits for the bus, someone announces that due to a medical emergency with the bus driver, the next service will be late, so Anya decides to stay and wait. Henry Henderson sees her alone and asks her to help him carry some school supplies. Anya is hesitant but agrees when he offers her some tea cakes. As they walk back to the school, Henderson asks Anya if she is having fun at school. Anya replies that she is doing okay, but quickly asks if she will get a Tonitrus for not having fun. Henderson tells Anya that she will not and can rely on him if she is having problems at school.

When Anya obliviously says she is fine, Henderson is shocked to see her in a good mood despite already receiving two Tonitrus Bolts, and feels embarrassed for thinking he needed to step in and show teacherly concern for her. As Anya reads his mind, she too is shocked since she completely forgot about that. Worried about not getting her sweets, Anya says she is a little bit worried about the Tonitrus, calming Henderson. Anya tells him she now carries many handkerchiefs since her last Tonitrus was for not having one.

Henderson explains that the real issue is one's attitude toward preparedness and personal grooming, citing them as building blocks for elegance. Donna Schlag's harshness is her way of keeping students from getting sloppy as they grow comfortable with school. Anya responds in confusion, which Henderson attributes to her youth. Anya tries to impress him by saying she understands while spitting out a nonsensical response, shocking Henderson even more as he realized Anya really did not understand a single word he said. Henderson tells her she must be disciplined at all times, and Anya asks if she will get a Stella by being disciplined. Henderson understands that Anya wants to be an Imperial Scholar and asks what her reasons and goals are. Anya thinks of Loid's mission but tells her teacher that she thinks the Stellas look cool. Henderson believes Anya is superficial and reminds her that in the admissions interview, she said she wanted to be like the headmaster. As Anya does not remember saying it, she repeats she only cares about getting all the Stars quickly.

An upset Henderson tells her not to disrespect the Imperial Scholars and Stella since most of the students who got to be Imperial Scholars spilled blood and sweat to become great people and achieve big things. He takes her to the hall of fame of the most outstanding students from Eden, all of whom are Imperial Scholars, and explains how hard they worked to achieve that title. Anya realizes that she must work hard one day at a time, like with Loid's mission, and asks Henderson if he thinks she can become an Imperial Scholar. He says he cannot respond to that, as every student must decide that for themselves, and there is no need to rush.

They arrive at Henderson's office, and as promised, he gives Anya tea cakes. He asks Anya if she would like to review some problems she got wrong on a quiz, but she leaves once she finishes eating to watch Spy Wars. After she leaves, Henderson thinks to himself how education is never easy. Anya arrives home and greets her family before noticing her parents are worn out. Reading their minds, she realizes how hard they work. With newfound resolve, Anya asks Loid to study with her, but he jumps to the conclusion she got another Tonitrus and collapses, with Yor catching him.


Reveling in the joys of life, Bastet, daughter of Ra, is the sensual embodiment of her feline form. This cat, however, has the fiercest claws.

Cats are creatures that demand worship. They are regal, nonchalant, and insatiable. Though, as much as they languish in the sun and rumble with purrs of pleasure, cats are agile and deadly hunters. Mercilessly, they cull the populations of invasive vermin and stinging scorpions, protecting the home from vile invaders. Perhaps, the most troublesome enemy of the cat is the serpent, and there was no greater snake in the world than the horrendous Apep.

Circling the world along the horizon line, Apep's scaly girth waited in ambush each morning for Ra to rise and bring light to the world. To fend off this beast, Ra kept the company of his daughter, Bastet. Since time began, as Ra lifted into the Eastern sky, Bastet would spit and howl, claws bared against the treacherous Apep. Countless battles were fought, countless mornings faced uncertainty, until, at last, Bastet tore the foul serpent apart.

With her greatest enemy gone, Bastet is free to prowl as she pleases. Now, she is the guardian of home and hearth, idol to women - especially those desiring children and exploring their sensuality - and patron of arts, wine, and any occasion of revelry. Like any cat, though, Bastet can still pounce without warning, shredding her enemies once her claws come out.

Agent of Overwatch

The former Overwatch agent known as Tracer is a time-jumping adventurer and an irrepressible force for good.

Lena Oxton (call sign: "Tracer") was the youngest person ever inducted into Overwatch's experimental flight program. Known for her fearless piloting skills, she was handpicked to test the prototype of a teleporting fighter, the Slipstream. But during its first flight, the aircraft's teleportation matrix malfunctioned, and it disappeared. Lena was presumed dead.

She reappeared months later, but her ordeal had greatly changed her: her molecules had been desynchronized from the flow of time. Suffering from "chronal disassociation," she was a living ghost, disappearing for hours and days at a time. Even for the brief moments she was present, she was unable to maintain physical form.

Overwatch's doctors and scientists were stumped, and Tracer's case seemed hopeless until a scientist named Winston designed the chronal accelerator, a device capable of keeping Tracer anchored in the present. In addition, it gave Tracer the ability to control her own time, allowing her to speed it up and slow it down at will. With her newfound skills, she became one of Overwatch's most effective agents.

Since Overwatch's dissolution, Tracer has continued to right wrongs and fight the good fight wherever the opportunity presents itself.[


As the episode commences, SpongeBob and Patrick are given the task of pet-sitting Sandy's pets while she is out of town. One of the many animals left in their care is a small Monarch caterpillar named Wormy. Despite him requiring the least attention, SpongeBob and Patrick quickly befriend the caterpillar and enjoy a day of play together. As the two leave, they vow to have even more fun with Wormy the next day.

Overnight, Wormy undergoes a quick metamorphosis and becomes a monarch butterfly. When they return the following morning, SpongeBob and Patrick search for their new friend, but merely see what looks like a beautiful winged creature instead. Upon opening the jar and finding only Wormy's discarded chrysalis and best friend ribbon inside, Wormy flies onto SpongeBob's helmet who gets a close up of a frightening bug. SpongeBob and Patrick scream in horror as they come to the grim conclusion that this "horrific beast" has devoured Wormy and is now on the loose. They try to trap the supposed monster by disguising Patrick as bait. When this fails after Patrick sees it up close, SpongeBob manages to encase the butterfly in a bubble and releases him outside the treedome, in an attempt to "save" Sandy's pets. However, now the butterfly is loose in Bikini Bottom, so SpongeBob and Patrick chase after him.

Beating the creature to the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob interrupts Squidward's photoshoot of Mr. Krabs with the very first dollar he earned at the Krusty Krab, so he could warn Mr. Krabs and Squidward, both of whom scoff at the tiny insect. Squidward and Mr. Krabs have a look and they both laugh until they sees the butterfly's close-up. Upon seeing this, they both scream in terror as their teeth and eyes fall out. The two are scared senseless and run away, leaving their discarded undergarments behind. This causes SpongeBob and Patrick to believe that they were also eaten.

SpongeBob and Patrick begin to spread news of the "terrible monster" throughout Bikini Bottom. Mass chaos erupts with every tiny flap of his wings, and as a result of the people's hysteria, the whole town ends up destroyed in a fire.

A few days later, Sandy arrives back at the ravaged town, saying that it looks like a twister hit it and wonders where everyone is. Wormy then flies up to her and she recognizes him, saying that he was not supposed to change until her return, unzips her suit, grabs a jar, and places him inside. As the episode concludes with all the townsfolk cheering and celebrating the capture of the so-called monster, Sandy believes it to be just because they missed her that much and thinks maybe she should go out of town more often.

Oda Eiichiro

I was so moved by Morita-sensei's comment from Issue 16!! Phew, gotta do my best. Thank you so much


Chapter 83



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107