Chapter 44

Deciding on how Luffy can repay the damages done to his restaurant, things quickly become violent when Luffy refuses the conditions. Meanwhile, the Baratie's staff walk in on Sanji holding a bloodied Fullbody off the ground, and after Zeff and Luffy crash down Fullbody is forced to leave. However one of his men arrives in a panic, and reports that a prisoner has escaped before said prisoner arrives, demanding food from the staff. After being rejected violently, Sanji finds the starving man outside and offers him food despite the other chefs decision, to which after witnessing this Luffy declares he will be his chef.


Three Tough Cooks

Luffy is trying to work out a much shorter time for working at the Baratie then the one Zeff proposes. But Zeff states he did the damage and now must repair it. When Luffy rudely states he will not accept, Zeff kicks him with his peg leg and offers a much faster way of repairing his debt; have one of his legs cut off. Luffy refuses once more and berates Zeff causing the chef to kick at him once more.

Meanwhile Patty is preparing himself to greet customers, although he means well in practice he is getting everything round the wrong way. To his horror, when he finally goes to work, Sanji is holding the bloodstained Fullbody by the neck. The two insult each other before breaking into a fight. However when Fullbody threatens to have the place shut down, Sanji simply states he cannot let the Marine live now. The other chefs grab Sanji to prevent the Marine from being killed, at that moment Zeff and Luffy come crashing through the ceiling. The two get up and continue to argue, Zeff's attention is drawn to Sanji as the other chefs plea for his behavior to stop. After stopping Sanji with a kick, Zeff kicks out Fullbody who comments these chefs are no better than pirates.

At that moment Fullbody's attention is drawn by one of his men who reports the prisoner has escaped from his cell and 7 of Fullbody's men could not stop him. Fullbody dismisses it, stating that he was starving when they found him and had gone for the last 3 days without any food given to him. When the Marine asks for forgiveness, the prisoner appears and shots the Marine to the ground with a single shot. He walks in and sits at a table with his feet up on it. Patty walks up to the man and treats him with respect to the horror of the other customers. When Gin threatens to pay for his food with bullets since he has no money, Patty clobbers the man, breaking one of Zeff's chairs. Patty kicks the man about to the cheering of the customers while Fullbody makes an escape.

Outside the restaurant, the man lays hungry, Sanji appears and gives him food. Sanji is happy at the man's reactions, who comments its the best food he has had in his life. Luffy comments on he has found his chef.

Mission 29

Henry Henderson instructs the children to investigate an occupation that interests them for their next social studies project. He suggests various methods, such as interviewing their parents about their jobs, making inquiries at a local business, getting their parents to arrange an interview with a prominent figure in their field, or even asking himself about educators. He adds that they will each prepare a report about their chosen profession and present it to the class on Friday. Becky Blackbell decides she'll choose her father's company and asks Anya Forger about her choice. In the back, Emile Elman asks Damian Desmond if he's going to interview his dad, to which Damian replies that he will if he can get hold of him.

After returning home, Yor Forger asks what is a "job investigation" and Anya explains that she has to ask how someone got their job and why they choose it, as well as watch them at work. As Yor is briefly confused about what to do and which job, the scene moves to Yor's imagination of bringing Anya to her secret job as an assassin, with Anya dressed in a similar outfit as Yor's assassin outfit. Yor explains that she initially took the job to provide for her brother, but now does it with pride as the Shopkeeper says the job is a noble calling and she should be proud as any soldier who devoted their lives to their homeland.

The phone rings as the Shopkeeper calls Yor with a mission. Yor looks at a document with a photo and details of her latest "customer", calling him a traitorous scum but refrains from telling Anya about a list of his deeds. Yor runs to meet her newest customer, telling Anya to keep up with her. Yor explains that "The Shop" analyzes the target's capabilities and defenses, so all she needs to do is finish the job. She adds that she should kill on sight but killing the wrong person would be out of the question, so she studies the photos carefully. Yor states that she does not skulk as she should not be the one ashamed and Anya tells her she is so cool.

As Yor expertly disables several guards, Yor clarifies that she feels that the job is rewarding as she gets the feeling that she is digging in and doing her part to clean up the country and it invigorates her to think of all the lives saved by her work. Yor explains that properly honing your body and skills is important in this line of work, along with a good understanding of human anatomy. She reminds Anya to always remember that the target is a human being who deserves a painless death as she politely asks the target for the honor of taking his life. She demonstrates while explaining several methods of quickly killing the target, liberally splashing Anya with blood. Seeing the blood-covered Anya, Yor says that they will tell Loid Forger they were at a tomato festival.

Back to reality, Anya stares at Yor and decides to report on Loid's job instead, having read Yor's imagination. Yor agrees as her work at city hall can be a bit dull. Loid soon returns home and Anya explains her assignment.

Two days later, Loid brings Anya dressed as a detective to Berlint General Hospital where he works in the Psychiatry Department. Anya is amazed at the huge size of the hospital. Loid comments that it is the capital's most prominent hospital. Anya overhears Loid's mental thoughts that a private-practice clinician might have made for an easier cover story, but he decided to work there as it provides opportunities to steal intel and forge connections, as there are many major figures in politics, industry and the military using the hospital. Anya quickly notes his thoughts in her notebook, to Loid's confusion. Loid wonders why Anya is dressed like a detective. Anya answers that it is how investigators dress.

Loid changes into a lab coat, explaining that he finds it looks more professional although psychiatrists don't generally wear lab coats. Loid asks what Anya wanted to know about his work as they walk down the hallway. Anya looks at her notebook and asks why he chose this occupation. Loid replies that everyone catches colds sometimes, but many people catch colds in their minds as well. Anya comments that Damian said she was too dumb to even catch a cold in P.E. class and Loid tells her to try to get along with Damian. Loid continues that he thought it would be good to try to help those people and that many people, especially veterans, are still suffering long after the war has ended. Anya reads Loid's mind that he hoped that working as a doctor would give him an opportunity to approach Donovan Desmond if he ever got sick and writes it down in her notebook.

Next, as Anya asks what Loid's workplace is like, some hospital staff recognize Loid and greet him. They notice Anya and ask if that's his daughter with him. Loid introduces the staff to Anya and tells Anya to introduce herself. The staff praise Anya, patting her head and offering her candy. Anya happily notes that Loid's workplace is paradise in her notebook. Anya asks the staff what Loid is like when he's at work. They praise Loid, saying he is always polite and kind to the patients and that everyone at the hospital adores him. One of the staff tells Loid the director wants to play golf with him. Anya overhears Loid's thoughts that maintaining a diverse collection of contacts is important to make it easier to gather information and forge new contacts, as well as reduce suspicion of him being a spy.

Anya asks Loid what the hardest part of his job is. Loid explains that the wounds he treats are not visible, thus treating them is difficult as doctors are not wizards and cannot see inside someone's mind, causing Anya to smirk. Loid tries to continue explaining the importance of building a relationship of trust with patients, but Anya is distracted by eating the candy given by the staff and the staff continues to indulge Anya, causing Loid to state that the interview is over angrily.

As the staff leave, Anya tells Loid she wants to see him work. Loid says he can't let her see him work with a patient as it would be a violation of medical ethics, nor can he show his research to the public. Loid shows Anya one of the empty consultation rooms. Anya begins to fiddle with the bookshelf in boredom. Loid quickly stops Anya, revealing an emergency escape route for when he goes on missions in the bookshelf through his thoughts. Someone knocks on the door of the consultation room; Loid recognizes it as one of her WISE colleagues and asks Anya if she wants Loid to have Yor pick her up. Anya says she'll wait for him to be done with work. Loid provides Anya with a sand table to play with while she waits. Loid warns her not to touch anything else and leaves. Anya quickly gets a scheming look after he leaves.

Outside the consultation room, Fiona Frost gives Loid some documents, disguising another mission for Loid. Loid explains that WISE has placed a number of assets in the hospital to support his cover story. Fiona asks if the little girl is Anya Forger and comments that they seem close. Loid sighs, saying Anya's unpredictability annoys him and Fiona is surprised that someone can get the better of him.

In the consultation room, Anya pulls a lever hidden in the bookshelf, revealing a ladder leading below the room. Anya investigates the escape route, squeezing past a tight passage before she hears a voice from a vent. In the room below, several men are having a serious meeting about the neuroscience behind paranormal perception. Anya is excited about ghosts and lies down to listen, accidentally hitting a metal pipe in the process. The men are confused about sudden noise but nervously dismiss it. Anya remembers she needs to return before Loid does. However, she realizes her leg is stuck under a pipe. Her struggling sounds while freeing herself are mistaken by the men for a ghost. She manages to escape and hurries back. The men decide to keep an open mind when patients speak of ghosts.

Anya just returned in time when she hears Loid's thoughts as he returns. She quickly makes something on the sand table before he comes in. Loid analyzes her sand table to observe her subconscious mind but is shocked by her sand table being utter chaos. Loid believes Anya is subconsciously stressed by her recent adoption, blaming himself for failing as a parent and a spy and decides she needs immediate care. Anya tries to explain that she just mixed it all up but flushes in embarrassment at Loid's thoughts. Loid suggests they buy the new Spy Wars on their way home and offers to work on the report together. He picks up her notebook to read, causing Anya to panic as she wrote about his spy work. However, Anya's writing is unintelligible, so Anya says she'll work on the report herself.

When they return home, Yor asks if Anya managed to see Loid perform his concussive therapy, describing the way he punches and kicks and leg sweeps his patients. Loid tries to explain to Yor that it's only for extreme circumstances.

On Friday, Anya Forger reads out her report to the class. While she initially presents Loid's normal activities as a psychiatrist, Anya mentions that Loid is determined to make connections and even plays golf at his job and uses a secret escape route. Anya even says that Loid sometimes punches and kicks his patients, shocking Henry. When Loid is summoned to the school, he manages to talk his way out with his equivocation skill.


Like his sister, Amaterasu, Susano was born to rule, but he was tempestuous, with a flaring anger, wicked tongue, and a penchant for destruction. Their father, Izanagi, would have none of it and decreed that Susano live in the Underworld. His mood dark at this news, Susano committed heinous acts of vandalism and murder. Acts that sent Amaterasu into shameful hiding.

Cast low, Susano descended to earth on his way to the Underworld. He carried only his Ten-Span Sword, and regret for his actions. What had his defilements achieved but to envelop the world in darkness? This was his nature, to broil like a storm, to frighten and destroy what stood in his path.

But a storm could also herald life.

At a river side, Susano ventured upon an elderly couple, weeping and cradling their young daughter. Eight children, they'd had once, but now only one remained; seven devoured by the eight-headed serpent. Susano was resolved. To atone for his crimes, to prove his father wrong, to better himself, Susano would slay this beast.

Eight traps he laid, one for each head of the creature, with eight tubs of aromatic saké as bait. Slithering forward, the Orochi spread its gruesome heads to drink from the trapped tubs. Susano cut the rope. Gates dropped. The heads were imprisoned. One by one, he chopped the eight necks, until only the wriggling tail remained. Sweeping his blade split the reptilian hide, leaving notches in his blade but revealing a brilliant sword inside: the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi.

To his sister, he gave the blade. An act of atonement, but not an apology. His true nature would never change, but his intention could.

Though seen on the battlefield of the Gods, Susano's fight is not truly against those foes, but within himself. He is a raging summer storm, struggling to focus that destructive power at evil, and atoning when the innocent are harmed.

Warlord of the Amani

Zul'jin is a warlord of the Amani forest trolls and has been chieftain of the Amani tribe since before the Second War. Zul'jin and the Amani tribe were allied with the orcish Horde for the duration of the Second War, but Zul'jin himself was captured near its end by the Alliance. Upon gaining his freedom he went into hiding to rebuild his army and plan an attack on the remnants of the high elves, now known as blood elves, only to find them allied with the Horde.

A fierce forest troll of the Amani tribe, Zul'jin's ability as a warrior and leader meant he was able to do what no other troll had done since the Troll Wars: unite the warring tribes of Zul'Aman under a single leader. He was infamous for his daring raids on the outskirts of Quel'Thalas at a time when trolls had been completely beaten into obscurity by the high elves. Some claimed he planned to unite all trolls, but his plans were quickly put on hold by the events of the Second War.

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy

SpongeBob and Patrick begin the episode watching a TV series centered around the famous superhero duo - Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, and subsequently roleplay as them. They decide to visit Squidward and pretend he is the supervillain Reflecto. Squidward is quickly annoyed at his neighbors' antics, and tell them that Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy actually live in a nursing home, having retired years earlier. SpongeBob and Patrick decide that these crime fighters have resume their careers, and go to the Shady Shoals Rest Home, where they are met by the male nurse. He escorts the friends to the superheroes and tells them not to surprise them. SpongeBob tells them that superheroes should no longer be retired, but they should continue to fight evil. Mermaid Man creates a panic when he hears the word, "evil," leading the caretaker of the nursing home to throw SpongeBob and Patrick out for surprising them.

While the former crime fighters are going to the cafeteria for lunch, SpongeBob, refusing to give up, arrives and makes an inspiring speech about how superheroes should not be retired. After SpongeBob is done with his speech, Mermaid Man angrily pronounces SpongeBob man and wife (meaning that he'll be banished from the Shady Shoals Rest Home forever and never return), alerting the caretaker, who is told to "kiss the bride" (meaning he'll help Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy banish SpongeBob).

SpongeBob and Patrick come up with a new plan to free the superheroes from retirement: SpongeBob, disguised as a woman, "complains" about the weight of a purse he is holding, and Patrick, disguised as a criminal, "steals" it. Suddenly, Barnacle Boy, who is in no way deceived by the disguises, comes to SpongeBob and tells him to pipe down because Mermaid Man is taking a nap (with his eyes open), but he tells Barnacle Boy to stop shouting and they start arguing, until SpongeBob interrupts them and says that he and Patrick have painted their invisible boatmobile. After telling SpongeBob and Patrick that their invisible boatmobile is supposed to be invisible, Barnacle Boy becomes fed up with SpongeBob and Patrick bothering and irritating him and Mermaid Man as he decides to end the argument and convinces Mermaid Man that evil is right in front of them. He takes out their rings, and they resume their careers. The newly reunited crime-fighters get into a fight with SpongeBob and Patrick, who are impervious to their attacks and joyed that they have brought their heroes out of retirement. Finally, the heroes are lucky: they are helped by elderly residents of a nursing home, who pick up SpongeBob and Patrick and throw them away from the retirement home. The heroes then celebrate on a job well done.

Eventually, a new show of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy is created: The New Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. The duo play checkers, then suddenly, the phone rings. Mermaid Man picks up upside-down, fails to hear the person on the other line, and hangs up, thinking the phone is broken. The announcer says, "Will our heroes ever get their phone fixed? Tune in next week and find out." After watching the new episode SpongeBob enjoyed it as he thought it was better than the old show, and when SpongeBob winks, the words appear: "Wink!"

Oda Eiichiro

Went to the One Piece anime's voice acting audition to learn more about it. How to describe it. The power of their voices in person is amazing. I can't wait to see Luffy and the gang actually talking.

アニメ「ONE PIECE」の声優オーディションを見学してきた。何てゆんでしょうか。生声優の迫力がスゴいんです。早くルフィ達の喋るところを観てみたいです。

Chapter 45



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107