Chapter 14

Mohji returns to warn Buggy about Luffy, but collapses before he can give Buggy the full details. Back in the town, Nami's opinion of Luffy has begun to change, but the mayor is frustrated that while Luffy and Chouchou fought, he did nothing. Buggy then fires one of his Buggy Balls at the mayor's house where Zoro had been sleeping and destroys it. The swordsman emerges with no new injuries, and the mayor finally decides to stand up to the Buggy Pirates with Luffy, Zoro, and (reluctantly) Nami.

The Blank Scroll


Mohji reports back to Buggy; despite being afraid to tell Buggy about his failure, he feels he must warn him. However, he faints while he is warning him. The crew cannot make out what Mohji was trying to say, but Buggy becomes aware that he is facing a tough man and orders his men to hurry up the preparation of the Buggy Balls.

Outside the town, Chouchou arrives at the camp the townsfolk are staying at, injured but safe (to everyone's relief). Since Boodle failed to return with the dog, they are now worried.

Back in the town, Nami has changed her mind about Luffy being a pirate. The mayor gets frustrated at the pirates in the town, because while Chouchou and Luffy fought hard he stood back and did nothing. The mayor tells Luffy and Nami how only 40 years ago, the land was nothing but bare earth, and how the people moved here to forget all about the pirates that had previously done them wrong. The mayor declares the town is his treasure.

At that moment, Buggy launches a Buggy ball that hits the Mayor's house where Zoro was sleeping, making everyone fly from the ball's incredible damage. Luffy and the Mayor go crazy because Zoro is in the house, but Zoro simply gets up out of the rubble, awake and relatively unharmed. The mayor is in shock as his life's work is torn apart, and he cannot sit by while this is happening. Nami tries to calm him down, but the mayor is too upset about what is happening. As the mayor runs off, Luffy ensures Nami he will not let him die. Luffy asks Nami to join him, but Nami declares she will not become a pirate. However, she will help Luffy in exchange for any treasure they find.

As Buggy has a second shot readied, the Mayor shows up and stands in the way. He makes a stand against the pirates as elsewhere Luffy, Zoro, and Nami make their way to Buggy.

Extra Mission 1

In their kitchen, Loid thanks Yor for breakfast as he begins to exit the house, saying that he will be working late again as his wife and daughter see him off.

Elsewhere, and sometime later, a bomb goes off and Loid leaves a building as he mutters that his mission is complete. He then meets up with a WISE agent in the city who asks him to report his progress on Operation Strix, and Loid lets him know that he has secured both a wife and a child as they smoke together. The agent is pleased and tells him not to draw attention to himself, something Loid already knows. He coughs as he walks off, and the agent asks if he has stopped smoking, to which the spy replies that he has got a kid now.

Back in the Forger's apartment, Yor suggests to Anya that they eat out that night, thinking to herself that Loid must be busy as a doctor. Anya reads her mind and smiles as she thinks about how he is not really a doctor but a spy. She then walks over to Yor and announces that she will help her wash up, and Yor thanks her before thinking to herself that the smell of blood belonging to the man she killed last night just was not getting out, shocking her daughter.

Loid makes his way back home and thinks to himself that WISE really does not have enough manpower since he has to handle so many missions. When he enters the apartment block, he overhears his neighbors gossiping about how he works too late and never really spends time with his wife and daughter. They wonder if he is having an affair or got fired from his job, and Loid thinks to himself that he has been too careless and not focused enough on his main mission as he walks up to his home. He opens the door and shouts to Yor and Anya that they are going out as a family the next time he gets a day off, asking them if there is anywhere they want to go. Anya is currently drawing a penguin, so Loid suggests the aquarium. Yor asks Loid if he should just rest on his day off, to which her husband responds that they need to prioritize doing things a normal family would if they want to make their false marriage convincing.

A few days later, Anya, Yor, and a visibly tired Loid make their way out of their apartment, Yor asking her husband once again if he should just rest. He says he will be fine as they walk past some of the other residents, one of them remarking to the other that all three Forgers together was not something you saw every day as Loid announces that they are going to the aquarium. Anya says that her parents are very normal and that they are taking her out to play for the day, Loid thinks to himself about how suspicious that sounded as he says goodbye to the women and exits the building.

At the subway, Loid notices a sign from his contact and excuses himself from his family so he can "get a drink." A woman from the agency waiting for him at the subway's store informs him that he has a mission that day, but Loid says that he cannot as today is an important one for Operation Strix, Anya solidifies his point as she runs over to ask him to hurry up or the aquarium will go out of business. The agent, surprised, asks him if he has already identified the aquarium as the drop-off point for the aforementioned mission's task, but Loid says that it is a coincidence and orders a coffee and juice. He gets pressed again, so he simply asks for his order again until the woman manages to convince him to accept the mission by listing the people who would be affected if it was not carried out.

The Forgers enter Berlint Aqualand and Anya excitedly runs around naming all the creatures in the tanks, Yor remarking how much fun Anya is having before turning to an even more tired-looking Loid and saying he really does not look too good. Loid figures that he already accomplished his goal of showing the neighbors that they are a normal family, so he is fine to focus on the mission now until he realizes that two of the neighbors who had been gossiping about him earlier have also arrived at the aquarium. Yor greets them and asks if they would like to go around together with the Forgers, much to Loid's silent disagreement. He decides to finish the mission as fast as he can so he can go back to acting normal and goes over the intel he received about retrieving microfilm that had been swallowed by one of the aquarium's penguins before enemy agents have the chance to pick it up. Loid suggests to the group that they visit the penguins first, and they oblige.

They enter the penguin park, Anya excitedly exclaiming as a tour guide announces that there are over 200 penguins of all species, and Loid dejectedly wonders to himself how he is supposed to know which penguin has the capsule. He figures that there must be a way of identifying it, and Anya reads his mind and points out a sick-looking penguin that seems as if it has something lodged in its throat via her ESP. Loid excuses himself again to "get a drink" and disguises himself as a new recruit for the penguin park, knocking out the real one and putting him in a locker.

The superior leads the disguised Loid into the penguin park and tells him that he will teach him how to feed them, saying that the first step is learning all the names and faces of the penguins and then asking him if he even looked at the file given to him with that information on. He says he skimmed over it, which disappoints the superior until he realizes that Loid managed to remember all the penguins' names just from that brief reading as he names them. He asks Loid how he is doing that to which the spy responds that they look totally different from one another, impressing the man who then leads him away to feed the birds. Loid finds the sick-looking bird Anya pointed out to him but is quickly swarmed by penguins wanting the bucket of fish he now holds; the superior tells him that he needs to be careful when feeding them as they all have different diets. Loid swiftly uses his honed observation skills to feed each penguin the exact right amount at a quick rate, greatly impressing the other staff once again. He then picks up the sick emperor penguin, Parlie, and tells them he is taking it to the infirmary as it looks sick, leaving the area.

Now outside, he looks down the penguin's throat and realizes that there is something down there, also noticing a mark on its foot. A man approaches him from behind and asks what he is doing to the penguin, offering to carry it for him when Loid explains that he is taking it to the infirmary. Loid says that non-staff members are not allowed to touch the animals, and the man produces an ID and introduces himself as "Hurry Taylar," the marine biologist who oversees all the animals there. Loid takes the ID and smudges the print, exposing it as a poorly made fake. The terrorist asks who sent him as he produces a gun which Loid swiftly knocks out of his hand with a bucket, causing him to panic and run away. Another staff member sees Loid and shouts out to him, asking where he is going as Loid decides not to give chase to the criminal and instead prioritizes taking the film.

Anya sees the commotion from a balcony and manages to grab onto the terrorist's coat as he runs past her, calling out to Yor that she is being kidnapped. Yor grows angry and gives chase, kicking the man into the ceiling and thus "saving" her daughter, wondering to herself if she overdid it a little. Afterward, Loid is able to both secure the film and learn about the terrorist organization.

Yor and Anya rejoin the women from their apartment, who then wonder again if Loid is having an affair before Loid runs in holding a large penguin plushie. He apologizes for taking so long and hands the plushie to Anya, explaining that it was a prize for a "Name all the penguins" contest the aquarium had been holding that he tried again and again to win. Anya looks up at him as she thinks to herself that he is a liar as he got it the first try. One of the women remarks that Loid is surprisingly thoughtful, but Loid just replies that he is your average dad who gets dragged every which way to keep his family happy. Now having smoothed things down on both ends, Loid thinks to himself that he is sick of being worked like a dog and will ask HQ for a long vacation, then reconsidering as he remembers that, to gain a country without war, he does not have time to rest. Anya then asks him if they can see the dolphin show, but Loid replies that he needs a breather first.

Elsewhere, the employee that Loid disguised himself as wakes up and is promoted to chief by his superior, who tells the confused teen that he has nothing left to teach him.

He Bo

As God of the Yellow River, He-Bo tamed the massive and turbulent waters with humility and sacrifice. Now, the forces of the great river are at his command!

Throughout history, no river has been the source of more nourishment or more destruction than China's Yellow River. Its basin valley was the cradle that birthed Chinese civilization, feeding fields with water and millions of tons of collected sediments, which give the river its yellow hue. The river is also treacherous and prone to flooding, destroying shoreline settlements and drowning thousands.

Long ago, Feng Yi, a mortal man living along the riverside, watched in dismay as a storm stirred the waters and gorged the banks. It would not be long before the mighty river consumed his village. Both humble and wise, Feng Yi tied rocks to his belt before casting himself into the waters. This act of sacrifice did more than appease the angry river, it promoted Feng Yi to Godhood over it. Thus, he became He Bo.

Much time passed, and He Bo grew proud of his great river, so proud that he declared the Yellow River the biggest body of water anywhere. A passerby asked if He Bo had seen the North Sea, but He Bo dismissed the comment, for heavy rains were falling and the river was roaring and full. As time wore on, thought of the North Sea tickled his mind, so he made the journey. There, the Dragon King of the Northern Sea warmly met him. Viewing the endless expanse of water, He Bo was humbled and returned to his River wiser.

For He Bo, there are no greater virtues than wisdom and humility. With the force of the Yellow River at his command, He Bo will remind his enemies what it means to be humble.


The blessings of the forest lord Cenarius have made Malfurion Stormrage King of the Night Elves the epitome of what it means to be a druid.

Under the guidance of Cenarius – the demigod of nature and patron of druids – the venerable Malfurion Stormrage has protected the night elves from demonic invaders for millennia. During the War of the Ancients, Malfurion was among those who defended all life on Azeroth from the terrible Burning Legion, along with his future lover Tyrande Whisperwind and his brother Illidan. After their victory against the demons, Malfurion saw to it that the night elves left the Legion's ravages behind, settling in a new home near Mount Hyjal and overseeing the growth of the World Tree, Nordrassil. The Aspect of Dreams, Ysera, linked Nordrassil to the Emerald Dream—a representation of Azeroth without war and interference from sentient beings—allowing all druids, including Malfurion, access to the realm. Malfurion and others explored the Dream for centuries.

Malfurion was awakened by Tyrande to aid the resistance against the Legion once more during the Third War; upon returning to his slumber, he battled his nemesis, the satyr Xavius, who was attempting to corrupt the Emerald Dream from inside. When Deathwing broke the world and stirred the rage of elementals during the Cataclysm, Malfurion left the night elven capital of Darnassus, and gathered his fellow druids to save Azeroth once more, creating a task force to stop the invasion led by the vicious firelord Ragnaros. With the Destroyer's demise, a finally wakeful Malfurion rejoined Tyrande to support the efforts of the Alliance.

Oda Eiichiro

My family and neighborhood friend, Hiroyuki Takei-sensei's Butsu Zone volume 2 came out. I bought it. I knew it would be interesting.


Chapter 15



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107