Chapter 26

Talking about their assassination plan in more detail, Jango reveals that Klahadore is actually a fake name, and he is in fact the previous captain of the Black Cat Pirates who faked his death, Kuro. In a rash attempt to stop them, Luffy reveals their presence and tells them to leave Kaya alone. Jango responds by putting Luffy to sleep using his hypnotism, only for Luffy to tilt forward and fall off the cliff. Thinking him dead, Kuro disregards Usopp's presence as he is a well known liar, and the chances of anybody believing him are none. Rushing to the village, Usopp tries his best to warn of the incoming attack only for the villages to think it is another of his stories. The scene changes to the Black Cat Pirate's ship where Kuro readies his men, and Luffy is shown to be sleeping.

Fire and Iron

Captain Kuro's Plan

Klahadore asks Jango to not mention the word "murder" and to stop calling him Captain Kuro. Usopp and Luffy spy on the pair and Usopp suddenly remembers the name "Captain Kuro". Usopp recalls he was a feared pirate who raided many towns and was finally put to death three years ago after he was captured by the Marines.

Jango finds it amusing his captain declared he was bored with a pirate's life, made him captain and secretly settled in the village, but so long as there is a reward he is happy doing whatever Kuro asks of him. According to Kuro, all Jango has to do is hypnotize Kaya to sign a will so he rightfully owns the mansion because "Klahadore" is not a member of the family and therefore cannot inherit her fortune otherwise. Once the task is done he must then kill her without making it look like she was murdered. Jango mocks his former captain, stating that if it was him, he would just invade the mansion and takes the riches, however Kuro reminds him that would make him a pirate again. Jango mocks him once again for asking for a peaceful life when he plans to kill everyone to get Kaya's money, but Kuro states he did not expect some things like Kaya's parents death as they died unexpectedly in an accident.

As Usopp slowly comes round to the realization of what they are hearing, he has to contend with Luffy who does not have a clue on what is going on. While he deals with thoughts related to the problem at hand, Luffy stands up and shouts to the pair below them. While Usopp is horrified at what Luffy did, Usopp grabs him to pull him down before he is seen, but Kuro and Jango look up the cliff and see the pair.

All of a sudden, Jango holds up his ring and begins to hypnotize the pair, while Usopp looks away in time, Luffy is clueless about the ring to do so. While Luffy has fallen asleep, so apparently has Jango, Usopp yells to Luffy but Luffy falls off the cliff seemingly to his death. While Usopp yells about killing Luffy, Jango asks if Usopp should be killed as well but Kuro just states even if he tells the village no one will believe Usopp on what he heard, due to Usopp's reputation as a liar.

As he rushes to the village, he passes Nami, Zoro, and the other Usopp Pirates. As Usopp enters the village and warns them, they think it is a prank again and are angry he has used the joke twice in one day. They tell him they have to punish him this time for lying as his joke has gone too far and that he is untrustworthy, telling him they would believe him if only he had been a trustworthy man like Klahadore.

Back at the coast, Kuro has gone to greet his men after three years away from them and ensure the plan in the morning. At the mansion, Kaya asks for Klahadore, another servant tells her he went to the next town. Back at the coast at the bottom of the cliff, Luffy is sound asleep.

Mission 11

At Eden Academy, Anya Forger is in math class, and her teacher has called on her to answer the question he has written on the blackboard. She proudly stands and announces that it is three-thirds, to the amazement of Becky Blackbell and Damian Desmond. However, the teacher tells her that she is completely wrong.

In the city, Loid Forger and Handler have met up, and the latter is asking the former if they can expect his daughter's grades to improve since HQ is planning around eight Stella Stars in four months. A visibly tired Loid smirks and says that it will not be a problem, and as Handler comments on how bad he has become at lying recently, he thinks to himself that Anya could easily get eight Tonitrus Bolts within half of that time. Moving on, Handler tells Loid that one of their informants was arrested at city hall that morning and says that the enemy has been cracking down hard so he should be careful, especially since Eden is in the middle of the city.

At Berlint City Hall, a shaken Millie explains to Yor Forger and Sharon that Jim Hayward was detained earlier today by the SSS for espionage. Sharon says that she heard he was from the financial department and had been selling official documents on the black market, and Millie says she wished they had arrested their chief instead, unaware that he is behind her. Camilla then walks in and greets the three, then turns to Yor and asks her if she has told her brother about her marriage yet, having heard about it from her boyfriend. A shocked Yor exclaims that she knew she was forgetting something, and Sharon wonders how she managed to forget for a whole year as Millie asks why her marriage has to be such a big secret anyway. Yor asks what she should do, but Camilla tells her that Yuri will be calling the office later as Yor remembers that she never gave him her new house's phone number.

Yor starts worrying, realizing that she forgot about Yuri. Even though she got married so he would not worry about her, she was so relieved that she forgot to tell him. Millie then asks if Yuri is hot and if she could be introduced to him. Yor shows her a picture of her and Yuri, and they both comment on how cute he is, Yor then goes on to tell them all how he clings to her, saying: "'Yor' this and 'sis' that." Millie then rebounds, saying she will give him a hard pass if he is one of those types, and Sharon comments that if he loves Yor that much, it is even more awful that she forgot to tell him.

A lieutenant is interrogating Jim in the SSS offices, asking him what documents he took from his office, the name and appearance of the person he handed them, how he contacted them, and where and when they met. Jim does not answer, instead asking to be released. The lieutenant responds by stubbing his cigarette on Jim's hand and informs him that it would be in both their interests if he kept talking. Yuri then enters, saluting as the lieutenant greets him and says he will give the job his best shot as he walks into the interrogation room to take over. The SSS lieutenant pats Yuri's shoulder as he exits the room, sitting down on a bench next to another member who promptly asks him why the boss let someone as young as Yuri on the team. The lieutenant tells the other that it was because the boss said Yuri was cute like a puppy, and the baffled second member suggests that he is probably like a mascot. The lieutenant says that every organization needs a member like him and that Yuri is very much capable of getting the job done discriminately.

Back in the interrogation room, Yuri greets Jim, the latter quickly steeling himself and saying that he has nothing to say to the SSS. In response, Yuri begins to gush about Yor's marriage and how he is looking forward to meeting and celebrating with her later tonight. Yuri continues to list Yor's qualities and tells the man that she too works at City Hall, then remembers that he was supposed to call their office to let her know he is coming. Yuri then leans in and smiles as he tells Jim that he would appreciate it if they could finish up quickly, asking him to quickly tell him everything he knows. Jim feigns innocence, and Yuri produces two photos of Jim dealing the documents with another man, which greatly shocks him and a fellow SSS agent. The agent asks why these were not used as evidence earlier, and Yuri says that he forgot to turn them over as he asks Jim if cooperating sounds more appealing now. Jim finally gives in, admitting that he made copies of documents his clients needed and handed them over for cash. He also admits to not knowing anything about his client aside from that he was from the West.

Yuri presses for more details, but Jim just tells him he does not remember. Yuri's face then turns cold as he asks the man if he has heard of "Twilight." Jim says that he does not know who that is, so Yuri proceeds to explain that Twilight is a master of disguise from the West capable of throwing the country into chaos, the natural enemy of the SSS. Jim asks if he will be let off the hook if he can help catch "Twilight," Yuri asks him again if he remembers anything about the man, reminding him that if he feeds the SSS nonsense, it will only be added to his crimes. Jim says that he just wanted cash to mess around with girls, saying that Yuri should know how it is as a man when he is reminded that he has a wife. Yuri's face once again grows stern as he explains that he has been keeping his job a secret from his sister because he does not want her to know about this dirty work, then slams Jim's face into the table. He says that what Jim has done is treason and that, unlike Jim, Yuri loves his family and will do anything to protect the country his sister lives in.

Anya is watching Spy Wars at home, Loid sitting behind her and wishing she could pay that much attention when they are studying. Anya turns to Loid and asks how many shots Bondman's pistol has on the show, and Loid replies that it should have eight when fully loaded, then looking at Anya in surprise as she calls out "two eighths" when referring to the number of bullets he has left. Loid exclaims that she got it right and notes to himself that she learns better with realistic scenarios. Yor then comes home, worriedly announcing that Yuri is coming over to visit that night to congratulate her on her marriage. She asks Loid what they should do, and he replies that it is exactly the occasion they prepared the "loving couple" set for, decorating the house with stereotypical things a loving married couple would have, including a shared "love" bed. Loid and Yor stare at each other for a moment at the bed, and when Anya asks if they are going to kiss now, her now-flustered parents say that they are not.

Sometime later, Anya asks Loid when Yor's brother will be getting there, and he corrects her, saying that Yuri is her uncle and says that she should not push it since it is getting late. Anya protests that she wants to meet her uncle as Yor comments that he must be working late. After Anya falls asleep, Loid carries her to her room and asks Yor if it has been a while since she last saw him. Yor confirms it and says that she is excited to see him again, circumstances aside.

Yuri is skipping down the street to the Forger abode with a large bouquet in one arm, abruptly stopping when a rib Yor broke through a hug during their childhood begins to ache. He thinks about how overwhelmed he must be by her love, then wonders once again why she never told him about her marriage and concludes that the reason must be so scandalous that she could not possibly have told him. As he makes his way to their apartment, Yuri thinks that he will eradicate anyone that poses a threat to Yor, even if it is her spouse, then stops and reminds himself that he cannot let her see his secret police face, the side of him that he does not want her to know about. Meanwhile, as Loid and Yor prepare for their guest, Loid thinks about the fact that the closer Yuri is to the family, the easier it is for them to let the secret slip. Yuri arrives, and the couple welcomes him, Loid and Yuri both hiding their shared dark looks.

Cu Chulainn

Thrice born child of Gods and Kings, Cú Chulainn is legend brought to life. A warrior without equal that, alone, held an army at bay; a man of will and courage that resisted both the allure and wrath of the Morrigan; a figure of tragic prophecy, destined for greatness and an early grave. So many legends are there of his achievements they could be spoken for days and yet still more be told. And yet throughout his triumphs, his death loomed constant, foretold and certain.

In his early years, while still bearing the name Sétanta, he was already an impressive individual, catching the attention of King Conchobar with feats of strength and agility. Conchobar invited the boy to a feast hosted by the smith, Culann. Left unchained by mistake, Culann's fearsome guard dog assailed Sétanta when he arrived. With only his bare hands, the boy defended himself and slew the beast. Ashamed, Sétanta swore to Culann he would personally train a new dog and would guard his home in the interim. Impressed, the druid Cathbad declared Sétanta would now be called the Cú Chulainn, the Hound of Culann.

This was the birth of a hero, but his death was yet bound in prophecy. Cathbad, the same druid that named him, promised a group of boys, “Any that take up arms this day will become legends.” Seeking greatness, Cú Chulainn raced off to find weapons before hearing more. He saw years of victory, of achieving the impossible, of becoming a legend before him. Cathbad, however, was devastated, for he knew that those that took up arms that day were also foretold to die young.

World Wanderer

A rambunctious roamer with a zest for life and a history of getting into important trouble, Li Li Stormstout does not know how to refuse the call to adventure.

As a part of the illustrious Stormstout family, Li Li seems to be experiencing the exact same wanderlust that gripped her uncle Chen in his youth... only worse. Her fixation on travel and exploration sent Li Li careening around her hometown, the back of the great turtle Shen-zin Su, also known as the Wandering Isle, as she grew up under the watchful eye of the martial artist and geomaster Strongbo. Bo found the young spitfire of a Stormstout to be as exasperating as she was enthusiastic, but grudgingly vowed to protect Li Li when she ran away to search for her uncle Chen—even though he originally intended to bring her back to the Isle by force if necessary.

Stories of Li Li's travels to Kalimdor and beyond have been collected in numerous volumes, some penned by the young Stormstout herself, but perhaps the most pivotal result of Li Li's wandering has been her recovery of the omen-granting Pearl of Pandaria, which ultimately galvanized the return of Chen Stormstout. Reunited with her uncle Chen, Li Li now has a chance to roam Pandaria for the very first time, though her demeanor sometimes rubs other pandaren the wrong way. Some have taken to calling her "Wild Dog," a derogatory term for pandaren from the Wandering Isle.

The War of the Shifting Sands

The midday sun fixed its unflinching gaze upon the sands of Silithus, bearing mute witness to the multitudes forming ranks outside the Scarab Wall.

It continued its passage, though to the masses gathered below, it seemed as though the orb had stopped to cast down unrelenting waves of heat until the vast armies simply collapsed from exposure.

Amid the restless formations a lone night elf stood in quiet contemplation. Her companions eyed her with admiration; some, almost reverence. The others who were gathered — an assortment of representatives from every race in every land in the known world — viewed her with their own racial prejudices. After all, the blood feud between night elves and the likes of trolls and tauren dated back centuries.

No matter their affiliations, however, all who had come to battle that day shared one sentiment for the night elf: respect. Shiromar was like the sun above — impassive, unwavering, and unflinching. These qualities had served her well in the recent months, providing her with the strength to continue when all seemed lost; when the quest seemed never ending; and when her companions had simply given up.

There had been the watcher, and the Caverns of Time; there was the bronze dragon and the Broodlord and the squirming insect hives; then there were the shards and their keepers, the ancient dragons, none of whom would give up their charge easily. Coercion, ingenuity, and sometimes outright violence, all were employed to accomplish the task.

And all of this for one item, the item gripped in Shiromar's hands even now: The Scepter of the Shifting Sands, reformed at last after a thousand years.

In the end, all roads had led here, to Silithus, and to the gates of the Scarab Wall. Here, where the Scepter was shattered.

Shiromar looked up at the sky and remembered a time when the sun had been eclipsed by dragons; when the Qiraji and silithid flooded over the legions of night elves in seemingly eternal waves; when hope seemed but a shadow. It seemed as if none would survive those terrible months; yet here she was, standing before the sacred barrier that saved their lives all those years ago, during the War of the Shifting Sands...

Fandral Staghelm led the charge, his son Valstann at his side. They had chosen the gorge so that their flanks would be protected against the unending flow of silithid. Shiromar was close behind the front line, casting spells as quickly as her energies would allow.

They had fought their way to the mouth of the gorge, Fandral and Valstann accompanied by the most battle-hardened sentinels, keepers and priestesses, with the druids healing and casting exhaustively. It seemed that for every massive cluster of silithid that was destroyed hundreds more would take their place. So it had been for the past few days, since word of the silithid incursion had first arrived and Fandral had sounded the call to arms.

The priestess Shiromar and her companions had all regained enough energy to call upon the grace of Elune simultaneously; they now watched as a blinding column of light obliterated the swarm blocking the gorge's terminus.

Then, a low buzzing sound filled the air. One by one, flying insect creatures — the winged Qiraji, flew over the lip of the gorge and down, striking at the druids in the supporting positions.

Fandral led the front lines from the gorge into the open sands, stepping over the corpse-mounds of the silithid. The air was alive with the thrumming of the Qiraji as they swooped down and slashed with clawed appendages. Fandral pressed forward to allow the supporting ranks room to spread out.

As she looked to a ridge in the distance, Shiromar witnessed swarms of land-bound Qiraji pouring over the crest like ants swarming from a hill. A towering monstrosity lumbered into view, swinging clawed limbs, looming over all, shouting commands to the insect soldiers.

Among the chattering and droning of the swarms, one sound seemed to repeat in the presence of the commanding warrior: Rajaxx, Rajaxx... though Shiromar did not understand the Qiraji's communications, she wondered if that might not be the creature's name.

As the next wave of Qiraji drew near, a great horn sounded: from the east and west, multitudes of night elves charged onto the field. With a blood-curdling cry Fandral and Valstann pressed straight into the heart of the oncoming swarm; the two sides clashed and melted into each other as the newly arrived forces crushed in on both flanks.

Shiromar felt for sure that they had won out; but as the shadows grew long and day proceeded into night, the battle continued. In the center of the fray, Fandral, Valstann, and the Qiraji general clashed in a desperate struggle.

As Shiromar narrowly avoided several attacks from the winged Qiraji, she glanced to where the general battled father and son. The numbers of the Qiraji were dwindling, and the general seemed to sense this, for with a mighty leap he bounded away, back to the ridge where Fandral had first spotted him. From there he disappeared and the few remaining insect-creatures were quickly eradicated.

That evening watches were set as the night elf forces rested. Fandral knew that the Qiraji threat had not fully been quelled, and he expected the battle to begin anew the following the morning. Throughout the night Shiromar slept only in brief increments, the din of battle still ringing in her ears, though the surrounding desert remained quiet.

With morning, as the troops reformed and pushed on to the ridge they were greeted by an eerie stillness. Shiromar scanned the horizon but the Qiraji and silithid were nowhere to be seen. As Fandral prepared to press on, a messenger arrived with dire news: the town of Southwind Village was under attack.

Fandral considered pulling the troops back to defend the village, but he sensed that such an action would only leave an open door to invasion from the remaining Qiraji. They still had no idea of just how many the insects numbered, or even if they had seen all that this new race had to throw at them.

Valstann correctly guessed his father's thoughts and offered to lead a detachment to the village so that Fandral could stay and provide containment.

Standing close by, Shiromar heard the rest of their conversation play out:

"It could be a ruse." Fandral said.

"Surely we can't take that chance father." Valstann answered. "I'll go. I will defend the city and I will return victorious, upholding the honor of your name."

Reluctantly, Fandral nodded. "Just return alive and I will be more than satisfied."

Valstann gathered a detachment and Fandral watched his son depart. Shiromar worried that their forces were divided, but she understood the necessity of the action.

For the next few days Shiromar and the others battled wave after wave of silithid streaming from the hives scattered throughout the land. Still, the Qiraji remained unseen. A feeling of dread began working its way under Shiromar's skin; she felt it a bad omen that the silithid's masters had not appeared for so long. She worried over the fate of Valstann, and at several points throughout each day, during lulls in the continuous butchering she spied Fandral quietly looking back over the horizon, anxiously anticipating his son's return.

On the third day as the noon-day sun reached its zenith, the Qiraji appeared, their numbers reinforced. Once again the buzz of insect wings stirred the air; once again interminable multitudes crested the rim of the horizon. They spread out before Fandral and the others like the shadow cast by a giant cloud obscuring the sun... and stopped.

And waited.

Fandral formed his lines and stood at the forefront of the ranks as Stormcrows circled overhead and Druids in bear form clawed the dirt in anticipation, all watching intently. Moments later the ocean of insects parted, and the hulking form of the Qiraji general approached, carrying a wounded figure in its clawed appendage. It proceeded to the front of the Qiraji lines and held Valstann Staghelm aloft for all to see.

Gasps spread throughout the ranks. Shiromar felt her heart sink. Fandral stood mute, knowing that Southwind had fallen, and fearing that his son may already be dead. He cursed himself for allowing the boy to leave and stood, frozen by a mixture of fear, anger and despair.

Within the general's claw, Valstann stirred and spoke to the general, though he was too far away to be heard.

At once the spell that had fallen over Fandral broke and he bolted forward, followed by the night elf forces, but the distance was great... and even before the Qiraji general acted, Shiromar knew they could not reach Valstann in time.

The Qiraji general fixed his second claw onto Valstann's bloodied form, and with both he squeezed... and pulled apart, separating the young night elf's body at the waist.

Fandral slowed, faltered, and fell to his knees, the onrushing night elves parting around him. As the two forces finally clashed, a sandstorm rushed in from the east, blocking out all light; choking, stifling. Shiromar felt the winds force her movements nearly to a halt. She blocked her eyes as best she could, the howling wind buffeting her ears, drowning out the sounds of battle and the screams of her dying comrades.

Through the chaos she glimpsed the murky, behemoth shadow of the Qiraji general not far away, slashing and reaping through rows of night elves like a harvester shearing wheat. Then she heard Fandral, his voice ghostly through the storm, calling for the armies to fall back.

Much of what followed seemed to happen rather quickly, although in fact it took days: Fandral led his forces out of Silithus, through the mountain passes and into the bowl of Un'Goro Crater, the silithid and Qiraji legions never far behind, consuming those who fell just beyond the protection of the primary force.

Once inside Un'Goro however a strange thing happened: word spread throughout the ranks that the Qiraji had fallen back, just as the forces had passed the edge of the crater. The Arch-Druid gathered the remaining troops in the bowl's center and gave the order to stand fast. Finally, a lull had come in the fighting, fleeing and dying. But the night elves had suffered a bitter defeat, and Fandral Staghelm's demeanor had changed irrevocably.

Shiromar watched as Fandral stood guard, looking out from Fire Plume Ridge, the steam of the volcanic vents rising behind him, the orange lava glow illuminating his face, a mask that concealed the deepest anguish — a sorrow known only to parents who have outlived their children.

The sudden retreat of the Qiraji puzzled Shiromar. The more she thought on the subject, the more she remembered the legends surrounding the Crater, rumors that it had been built in the primordial age by the gods themselves. Perhaps they watched over the land. Perhaps their blessings still anointed this place. One thing however was for certain: if a plan was not devised to stem the tide of the insect race...

Kalimdor would be lost forever.

The War of the Shifting Sands continued for long, agonizing months. Shiromar managed to survive battle after battle, but always the night elves were on the defensive, always outnumbered, always being driven back.

Out of desperation Fandral sought the aid of the elusive bronze dragonflight. Their initial refusal to interfere was reversed when the brazen Qiraji attacked the Caverns of Time, home and province of Nozdormu the Timeless One.

Nozdormu's heir, Anachronos, agreed to enlist the bronze dragonflight against the marauding Qiraji. Every able-bodied night elf joined the cause, and together they forged a campaign to retake Silithus.

Even with the might of the dragons backing them, however, the sheer numbers of the Qiraji and silithid proved overwhelming. And so Anachronos called upon the progeny of the remaining flights: Merithra, child of Ysera of the green flight; Caelestrasz, child of Alexstrasza from the red, and Arygos, child of Malygos from the blue.

The dragons and winged Qiraji clashed in the cloudless sky above Silithus as the whole of the Kalimdorian night elf forces streamed in across the sands. Even so, it seemed that the numbers of Qiraji and silithid were never-ending.

Shiromar later heard whispers that the dragons flying above the ancient city from which the Qiraji emerged saw something distressing there; something that hinted at a more ancient, terrifying presence behind the onslaught of the insect race.

Perhaps it was this revelation that spurred the dragons and Fandral to hatch their final, desperate plan: to contain the Qiraji within the city, to erect a barrier that would confine them until a more hopeful stratagem could be devised.

With the aid of the four dragonflights, the final push to the city began. Shiromar marched behind Fandral as the corpses of the winged Qiraji fell from the sky. High above, the dragons were making short work of the insect soldiers. As one the night elves and dragons formed a moving wall which pressed the Qiraji back toward the city of Ahn'Qiraj.

But near the city gates, the tide turned, and it was all the combined forces could do to hold the line. To push any further would be impossible. Merithra, Caelestrasz and Arygos decided to push into the city and hold the Qiraji back long enough for Anachronos, Fandral, and the remaining druids and priestesses to create the magical barrier.

And so the three dragons and their companions flew headlong into the Qiraji legions, into the city where they hoped their sacrifice would not be in vain.

Outside the gates Fandral called upon the druids to focus their energies as Anachronos summoned the enchanted barricade. Beyond the gates, the three dragon progeny succumbed to the overwhelming forces as the Qiraji surged forth.

Shiromar concentrated her energies and called upon the blessing of Elune as the barrier erected itself before their eyes, rock and stone and roots from beneath the sands emerging to create an impenetrable wall. Even the winged soldiers who attempted to fly over the barrier met with an invisible obstruction that they could not pass.

The Qiraji who remained outside the wall were quickly slain. The corpses of Qiraji, night elves and dragons littered the bloody sands.

Anachronos motioned to a scarab scuttling below his feet. As Shiromar watched the creature froze, then flattened out, transforming into a metallic gong. Stones shifted into place near the wall, creating a dais where the gong was finally placed.

The great dragon then proceeded to the severed limb of one of his fallen companions. He held the appendage and after a series of incantations, the limb morphed into the shape of a scepter.

The dragon told Fandral that should any mortal ever wish to pass the magical barrier and access the ancient city, they need only strike the scepter against the gong and the gates would open. He then handed the scepter to the Arch-Druid.

Fandral looked down, his face twisting in contempt. "I want nothing to do with Silithus, the Qiraji and least of all, any damned dragons!" With that Fandral swung the enchanted object into the magical gates — where it splintered in a shower of fragments — and walked away.

"Would you shatter our bond for the sake of pride?" the dragon asked.

Fandral turned. "My son's soul will find no comfort in this hollow victory, dragon. I will have him back. Though it takes millennia, I will have my son back!" Fandral then strode past Shiromar...

... who could see him in her mind even now, as if it were only yesterday and not a thousand years past.

One by one, the gathered forces of Kalimdor looked to her, waiting. She struck out toward the dais, passing humans and tauren, gnomes and dwarves and even trolls, races whom her kind had fought against, who were now united to end the threat of the Qiraji once and for all.

Shiromar stood at the base of the steps and took a deep breath. She climbed to the top of the dais and hesitated only for a second. Then, with one mighty swing, she smashed the scepter into the ancient gong.

Oda Eiichiro

It's so funny!! I've been watching Masaru-san on TV and it's crazy that a TV cartoon can make me laugh this hard.


Chapter 27



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 24