Chapter 34

Luffy awakens, but the battle is suspended by the appearance of Kaya. Kuro does not want to negotiate as he believes he needs to kill Kaya to live a peaceful life, and as revenge for the boring years he had to endure.

Prophet's Lesson

Klahadore the Butler

Trying to wake up Luffy, Nami just steps on his face as Jango's weapon comes flying through the air towards her. Luffy wakes up, angry Nami stepped on his face, and the ring goes into the back of his head. Kuro is angry because he thought Luffy was already dead. Luffy stops the ring from cutting deep into his skull by stomping his feet hard against the ground. To the horror of the Black Cat Pirates, Luffy takes the ring out of his head and acts as if it was nothing, just saying that it hurt and he wants to know who threw it. The Black Cat Pirates then realize there is no way they can beat him in the 5 minutes Kuro gave them.

Luffy yells at Nami, thinking it was her who threw the ring. But then he sees her bleeding shoulder. Nami tells him to get the fight over and done with, that it is a battle they cannot afford to loose. Luffy's attention turns to Kuro. Kuro tells his former crew that they now have 3 minutes left to kill Luffy, Zoro, Nami and Usopp. The crew state they know they cannot keep to such a short deadline even with Jango and Buchi at their aid.

As Buchi is ordered to go after Zoro while Jango takes on Luffy, attention is drawn behind Kuro. Kaya has arrived to speak to Klahadore. Usopp is horrified she came here. Kuro is surprised to see her here, Kaya explains Merry told her the truth. As Kuro speaks, Kaya begins to realize this is indeed not the Klahadore she knew. She apologizes to Usopp for not believing him. Usopp is angry she did not run away, but Kaya asks him why he is fighting for the village when the other villagers ran him out of town.

She then offers Kuro all her fortune if he leaves the village. Kuro steps in and explains it is not treasure alone he seeks, but also a peaceful life. For the last past three years he has built up a reputation with the villagers, he has created a peaceful life and the incident involving his former crew and her will are all part of the scheme. Usopp tells Kaya to run now that she has spoken to him, but instead she pulls out a gun on him, Kaya demands him to leave.

Kuro comments that she has become "stronger" over the last three years. He then recollects the events of the last three years with her, the things they did together but then as a change of tone he calls the events "stupid things" and tells her straight he has done everything for her today, the day she dies. Kaya drops the gun as Kuro goes on about enduring the boring days in the past three years. Usopp is angry that Kuro is betraying Kaya's feelings. Usopp attempts to attack Kuro, but Kuro dodges the attack. As Kuro goes to strike Usopp as revenge for hitting him earlier, Luffy intervenes. Luffy punches him and swears Kuro will have a bad day since he hates being punched.

Mission 19

Kurt is holding onto Anya Forger while Keith Kepler is holding onto a knife, getting ready to kill her. One of the other students tries to stop Keith, but he tells them they need to silence her so she does not rat them out. However, when he tells Kurt to silence her, Kurt gets attacked by Bond, who moves to protect Anya afterward. One of the students prepares to attack Bond, but Keith tells them they need to keep the dog safe. One of the students worries that people will hear Bond, but another student tells him that no one will take note of the barking today, as they are near the adoption fair.

At the adoption fair, Yor frantically runs around the adoption fair, asking people if they have seen Anya. After lots of searching, she realizes that Anya is not at the fair anymore. Yor remembers seeing on the news that young women are being kidnapped and forced into marriage, and the thought of that happening to Anya frightens her. She tries to think of what to do and worriedly paces around, hoping that Loid will return from the toilet soon.

However, Loid is off doing work for WISE and reports to Handler, who tells him that both of the hideouts Kris had told them about have been abandoned. Loid tells her that he found two white vans rented under the name "Kevin Knowles." Loid gives her the plate numbers, and she tells him they will track them down. Handler also informs Loid that they found the source of the dogs, Project Apple, a project by the previous Ostanian regime to create high-intelligence military animals. Apparently, instead of the research subjects getting destroyed, they got sold on the black market. Handler warns Loid to be careful because the dogs could still possess heightened intelligence.

At the terrorists' hideout, Keith tells Bond to step away from Anya so he can kill her quickly. However, Anya reads Bond's mind and sees a premonition showing a phone ringing, which takes the terrorists off guard. Just after Anya sees the premonition, the phone rings. Kim, one of their co-conspirators, informs them that their hideouts have gotten raided, which makes Keith realize that Kris has sold them out, so he tells the others that they will need to switch to Plan B. After announcing this, they notice that Anya and Bond are nowhere to be seen as they escaped while the group was distracted.

Anya, riding on Bond's back, escapes the hideout. She realizes that, after the premonition he had, he can see the future. She tries to redirect him towards Yor so that she can protect them, but Bond keeps heading off in a different direction. Keith yells at them for letting her escape and tells Kurt to come with him and bring a dog so they can chase after Anya. He tells the rest of the group to tear all the maps off the wall since they are abandoning this hideout.

Anya tries to get Bond to stop, but he keeps running. She ends up finding this exciting and decides to direct him toward the police, but they end up running in a circle and run into Keith and Kurt. She tries to get Bond to turn around, but before they can, Keith's dog attacks the two of them, and Keith grabs onto Bond's leash. Keith directs Kurt to kill Anya, so he grabs onto her and gets ready to kill her. Suddenly, Yor comes up from behind and knocks Kurt to the ground. She yells that Anya is too young to get married, believing they are one of the kidnappers she heard about on the news. Keith stands there dumbfounded by what just happened while Kurt lies unconscious on the ground.


As the mountains and the seas have their gods, so too do the stars in the heavens. Greatest of their number is Olorun, God of the Sky and the Heavens, and supreme deity of the Yoruba pantheon. It was Olorun who kindled the spark that would become the sun, and at his command, the Orishas – the Yoruba gods – crafted the world and its inhabitants from the gathered dust of the cosmos.

But though Olorun is the greatest of the Orishas, he seeks no worshippers and asks for no offerings, yet entire nations follow his ideals. Like the stars, he is a remote deity, content to sit in quiet contemplation of the myriad wonders of creation. And he is powerful enough to ensure the sanctity of his solitude. Olorun commands the fundamental forces of the cosmos – even time itself.

Yet despite this power, Olorun is but one part of a greater whole. A tripartite being, Olorun possesses two other aspects – Olodumare, creator of the universe, and Olofi, the conduit between Earth and the Heavens. As befits a being of such might, Olorun is wise beyond measure, and rarely acts rashly or without some greater purpose in mind. Peaceful by nature, he will nonetheless fight when the need is great.

It is for that very reason that Olorun has chosen to break his long seclusion at last. Despite having held himself apart from the world, he has borne witness to the suffering of mortal and immortal alike. With his far-reaching gaze, he has seen that the thrones of the great pantheons are empty, and that god wars against god.

In his great wisdom, Olorun has realised that only a king can unite them.

And he will be that king.

The Sun King

Kael'thas Sunstrider was a senior member of the Kirin Tor, the Prince of Quel'Thalas, son of King Anasterian Sunstrider and his wife, great-great grandson of Dath'Remar Sunstrider and the last of the Sunstrider dynasty. After the Fall of Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas led what remained of his people in the service of the Alliance. Striving to placate his people's addiction to magic, he later allied with Illidan Stormrage, but betrayed him to the Burning Legion when its master, the demon lord Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, enticed Kael'thas with the promise of salvation for the blood elves. He was branded a traitor after his allegiance to the Legion was revealed, and lost the support of many of his people. After his defeat at Tempest Keep, Kael'thas returned to Azeroth a shadow of his former self. Kael'thas plotted to summon Kil'jaeden through the Sunwell, but his plans were foiled by the Shattered Sun Offensive. He was slain by their forces in Magisters' Terrace.

Reef Blower

The episode begins with Squidward going outside, only to spot a shell on his lawn. He kicks the shell onto SpongeBob's yard to keep his own clean, but it turns out SpongeBob is also very protective of his lawn, and gets out a reef blower from his garage to get rid of it, the noise of the machinery making Squidward irritated. SpongeBob, struggling to blow away the shell, ends up blowing it so hard sand comes out and lands on Squidward. SpongeBob comes to Squidward and blows off the sand that landed on Squidward, as well as his face. Seeing that there is a huge pile of sand on his yard, SpongeBob sets the blower to REVERSE, sucking up the sand pile, but the reef blower starts to break apart and throws out sand.

SpongeBob opens up the zipper behind the reef blower and puts the excess sand that was thrown out in there. He tries to start it again, but it does not work. This prompts SpongeBob to pull the handle of the reef blower very far. Once he feels he is far enough, he lets go and quickly zips through the distance he went back onto the blower. SpongeBob starts sucking up the entire ocean, causing Squidward to almost suffocate to death, but the reef blower explodes due to over capacity and shoots all the water sucked up back out again. The episode ends with SpongeBob happy that his lawn is clean, while Squidward's lawn is filled with sand and the shell lands on his nose, much to his dismay.

Oda Eiichiro

April 3rd, One Piece Volume 2 will be out!!! You can look forward to the lively antics of the Buggy Pirates. There are also some special extra pages for a handicraft project.


Chapter 35



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107