Chapter 33

Kuro, having just arrived on the scene, wonders how the Black Cat Pirates could be having such problems from a bunch of children. Jango says that Kuro himself said that Usopp would not be a problem, and Sham and Buchi say that while Kuro was getting soft, they were out fighting. Sham and Buchi attack, but Kuro evades their attacks and states that he will kill everyone present if the Straw Hat Pirates are not dead in five minutes. Sham and Buchi attack Zoro once more, but Nami kicks Zoro his two stolen swords. With all three blades, Zoro then defeats Sham and Buchi in a single move. Buchi, however, survives and convinces Jango to hypnotize him in being stronger. While Zoro takes on Buchi, Nami runs to wake up Luffy, forcing Jango to throw a chakram at her.

In the Shadow of the Sun

The Creeping Cat

Kuro demands to know how the Black Cat Pirates were beaten by a bunch of children. Jango states it was Kuro himself that said Usopp would not be a problem, but Kuro just states that the Black Cats are weaker than he thought they were.

Buchi and Sham cannot believe what they are hearing. They try to argue that while Kuro has been leading a peaceful existence in the village, they have been fighting hard against other pirates and plundering other villages and that in three years they have gotten a lot stronger. They attempt to kill Kuro before he kills them, but to their horror Kuro dodges the attack. He appears behind them but when they turn to strike, he once again appears behind them again with his special weapons, the Cat Claws, pointing at the pairs' throats. Jango comments how, with those weapons, Kuro can move silently and that Kuro's habit of lifting up his glasses still makes his hair stand on end. Kuro tells the Nyaban Brothers they have 5 minutes to kill them or he will kill everyone.

With renewed hope, the pair rush at Zoro. Nami kicks Zoro his swords, much to Zoro's annoyance. With all three swords in his hands, Zoro easily defeats the pair with a single move. Zoro points his sword at Kuro and states he is next. However, attention is drawn to Buchi, who still has survived Zoro's attack. Buchi demands that Jango hypnotize him so he can continue fighting.

While Zoro tackles the hypnotized Buchi, Nami makes an attempt to wake Luffy up. Jango spots this and throws his ring at her.

Mission 18

A news broadcast reports that Minister Brantz arrived yesterday afternoon at Berlint Airport in Ostania with a delegation from Westalis. A summit between the two countries is also being planned for tonight. Elsewhere, a group of young people begin loading cages of dogs into a van, with one young man saying that their preparations are ready and they can get started.

The Forgers arrive downtown with Anya excited about getting a dog as her reward. They arrive at Kemono Park, a pet shop, and are immediately greeted by several ferocious-looking dogs prepared by WISE with combat training. Anya is completely disinterested in getting a dog like that, so Loid scrambles to find her a smaller dog. The WISE agent at the pet shop informs Loid that there is an adoption fair at the adoption shelter today, so he decides they should check it out. However, he gets a signal from another WISE agent about new orders, so he pretends that he needs to go to the toilet and tells Anya and Yor to go on ahead without him. Anya, having read his mind, adds a claim that he will take a while in the toilet, so Yor agrees to go.

Loid gets in the car with the WISE agent, who takes him to WISE Headquarters for an emergency summons. The agent tells Loid that there is an assassination plot against Minister Brantz. The agent tells Loid that the plot is for tonight at the summit led by a group of isolationist students from Berlint University who are also under watch by the SSS. They were luckily able to catch one of the students, Kris, who was skulking around the embassy, but their interrogation of him has not yielded much information yet.

Handler walks into the interrogation room where Kris is being held, and he tells her that he will not sell out his friends. However, she tells him that they caught their leader, so she has no need for him anyway. Keith Kepler, the leader of the terrorists, arrives, being escorted by two WISE agents, and crosses paths with Kris. As he gets taken away, Keith tells the agents that the whole plot was Kris's idea and that he will tell the agents everything if they let him go, then turns to taunt Kris by sticking his tongue at him. Handler tells Kris they do not care who the leader is as long as they get the information they need, and Kris, not wanting to be framed, starts giving information to Handler.

Watching from the other side of the interrogation room's window, Loid removes his Keith disguise and watches the interrogation with another WISE agent. Kris tells Handler about their active members and the hideouts he knows about. Handler asks him how they were planning to carry out the assassination, and he tells her that they were planning to use bomb dogs, which shocks the agents. Loid finds the plan ridiculous as it would cost way too much money to train each of the dogs, especially for college students. The other agent theorizes that it could possibly be a far-right group or a foreign nation backing the students. The WISE agents group together and attempt to come up with a plan to deal with the terrorist threat. Loid proposes canceling the summit, but Handler shoots down the idea as it would look bad for Ostania's ruling party. Instead, she tells an agent to leak the information they have learned so far to officials of the ruling party to help avoid an incident.

Meanwhile, two men are walking downtown with two dogs on leashes, and one of the men stops to get a coffee. One of the dogs, Bond, sees a kid playing around on the sidewalk and runs up and grabs him before a plank of wood falling off a building hits him. The kid thanks Bond for saving his life before Bond returns to the two men. Bond running away makes the two men wonder if these dogs will be up to the task, but they decide it is too late to change plans now.

Anya and Yor arrive at the animal shelter, and after seeing all the animals there, Yor wonders why Loid did not take them there in the first place. Anya runs around excitedly, looking at all the animals available. Yor begins talking to a worker at the shelter about what breed she recommends and notices a man walking by with Bond. She reads Bond's mind and sees herself and the rest of the Forgers, and wonders how they were in the dog's mind. Anya contemplates telling Yor about it but decides to just go after the dog herself.

Anya heads into a building and finds a handful of dogs tied on leashes, including Bond. While looking at the dogs, she overhears Keith and the other students discussing their assassination plot. Keith plans to assassinate Minister Brantz to bring Ostania back to its former glory through another war. While Anya is listening in, another student, Kurt, catches her. The other students are worried that they have been heard and ask what they should do, to which Keith pulls out a knife telling them they just need to take care of it. While this is happening, Yor frantically looks around the adoption fair for Anya since they got separated.

Baba Yaga

It is an old story. Perhaps the oldest story there is. In the dark woods, there is a witch called Baba Yaga. Sometimes she is a mother. Sometimes she is a daughter. Sometimes she is cruel and sometimes, kind. But always, Baba Yaga is cunning. And there is always a price to pay for dealing with her, if you are brave enough – or desperate enough – to seek her out.

It is said that Baba Yaga waits for travellers in her house atop its gnarled chicken legs, behind a fence made of human bones. If you are brave enough to pass through the fence and enter the house you will see her stretched out across the interior, looming over her stove, or reaching out from one corner to another. Or, if you are in the woods late at night, you might see her flying overhead in her mortar and pestle and the hear the thunderous tramp of the chicken-legged house as it pursues its mistress.

Regardless, she is an ugly creature with a long nose and cruel, iron teeth, and her eyes gleam with malice. But despite her inherent malevolence, she does not interfere with others without first being approached – or provoked. If you are foolish enough to seek her, she might well punish you for your effrontery before aiding you, or aid you and then tear you to pieces because it amuses her to do so. And sometimes, very rarely, she helps without harm.

But only when it suits her to do so.

Now, as the world shudders on its axis and new horrors rise, Baba Yaga stirs in her long isolation. The gods have ignored her warnings for long enough, and if they will not ask for her help willingly, she will find a way to force them to do so...

The Banshee Queen

As the Queen of the Undead Forsaken, Sylvanas Windrunner seeks a higher purpose for a people who have already died once.

Sylvanas was once the ranger-general of Silvermoon, a commander charged with defending the elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas. She perished during the Third War, when her homeland was ravaged by Arthas Menethil and the undead Scourge, but her death was not the end. Cruelly, Arthas ripped her soul from her body, subjugating her as a banshee, a hate-filled agent of the Scourge. When the Lich King was weakened by an assault from Illidan Stormrage, Sylvanas and other willful undead broke free from his control and built a new home beneath the fallen kingdom of Lordaeron. They called themselves the Forsaken, and vowed to exterminate the Lich King at all costs.

After fighting for their right to join the Horde, Sylvanas led her "people" to the continent of Northrend to destroy the Lich King. Before they could succeed, an uprising among the Forsaken killed members of the Horde and Alliance, casting a shadow of mistrust over Sylvanas. She came to dwell on the Forsaken's dim prospects for the future; they were despised and unable to procreate. Ultimately, the Banshee Queen made a pact with the Val'kyr, nightmarish creatures capable of creating more undead, to give the Forsaken a chance to persist on Azeroth.

Help Wanted

The French Narrator starts the series premiere by introducing both Bikini Bottom and "Home to one of his favourite Sea creatures, SpongeBob SquarePants".

The scene then shifts to SpongeBob in bed before his alarm clock goes off, waking him up. He gets ready for the day; it is the day that he is to apply for a job at the Krusty Krab as a fry cook. Before going to the restaurant, he lifts a weight with stuffed animals on the sides to warm himself up for the application. SpongeBob starts jogging to the Krusty Krab with his iconic "I'm ready!", while Patrick Star encourages him from his rock.

SpongeBob starts talking about what job he will do when he reaches the Krusty Krab, but in the end, his reach is not ready. However, Patrick appears and stops him, encouraging him that he was born to have a job. SpongeBob eventually decides to go to the Krusty Krab to get the job. Squidward then sees SpongeBob running to the restaurant, making him panic and tell Mr. Krabs to watch out for SpongeBob.

SpongeBob has already arrived, though, and he tries to get Mr. Krabs to give him the job after jumping back and forth across the restaurant after stepping on a loose nail. He tells Mr. Krabs that Squidward will vouch for him, but Squidward tells Mr. Krabs that he does not believe SpongeBob should get the job. Mr. Krabs tells SpongeBob that if he gets a seemingly nonexistent hydro-dynamic spatula, he will get the job. SpongeBob quickly runs to the Barg'N-Mart to get it, as Squidward and Mr. Krabs laugh, thinking he will not have the job.

Soon after SpongeBob leaves, five buses filled with a bunch of hungry anchovies arrive at the restaurant, making Squidward and Mr. Krabs panic, as the latter knows what happens when anchovies come. As the anchovies flood the restaurant, Squidward tries to get them all settled, but they still crazier even more. Even though it seems the two are both finished due to the flood of anchovies, but then, SpongeBob comes right on time with the hydrodynamic spatula he found (as there was only one in stock), having fulfilled the errand Mr. Krabs gave him and leaving the two in stunned surprise. SpongeBob goes into the kitchen and cooks many Krabby Patties. "Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight" is being played by Tiny Tim during the montage. SpongeBob tosses them to all the hungry anchovies until they all feel satisfied and leave the restaurant.

Mr. Krabs decides to recruit SpongeBob as a fry cook, much to Squidward's chagrin because SpongeBob brought him a lot of money. Then, Patrick walks into the restaurant and orders, prompting SpongeBob to create a slew of Krabby Patties and chuck them all at him, flinging the former out. Finally, the first episode of the series wraps up with Squidward shouting to Mr. Krabs, "Mr. Krabs! Mr. Krabs! Mr. Krabs, come see your new employee."

Oda Eiichiro

About that funky wisdom tooth I wrote about in Issue 13, after I brushed it with ApaXXrd all the ridges on my tooth were missing. THE HECK!?


Chapter 34



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107