Chapter 43

The Straw Hat Pirates arrive at the Baratie restaurant, where they come into conflict with the Marine Lieutenant Fullbody which results in Luffy indirectly damaging the nearby restaurant. While inside the Baratie, Fullbody attempts to impress his date, only for the Sous Chef serving them to make a fool out of the man. Meanwhile, Luffy tries to negotiate with the Head Chef about the damage inflicted upon his restaurant by the young boy. In an attempt to have revenge upon the waiter that embarrassed him, Fullbody fails and is left in a mangled state by said waiter.

Bertie's Christmas Eve


As the crew approaches the Baratie, a floating restaurant shaped like a fish, the Marine "Iron Fist" Fullbody appears to entertaining a young lady. Johnny and Yosaku hide as to not be seen while Johnny cries over loosing to the captain of a crew that has only existed for few days old. Fullbody acknowledges he knows who the bounty hunting pair are and insults them, they try to attack him but are pummeled for their efforts off-page. Luffy insults them for "sucking" at what they are. Fullbody gives them a warning he is off duty and will not defeat them this time, however if they are a problem again he will simply beat them.

When Jonny fell to the ground, wanted posters flew out of his pocket, Nami picks one up and is suddenly distant. Despite what he said, Fullbody goes back on his word and decides to sink their ship. Luffy blows up like a balloon thanks to his Gomu Gomu no Mi powers and sends the cannonball back. However, he misses and hits the Baratie by mistake.

Inside, Fullbody and his date for the day are enjoying a meal, she notices all eyes are on him but he flatters her by saying all eyes are on her. He then drinks some wine and attempts to identify it asking for confirmation from the waiter, but the wine he ordered ahead of his date was not the wine he was given and the waiter turns out to be the sous chef, Sanji. Having being left red faced, Fullbody gets comments from his date.

Meanwhile, Luffy is pulled up by Zeff the head chef. A deal is struck that Luffy must work for 1 year to repay his debt. Luffy's crew wonders where Luffy has got up to.

Fullbody attempts to get back at Sanji by putting a fly in the soup he was given. Sanji flirts with his date and when the insect is pointed out, Sanji passes it off and just says he is not an insect expert. With his date now laughing in his face, Fullbody smashes the table to the ground. Sanji just passes it off, saying he can take the insect off since its not important as Fullbody has finished his meal anyway. With his date screaming to stop, Fullbody goes to hit Sanji. The other chefs beg Sanji to not react. Fullbody is left bloodstained as Sanji beats his ideals as a chef into him. He passes a comment that he should not berate a chef in the middle of the sea as it is suicide.

Mission 28

George Glooman's father, the president of Glooman Pharmaceuticals, is speaking to his secretary. He tells him that as of the tenth of next month he will no longer be president of the company. The secretary mentions the Desmond Group but the president cuts him off and tells him that the company was in dire straits financially and he's not sure how he'll tell his son that the company will cease to exist in a month.

A month later, the students of Eden Academy are cleaning the school grounds. Becky Blackbell comments to Anya Forger how calm things are now that midterms are over. Anya says that Loid Forger is probably more relaxed since she dodged getting a Tonitrus Bolt which makes Becky ask whether he's strict or gets angry. Anya tells her he's a monster and Becky sympathizes with having parents with high expectations but also finds the idea of monster Loid kind of hot.

Their conversation is interrupted however by Damian Desmond who does a move he calls "Desmond Style Rolling Sweep" which flings a bunch of dirt into Anya and Becky's faces causing them to cough. Emile Elman and Ewen Egeburg both compliment Damian on his cleaning skills. A bunch of other students also surround him and shower him with compliments and ask about having a study group with him before the next exam. Becky annoyedly looks at Damian and complains about how obnoxious he is but Anya instead says that she wants to go to Damian's study group as well. Becky pauses for a moment then comments that she forgot Anya had a thing for Damian which makes Anya wonder what this "thing" is.

As they're talking, Anya overhears the thoughts of George saying how he'll never forgive you while looking at Damian. George gives Damian the dustpan, Anya asks Becky who that is and Becky tells her it's George from their class. George questions how Damian was able to get a Stella Star despite having had his butler hire a spy to change Damian's test scores to make him fail. Anya is shocked to learn that the person who hired Daybreak was one of her classmates. Becky asks Anya if she likes Damian but Anya ignores the question and tells Becky she wants to know more about George. Becky is shocked, believing that Anya will just fall for any guy and tells her that she should stay away from George because of how gloomy he is.

George pulls himself together and tells himself that he can still get Damian expelled. He pulls out a cigarette butt from his jacket and pretends to pick it up from the ground by Damian. He accuses Damian of smoking and calls a teacher over to get him in trouble. Damian grabs George's shoulder and tells him to stop, but George throws himself to the ground to make it look like Damian attacked him. The teacher comes over and asks what happened. George explains to the teacher that he found a cigarette butt on the ground and after calling a teacher over Damian punched him.

The teacher asks if this is true and asks Damian for an explanation if it is. Emile and Ewen insist that it's a lie, but the teacher doesn't trust them because he knows how close they are to Damian. Anya then comes to Damian's defense and tells the teacher what really happened. The teacher, feeling a little scared of Anya, leaves and tells the students not to call him over for nonsense again. Damian blushes and Becky squeals believing this was some romantic moment between Anya and Damian. Becky tells Anya that Damian probably knows exactly how she feels now but Anya is still confused.

Damian and George both question Anya on why they helped Damian. Damian then turns and asks George why he's trying to get him in trouble and he tells Damian that his whole life is over. George tells them that as of today his company is bankrupt and Damian asks what that has to do with him. George tells him that it was Damian's family's company that drove his father's company out of business and Ewen tells them he recalls seeing on the news something regarding the Desmond Group and Glooman Pharmaceuticals. George believed that if Damian had gotten expelled his family would be too distracted to mess with Glooman Pharmaceuticals. Damian yells at him telling him that there was no way his father's company drove the Glooman's company out of business and Becky agrees saying George went too far. George concedes but tells them that it doesn't make the fact that he'll have to leave school any better. Damian questions this and George tells him that his family will be out on the street tomorrow. George tells Damian that he envies him as Damian and his family are nothing like the trash he is. Emile and Ewen tell George that Damian's family has nothing to do with his success and that he earned his Stella Star.

George bursts into tears and cries about how he wanted to spend springtime at school and then starts picking up trash while calling himself trash. Damian offers George a juice which at first George glares at him for doing but then accepts the offer. After finishing the juice, he tells them he never got to order the deluxe caviar bowl at the cafeteria and he'll regret leaving school without having eaten it. After Damian gets George the bowl, George comments that he always wanted to know what it feels like to wear a Stella Star so Damian lets him wear his Stella Star. George is about to give another request but Emile stops him and tells him he's pushing his luck which leads George to start talking about how sad his life is going to be from now on. Anya tries to cheer him up by telling him it'll be okay and that Westalis is a peaceful country. George is shocked by how little Anya knows of Westalis's geopolitical situation but also is happy about all his classmates being so nice to him. George bursts into tears and asks for one last thing, to sing the school chorus together with them. Becky is the first to start singing and then eventually everyone from Cecile Hall except Anya starts singing the chorus together.

After they finish, Damian gives George his favorite set of stationery. After that, several other students start giving gifts to George. The students wish George a farewell and tell him that he'll always be a part of Cecile Hall. After getting home, Anya tells Loid and Yor Forger about George and what happened today. Loid wonders though how Glooman Pharmaceuticals being bought out is the same as them going bankrupt. After George arrives home, his father tells him that the Desmond group saved their company but that also meant he would no longer be president of the company. George asks if that means he can still go to school to which his father tells him of course and asks if he did his homework. After coming to school the next day, Becky tells him he'll have to return everything, Damian tells him he'll have to pay for the juice, and Anya pats his shoulder.


Kappa are devious creatures. They linger just below the surface of rivers and lakes, waiting for mortals to test the water before snatching and drowning their fleshy meal. Taken merely at their appearance and juvenile sense of humor, they could be mistaken for mischievous turtle-men, almost playful in a rude sort of way, but they are dangerously strong and ruthless when submerging their prey. King among these monsters is Kuzenbo; bigger, stronger, and more cunning than the rest, but just as infantile.

Kuzenbo led his nine thousand Kappa followers to Japan, where they harried river villages and fishing boats, using their unnatural strength to pull mortals below. So clever, so hungry had the Kappa become, that Japan's army marched to fight back, but they were no match.

As the bowl-shaped indentation atop a Kappa's head is filled with water, that Kappa grows impossibly stronger - far stronger than a mortal. Yet, bound by their strange sense of honor, a Kappa must bow when bowed to, spilling their power upon the ground. It is the only known way to defeat one.

And of the countless battles Kuzenbo has fought, he was defeated only twice. Upon his second defeat at the hands of General Kiyomasa, Kuzenbo was forced to swear to never again sow strife between man and beast. A vow the Kappa King has honored ever since.

Gods, however, are fair game.

Archlich of Naxxramas

Kel'Thuzad was a powerful member of the Kirin Tor, but his interest in the dark arts caused him to be expelled from Dalaran. He went on to become the founder of the Cult of the Damned and one of the principal agents of the Lich King. After bringing the plague to Lordaeron, he was slain by Arthas Menethil. When Arthas became a death knight, he used and defiled the powers of the Sunwell to resurrect Kel'Thuzad as a lich so he could summon Archimonde to Azeroth. Following Arthas's departure for Northrend, Kel'Thuzad was left to command the Scourge forces in Lordaeron from his floating necropolis, Naxxramas.

Home Sweet Pineapple

A crowd of hungry nematodes arrive in Bikini Bottom early in the morning and eat a variety of items. Upon reaching SpongeBob's house, they pull out straws and start drinking the juice inside it. Meanwhile, SpongeBob and Gary are inside, sleeping, as everything starts to shrink. SpongeBob and Gary wake up and rush into the living room as SpongeBob calls Squidward on the phone, and Squidward asks if it is time for SpongeBob to ruin his day. Then Patrick gets up asking, "Is it already time to ruin Squid's day?" before rushing over elegantly dressed. When Squidward sees that there is nothing left of SpongeBob's house save what seems to be small pebble, he starts elatedly saying goodbye to SpongeBob, but throws a party inside his house, with confetti and streamers flying out of his front windows. Now that the house is no longer there, SpongeBob says that he will have to move back in with his mom and dad. However, Patrick convinces SpongeBob to build a new house.

Later, SpongeBob and Patrick attempt to build another pineapple house, but it ends up being a scale model, meaning SpongeBob has no choice but to move away, until Patrick offers to allow SpongeBob and Gary to stay at his house. When SpongeBob and Gary try to sleep, Patrick hogs his rock, which he and SpongeBob are using as a blanket, and they get into a tug-of-war. Not only does Patrick snore so loud that SpongeBob put corks in his ears, but he also begins drooling in his sleep. SpongeBob absorbs the drool and waddles over to Patrick to put a giant cork inside his mouth. Later, Patrick has dreams that spiders are attacking him, and hits SpongeBob repeatedly with the rock, crushing him. SpongeBob decides to sleep far away from Patrick, but when Patrick has another nightmare, he sleep-runs to where SpongeBob is and pounds him with his rock some more before heading back to where he was and going back to sleep the way he normally does.

SpongeBob gives up sleeping at Patrick's house and goes to sleep at Squidward's. SpongeBob asks Squidward for a glass of water, and Squidward, who is still half-asleep, brings him one. When they say goodnight to each other, Squidward suddenly wakes up and realizes that SpongeBob is sleeping at his house, and angrily kicks him and Gary out, leaving both of them without a place to stay for the rest of the night.

The next morning, Squidward gets up early so he can see SpongeBob move back with his parents. When SpongeBob's parents arrive, Patrick begins crying hysterically and attempts to drag SpongeBob's family's car to a stop while Squidward starts dancing and singing. Despondent, SpongeBob buries the pebble from the beginning of the episode where his house used to be because it holds too many memories. He begins to tear up, and one tear falls on the spot where the pebble was planted. However, the "pebble" is actually a seed, and SpongeBob's tear waters the pineapple seed, which causes it to glow and creates a massive vine. This vine sprouts a new pineapple house identical to the previous one, drops it on top of Squidward, and retreats underground. SpongeBob is happy his house came back as he, his parents, and Patrick rush over to go inside to find everything back to where it belongs. Just before the episode closes, SpongeBob then goes over to tell Squidward, who is underneath the floor, that he’s back forever, much to the cephalopod's dismay.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 7: "Crash Landing at the Island of Odd Beasts"


Oda Eiichiro

I was shocked when I saw the May 17th episode of Sazae-san!! Katsuo's voice actor changed!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED...!!


Chapter 44



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107