Chapter 36

Usopp is unable to move anymore to protect Kaya but he has not lost his will. Zoro finally defeats Buchi and brings Usopp up on his back so they can catch up with Kaya and the children before Jango. Kuro tries to stop them but finding Luffy in his way, they start to fight each other. Meanwhile Jango has found where the escapee were hidden.

Ethan Sheldon's Death

After Them!

Piiman asks the other Usopp Pirates to look back to see if Jango is following them as they escort Kaya through the forest. Just as they think they are safe, Jango's ring comes flying out through the trees in their direction, barely missing them but cutting up every tree they fly through. Jango tells them he is prepared to destroy the whole forest in order to find them.

The echoes of Jango chasing after the others can be heard back at the coastline. Kuro tells Usopp he has no feelings for Miss Kaya and if she does just happen to survive, he might thank her for being part of his scheme. As Usopp makes a break for it in order to aid Miss Kaya and the others, Buchi makes an attempt to once again get in the way, but Zoro once again blocks, this time he wastes no time with him. As Usopp makes another break for it, he falls to the ground too weak to continue on while Kuro laughs at his efforts. Usopp knows he cannot win, but is prepared to fight anyway.

Buchi tosses Zoro aside again. The other Black Cat Pirates mock Usopp and get a boulder thrown at them from Luffy. Zoro loses his temper at Buchi and finally makes the finishing strike against him. With Buchi out of the way, Zoro takes Usopp and heads out after Kaya and the others. Kuro attempts to prevent Zoro and Usopp from leaving, but Luffy sees to it that they are allowed to leave. Unfortunately, Kuro dodges the attack. Kuro then strikes back at Luffy, whom in turn strikes at him. Kuro now concentrates on Luffy only. Kuro asks Luffy why he fights for the village as an outside. Luffy tells him there is someone in the village he won't let die.

In the forest, Zoro's bad sense of direction is hindering his attempt to locate Kaya, even with Usopp's help. Elsewhere in the forest, Kaya is beginning to feel the height of her illness as the running around is bringing on her fever. The Usopp Pirates urge her on, but she asks them to leave which they refuse to. Jango finally catches up with them.

Mission 21

Anya, riding on Bond's back, rushes to the clock tower. After arriving, she tries to get Bond to show her the future again so she will know when the explosion happens. However, Bond is too tired from running, so Anya tries to remember the positions of the clock hands but realizes that she cannot tell time. She decides to ask a man sitting on a bench when the clock tower bell will ring. He tells her it will ring in less than thirty minutes, so she decides they must hurry. Bond picks up the scent of Keith and drags Anya around a corner so they can hide. Keith's dog smells and spots them but does not alert Keith, who drags him back into his car. Keith then thinks about how he hopes the bomb he planted works, which Anya hears and finds the location of with her telepathy.

He then drives off before Anya rushes to where he planted the bomb. She reaches for the doorknob, but Bond barks at her to stop, reminding Anya that opening it would trigger the explosion. Anya decides to climb through a small window by the door and prepares to disarm the bomb. She realizes, however, that disarming it will not be as easy as in her cartoons, as all the wires are the same color. She notices some ketchup on a table and decides to use it to leave a warning about the bomb for Loid.

Anya and Bond leave the building before Loid and two other WISE agents arrive in a car. They climb up the stairs and find Anya's note. The older agent interprets the message as saying "NO" with an eggplant drawn below it rather than a bomb. In his rush, he decides to ignore the message and reaches for the doorknob. Anya anxiously waits outside, hoping that her warning worked. The time of the explosion arrives, and Bond's premonition returns to a future with Loid alive and well. Back in the clock tower, Loid has stopped the older agent from opening the door as he thinks the message on the door may be a warning. He uses a mirror to look through the small window by the door and sees the bomb hooked up to the door. They wonder who left the message but decide to leave as the State Security Service has also learned of this hideout and is on their way, so they will let them handle the bomb. They decide that with the SSS swarming around, they will have to give up their search for Keith and head right to where Minister Brantz is.

Brantz is informed by his secretary that he will be expected at the reception hall shortly and that there is a contingent from Ostania's foreign ministry here to escort him. He complains about not being able to go anywhere in this country without being watched by the state. The secretary explains that they are probably just worried about the terrorists, to which Brantz complains how useless WISE is not having taken care of them already. Just as he says this, a member of WISE arrives in the room.

Brantz leaves the building and is greeted by Yuri Briar, who informs him that he and two other foreign ministry workers will escort him to the conference. One of them opens a passenger door for him to get into the vehicle, but he instead gets into the driver's seat and drives off on his own. Watching from afar, Keith immediately gives chase. Meanwhile, the real Brantz is still inside the building with his secretary. Loid had come and taken his clothes as part of his disguise. Brantz complains to Handler about Loid "mugging" him, to which she explains to him that they needed his clothes so that the dog would pick up his scent.

Back on the road, Loid makes a quick right turn, catching Keith by surprise as he is driving in circles. The two other WISE agents with Loid are in another vehicle, providing information to WISE about Keith's vehicle. Loid keeps driving and starts heading towards the river, something Keith appreciates as it is away from the crowds. The WISE agents catch up with Keith, and the older agent pulls out a gun and starts shooting. However, Keith slams his car into theirs' before throwing a stick hand grenade at them, flipping over the car. The older agent messages Loid over the radio that Keith still has explosives and is coming his way.

Keith catches up to Loid's car and sees that he abandoned the vehicle. However, he sees Loid running off in the distance, so he sends his dog after him. Loid pulls out his gun to shoot at the dog, but it expertly dodges the shots. Loid continues running and uses parkour to get on top of a building. Keith is shocked by this agility, knowing that Brantz is 60 years old. The dog continues pursuing Loid, and they end up in an alleyway where Loid pulls out his gun and takes off his disguise. He apologizes to the dog for involving it in their human conflicts but states that it is time to end this before firing a shot.


Tiamat is the first. The begetter of all life. The mother of creation. When the heavens did not yet exist, nor the earth below, she was there. For aeons, she coiled silent and sleeping in the cosmic abyss, until she met Apsu, the god of fresh waters. Together, they drew up the primeval waters of creation, and from those waters came all things.

Her eldest children gave shape to the Heavens and the Earth, and created the younger deities. But these younger gods were treacherous creatures – duplicitous and cunning. They trapped Apsu in his temple, angering Tiamat. She fashioned monstrous children to punish the traitorous gods. Harried from their palaces by Tiamat's armies, they were forced to seek the protection of Marduk, mightiest of the young gods.

Marduk forced the other gods to acknowledge him as their king, and then went to war with Tiamat. After a great battle that rocked the heavens, Marduk managed to defeat Tiamat and cast her back into the cosmic abyss from which she had been born. Locked out of the world she had given birth to, Tiamat returned to her slumber, deaf to the cries of her children as Marduk and the other gods hunted them almost to extinction.

But now the wheel of creation has turned once more, and the primeval waters recede. Tiamat has surfaced from her enforced sleep and risen from the abyss to find the world – her world – much changed. Worse, it is infested with lesser gods. Not those she knew, perhaps, but the same even so. Like all lesser gods, they claim ownership over the Heavens and the Earth – of that which does not belong to them. They believe themselves to be all powerful.

But Tiamat will show them what true power really is.

Lord of the Worgen

Years of hardship and personal loss have not broken Genn Greymane; they have shaped him into a ferocious warrior, a cunning statesman, and a loyal ally.

After Genn Greymane became king of Gilneas, he pursued a doctrine of isolationism. He refused to join the Alliance, and he even built the colossal Greymane Wall to close off his nation from the rest of the world. In his hubris, he believed Gilneas could handle any threat that came its way, without the help of outsiders.

Everything changed when a horrifying curse engulfed his nation. The affliction transformed many Gilneans—including Greymane—into bloodthirsty wolf-beasts known as worgen. As the curse continued to spread, Sylvanas Windrunner and her undead Forsaken invaded Greymane's weakened kingdom. A large number of brave Gilneans lost their lives defending their nation... even the king's son, Prince Liam. Hardship after hardship befell Greymane and his people, until they were forced to flee their home and find refuge with the Alliance.

A lesser king would have crumbled in the face of these tragedies. Greymane did not. In the years since Gilneas's fall, he has become one of the Alliance's fiercest supporters. He has also learned to control the worgen curse in his blood and use it as a weapon. Though Greymane dreams of reclaiming Gilneas, he will first focus his efforts on securing peace for the Alliance. He and his people are prepared to fight with sword and fang against anything that endangers the Alliance, whether it is the Burning Legion or Sylvanas and her Forsaken.


The episode begins with SpongeBob walking outside to breathe in the peacefulness of the neighborhood in the morning. Suddenly, he begins to loudly build a bubble stand, much to the annoyance of Squidward, who demands SpongeBob to be quiet while he is practicing his clarinet-playing. SpongeBob stops for a time, takes a few tentative taps of his hammer, and then quickly finishes construction before Squidward has a chance to complain again.

At the newly built stand, SpongeBob offers customers an opportunity to blow a bubble for twenty-five cents. Patrick comes by and asks to try it out. However, he does not have any money, so he "borrows" a quarter from SpongeBob to pay for it. Unfortunately, Patrick's strained blowing fails to produce a bubble. SpongeBob offers to teach him for an extra quarter, which he happily "loans" to Patrick. SpongeBob then demonstrates his somewhat peculiar, yet effective, bubble-blowing technique. SpongeBob's technique produces, among others, a massive elephant-shaped bubble that gets stuck in Squidward's house and pops.

The fuming Squidward comes out and approaches the now ostensibly closed bubble stand. He demands to know how they can cause so much disruption just by blowing bubbles. SpongeBob explains that he is creating art and utilizing his technique to its fullest potential. Squidward scoffs at SpongeBob's ideas of art and marketing, sending SpongeBob and Patrick back to their homes in a sad mood. Still snickering, Squidward begins to examine the bubble wand out of growing curiosity. As he tries to blow a bubble himself, SpongeBob quickly comes out and tells Squidward to pay a quarter, shocking him. Squidward reluctantly lays down a quarter for the bubble, suggesting that it is a very simple feat.

Squidward attempts to impress the two with his skill, to no avail. All the while, SpongeBob and Patrick try to convince him to use the technique. Fed up and annoyed, Squidward furiously and mockingly copies their technique, finally screaming into the wand in anger. His screams end up producing a giant bubble, thoroughly impressing SpongeBob and Patrick.

Squidward, claiming credit for the bubble he blew, heads back inside his house and begins to play his clarinet once more, with SpongeBob and Patrick chanting his name while dancing. However, the giant bubble descends and encapsulates Squidward's house, unearthing it and floating with it up in the air as SpongeBob and Patrick watch in horror and try to call Squidward's name to get his attention.

When at last Squidward looks outside to greet his "fans," he sees himself high above the ground with SpongeBob and Patrick little more than specks. The bubble then pops with explosive force, prompting SpongeBob and Patrick to look at each other nervously and retreat to their houses.

Once Squidward's house floats back down to the ground, Squidward ends the episode by letting out a few final feeble notes from his clarinet.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 2: "Mohji and Cabaji"


Oda Eiichiro

Thank you for sending me all the One Piece cosplay pictures. If I did it I'd be a fabulous Nami ♥ Yikes.


Chapter 37



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107