Chapter 28

Preparing for the oncoming pirate attack, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp take upon themselves to protect the village and identify the path the pirates would have to take in order to get onto the island. At the mansion during a discussion between Merry and Klahadore, the latter grows impatient and reveals his true nature and attacks Merry. As morning arrives, the Black Cat Pirates begin their charge on the island where it is revealed Usopp guessed the wrong path and they were actually attacking from the north. Panicking, Luffy, Usopp and Nami rush off in to the right location direction, while Zoro is left behind as Nami caused him to slide down the oil trap they had set. Usopp is the first to arrive, knocking back several pirates with his slingshot. Luffy on the other hand has become lost, and Zoro still trapped in the slippery oil.

Cut Short

Crescent Moon

Usopp, Nami, Zoro, and Luffy all agree to protect the village against Kuro and the Black Cat Pirates. Usopp is scared and his knees shake despite claiming he is not. Usopp begins to make a plan, he asks Zoro, Luffy and Nami what they can do and they reply Slicing, Stretching and stealing respectively, Usopp adds his skill is "hide".

Inside the mansion Klahadore and Kaya's other servant discuss Usopp's actions of the day while Kaya sleeps soundly in her bed. Klahadore finds the glasses that were supposed to be a present for him in the morning on their 3rd anniversary, they were specially made for him so he did not have to keep pushing his back up. As the other servant continues to talk, Klahadore suddenly begins to talk strangely. He looks to the crescent moon and states it makes him wild. Before his eyes, Klahadore smashes the glasses and looks devilishly at the other servant stating his present will be the mansion. Klahadore states that he no longer has to pretend as there is only a few hours left. He pulls out his cat claws from a bag he is carrying and turns them on the servant.

On board the ship of the Black Cat Pirates, Jango is awaken from his sleep to be told in a few hours they will have to go to work on the plan. Jango leaves his quarters walking backwards out of his cabin. Back at the coastline, Usopp and the others have now laid oil down the slope towards the village.

As morning breaks everyone readies for action. Both on the coast and the pirate ship. At the mansion, Klahadore enters the room where Kaya is sleeping. Jango and the crew arrive at the coastline leading to the village. At where Usopp and the others are there are no pirates, suddenly Usopp remembers there is more than one port along the coast line and they are at the wrong one. As panic breaks out, Usopp states the layout is the same and the coast is only three minutes away from this one. Nami realizes their boats are parked at that one. As Luffy rushes off, Nami tries to follow but her foot slides as she steps on the oil, as she slides she grabs hold of Zoro and uses him to get off the oil. Leaving him behind she rushes off to save her treasure. Zoro swears he will kill her, while everyone else rushes to the correct coast.

Usopp arrives there quickly and shoots some of the pirates down. Zoro is still trapped on the slope and Luffy is back at the village after going the wrong way.

Mission 13

Loid leans in to kiss Yor, which leads her to panic slightly. Yor decides to down a bottle of wine to help calm her nerves. Loid whispers to her that they do not have to do this and can find another way, but Yor insists Yuri questions why they are whispering and whether they will actually kiss or not. Yor throws a fork at Yuri and then leans forward to kiss Loid, telling him to close his eyes. As Yuri watches this, he flashes back to his past with Yor raising him and him wanting to marry her. Unable to watch Yor kiss another man in front of him, Yuri decides to jump in between the couple to stop them. A now embarrassed Yor decides to slap Loid, but ends up slapping Yuri instead. He flies across the room, waking up Anya momentarily before she returns to sleep. Yuri gets up with a bloody face and misinterprets the slap as Yor being mad that he tried to stop their kiss.

Yuri concedes defeat for now but being drunk and having lost some blood he has trouble keeping his balance. Yor asks if he needs a taxi and takes him on her shoulder so he can regain his balance. Yor, who is also drunk, has trouble balancing as well is caught by Loid who holds them both up. He grins at the two of them and tells them how much he admires how wonderful of siblings they are. Loid thanks Yuri for all the work he has done to protect and support his sister and assures him that he will do everything he can to support her as well. Yuri, embarrassed, slaps away the hand Loid was using to hold him up and announces he is going home. Loid tells him that he is welcome to come back and visit anytime for Yor and meet their daughter Anya, who Yor adds tried to stay up for him but ended up falling asleep. Yuri states that he will come back to prove that Loid tricked her into this marriage. Yuri gives Loid a warning that if he makes Yor cry he will have him executed but cuts himself off before finishing. Yuri then rushes off as Yor wishes him a safe trip home. Loid wears a deadpan expression, thinking about how Yuri almost threatened to have him executed.

Loid proceeds to search the apartment to make sure that Yuri did not plant any listening devices, to which his search turns up nothing. Yor thanks Loid for tonight and how he was willing to accept Yuri as family. Loid comments how he envies the two of them as someone who does not have any other family apart from Anya. Most of all though, he was just glad that Yuri did not find out that their marriage is a sham. Yor comments that she just wants to go to bed to which they remember the shared love bed they had set up for Yuri's visit and say they will sleep separately. Anya and Yor sleep, while Loid reads an issue of the Spy Wars comics. As he thinks of the Briar siblings, he contemplates when was the last time he felt envious of someone before deciding to head to sleep. He thinks about how tomorrow he will have more quality time before pausing and then thinking about his mission. As Yuri heads home, he asks two men which direction the station is in. Shocked by his bloody appearance, they tell him to go to the hospital.


Maui is widely known and revered throughout the island-nations of the Pacific Ocean as a hero and a trickster without equal. His legend stretches from Hawai'i to Tonga. The youngest of four divine brothers, Maui is known as Maui the Clever or sometimes Maui the Mischievous, depending on what he's up to at the time. But regardless of what he is called, and what tricks he might pull, it will always be to the benefit of his people.

His feats of strength and cunning are legendary. Armed with his magical hook Manaiakalani, he fished up the islands that people would come to inhabit and once snared the sun, so that the days might be longer. He lifted up the sky, so that the plants might have room to grow and mortals might have room to stand. It was Maui who caused birds to become visible to the human eye, so that mortals might enjoy the sight of them, even as they listened to their songs. And it was Maui who brought the secret of fire to his chosen peoples, so that their burden might be eased. He played tricks upon the other gods, so that he might learn their secrets and share them with mankind. And if the gods were angered by any of this, well, Maui paid them little heed. He reasoned that if they did not wish their secrets shared, they would have made them harder to learn.

In all these ways and more, Maui has sought to improve the lot of his people and protect them from the myriad dangers that stalk them. But as the world grows ever more tumultuous, and the gods of many pantheons strive against one another, Maui finds himself called upon to play his tricks on worthier and more fearsome targets.

The Lightbringer

The sobriquet "Lightbringer" is not softly won, nor softly maintained beyond death. The legend of noble Uther guides the Alliance years after his passing.

Many devout followers of the Light were killed during the First War, unprepared for the sheer brutality of warfare against the Horde. The leader of the Clerics of Northshire, Alonsus Faol, believed that the Light could protect the faithful and devoted, and thus began training the most virtuous knights of Lordaeron to wield the Light in battle.

The first knight to be named a paladin was Uther, who helped found the Knights of the Silver Hand alongside Archbishop Faol and became a legend among his order. When the Second War began, Uther fought alongside his brother-in-arms, Turalyon, to fend off the forces of Horde commander Orgrim Doomhammer and lead the Alliance in a final, successful attack on the Dark Portal. In the wake of the Horde's defeat, Uther helped rebuild Stormwind City and cared for the sick and injured.

Uther remained in a leadership role with the Silver Hand for years, eventually taking Lordaeron's prince, Arthas Menethil, as his apprentice. The two forged a close relationship as teacher and student, and together they enforced justice throughout the land... until the Scourge struck Lordaeron. Arthas's growing anger at the spreading plague of undeath led him to horrific acts—such as the culling of Stratholme—and his thirst for vengeance drove him to madness. After the prince became a champion of the Lich King and killed his own father, Uther decided to personally guard the urn of the slain king. Arthas and Uther fought in Andorhal, and when the battle ended, the legendary paladin lay dead.

Today, followers of the Light pay their respects to Uther at Stormwind's cathedral, where a statue of the revered paladin was built. A dedicated few trek to his tomb in the Western Plaguelands, where the Lightbringer's memory is an unyielding gleam in a land of death.


Everything that is, is alive.

The words had become a mantra in his mind, a constant reinforcement of his newfound understanding. More importantly they were an epiphany, the key to unlocking a whole new universe of knowledge. And the epiphany was why he was here.

Nobundo took comfort in the words as he slowly negotiated Zangarmarsh's forest of colossal mushrooms, their spores glowing green and red in the early morning mist. He traversed the creaky wooden bridges that stretched over the shallow marshland waters. In just a few moments he found himself at his destination, gazing up at the radiant underbelly of a mushroom that dwarfed all others. There atop its cap, the draenei settlement of Telredor awaited him.

He progressed with trepidation, leaning heavily on his walking stick and cursing the pain in his joints as he stepped onto the platform that would carry him to the top. He was worried, for he was still unsure how the others would react. There had been a time when his kind had not even been allowed to enter the settlements of the unaffected.

They are just going to laugh at me.

He took a deep breath of the cool, misty marsh air and asked it to give him courage for the challenge to come.

Once the platform came to a stop, Nobundo carefully shuffled through the arched entryway, down several shallow steps, and out onto the landing overlooking the settlement's small plaza, where the assembly had already gathered.

He gazed down at the hard-set faces of the various draenei, whose disdainful, superior eyes stared up at him.

He was, after all, Krokul: "Broken".

To be Broken was to be outcast and vilified. It was not right or just, but it was the reality he had been forced to accept. Many of his unaffected brothers and sisters could not understand how the decline of the Krokul could have occurred, and especially, as in Nobundo's case, how one who had been so gifted and so favored by the Light could have fallen so far.

Though Nobundo himself did not know exactly how it happened, he did know when. He recollected with startling clarity the exact moment that marked the beginning of his own personal descent.

Oda Eiichiro

At last the unveiling of the winners of the 'Cover Page Illustration Idea Contest'. Since I love drawing pictures I'm going to put some extra effort into the next six weeks. Of course that goes for the series too.


Chapter 29



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107