Chapter 39
Kuro continues attacking his crew until Luffy tells him to fight him instead. Luffy ends up wrapping his elongated limbs around Kuro so that he cannot escape and wins their fight by using a headbutt. At the same time, Jango is about to kill Kaya after beating Usopp Pirates. But Usopp and Zoro intervene and save Kaya from Jango.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Luffy and Nami are still watching as Kuro continues to cut up the other Black Cat Pirates. Suddenly, Luffy is wounded by Kuro but he keeps his ground and grabs Kuro's jacket and throws him to the ground. Kuro mocks Luffy, saying he should have stood still so Kuro could kill him easier, and because Luffy stops him moving, his crew are still alive and suffering. Kuro goes to do his move again, but this time Luffy grabs him and holds him tight. Kuro is unable to move.
In the forest, Kaya agrees to sign the will if Jango stops hurting the Usopp Pirates. Jango throws them against trees and turns to Kaya, who has his hypnotizing ring and threatens to kill herself with it if he does not do what she says. Jango panics, because if he does not get the will signed before her death he is in trouble. While Kaya signs the will, the Usopp pirates pretend to be hurt. They discuss their options and agree that just because their losing does not mean they can run away. With the will signed, Jango now prepares himself to kill Kaya.
Zoro and Usopp spot them. Zoro tosses Usopp aside to stop Jango. As Jango goes in for the kill the Usopp Pirates ram a shovel between the cheeks of his rear. Angrily he kicks them aside and goes to kill Kaya, stating to Zoro he is too late to save her. But Zoro states it wasn't his goal to do so, he cuts some branches blocking a clear shot of Jango from Usopp. With the branches out of the way, Usopp now can fire a clear shot at Jango with his slingshot.
Back at the coastline, Kuro's crew cheer Luffy on. Luffy throws his head back and stretches his neck far enough back to tell the Black Cat pirates to stop cheering for him. Kuro in shock just keeps on about how his plan will not fail.
Jango is hit by Usopp's slingshot and at that same moment, Kuro also falls as Luffy pulls his head back and rams it into Kuro.
Mission 24
Loid notices that Yor has been coming home late recently, which makes him suspicious. Anya asks when they will be having dinner, and Loid says when Yor arrives home. Anya then turns to Bond to try to get him to see the future to know what they will have for dinner. Yor arrives home with a grim face and hands covered in cuts and bandages. Loid asks her if she would like dinner, but she declines and tells them to eat by themselves as she is not hungry. Anya reads Bond's mind and sees a future where Yor is crying, which makes her wonder why.
The next day, while Yor and the others are finishing up their work for the day at Berlint City Hall, Millie asks Camilla if she wants to go get a drink together tonight, but Camilla declines. After work, Yor visits a grocery store and arrives at Camilla's house with a dripping paper bag. Camilla opens the door with a worried expression, asking if they are "really doing this again tonight," to which Yor nods. Camilla then yells at Yor for squashing the tomatoes which were causing the bag to drip out the bottom. Dominic appears and greets Yor with a smile and congratulates her for keeping up with the work, and Camilla yells at him for starting this whole thing.
Three days earlier, Yor told Camilla, Millie, and Sharon that she wanted to learn how to cook because a breakfast she made put Loid on the toilet for a whole day. Yor is worried that if she cannot learn to cook, it will ruin her marriage. Sharon tells her they have a maid, Millie proclaims her knowledge of using can openers, and Camilla tells her to take a class. Dominic overhears the conversation and tells Yor that Camilla is a great cook. Yor asks Camilla to teach her to cook, but Camilla tries to decline. However, Dominic pushes for her to teach Yor at Camilla's house.
Back in the present, Yor excitedly puts on her apron and prepares for another lesson. Camilla yells at Dominic and tells him that he will be on poison-testing duty, but he tells her he already got someone to do that. Yuri Briar excitedly opens the door, ready to eat his sister's cooking. He greets Camilla and gives her thanks for all that she has done for Yor before asking the purpose of this party. Yor tells him that she is learning to cook in secret and asks that Loid does not know, which makes Yuri upset as he thinks she is cooking for Loid.
Yor presents to Camilla all the ingredients that she bought, to which Camilla complains that she told Yor not to buy so much. Camilla dismissively tells Yor to start peeling the potatoes but she ends up just cutting herself and making a bunch of potato chunks covered in blood. Camilla is shocked that anyone could be this bad at peeling, to which Yor replies that she is much better with a knife. She begins chopping up some ingredients on the cutting board but also ends up cutting right through the board.
Camilla, seeing Yor's excessive failure, tells her to just get a divorce already, which makes Yuri appreciate Camilla. Yor begs Camilla to continue, though, as she does not want to get a divorce, so Camilla tells her to go heat up the ingredients she chopped. Dominic compliments Camilla for having a hidden soft side, which Yor never saw as hidden. Yor finishes her first dish of the day, a minestrone soup filled with various ingredients, including bones and the head of a fish. Dominic tells Yuri to eat up, and so Yuri enthusiastically digs into the dish. He screams at how fantastic it is while constantly eating and throwing it up. Camilla and Dominic curiously decide to take a bite of the dish and immediately fall to the floor.
Camilla yells at Yor for messing up the dish so badly, and Yor apologizes. Camilla tells Yor that they will try something easier, like meatballs. Yor then presents her finished meatball dish, which has a bone and a fishtail sticking out, among other things. Yuri digs in once again and proclaims how he is seeing more of his childhood memories with each bite and is seeing his mother beckoning him into the light. Dominic worriedly tells him to stop eating and put down the fork.
Remembering Yor's past, Camilla realizes that Yor cooking for herself and Yuri since they were kids probably warped their palates. Yor sheepishly explains that she just wanted to make sure Yuri got all the nutrients he needed. Camilla asks Yor and Yuri if they remember any dishes their parents used to make. Yuri remembers a stew their mom made, which had a fried egg on top. After figuring that it was probably a southern stew with a simple base, Camilla tries to help Yor make it by carefully walking her through the steps.
Camilla intently watches Yor cook and points out that she has been a lot less robotic lately. Yor asks if it was maybe because she got married, making an annoyed Camilla dismiss the possibility and insist that it was something simple like a makeup change. Dominic compliments Camilla on being a beautiful woman, before also complimenting the smell of Yor's stew. Camilla takes a spoonful of the stew and tells her that it is not bad this time. Yuri also has some and tells them that it is not quite as he remembers. Camilla asks them where the siblings are from, and Yor tells them East Nielsberg. Camilla tells them that they put sour cream in stew there, so she adds a bit. Yor and Yuri both take a spoonful of the stew and quickly look at each other with surprise.
At the Forger household, Loid is training Bond a bit and thinks about how bright Bond is and how he should get security dog training. Anya tells Loid that she is really hungry with her stomach growling, and he realizes how late it is. Yor arrives home with a bag of ingredients and proclaims that she will be making dinner tonight, and Loid and Anya look at her in shock and worry. Yor starts making the stew and tells them that she has been taking cooking lessons and apologizes for hiding it. She serves them both a bowl of the stew, and they worriedly take a bite of it. They both give a look of surprise and tell Yor that it is good. They both continue eating the dish, and Yor begins to cry because of how happy she is. She realizes that this marriage is not just to protect her contract-killing job, but also because she likes making her family happy. Loid tells her that he cannot wait to see what she makes next, so she presents them with a "Yor Forger original" dish. Loid and Anya both excitedly eat the dish before collapsing to the ground.
As Izanami gave birth to the god of Fire, his searing skin scorched her flesh. Fearful she would die, her husband, Izanagi, the man with whom she had created the world, held her close and wept. But it was too late. So grievous were the wounds, Izanami succumbed to death.
To rescue her soul, Izanagi traveled to Yomi, the realm of darkness and death. Through the black maze he searched, until finally he came upon her, hidden amongst the shadows. He implored her to return with him. She could not, for she had already eaten the fruit that grew in Yomi. Izanagi insisted. He would not leave her in this place. He swore it.
Izanami agreed to take her husband to see the Gods of Yomi, to implore them to free her. Meanwhile, remain in darkness, she cautioned him, for the realm of the dead was not meant for the living to see. Taken by foreboding, Izanagi lit a torch and laid eyes upon his wife. No longer the graceful, elegant beauty she once was, Izanami now appeared a rotting corpse, hollow and decayed, maggot ridden and foul. Frightened and disgusted, Izanagi broke his vow and fled.
Through the bowels of Yomi he ran, pursued by the fiend that was once his wife. Escaping the cave entrance, Izanagi rolled a boulder in place to block it. Sealed within, betrayed and cursed, consumed with wrathful anger, Izanami swore, one thousand lives would she take each day. One thousand to pay for the broken promise he made.
Since then, Izanami has kept her vow, each day reaching beyond the grave to pull souls to Yomi. But war has broken the boulder that once kept her sealed away, and Izanami has emerged, cold and lifeless, but burning with a vengeance against all that lives. One thousand souls will not be enough.
Shadow of the Uncrowned
After her parents were killed by bandits, Valeera Sanguinar survived her rough childhood and the Scourge by stealing. She was eventually caught, but didn't go down without a fight, and her fighting prowess attracted the notice of the orc gladiator manager, Rehgar Earthfury. He handpicked and trained Valeera for his gladiator team, along with Broll Bearmantle and Bloodeye Redfist, until Bloodeye was killed by the mate of a fighter he slew. Rehgar quickly replaced Bloodeye with an amnesiac human he found, who would later be called Lo'Gosh — actually the missing king of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn. Fighting together as a team of three, Valeera formed a great friendship with Broll (who treated her like a surrogate child) and Varian. The trio eventually broke away from their lives as gladiators, restored Varian's memory and throne, and rid Stormwind of the influence of the Black Dragon broodmother, Onyxia. As a result of this, Valeera became Varian's bodyguard and adviser and swore loyalty solely to Varian and his son, Anduin, and while she is proud of her blood elven heritage, she associates herself with neither the Alliance nor the Horde.
After participating in the Battle for the Undercity and helping in the defeat of Cho'Gall, Valeera seemingly vanished with no one knowing her whereabouts. In truth, she joined The Uncrowned, a rogue organization that secretly deals with unknown threats. With the defeat of the Burning Legion and Anduin's coronation, she returned to Stormwind as Anduin's secret spy and adviser.
The episode opens at the Krusty Krab. Squidward sends SpongeBob an order for a Krabby Patty, which through a sleight-of-hand trick SpongeBob performs seems to come out through Squidward's nose. After SpongeBob cooks the patty, however, it begins to move across the floor seemingly on its own and makes its way towards the front door. Mr. Krabs stops the patty in its tracks and reveals that the patty was being stolen by none other than Krabs' diminutive nemesis, Plankton. Krabs places his foe on a plate and flings him back to the Chum Bucket across the street while Plankton exclaims that he will return. Mr. Krabs explains to SpongeBob that Plankton is his arch-competitor, and has been trying and failing to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula for an untold amount of years.
The episode opens at the Krusty Krab. Squidward sends SpongeBob an order for a Krabby Patty, which through a sleight-of-hand trick SpongeBob performs seems to come out through Squidward's nose. After SpongeBob cooks the patty, however, it begins to move across the floor seemingly on its own and makes its way towards the front door. Mr. Krabs stops the patty in its tracks and reveals that the patty was being stolen by none other than Krabs' diminutive nemesis, Plankton. Krabs places his foe on a plate and flings him back to the Chum Bucket across the street while Plankton exclaims that he will return. Mr. Krabs explains to SpongeBob that Plankton is his arch-competitor, and has been trying and failing to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula for an untold amount of years.
Later that night, as SpongeBob is sleeping, Plankton maliciously enters his head through a pore and makes his way to SpongeBob's brain. He attaches a mind control device to the brain and hijacks SpongeBob's mind and body, forcing him to walk out of his house and through Squidward's house, where he insults the cephalopod. At this point, SpongeBob realizes that Plankton has hijacked his body and tries to tell him to let him go, but Plankton refuses, laughs sadistically, and makes SpongeBob exit the house, leaving Squidward feeling nauseous by what he just saw. After Plankton forces SpongeBob to pass through Patrick's house and tosses him aside, he then forces the sponge into and out of the Krusty Krab where he steals a Krabby Patty. He brings it to an analyzer inside the Chum Bucket, which is designed to figure out the ingredients of whatever is dropped into it. As Plankton cruelly gloats over his victory and begins to force SpongeBob to drop the Krabby Patty, SpongeBob sadly laments his failure to protect it, lovingly describing the Krabby Patty's ingredients and succulence. A hungry Plankton leaps out of SpongeBob's head and onto the Krabby Patty, but bounces off of it and falls into the analyzer, thus trapping himself inside his own computer screen. With his mind and body now freed from Plankton's control, SpongeBob happily walks home with the Krabby Patty in hand, ignoring Plankton's angry demands for him to bring it back, his last plea being, "I'll settle for some fries!" ending the episode shortly after.
Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles
Vol. 4: "Buggy and the Big Bird"
Oda Eiichiro
At last it's here, the season of warmth. For a lazy guy like me, getting along by wearing just a t-shirt is too awesome to handle.
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