Chapter 38

Kuro, laying on the ground after Luffy's punch, stands up and is cheered on by his crew. Kuro lashes out at them, saying that he is going to kill everyone, even Jango, once he is done. In the forest, Jango is trying to hypnotize Kaya when he is ambushed by the Usopp Pirates. Jango fights back, but the noise brings Zoro and Usopp running. Meanwhile, Kuro continues about how his crew must die in order for his plan to be complete. Luffy punches him again and insults him, causing Kuro to unleash a technique that makes him attack everything indiscriminately.

The Mystery of Marie Rogêt

Pirate Crew

On the coastline, Kuro lays flat on his chest after Luffy has broken one of his Cat Claws. He gets up, the Black Cat Pirates encourage Kuro to kill Luffy and call his real name and not his fake name, which they remember that he told them not to call him Kuro. Kuro tells them to shut up, he already plans to kill the crew, including Jango once his plan is successful.

Back in the forest, Jango is having a hard time trying to hypnotize Kaya. She refuses to open her eyes. The Usopp Pirates (minus Usopp) lay pretending to be asleep having already been hypnotized themselves. When she refuses, he tries to force them open, the Usopp Pirates then attack, throwing pepper in his eyes and kicking him in the groin. When Jango recovers, Kaya and the others have departed. As Jango wanders through the forest, looking for them, they ambush him. Zoro and Usopp hear their voices in the forest and go to check out the noise. The Usopp Pirates continue their attack on Jango, who throws Onion into a tree as he fights back.

Back at the coastline, Kuro explains things would be more realistic if a few of the crew died here and that he planned on not letting any of his crew live in the beginning. In order to wipe out the name of Kuro, not only must his plan succeed, but his crew must die also so there is no one left who knows he is still alive. As Luffy speaks his mind about Kuro's ideas, Kuro return says more about the opinions of his own crew saying that in a true pirate fleet, all the member are pawns for the captain and should always follow orders no matter the sacrifice. Luffy states Kuro cannot beat Usopp even with the number of crew members he has. Kuro, humored by the thought, asks why to which Luffy replies its the way Kuro thinks. After punching Kuro, Luffy then states that he does not know what being a true pirate is.

After Luffy's hit and remark, Kuro tells Luffy he had insulted him and states he will show him about what being a pirate is. Kuro does a strange stance, seeing it makes the other Black Cat Pirates panic. They each beg him not to use that move while a clueless Luffy watches on.

On board the Black Cat Pirates' ship, Nami with the crews treasure, watches, wondering if the fight is over. Suddenly the crew begins to be cut up, which Luffy cannot figure out how Kuro got past him so fast. The crew state that Kuro will not stop this technique until he grows tired and there is no use trying to talk him out of it. Luffy is angered at the sight of Kuro cutting up his own crew, much to the amazement of Nami.

Mission 23

Anya asks if it is true that she will not be getting a Stella Star for helping to stop the terrorists. Loid confirms and tells her that they need to keep it a secret for East-West relations, so she cannot tell anyone at school about it. Anya decides that since she cannot get a Stella Star from the crisis, she will instead continue with the plan of becoming friends with Damian. She plans to tell him she got a dog in hopes he will invite her to his house so he can see whose dog is bigger. Anya enters Classroom 1067 and greets Becky. Anya tells Becky that she got a dog, she proceeds to ask some questions about the dog before inviting Anya to a dog playdate.

Believing her plan will work, Anya dashes to the hall to find Damian. She tells him that she got a dog, to which he questions why he should care. Anya, feeling that the world is doomed because her plan failed, drops to her knees in despair. Emile and Ewen compliment him for being able to easily take her down, while Damian is confused by everyone's reaction. Deciding to indulge her, a bashful Damian asks for her dog's name. Anya enthusiastically gets up from her knees and prepares to tell him her dog's name but then realizes she has not given him one yet. She tells him the dog's name is "Dog," and Damian leaves, telling her she is unfit to own a pet.

At lunch in the cafeteria, Anya asks Becky how to name a dog. Becky tells her to just name her dog after something like a flower or food. Anya immediately comes to the name "Peanut," but Becky shoots down the idea because it does not fit how her dog looks. Anya imagines her dog and then comes to the name "Furry," and Becky shoots it down again and tells her to let her parents handle the name.

Anya arrives home and gets trampled by Bond, who Yor comments looks happy to see her. Loid suggests they should take Bond for a walk, and Yor mentions a dog park by the library. On their way there, Anya tells Loid she wants to walk Bond, but he tells her to wait until she is older, so Bond does not end up walking her. Loid explains to her that a dog needs constant discipline and that she has a responsibility to care for him for his whole life. He then asks if Anya has picked out a name yet, and she states she has not. He tells her that dogs prefer plosives like "B," "P," and "T" for their name. Yor, mishearing it as "explosives," imagines an assassin job with Bond where he only wants to use C4.

When they arrive at the park, Anya enthusiastically wants to play fetch with Bond. She throws her shoe in the hopes that Bond will go after it but ends up having to retrieve it herself. She thinks maybe it is because he does not have a name yet, so she goes around the park asking dog owners about their dogs' names to help her come up with one. While watching Anya play with Bond, Loid thinks back to his comment about having to take care of the dog for her whole life and realizes that he is not one to talk about such things. Once he completes his mission, the Forger family will cease to be together, and he will let WISE do everything they can for them. After the recent crisis, Loid is reminded that the current peace is still a thin veneer and is determined to end this cold war.

Loid calls out to Anya, telling her it is time to go. Anya comes over but then realizes that her gloves are missing. Bond sniffs out the gloves and finds them in another dog's mouth. Anya yells at the dog to give her the gloves back, but the dog just growls at her, seeing it as their "treasure" now. Bond approaches the dog, scaring it, and it drops the gloves, allowing him to pick them up and return them to Anya. Anya imagines a similar scene from Spy Wars where Bondman recovers Princess Honey's stomach warmer from the League of Evil, making her realize the perfect dog name.

When they get home, Anya wraps a bowtie around Bond's neck and tells the family his name will be "Bond," after Bondman. The whole family, including Bond, approve of the name. Anya gets out Bond's food and pours it into a bowl for him. While he eats, she sneaks in a bite of his food but realizes that it does not taste very good. She notices that he is fidgeting, so she takes him to his "toilet," where he uses the litter box to poop. Afterwards, the two head to the TV to watch Spy Wars. Loid then tells her to be ready to study once he is out of the bath. After finishing his bath, Yor eagerly beckons him to look around the corner, to which he sees Anya and Bond curled up against each other on the floor asleep. Yor giggles at how cute they look while Loid decides to give her a pass from studying for the night.

Bake Kujira

The world is full of omens, for those prepared to see. But some are easier to discern than others. Such is the case with the Bakekujira, the Ghost-Whale. Appearing as a great, skeletal whale, composed of bleached bone and an eerie aura, the Ghost-Whale haunts the world as a bringer of uncertain tidings and bad fortune. Or so the stories say.

To see the Bakekujira is to drown in hopelessness and despair. To witness its passing is to feel the cold clutch of fear on one’s heart, and to know that there are bad times ahead. Some believe that the Bakekujira is the soul of a whale slain by hunters, come back to seek revenge against those who killed it. Others believe it is a spirit of the sea, called forth as punishment for those who abuse the largesse of the ocean. Some few believe it is a servant of the cosmic balance, summoned to set right a world gone wrong.

Whether Bake Kujira is a ghost, or a devil, or something else entirely is unknown. All that is known is that where it goes, bad things follow. Accompanied by swarms of strange birds and shoals of hideous fish, the Ghost-Whale is not bound by the sea but can also swim through the sky, if that is where its course should take it.

No barrier can slow it, no witchery can divert it. Wherever it goes, it brings death and disease with it. Those who are unfortunate enough to witness its passing are marked by its curse and subject to all manner of disasters to come.

Some few mortals worship the Ghost-Whale, in hopes of propitiating it and preventing the doom it foretells. Others seek the aid of the gods in breaking the curse of the Bake Kujira. But what can even the gods do against such a being?

Only time will tell.

The Blademaster

Samuro once lived in a village with his brethren. Unfortunately for him, a bloodthirsty Wildkin known as Bloodbeak destroyed his village. With vengeance in mind, Samuro hunted Bloodbeak until he finally met with success. Bloodbeak was slain, and Samuro could pay attention to his newly assigned task of sabotaging a Kul Tiras base camp near the coast.

Samuro was successful in this as well by using stealth to place demolition charges near vital structures of the Kul Tiras base (likely Tiragarde Keep in World of Warcraft). With his mission accomplished, Rexxar, Rokhan, and Chen Stormstout could continue with a mission of their own, and Samuro was free to continue as he wished.


The episode begins with a jellyfish swimming by SpongeBob's house, where SpongeBob and Patrick then observe it through a massive telescope protruding from a window in SpongeBob's house. They then slide down ropes (causing them to get rope burn that literally produces flames on their hands) and assemble their jellyfish nets, before SpongeBob puts on his glasses. They prepare for jellyfishing like professionals, but then meet Squidward and ask him if he wants to join them. He says that he cannot go with them because he is "busy" and goes bicycling instead. SpongeBob asks Squidward if he can join them next time. Squidward sarcastically says yes and goes down the road. SpongeBob does not understand the sarcasm and suspects Squidward never has time for them; Patrick says it's because Squidward doesn't like them, but SpongeBob convinces Patrick that's not the case and plans to go jellyfishing with him eventually.

Unfortunately, while he is biking, Squidward has an accident involving a jellyfish and gets his tentacles tangled in his bike's pedals, causing him to veer out of control, tumble down a cliff, and inexplicably explode when he hits the bottom, leaving him ultimately wheelchair-bound. SpongeBob and Patrick decide that what Squidward needs is a "Best Day Ever" when he returns home, bandaged essentially everywhere on his body besides his eyes. The Best Day Ever begins at Squidward's house, where Patrick offers Squidward some alphabet soup. Patrick blows the hot soup onto Squidward's bandaged face several times before SpongeBob says that soup is not a good idea. SpongeBob then suggests that some music would be good, and gets Squidward's clarinet. He blows a horrible note before realizing that his lips are too dry, and goes through several exaggerated motions of trying to wet his lips. A disgusted Patrick soon violently snatches the instrument away from SpongeBob, declaring music not to be a good thing for Squidward either.

SpongeBob and Patrick then declare that a jellyfishing expedition would be in order for the "Best Day Ever." They then go to Jellyfish Fields, SpongeBob tells Patrick to give a net to Squidward, while he finds "a good specimen." Patrick explains that Squidward must, "firmly grasp [the net] in [his] hand," but when Patrick fails to put a jellyfishing net in Squidward's cast-covered hand, he gets frustrated and he stabs it through Squidward's palm, much to his chagrin and pain.

He is not into it at first, but when a jellyfish stings him, he wheels after it for revenge. He manages to catch the jellyfish and bangs his net triumphantly against a pink mass. While Squidward does this, the pink mass arises to reveal itself as a queen jellyfish who is irritated by the banging. Enraged, the queen jellyfish chases after Squidward, while SpongeBob and Patrick obliviously cheer him on until the queen jellyfish zaps Squidward with an extremely massive sting, leaving their cheering replaced with cringing at poor Squidward's literally shocking misfortune.

The next day, SpongeBob and Patrick covered in band-aids meet outside Squidward's house, where they see he is now life-support-bound and attempt to talk to him but are ignored. After he is unable to enter his home, they apologize and give Squidward the jellyfish that he caught the previous day as an apology. SpongeBob hopefully asks Squidward if he still isn't mad at them. Sure enough, he is and opens the jar and frees the jellyfish, causing Patrick and SpongeBob to run off into the distance from the jellyfish while being stung repeatedly. As Squidward laughs at their misfortune, the queen jellyfish finds him and stings him again, destroying his life-support and shattering his body cast. A completely blackened Squidward can only say, "Ow" as the episode abruptly ends.

Oda Eiichiro

Golden Week is coming. Three buddies from my amateur days will be published in Akamaru Jump. Fukushige-san, Shinyappo and Yamakawa-san, good luck-po.


Chapter 39



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107