Chapter 37

Luffy and Kuro begin their fight, and Kuro gains the upper hand at first. As his crewmates start to cheer him on, Kuro berates them. He then remembers when he decided to give up pirating, as the Marines were constantly chasing him. When Kuro had been at the height of his fame, he had faked his own death by making someone else turn himself in as Captain Kuro. Kuro attacks Luffy again, but Luffy breaks his claws on one hand with a rock and tells Kuro about his desire to become the Pirate King.

Ethan Sheldon's Death

Captain Kuro, of the Thousand Plans

The battle between Kuro and Luffy begins, and Luffy is unable to gain an upper hand against Kuro as he is too quick and agile. After a few punches, Kuro lands on Luffy's arm and heads straight for him. Luffy gets a kick to the face for his efforts and is knocked away. The Black Cat Pirates cheer Captain Kuro on, but Kuro reminds them that they should not be calling him that anymore.

Kuro flashbacks to 3 years ago. On board his ship, where he has summoned Jango. He announced his desire to give up being a pirate and told Jango he could be captain. His crew informed him a Marine ship had been spotted, which Kuro commented was the third time this week. Jango pointed out, that after they defeat the Marines they would become more famous, which Kuro confirmed that Jango is correct on that much so he would stop being Kuro. When Jango laughed since the Marines would chase him to death, Kuro announced he would kill himself.

On deck a crew member asked if he should fire the cannons, Kuro stated that he should just lower a small boat and then head towards the Marine ship alone. When all was silent, the crew prepared the cannons, believing Kuro is dead. However upon investigating the ship, they found Kuro had killed all the Marines onboard himself. Kuro started his plan by approaching a Marine who happened to be alive and stepped on his jaw to break it. To Kuro's amazement, the Marine talked back even with a broken jaw. Since the Marine spoke back, Kuro announced he could be the one to take the great Captain Kuro back alive.

Dressing up a member of the crew to look like Kuro, Jango hypnotized the unfortunate crew member into believing he was Kuro. Then the Marine was hypnotized into believing he had captured Kuro. The pair sail away and Kuro smiled as he watched, knowing soon the world would believe Kuro was dead and he could begin the rest of his plan.

In the present, Kuro asks Luffy if now he knows what he wants. Kuro once again attacks Luffy, Luffy reacts by shoving a rock in one of Kuro's Cat Claws, then he turns with the rock in his hands and snaps the Claw's blades. Luffy then gives Kuro on how he should not be a pirate if he does not want the fame that follows with it. Luffy then goes on about his own plan to become Pirate King.

Mission 22

Loid fires at the dog, shooting off the strap holding the bomb on it. The dog pounces on Loid and pushes him to the ground, prompting Keith to detonate the bomb. However, Loid had already thrown the bomb into the river behind him, leaving him unharmed by the explosion. Loid pulls the dog up and throws it into the dumpster next to him. Keith is surprised by all this and sees that the man in the distance is not Minister Brantz Keith realizes that his plan is in trouble, so he attempts to escape.

Nearby, Yor frantically looks around for Anya, who has once again run off on her own. While crossing a footbridge, she spots Keith driving away and jumps onto the road in front of him. Keith tries to go forward, but Yor kicks his car off the road, causing him to crash and fall unconscious. She calls the police about finding the terrorist in an accident and resumes her search for Anya afterward.

Back at Kemono Park, the pet shop run by WISE, Loid, Handler, and the other two WISE agents discuss all that went down that day. Handler states that they will let the Ostanian government handle cleaning up all the mess. One agent asks if that includes giving them the dogs, but Handler says they will keep them for now until they get further orders. Afterward, Loid takes his leave, telling them that he needs to get back to his family. However, outside the shop, he runs into Anya, Bond, and Yor. Anya and Yor make excuses to Loid about why they were not at the adoption fair before Loid asks about Bond.

Yor explains their side of the story, shocking Loid, who realizes they got caught in the terrorist crisis and apologizes for being stuck in the restroom. Loid yells at Anya for running off, then confirms her safety, and Anya tells him Bond protected her. Loid recognizes the dog as a Project Apple test subject and cannot let him run free, so he looks over to Handler, who acknowledges this. After Loid thanks Bond for protecting Anya, Handler and another WISE agent disguised as SSS agents approach the family for questioning. After the family answer the questions, Handler says they will need to take the dog because of its connection to the terrorists. However, Anya refuses the idea, telling them that the only dog she wants is Bond. Loid attempts to convince her to pick another dog, but Anya is too attached to Bond after he saved her life. She tells them that if she cannot keep Bond, she will never go to school again, shocking Loid and Handler.

Handler relents, shocking Loid even more. Yor asks if that would be okay, and Handler tells her they will sort things out. Loid tries to change Handler's mind, but she is set on the idea as she does not want to endanger Operation Strix. Anya asks Handler if they will treat the dogs well, and Handler assures her that they will. After talking about Anya with Loid, Handler mentions having had a daughter around the same age and smiles, relieved that peace won the day. She tells the family that they will take Bond overnight to have him examined for any health issues and will bring him to their home tomorrow if there are no other issues. Walking back home, Yor and Anya proudly think about how they saved the day while Loid just painfully sighs about narrowly saving it.

In the morning, Anya anxiously moves around the apartment, waiting for Bond to arrive. She hears a buzz from the door before a WISE agent brings Bond into the room. Anya excitedly welcomes Bond to his new home while Loid and Yor smile at him. Bond remembers his past life in Project Apple, where he was experimented on and abused by scientists. Anya and Yor wonder if he is okay and tells him that he is now part of the Forger family. He excitedly barks at this, and Anya gives him a big hug.


Ishtar, Queen of Heaven and mistress of love and war, is a goddess of many and diverse facets. A dispenser of divine justice, she strikes down all those who would dare defy the gods, even as she zealously protects those who worship her. Brave and cunning; caring and spiteful; Ishtar is all these things and more.

She moves from conquest to conquest, never resting — never satisfied. By turns capricious and determined, Ishtar is loyal only to her own designs...though what those designs might be are never wholly clear, even to her worshippers.

When the gods first came into being, each was blessed with a domain and responsibilities — all save Ishtar. Incensed by this oversight, Ishtar stole the sacred mes from Enki, lord of the waters, after challenging him to a drinking contest. Infuriated by her impudence, Enki sent legions of monsters to reclaim his power, but all failed. Ishtar defeated them one by one, and earned Enki's grudging respect in the process.

With her newfound power, Ishtar soon set her sights on fresh challenges and conquests. She claimed the temples of her father, Anu, as her own and destroyed Mount Ebih, considering its natural beauty an affront to her authority. She even escaped from the underworld, and it was she who spoke on mankind's behalf when Enlil sought to drown humanity in a great deluge.

But perhaps the most well-known tale of Ishtar is how, having taken offense at Gilgamesh's lack of respect, sent the Bull of Heaven to slay the semi-divine king of Uruk. But Gilgamesh managed to defeat the creature, and thus earned the undying enmity of Ishtar.

Now, Ishtar has once again descended from the heavens — in search of what, none know. But woe betide any who seek to stand between the Queen of Heaven and that which she desires...

The Warden

Maiev Shadowsong is a night elf Warden and former Priestess of Elune. Along with her younger brother Jarod Shadowsong, Maiev played a key role in the battle against the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients. In the aftermath, Maiev asked to be, and was appointed the jailor of Illidan Stormrage and took on the mantle of leader of the Watchers. Maiev Shadowsong stood watch over the imprisoned Betrayer for ten thousand years, and hunted him relentlessly after he was released. After Illidan rose to power in Outland, Maiev was imprisoned at the Warden's Cage in Shadowmoon Valley, where Akama and his Ashtongue Deathsworn served as her jailors.

Maiev allied with Akama and snuck into to the Black Temple during a attack, where she joined Akama and the adventurers he had rallied in the final battle against Illidan. Fueled by the desire for vengeance, Maiev struck the final blow that ended the Betrayer's life, but instead of relishing in her victory, she became a shell of her former self, admitting that with Illidan now dead, she was nothing. Driven utterly mad, Maiev is now a vigilante who wishes death to any whom she believes have wronged her, including Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage and High-Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind.

Ripped Pants

The episode begins with SpongeBob and Sandy having a good time at Goo Lagoon. A lobster named Larry comes by and asks them if they want to do some weights. They accept, despite SpongeBob not being in the mood to do weights. Larry and Sandy do several impressive weight stunts, while SpongeBob tries to pick up a stick. When SpongeBob strains to pick up a stick with two marshmallows on the sides, he accidentally rips his pants.

This causes everyone to laugh, prompting SpongeBob to continue making ripped pants jokes. After a while, though, SpongeBob's ripped pants jokes start to annoy the people in Goo Lagoon. At some point, SpongeBob fakes himself drowning in order to make a ripped pants joke, but this proves to be too far, as it causes everyone, most importantly Sandy, to get disgusted with SpongeBob and continue playing without him.

SpongeBob tries to figure out more ripped pants jokes as the last one did not work but realizes nobody is paying attention to him, and tears off his pants during the course of one of these jokes. The pair of pants suddenly takes on a personality and deserts SpongeBob as well. He sees some other people who make big mistakes. SpongeBob decides to sing a song about how he lost his friends due to ripping his pants. Sandy forgives SpongeBob for what he did, and he rips his underwear while signing Larry's shorts, making him embarrassed and ending the episode after that.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 3: "Buggy's Adventure"


Oda Eiichiro

Regarding the DVD player I got at the New Year's party. To tell the truth I wasn't too interested in it but I hooked it up the other day. Oh yeah, it's the Age of DVD!!!


Chapter 38



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107