Chapter 42

The new member Usopp shows his talent by drawing the Jolly Roger for the Going Merry's sail, and being able to shoot accurately with the cannon. The crew then debates what to look for in their next crew member before setting off to search for a cook of the sea.

The Owl Head Solution

Yosaku and Johnny

On the Going Merry, Luffy displays his concept for the crew's Jolly Roger, a straw hat skull and crossbones. His art skill is terribly lacking, so Usopp decides to show off his artistic ability. After his personal mark is shot down by Luffy and Zoro, the crew and Nami paint the improved Straw Hat emblem on the sails.

After this, Luffy tries to hit a large rock in the sea with one of the ship's cannons, missing each time. Usopp displays his marksmanship, blasting the rock to pieces before quickly being named as the crew's sniper.

In the kitchen, a serious discussion is underway. There is one more position to be filled, something very important for a long voyage. Luffy agrees, and decides that it is time to search for a musician. While the rest of the crew berates Luffy for his lack of vision, a mysterious attacker calls them out. After quickly defeating the swordsman, Zoro is treated to a surprise; it is his old partner Johnny. Johnny's partner, Yosaku, had become gravely ill. Unsure what to do, Johnny went to a rock in the ocean to think, the same one Luffy and Usopp used for target practice. Johnny thinks Yosaku is going to die, but Nami assures him it is just scurvy, and has Luffy and Usopp feed Yosaku some fresh limes.

After recovering, Johnny and Yosaku formally introduce themselves to the crew.

The Straw Hats and Nami decide that they definitely need a cook, and Johnny knows of one good place to look. A few days sailing from their current position is a very special restaurant near the Grand Line, a floating restaurant.

Mission 27

Three professors wheeled the midterms down the hall to the vault in two boxes. They chatted about how it seemed the students had performed poorly, before locking the tests in the vault. Loid, believing that Anya has failed her exams, decides to infiltrate Eden Academy under the disguise of Mr. Viehmann, a physics professor, in order to alter Anya's test answers to get a passing score. However, he is not the only one trying to get into Eden Academy's vault. A spy by the name of "Daybreak," a self-proclaimed rival of Twilight's, is also trying to break into the vault. He was hired for this job as his first real mission and shows a lack of concern when carrying out the mission.

Daybreak moves towards North Hall, where the vault is, but almost gets caught by some security guards. However, he hides by holding himself horizontally high off the ground on a signpost. He continues onto the building but finds that the door is locked. Instead of trying to pick the lock like Twilight was planning to do, Daybreak blatantly breaks a window on the door and unlocks it from the inside, making Twilight wonder if he is a burglar instead. Twilight then plants a soccer ball by the door to make it look like an accident caused by the soccer team.

Daybreak heads into the building but finds out that the vault is guarded by a security guard. Daybreak tries to pretend to be an Information Sciences professor, however, he has no I.D. prepared to prove his identity. Loid swoops in though to save Daybreak and gives him the fake I.D. of Mr. Brown, an Information Sciences professor. After handing the security guard both of their fake I.D.s, they gain access to the vault and head in. Daybreak attempts to enter into the vault but having miswritten the vault passcode he is unable to enter. He pretends to need to go to the bathroom and lets Loid enter the passcode in his stead.

Loid enters the passcode and immediately Daybreak knocks him to the ground. Believing that Loid is unconscious, Daybreak heads over to the box with the midterms in them. He struggles a bit with the locks at first but eventually gets inside. He alters Damian and Demetrius's test scores and then decides that he wants to gain exposure by signing his name on the tests. Loid, surprised by this, jumps up shouting about how spies are supposed to not leave a trace. Loid, realizing he had revealed his consciousness, tries to cover it up by saying he saw nothing. However, Daybreak, wanting to gain exposure, insists that Loid tell everyone about him without telling anyone about what he did.

Daybreak proceeds to roll out of the vault, and Loid checks Damian and Demetrius's tests. He sees that Daybreak changed their tests to give them failing scores. Knowing that he needs their success for his mission, he reverts their test answers back to the way they were. After fixing their tests, he checks Anya's tests and is a little surprised by what he sees.

Loid enters the passcode and immediately Daybreak knocks him to the ground. Believing that Loid is unconscious, Daybreak heads over to the box with the midterms in them. He struggles a bit with the locks at first but eventually gets inside. He alters Damian and Demetrius's test scores and then decides that he wants to gain exposure by signing his name on the tests. Loid, surprised by this, jumps up shouting about how spies are supposed to not leave a trace. Loid, realizing he had revealed his consciousness, tries to cover it up by saying he saw nothing. However, Daybreak, wanting to gain exposure, insists that Loid tell everyone about him without telling anyone about what he did.

Daybreak proceeds to roll out of the vault, and Loid checks Damian and Demetrius's tests. He sees that Daybreak changed their tests to give them failing scores. Knowing that he needs their success for his mission, he reverts their test answers back to the way they were. After fixing their tests, he checks Anya's tests and is a little surprised by what he sees.


Among the tanuki of Sado Island, one name is known above all others – that of Danzaburou. The supreme commander of all tanuki is infamous for his antics and his tricks are justly feared by mortal and immortal alike.

A shape-shifter and trickster without equal, Danzaburou has never met a prank he would not pull. While these are mostly for his own amusement, he has been known to act on behalf of others, so long as he finds it entertaining. Even so, like all tanuki, he lives to cause trouble, and relishes every opportunity to show off his cleverness, as well as his capacity to cause havoc.

Nowhere is this more evident than on the battlefield, where Danzaburou surrounds himself in chaos and confusion. He fights with great cunning. When not dodging his opponent's attacks, or leaving a statue in his place to absorb the brunt of their wrath, he's hiding in plain sight, waiting for his moment to strike. To say that Danzaburou is a frustrating opponent is an understatement.

But Danzaburou brings more than just frustration – he is also a purveyor of good fortune. Jug of sake in one hand, and a promissory note in the other, the tanuki offers his opponents a drink and payment even as he plans his next trick or three. With his sly grin and big belly, the cheerful tanuki can turn even the staunchest of his foes into a friend – at least for as long as it takes to get to the bottom of a jug of sake.

It is said that Danzaburou has been outwitted only once, by a human peasant. Ever since, the tanuki has refrained from playing tricks on hapless humans. Instead, he reserves his best pranks for what he considers to be a less perceptive audience...

Namely, the gods themselves.

Darkness Incarnate

Gul'dan was an Orcish Shaman from Draenor who became the first orcish warlock as well as the de facto founder of the Orcish Horde. Abandoning the ways of shamanism and betraying both his people and his mentor to the demon lord Kil'jaeden for personal power, Gul'dan was directly responsible for the orcs' fall to demonic enslavement as well as for the Horde's invasion of Azeroth. Tutored by the lord of the Burning Legion, he became the founder and master of the Shadow Council as well as the original creator of the necromantic terrors known as death knights. Gul'dan often referred to himself as "Darkness Incarnate" and the "Destroyer of Dreams", and he is considered to be one of the most powerful warlocks to have ever existed.

Pizza Delivery

It is closing time at the Krusty Krab, and Squidward answers a last-minute phone call from a customer. Just as he is about to tell the customer the restaurant is closed, Mr. Krabs suddenly appears and snatches the phone from Squidward's hands and answers it himself. The customer tells Mr. Krabs that he wants to order a pizza and have it delivered, which Mr. Krabs happily agrees to knowing he'll make extra money out of it. Squidward protests this by saying that the restaurant doesn't serve pizza nor do they do deliveries, but Mr. Krabs spontaneously makes a pizza out of Krabby Patties and forces Squidward and SpongeBob to deliver it.

After SpongeBob does a vehicle inspection on a boatmobile, Squidward tells him to drive. However, SpongeBob says he cannot as he still in boating school and doesn't have a license, but Squidward insists that he drive saying "its just around the corner" and to "just do what you do in school." As expected, SpongeBob becomes increasingly nervous when trying to shift the boat into reverse and, after an annoyed Squidward yells at him to "back it up," he finally panics and ends up reversing the boat for miles and miles until the boat stalls in the middle of a big desert. Thinking the boat has run out of gas, Squidward complains about their predicament and eventually kicks the boat out of frustration when SpongeBob says the pizza is getting cold. This causes the boat to suddenly start back up and drive off unoccupied, leaving the two stranded and forced to continue the delivery on foot.

Throughout the journey, the duo encounters numerous mishaps. First, SpongeBob tries a pioneer trick he claims to have seen in a movie where he listens to the ground and hears a truck coming. When SpongeBob tries to get the driver's attention by doing a strange dance in the middle of the road, the driver speeds up and Squidward pushes SpongeBob out of the way so he does not get mowed down. Later, the pizza box becomes caught in heavy winds and SpongeBob refuses to let go of it even after a tornado forms and sucks both him and Squidward into it. However, the pizza actually saves their lives when it turns into a parachute.

Upon landing on solid ground, Squidward panics when he notices the road they were following is nowhere in sight. SpongeBob notices a rock with moss on it and suggests they go in the direction where the moss is pointing, saying that "moss always points to civilisation" (another pioneer trick he learned). Refusing to follow SpongeBob's tip, Squidward goes in the opposite direction, unaware that the moss was actually directing them to a nearby city.

Much time passes, and the two become tired and hungry, so SpongeBob suggests eating coral like the pioneers did. But while SpongeBob tries to remember if it was actually sand or mud, an exasperated Squidward demands to eat the pizza, having given up hope on delivering it. The two then begin arguing over it with SpongeBob insisting it still be delivered, and after a brief chase, Squidward prepares to take the pizza by force. However, SpongeBob becomes overjoyed when he notices a giant rock nearby and, after exclaiming that the pioneers had driven them for miles, says that they can ride it out of the desert. Finally fed up with the pioneer tricks, Squidward tells SpongeBob to forget about them as there are no pioneers left due to their unusual travelling methods and eating habits. But after SpongeBob runs him over with the rock (revealing they can be driven after all), Squidward changes his mind and the duo proceed to ride the rock all the way to customer's house.

Unfortunately, their journey doesn’t pay off very well. The customer is at first happy to have received his pizza, but then gets upset he notices he didn't get the drink he claims to have ordered and asks where it is. Confused, SpongeBob checks the order which shows that he didn’t order a drink, (although it's possible that Mr. Krabs hung up before the customer had a chance to finish saying what he wanted, or he didn't hear that part of the order, or the customer assumed that they were included in the delivery). Filled with anger, the customer berates SpongeBob for being a poor delivery boy and refuses to take the pizza or even pay for it before rudely throwing it at him and slamming the door in his face.

Having watched the whole scene, a horrified Squidward tries to console a very upset SpongeBob, but his attempt ends in vain as the latter falls to the ground crying hysterically and absorbing his tears. Outraged at how the customer treated SpongeBob and won't take the pizza all because of a small mistake that no drinks were included, making the long journey and the ridiculous obstacles the duo went through a complete waste of time, Squidward furiously takes the pizza and confronts the customer himself, who predictably still has no intent on paying for it. Squidward then declares the pizza to be "on the house" and proceeds to brutally throw it into the customer's face as justifiable payback for his treatment of SpongeBob.

Squidward then returns to SpongeBob and cheers him up by saying the customer changed his mind about taking the pizza and "ate the whole thing in one bite," even without the drink. With the delivery finally completed, Squidward asks to be taken home, but a cheerful SpongeBob says they still have time to make it back to work and drives back to the Krusty Krab, which is comically revealed to have been right across the street from the customer's house, meaning the whole journey could've easily been avoided. The episode ends as Squidward groans "Oh, my aching tentacles."

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 6: "Journey Through the Sky—Part 2"


Oda Eiichiro

Purchased a new stereo receiver during Golden Week. Is it one of those teletext ones? Can it handle dual Minidiscs? Anyway, it's cool.


Chapter 43



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107