Chapter 35

After Luffy's punch, Kuro decides to take care of him while he asks Jango to take care of Kaya. Zoro is unable to prevent Jango from going after her because of the hypnotized Buchi. However, Usopp asks the Usopp Pirates to help her escape.

6:47 PST

Neo Hill Road

The Black Cat Pirates are amazed Luffy hit Kuro from down at the bottom of the slope. Although Kuro just lays there, his former crew are aware this silence means Kuro is angry now.

Before anything else can happen, the rest of the Usopp Pirates come running towards Kuro and hit him with various objects (a shovel, a baseball bat, and a frying pan). Ninjin, Tamanegi, and Piiman are all angry that their captain, Usopp, came to fight without them. Usopp begs them to run away, but they only do so when Kuro suddenly appears behind them. Kuro walks past the boys and straight up to Usopp and kicks him hard. Then ignoring Usopp, Kuro asks Luffy if he got his powers from a Devil Fruit. Luffy explains he ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi which made him like rubber. Jango is amazed the rumors are true and that they do indeed exist.

Kuro calls to Jango, telling him to just deal with Kaya and the Usopp pirates while he deals with Luffy. Zoro makes an attempt to block Jango's path to Kaya, but Buchi attacks. Buchi leaps into the air, but Zoro knows Buchi's trademark attack is about to hit him and while it does not hit him, the attack is more powerful than ever. Kuro comments on how Buchi does not know his own strength. Buchi manages to pin Zoro against the walls of the slope, however Zoro refuses to lose to someone he already defeated once before and pushes Buchi away from him.

Jango walks past Zoro, who is still being blocked by Buchi and Usopp can only stare on as his body refuses to move. Usopp gives his Usopp Pirates the most important task of all: protect Kaya and get her to a safe place. They escort Kaya into the forest, with Jango close behind them determined not to let them get away. As Jango goes to throw his ring again, Usopp hits him with his slingshot. Jango turns his attention to Usopp, but he is reminded he has a task to do by Kuro.

Mission 20

Yor stands in a fighting position while holding Anya, ready to fight against Keith. Keith sends his German shepherd after Yor, but she makes an intimidating face at the dog, which scares it into running away. People begin gathering near the alleyway they are in, so Keith decides to flee. He tries to pull Bond with him, but he refuses to move, so Keith kicks him and runs away. Yor is about to pursue him but remembers that she cannot leave Anya behind. Yor asks Anya what happened, and Anya tells her that the men are terrorists who plan to use bomb dogs. Yor frantically searches Bond to see if he has a bomb but does not see any, which relieves her. Yor is glad Anya is safe because she was worried for her, and Anya apologizes for leaving on her own. Yor decides to report this incident to the police, so she asks Anya for some information about the terrorists to give to them.

While Yor is on the phone, Anya reads Bond's mind and sees Loid disappear from the vision of the Forgers, leaving Anya and Yor saddened by this. She then sees another premonition where a clock tower rings, followed by an explosion in the city. In the aftermath, Anya is at the bomb site and sees Loid dead and buried under rubble. Following this, a news broadcast announces that the terrorists succeeded in their assassination plot, with a war bound to happen. Anya is shocked by this and tries to think about what she should do. She thinks about telling Yor but does not want to let her know about her and Bond's powers. Anya decides to run off with Bond in order to save Loid. She lies to Yor about needing to bring Loid toilet paper before rushing off. Yor quickly finishes her call and chases after Anya.

A WISE agent reports to Handler that they intercepted a report about a terrorist sighting in an alleyway near Central Station. Handler tells the agent to try and figure out the route the terrorists are taking so they can position themselves along the way. She also warns the agent to be careful as they likely have explosives. WISE successfully intercepts a van with four terrorists inside, and they detain them with three dogs in tow. They also found a case of explosives but could not find their leader, Keith. Nearby, Keith peers around a corner to see his members captured and decides to carry out the plot himself. The WISE agents attempt to interrogate the terrorists about Keith's location and the bomb locations, but they refuse to answer. Handler enters the room and asks what the students want; one of them tells her they want a war to put Ostania at the top and wipe Westalis off the map. Handler responds by kicking him in the face. She criticizes the students for not knowing the brutalities of war and the sickening experiences that come with it. She points a gun at one of their heads and asks them if they learned anything about war at their university.

Keith attaches a bomb to the dog with him and tells the dog to go after Minister Brantz. Keith believes now that his Plan B positions are compromised, the clock tower will be swarming with security. However, he decides to use this to his advantage so he can attack his pursuers. Handler sends out WISE agents to each of the four potential locations they have for the planted bombs, with Loid going to position B1, which is at the clock tower. Loid drives with two other agents to the clock tower to stop Keith's plan. Meanwhile, Anya and Bond also rush to the clock tower to get there before Loid does and save his life.


Every river must have its beginning, and that beginning is Yemoja. The Goddess of the Ogun River is mother to the Yoruba pantheon, and from her floodwaters sprang the first mortals. She is the mistress of all rivers and the eternal guardian of the ancient mysteries of life itself. Fishermen and sailors seek her blessings, for she is the protector of all who travel on water. Mothers-to-be ask for her aid, for she is the patron spirit of women and governs everything pertaining to the feminine – especially childbirth. After all, who better than the mother of all life to oversee its continuation?

As such, she considers herself the caretaker of all that lives. She cares deeply for all of her children, be they mortal or god, comforting them and cleansing them of their sorrows. At Yemoja's blessed touch, wounds are healed and sickness is cured.

But even her kindness has its limits and should she be roused to anger, she becomes as violent and as destructive as the most turbulent of floodwaters. All who would dare stand against her are swept aside by her roaring fury. To challenge Yemoja is to challenge the river itself. But like the rivers, Yemoja has ever followed her own course.

She keeps to her spheres of influence and attends only those who seek out her blessings. Content in her solitude, she has maintained her distance from the affairs of the gods, for war does not interest her and she has power enough to suit her. But the advent of Olorun has changed things and even rivers must turn with the will of the heavens.

And now, as her children cry out for aid, the river rises and Yemoja rises with it.

First Daughter of Cenarius

The enchanted dryads are the daughters of the night elf demigod, Cenarius. The playful, frolicking creatures vaguely resemble centaurs (their cursed cousins), but have bodies more akin to woodland fawns. They are swift and sure and are at peace with all of the children of the forest. Though they abhor unnecessary violence, the dryads will defend the wildlands of Kalimdor with their lives if need be.

The dryads watch over the shadowed forests of Kalimdor. Fleet-footed, clever, and playful, they protect their home with tender loving care. But where her sisters are the delicate flowers of the deep forest, the dryad Lunara, first daughter of the demigod Cenarius, is the thorn that guards them. Lunara nimbly strikes from afar, withering her enemies with toxins, then bounds away before anyone can lay a hand on her. Take care if you face her in the Nexus, or Lunara will make an endangered species out of you!

Tea at the Treedome

The episode starts with SpongeBob jellyfishing, only to stumble upon a land squirrel fighting a clam. He attempts to save her, but she saves herself just before the clam eats SpongeBob. After the squirrel, named Sandy, saves SpongeBob, the two greet each other and start bonding. When he notices the air helmet she uses to help her breathe, he convinces her that he likes air too, too embarrassed to admit he does not know what air is. Afterwards, Sandy tells SpongeBob to come over to her treedome for tea and cookies, and gives him a map of where her treedome is.

SpongeBob goes to Patrick to tell him about what he went through. When Patrick hears from SpongeBob that Sandy wears a "hat full of air," he misinterprets this as a statement that she "puts on airs," and that he needs to be fancy by putting his pinky out. The next day, SpongeBob arrives to Sandy's home, but when he goes inside, he realizes the treedome is entirely filled with air. SpongeBob starts having trouble breathing and begins to dehydrate as a result, but will not admit this to Sandy.

As Sandy is showing her house, SpongeBob attempts to use a birdbath to absorb water, only for the bird to angrily kick him out. Patrick reminds him to put his pinky out, and SpongeBob also brings flowers for Sandy. SpongeBob asks Sandy for water when she asks if he needs anything, but misinterprets this as needing a vase with water inside for the flowers. When Sandy leaves, SpongeBob desperately wants to get out of the treedome, but before he gets out, he remembers Patrick's advice, "When in doubt, pinky out," and remains in the treedome despite being severely dehydrated.

Sandy comes back with the water vase for the flowers, and attempts to start talking to SpongeBob again. When an oven timer inside her treedome goes off, Sandy leaves again. SpongeBob starts wondering if he needs the water in the vase, repeatedly telling himself he doesn't need it, but eventually relents. SpongeBob drinks all the water in the vase and bolts for the door, only for Patrick to come inside and prevent him from leaving. Patrick says that everything will be fine, but as he walks and stays inside the treedome, he starts choking due to the lack of water as well.

The two attempt to get out, and when Sandy comes to them with some tea and cookies, she is shocked when she sees the two have dried up. Sandy quickly brings water helmets for them so they can survive in the treedome and tells them if they needed water, then they should've asked for it. The trio happily drink some tea while the episode ends.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles


Vol. 1: "Buggy's Crew, After the Battle."

Oda Eiichiro

Did you guys know this!? If you put Kappa Ebisen in shoyu ramen it tastes delicious!! Just be careful of how much you put in.


Chapter 36



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107