Chapter 40

Luffy finishes his fight with Kuro and tosses him at the rest of the Black Cat Pirates, forcing them to leave the island, never to return. Usopp asks of Kaya and the Usopp Pirates to keep everything that had happened that morning a secret so that the villagers can continue their peaceful lives, free of fear from pirates. They all agree to keep everything a secret. The townspeople notice with surprise that Usopp hasn't come to tell his usual lies to the town as he always does. Meanwhile, Kaya tends to Merry's wounds and reveals her promise in keeping the battle a secret. Elsewhere, Usopp then reveals he has come to a decision: he will leave the village and become a pirate. In his preparation, he disbands the Usopp Pirates.

Silent Snow, Secret Snow

The Usopp Pirates

Kuro falls to the ground with Luffy still holding onto him. The Black Cat Pirates are amazed Luffy was able to do so and cannot understand how. They demand to know who he is. Luffy explains he will never lose to a pirate who leaves the sea behind and that a pirate only leaves his name when he dies. Luffy tells them he will become the greatest pirate in the world. Luffy tosses Kuro at the pirates and tells them to leave and never come back again, and all the crew members run away. Luffy collapses, and Nami catches him. With the crew rushing to get away, Nami talks about pirates.

In the forest, Zoro ties his bandana around his arm and walks through the forest away from the defeated Jango.

Elsewhere in the forest Usopp has a chat with his Usopp Pirates and Kaya. He asks them to keep the event a secret form the rest of the village, even with pleas from all, he explains he is a liar, no one would believe them anyway. Usopp explains there will be no other pirate attacks, that life must continue on as normal with no one worrying over the possibility of what can happen. Everyone promises to keep the event a secret for the rest of their lives.

Back in the village, seven o'clock passes by and everyone notices something is missing as Usopp has not done his usual antics. Piiman, Ninjin and Tamanegi return home and get scolded by their parents for one thing or another related to the events of Kuro's plan. At the coastline, Usopp thanks all the Straw Hat Pirates. Back to the mansion, Kaya tends to Merry's wounds and tells him about her promise.

Elsewhere, near a cliff, Usopp calls together his Usopp Pirates and speaks to them. Usopp declares he will leave the island and become a real pirate, to which the others are shocked. He recalls the day he met them. He asks them to chase their dreams and with a tearful farewell between all four members, the Usopp Pirates are declared defunct.

Mission 25

Becky greets Anya as they head to school for the morning. Becky gushes about the episode of Berlint in Love that aired last night and asks if Anya saw it, but Anya replies that she only watches cartoons. Becky begins talking about how childish Anya is for not even knowing what love is. Emile and Ewen overhear this, to which they make fun of them for talking about nonsense.

Anya, however, ignores them because she sees Damian and thinks about her plan to befriend him. Yesterday, she had a family photo taken with Bond so that she could impress Damian with his size. She drops the photo on the ground and brings attention to it. However, Damian and his gang just walk away, ignoring her. Instead, Becky picks up the photo and sees Anya's father, Loid, whom she finds very dreamy and decides to keep the photo for herself.

Later, they begin their art class with Henry Henderson as their teacher, as the art teacher is out sick. He assigns them an arts and crafts project with the theme of "animals." However, materials are distributed per table, meaning each table has to manage resources together. Damian at first decides to not take it seriously, but after overhearing that their success in this may go on their secret transcripts, he decides to put some effort in. Henry announces the tables with Damian and Anya at the same table which upsets Damian. Becky says goodbye to Anya as they are at different tables, but Anya just worriedly asks for her photo back so she can impress Damian.

Unable to get her photo back, she decides that instead, she will need to create a model of Bond to show off to Damian. Henry looks over the students' work and cooperation and takes notice of Becky's creation. Becky tells him that she made Loid, which bewilders Henry, who tells her to start over because the theme is "animals." However, Becky stands firm with her work and tells Henry that humans are animals, which he realizes is true. He tells her that she can continue on, but she instead decides to start over as "Loid is more evolved than simple animals."

At Anya's table, Anya finishes making her paper Bond and shows it off to Damian. Damian is unimpressed and calls it garbage, which puts Anya into despair. Emile asks Damian what he is making, to which he replies that he is making a griffin, the crest of his family. He tells those at his table not to use too much paper as he needs a lot of them before envisioning his father being proud of him and his art. Anya, reading Damian's mind, imagines herself helping him make it and showing it off to his impressed father.

Putting "Operation Griffin" in motion, Anya tells Damian that she will help him and offers all her paper, which shocks him as he did not expect her to submit her Bond model. Anya tells Damian that she just wants to help him, which makes him blush. Damian instructs Anya to make the hind legs of the griffin and gives her the plans for the model. She instead proceeds to make jet engines, which angers Damian. He tells her instead to make feathers for the wings, to which she makes a few different-sized slips of paper. He yells at her for wasting all his paper, which brings the attention of Henry, who tells him off.

The students continue working on their art projects, and Anya decides to convert her Bond model into a small female griffin to pair with Damian's griffin as an apology. Later, after the art projects are put up for display in the hallway, a group of Eden trustees wander down the hall. As they see some well-put-together art projects, they arrive at Damian's work, which looks tattered and falling apart. Despite that, the art project wins first prize due to the trustees interpreting it as a powerful vision of the nation's rebound from war, which Henry relays to a confused Damian. Anya tells Damian that his parents will probably be proud, but he tells her that he has no intention of showing the art to them, foiling Anya's plan.

Damian returns to his dorm and calls his butler, Jeeves. Damian asks how his dog Max is doing before Jeeves asks if he will be returning home for the weekend, which Damian declines as his father will not be there and says he wants to stay at the dorms so he can focus on studying for their midterm exams. Damian is about to tell Jeeves about their art project before deciding to instead ask about his father's response to the incident where Anya punched him. Jeeves says that Donovan was concerned when he heard, which Damian does not believe. After finishing the phone call, Damian goes to study with Emile and Ewen, intent on becoming an Imperial Scholar to gain his father's approval. Meanwhile, back in the hall, a confused Henry looks at Damian's art project and wonders how it got first place.


As the first rays of dawn cross the horizon, before all else they touch the land of the rising sun. A realm of islands painted with the careful brush strokes of its deities. That morning light, which brings warmth and life is Amaterasu, the benevolent Goddess of the sun. Universally, she is adored.

Less so are her brothers, namely Susano-o, bringer of storms, whose jealousy of his sister's popularity drove him to burn her golden rice fields and shatter the sacred looms of her people. Grief stricken at the destruction, Amaterasu sealed herself inside a deep cavern. Her people suffered and the realm fell into crushing darkness.

For an unknown time, she stayed there, hidden away from the atrocities of the world. Until, one day, came a thumping from outside. At first, she tried to ignore it, but curiosity called. Moving aside the great stone sealing the cavern, she peered cautiously out, only to stare into a polished bronze mirror. Blinded by her own reflection, Amaterasu was forced to creep further out to find the source of the sound. Hands grabbed her from either side and pulled her free of the cave. Gathered around were hundreds of friends and loved ones. Atop a wide tub danced Usume, Goddess of Mirth, creating the erratic drumming to the joy of all. Amaterasu smiled and light came back to the world.

Seeing all those that depended on her, all those that loved her, Amaterasu vowed never again to hide away from calamity. She would, instead, face it, just as the dawn rises each new day.

Keeper of Time

Chromie (aka Chronormu) is a bronze dragon, tasked with maintaining and restoring Azeroth's timeline. Disguised as a gnome, Chromie would ask adventurers in World of Warcraft to help her maintaining the timeline and was eventually sent by the bronze dragonflight to investigate the Nexus.

Naughty Nautical Neighbors

On a seemingly normal day, Squidward has made a delicious soufflé, but SpongeBob and Patrick's incessant laughter distracts him from enjoying it. Squidward sees that they are having a private conversation with bubbles. They whisper a message into the bubble wand instead of blowing into it, and when the bubble pops, the recipient can hear the message.

Annoyed by this, Squidward makes bubbles of his own using a biproduct from his soufflé, and proceeds to insult the two while (sometimes) imitating their voices to ruin their friendship, thinking it will give him peace and quiet. Thinking the bubbles are from each other, SpongeBob and Patrick become angry and get into a fight as Squidward comes outside and eats his soufflé, amused at his neighbors' fight. The two eventually declare that they are no longer friends before storming back to their houses (unaware of Squidward is the one who caused this).

Patrick gets squashed with his own house; while laughing and eating, Squidward begins to choke on the fork he was using, resulting him in fainting. Patrick witnesses this and successfully saves Squidward's life by performing CPR on him.

Squidward thanks him and he becomes Patrick's new friend, inviting him into his house to watch him practice his clarinet composition called "Solitude in E Minor." Despite Patrick claiming to love music, he immediately falls asleep as soon as Squidward plays a single note. Meanwhile, a lonely SpongeBob tries to cheer himself up by drawing faces on three of his fingers and pretending they are his "friends," but this only results in him bursting into tears.

Squidward attempts to drag the sleeping, heavy Patrick out of his house, and in the process, he throws his back out. SpongeBob sees this as an opportunity to help him and, despite protests from Squidward, he launches himself into the latter's back and cracks it back into place. Squidward screams but immediately feels better. He repeats his mistake, referring to SpongeBob as his "friend" while thanking him, thus making SpongeBob believe that Squidward is his new best friend.

They both walk into Squidward's house, where SpongeBob plays a song (badly) for Squidward on his double bass (which he thinks is a bassinet) and when Patrick, now fully awake thanks to his overhearing to the song, appears in the window and interrupts the song, SpongeBob destroys the instrument in a fit of rage. Squidward explodes in anger and kicks him out as a result, and decides to take a relaxing bubble bath, but is horrified to find Patrick, lounging in the tub and warming up a scrub brush and a bar of soap for him. Infuriated, Squidward furiously orders him to leave, but SpongeBob appears through the window and discovers Patrick in Squidward's tub, causing the two to argue again. This drives Squidward crazy with horror, and he flees his house to hide in a trash can outside. Seeing the huge terrible mess he created instead of getting the peace and quiet he thought he'd get from breaking them up, Squidward realizes he needs a plan to reconcile SpongeBob and Patrick (and thus make them leave him alone).

Squidward decides to invite SpongeBob and Patrick to a dinner party (without telling either of them that the other is coming) to fix their friendship. When they arrive, they are still mad at each other. Squidward tries to get them back together by offering them soda, but the situation devolves into a competition to see who can drink the most soda and thus become Squidward's friend. Eventually, Squidward runs out of soda and leaves to get some more, telling the two to stay and "chat."

While he is gone, SpongeBob and Patrick, who are both extremely engorged from all the soda they drank, still refuse to talk or even look at each other. SpongeBob then hiccups a small bubble that makes a burping sound upon popping, which amuses them both. Their immense laughter which follows releases bubbles, reverts them to their normal weight, and they become friends again. However, they create so many bubbles that it causes Squidward's house to explode. Upon arriving back and seeing the destruction, Squidward gets enraged and angrily tells the two to leave, and slams the door (which is somehow still standing) shut. Seconds later, a bubble pops against the door, causing it to fall over and crush Squidward, who then weakly moans over regaining pain in his back, concluding the episode.

Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles

Vol. 5: "Battle of Wits"


Oda Eiichiro

Recently been pouring over comics I read a long time ago. It's weird because just reading them now like this I can recall specific events from my life back then.


Chapter 41



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107