Chapter 15

Despite his courage, the mayor is no match against Buggy, but Luffy arrives in time to save him. With Nami going to search for treasure, Luffy knocks the mayor unconscious to keep him from getting in the way, as he and Zoro prepare to fight the Buggy Pirates.

Death From Above


Boodle challenges Buggy over the matter of the town. While the crew laugh, Cabaji, Buggy's staff offers to deal with the mayor himself and leaps into the air to strike him down. Buggy steps in and tells Cabaji to back off, as the mayor challenged him directly. Boodle's claim that the town is his treasure amuses Buggy, who only views gold and silver as treasure.

Buggy splits his right arm off and sends it flying towards the mayor, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him off the ground. Trying to get Buggy off him, Boodle strikes at his throat where the hand is holding it. He struggles for air while Buggy gloats that, after this town, he plans on heading out into the Grand Line and stealing all the treasures there. Boodles's efforts amuse him, but Luffy appears in time to save the man and pulls the hand off Boodle's neck.

Buggy re-attaches his hand as Nami tells Zoro and Luffy to fight, while she grabs the Grand Line map and any treasures she can find nearby. The mayor is displeased about seeing Luffy and the others, as he wanted to fight Buggy on his own. Luffy however renders the mayor unconscious with a punch (much to Nami's shock), in order to make sure he is safe and does not get in the way.

Luffy then calls out to Buggy, shouting "Hey, big nose!" to provoke him. Because of his reputation of overreacting to anything related to his nose, Buggy's crew, Zoro and Nami are all horrified. Buggy then demands that his crew load another Buggy Ball into the cannon, while Zoro and Nami flee for cover. Launching the powerful cannonball towards Luffy, the rubber man blows himself up like a balloon and shoots the cannonball straight back at the Buggy Pirates.

Extra Mission 2

After assassinating an armed militant group, Yor Forger speaks to her employer over the phone as she plans to get milk and eggs for Loid Forger before she goes home. Distracted, she does not notice that one of her victims still lives as he aims a gun at her and shoots.

At home, Loid and Anya Forger are watching a news report on TV regarding the death of members of the Red Circus, a radical terrorist group. Anya, disinterested in the news, asks to watch cartoons instead. Loid initially refuses but is persuaded by Anya's tearing up, and she happily switches the TV to Spy Wars. Loid greets Yor as she arrives home with the milk and eggs but is concerned by Yor's irritated facial expression. Yor mentally reveals she got shot in the butt and that her grumpy facial expression is due to the intense pain. As she goes to bed, Loid mistakenly assumes Yor is upset at being asked to do errands and is determined to fix it and hopes she will feel better in the morning.

As the morning comes, Yor still has not recovered from her injury, her expression even worse than before. Determined to cheer Yor up, Loid asks Yor on a date. Recalling a conversation with her co-workers about not going on dates, Yor agrees to the date, wanting to learn to play the part of a married woman. Anya is excited about going on a date with them, but Loid rejects her as it's just for him and Yor, to her shock.

Loid manages to get Franky to babysit Anya while they go on a date, to Franky's protest, though he eventually agrees when Loid gives him a cheque. Determined to give Yor the perfect date, Loid even gets a chauffeur and comes up with 862 date ideas, including a helicopter and wine. Unfortunately, Yor is still in pain from her injury and unable to sit, preferring to walk over riding a car. This eliminates 794 of Loid's date ideas, and he believes she's still angry with him. As Loid and Yor walk away, Anya is worried about the two of them. Remembering a scene from her cartoons, she proposes to Franky that they shadow Loid and Yor on their date.

Despite their disguises, Loid is able to spot them within seconds but pretends not to notice in favor of focusing on Yor. Loid brings her to a department store and suggests a pair of tight pants for Yor to wear. Yor refuses as they would put pressure on her wound. Loid continues to bring Yor to other date locations, including the cinema, the club, the zoo, the spa, and the pond but is deterred by Yor's injury and inability to sit. Yor is unable to focus on the date due to the pain, while Loid is distressed at being unable to cheer Yor up at all.

As Loid and Yor worry, Franky laughs at Loid for being unsuccessful on the date. Franky and Anya start bantering as Loid and Yor enter an expensive-looking restaurant. Franky and Anya try to enter the restaurant as well but they get rejected due to their casual clothing and Anya's age. As Franky and Anya prepare to go home, Anya's mind-reading abilities pick up on someone recognizing Yor's assassin identity, <Thorn Princess>. A waiter in the restaurant turns out to be the sole survivor from the Red Circus group that Yor assassinated earlier and decides to avenge his fallen comrades. Although Anya realizes that Yor can likely take care of herself, she worries that Yor will expose her identity and cause Loid to divorce her. At her insistence, Franky and Anya decide to infiltrate the restaurant.

At the restaurant, Loid and Yor order drinks, while Loid praises the restaurant for being the few that serve blowfish. The former Red Circus member squeezes blowfish poison into a cocktail glass and serves it to Yor in an attempt to kill her. Meanwhile, Anya is inside the vents with Franky while wearing spy outfits. She overhears his plan and tries to hurry Franky. Anya is too late, as the blowfish-poison martini is already being served to Yor. Yor drinks the poisonous martini as the former Red Circus member rejoices, but Yor has a high tolerance for poison, and the blowfish poison has simply numbed her injury. Yor is once again joyful, confusing Loid.

Disappointed in his failure, the former Red Circus member decides to improvise a bomb with ingredients from the storeroom. Anya, still in the vent, notices the room is just nearby and vanishes from Franky's sight. As the former Red Circus member thinks of the ingredients to improvise his bomb, he slips on a large puddle of olive oil in the hallway and sends him crashing into a shelf. As he enters the storeroom, a bucket of objects falls on his head. He notices a container that would be suitable but soon realizes that the swelling container is a bomb. The makeshift bomb explodes on him, revealing that it was just made non-lethally with peanuts. Anya appears before him, threatening him not to approach Yor ever again and to make his girlfriend, Catherine, happy. The former Red Circus member faints at the shock of a child knowing his personal details, but not before deciding to live a normal life.

Yor, no longer in pain, talks cheerfully to Loid about the restaurant's food, to Loid's relief. Franky and Anya hide behind a bush as they watch Loid and Yor, with Franky wondering where Anya went earlier. As Loid and Yor look out at the city's night scenery, Yor thanks Loid for taking her out on a date and hopes they will be able to do this again when she is not injured. Yor notices a carnival, and Loid proposes they visit it. Anya excitedly tries to tag along, wanting to ride the Ferris wheel. The next day, the numbing poison wears off, and Yor is once again in pain, confusing Loid.

Xing Tian

Hear the legends of the headless warrior from the East, for they are not tales of a murderous monster, but a man that would not be undone by defeat or even death.

Long ago, three Emperors warred for supremacy over a young nation. Barely clinging to dominance, the Flame Emperor deployed his greatest general, the warrior-poet Xing Tian. Tirelessly he battled the other would-be Emperors but the size of their armies were too great, their weapons too sharp. Xing Tian returned to his lord in defeat but with spirit unbroken. He begged to ride out and meet the enemy once more, but the Flame Emperor refused. His reign was over, his life forfeit to the Yellow Emperor.

Unwilling to give in despite the loss of his lord, Xing Tian rallied the Flame Army for a final siege of the Yellow Emperor's Sky Palace. While the soldiers crashed around them, Xing Tian met the Yellow Emperor in single combat, the two titans trading blows up the upon the mountaintop. High upon the snow-capped peak the Yellow Emperor's blade struck true, beheading Xing Tian.

Was it days that passed, or years? It is unknown, but there, at the base of the mountain, Xing Tian awoke. A new face burned from his chest. The fire to battle renewed, the now headless Xing Tian rose to fight again.

For Xing Tian there is no defeat; there is no death. As long as there is a battle to be fought he will never surrender. And he will never die.

Mountain King

During the Second War, Muradin served as official liaison between Lordaeron and Khaz Modan, and accompanied the Alliance armies shortly before the battles at Blackrock Spire and the Dark Portal. During that time period he grew close to the Royal Family, and befriended the young Prince Arthas. As Arthas grew up, Muradin took it upon himself to teach the lad all he knew about fighting with blades and the two became close companions on many adventures.

Muradin was also one of the founding members of the dwarven Explorers' Guild, which was dedicated to exploration and archaeology across the world. In his travels, Muradin visited Northrend and became fascinated with the desolate continent. He returned to it often, observing its ferocious natives and sketching its ruined architecture. It was during one expedition to Northrend in search of the runeblade Frostmourne that Muradin met Arthas for the final time. In his obsession to destroy the Dreadlord Mal'ganis, Arthas had Muradin lead him to Frostmourne, betraying his own men in the process.

The older and wiser Muradin was distressed by the change he saw in the young prince, but Arthas refused to listen to his counsel. Muradin gave a final desperate warning about the cursed blade, and was thought then to become its first victim when the ice imprisoning it shattered and impaled him. It seems that there are some accounts which claim it was Arthas who caused Muradin's "death" when claiming the sword[1][2] (which is true from a certain point-of-view if one stops to consider that it was Arthas who caused the explosion and didn't care in the least). But unbeknownst to everyone Muradin had survived his wounds and currently suffers from amnesia.

Muradin was eventually tracked down by a group of Frostborn dwarves, who followed his trail of blood-soaked snow during an extremely harsh blizzard. These Frostborn just happened to be on their way home to Frosthold from a trek across the Dragonblight. Not about to let their new-found cousin freeze to death, they took him along with them, and a short time later they came under attack by a jormungar. After slaying the worm single-handedly and saving the dwarves, they took him in and gave him the name Yorg Stormheart, after a legendary Frostborn warrior. Eventually, Muradin/Yorg became King of the Frostborn and brings his people into the Alliance, which had begun journeying into Northrend to do battle with the Lich King, the renegade blue dragonflight, and the iron dwarves. Despite his people befriending the Alliance and the Explorers' Guild, he expressed concern over involving his people in wars that would result in their deaths.

Muradin, after some help from some alliance heroes, is reunited with his brothers Brann and Magni which jogs his memories to come back to him. After regaining his memories Muradin leaves the Frostborn to hunt down Arthas. During the assault on Icecrown Citadel, Muradin commands the gunship Skybreaker eventually leading to Arthas’ defeat.

Soon after the defeat of Arthas, Muradin is informed his brother King Magni was turned to diamond performing a ritual in Old Ironforge. Muradin, along with Moira and Falstad Wildhammer, now rule Ironforge as the Council of Three Hammers.

Oda Eiichiro

Toriyama-sensei's serialization has started! I'm so happy!! Too happy!! I'm looking forward to reading this every week from now on!!


Chapter 16



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107