Chapter 41

As thanks for their help, Kaya and Merry are giving a ship to the crew: the Going Merry. Usopp has made his luggage to become a pirate captain, but Luffy and the others propose to him to join them instead. After their departure, Merry tells Kaya about Usopp's childhood through a flashback.

The Birthday of the Infanta

To the Sea

After a hard battle, Nami, Luffy and Zoro are seen eating in a local restaurant. Suddenly Kaya enters and asks if she can have a word with them. Elsewhere Usopp sits at home after packing his bag, he states it's time to leave his home, however he packed his bag with so much stuff he cannot get out of the door. He rolls away after breaking the door getting out. After rolling away from his house, he smiles and collects his things up again.

Elsewhere, Merry and Kaya show the Straw Hat Pirates the ship they intend to give them, the Going Merry. Nami comments on it being a caravel. Merry explains that he designed the Merry and explains its rudder system, which Nami interrupts and says to just explain it to her. Kaya mentions she stocked up the Going Merry with the necessary food, which Luffy thanks her for, Zoro however tells him off when he gets his thanks wrong (see chapter notes).

Everyone's attention is drawn towards Usopp who is rolling down the slope. Luffy and Zoro stop him using their feet before he hits the ship. When Usopp says he will head out to sea and meet them someday, Luffy and Zoro tell him to just shut up and get on board the ship with them as captain, which Luffy instantly states is his job.

Ninjin, Tamanegi, and Piiman watch them leave, taking their former captain with them. They are happy that although Usopp always lived alone, he is surrounded by strong people now. Piiman has an idea suddenly.

Elsewhere also watching them leave, Merry and Kaya talk. Merry tells Kaya of Usopp's past. When Usopp was young, his father Yasopp left to become a pirate, leaving behind his wife and child, Usopp. His mother fell sick and the day before her death Usopp ran through the village calling that the Pirates are coming, his father was returning to take them away. She knew he was lying, but stated she was proud she had married him and happy he left to pursue his dream and believed that one day he would become as strong as his father. Usopp cried trying to stop her from talking as though she was about to die.

After his mother's death, Usopp was then alone, but he continued to call "the pirates are coming", even though he had no need to. Merry stated Kaya needs to continue on and be strong so she does not suffer as he used to as a repayment to him for saving her.

As the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates celebrates a new member and ship, back in the village the three former Usopp pirates prepare themselves. As they call "The pirates are coming", Kaya tells Merry she wants to become a doctor someday.

Mission 26

Henry Henderson announces to the students that their midterm exams will be held in two weeks. He also announces that the top two students in each subject will receive a Stella Star, while students who fail an exam will receive a Tonitrus Bolt for each failed exam. He then proceeds to begin returning their history quizzes from the day prior Anya only got 13% and is told to stay for remedial lessons while Damian Desmond got 91%, which he brags to Anya about. Anya realizes then that she should read his mind when taking history quizzes and tests and begins smirking in class, angering Henry.

After getting held back after class for disrupting it with laughter, Anya heads home late on the bus and she notices the full moon, which causes her to panic. When she get homes, she rushes to ask Loid what phase the moon will be in two weeks, to which he replies it will be the new moon. Anya gets internally shocked by this revelation, as her power does not work on the day of a new moon due to a weakness of hers known as "Eclipsing," meaning she will not be able to cheat during the exam. She attempts to get Bond to show her the questions from the future, but instead sees tonight's dinner. Distracted, Anya forgets about her worries for the rest of the night, then wakes up anxious the next day, realizing she has not studied yet.

Loid attempts to help her study, but he ultimately makes no progress. Yor then remembers that Yuri offered to help Anya study, so they call him up. Yuri arrives and is introduced to his niece. Anya attempts to read his mind and is overwhelmed by his thoughts about Yor. While Loid and Yuri chat about the recent peace talks, Anya reads their minds and is excited over their secret identities. Loid takes his leave to do some errands, but not before telling Anya that she and Yuri should get to studying.

Yuri begins by giving her some problems to solve, which she ends up getting all right due to her reading his mind. She promptly remembers that she will not be able to cheat on the midterm and tries to make an excuse for her success. Anya then begins to take the studying seriously but is at first met with strong criticism from Yuri. After Yor asks him to be more supportive and Anya exaggerates her love for Yor, Yuri begins being kinder with his critiquing.

The two of them continue studying, but after hitting some roadblocks, Yuri questions whether Anya likes studying or not. Anya questions him right back after saying she hates it, to which he replies that he studied hard so that he could take care of Yor. Yuri explains to Anya that knowledge is power, to which Anya gets very excited about the concept of studying, and the 2 of them intensely continue studying. After an exhausting study session, Yuri questions whether Anya has mastered grammar yet to which Anya questions what grammar even is. Yuri, feeling like he had wasted his time, storms out of the Forger household, only returning for a brief second to eat all of the cookies Yor had just made.

Anya contemplates the idea that if she had been smarter, she might have been able to disarm the bomb herself during the terrorist incident. She decides to study hard by doing work in a workbook. Loid returns home later to learn that she had been studying in a beginner foreign language workbook, a subject which is not part of the midterm exams. Two weeks later, the students at Eden Academy are sat down in the exam hall and prepare to take their exams. Anya gives Becky Blackbell a statement of confidence before Henry announces that the midterm exams will now begin.


Thunder is a terrifying element, trembling the very earth with its sound. Herald to storms, accomplice to lightning, thunder is primal, powerful and chaotic. Let this speak, then, of its master, the demon faced God, Raijin, who summons this force with the pounding of his great drums.

Ever in conflict with his equally fearsome brother, Fujin, Master of Wind, Raijin vies for control of the skies above the Realm of the Rising Sun. For mortals, their battles form dramatic storms and devastating tidal waves, but for the brothers, this is just friendly competition; an ongoing tournament to determine the strongest.

Though monstrous in appearance and intimidating in battle, Raijin is generous to his Faithful, clearing the detritus with lightning to leave rice fields all the more fertile. That doesn't stop parents from warning their children to hide when a storm comes, lest Raijin devour their bellies. Raijin no doubt finds this tale amusing but has yet to actually feast on any toddlers.

War has reached the distant shores of Raijin's island realm, and for the first time, he has encountered other Gods that claim dominion over lightning, thunder, and the sky itself. Relishing this opportunity to prove dominance, Raijin enters the fray, drums pounding, and his boisterous laugh indistinguishable from rolling thunder.

The Last Guardian

Magus or Magna Medivh was the last Guardian of Tirisfal, an ancient line of protectors bestowed with great powers to do battle with the agents of the Burning Legion. He was corrupted even before birth, and possessed by the spirit of the demonlord Sargeras who used Medivh in his plan to conquer Azeroth. Medivh contacted the orcish warlock, Gul'dan, and together they opened the Dark Portal, which allowed the Burning Legion to begin its destruction of Azeroth. He was slain shortly after by a party led by one of his friends, Lothar.

Shortly before the beginning of the Third War, Medivh returned as a mysterious prophet, manipulating events in order to arrange the formation of a last-ditch alliance between the mortal races on Kalimdor, guiding them to victory at the Battle of Mount Hyjal.

The prophet's name means "keeper of secrets" in Thalassian. He possessed Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian, which is currently wielded by his former apprentice, Khadgar.

Boating School

An excited SpongeBob rides his unicycle to Mrs. Puff's Boating School for his driving exam to start the episode, eager to finally get his driver's license. When he arrives, he throws his unicycle away under the assumption that he will definitely pass and no longer need it. Having taken the oral exam 37 times before, SpongeBob is able to answer most of the questions before Mrs. Puff even asks them. However, upon reaching the driving portion, SpongeBob gets nervous and quickly loses control of the boat, crashing into a lighthouse and causing Mrs. Puff's body to inflate.

Later that night, SpongeBob complains about his failure to Gary, who asks him to go for a walk, which he declines. Patrick is then heard talking to him from a walkie-talkie under his covers. He asks SpongeBob to head to his library for a "surprise," and SpongeBob finds Patrick wearing his clothes and calling himself "Patrick SquarePants." SpongeBob is too depressed to laugh at this, and explains his problem to Patrick, mentioning that he needs someone to help him "think straight" during the driving test. Patrick quickly devises a plan. Using a cowboy hat to hide the antenna, he puts a walkie-talkie inside SpongeBob's head so he can offer advice.

The next day, SpongeBob goes back to take the test again. When asked to start the boat, he initially panics, but Patrick's instructions keep him calm. Just after SpongeBob puts the boat in drive, he almost floors the pedal, but Patrick stops him just before his foot touches the pedal. Patrick then tells him to use his big toe on the pedal, and SpongeBob's toe pops out of his shoe to gently press the pedal. This is followed by a montage of SpongeBob acing the exam, interspersed with shots of Patrick eating SpongeBob's food, and reading his diary while helping him.

Mrs. Puff is floored by SpongeBob's sudden improvement and jokingly suggests that his success is due to an antenna under his hat through which "some guy miles away from here" is giving him all the answers. SpongeBob (and Patrick) finds this hilarious until Mrs. Puff tells him it would be cheating to do so. Upon realizing he has been cheating, SpongeBob goes into hysterics, followed by Patrick. Devastated and ashamed about what he has done, Patrick flees to his house, crying. SpongeBob starts driving wildly all over the course and sobbing, while Mrs. Puff, in a panic, tries desperately to stop him. SpongeBob is too distraught to listen and crashes the boat, failing the test and causing Mrs. Puff to inflate once again. As the episode ends with SpongeBob leaving boating school, he finds Gary riding his unicycle. SpongeBob rides off on it, with Gary atop his head, and happily rides off to visit the hospital, thus ending the episode from there.

Oda Eiichiro

Went around to some big bookstores for the first time in a year to gather materials. I naively thought three hours would be enough to buy up what I needed. Gotta make another trip to Jimbocho.


Chapter 42



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107