Chapter 106

The Straw Hat Pirates have a hard time with the unpredictable weather of the Grand Line, but thanks to Nami's navigational skills, they arrive safely at their first island, Whisky Peak, where they receive an unexpected warm welcome from the townsfolk.

The Town of Welcome

After their departure from Twin Cape, the Straw Hat Pirates start their journey on the Grand Line. However Nami has a hard time understanding the Grand Line's unpredictable and wild climate when lightning follows a blizzard. Things get worse when Miss Wednesday asks her if she has checked her Log Pose and she realizes their ship is going the wrong way after just a few moments of inattention. The next hour is a non-stop fight against the inconsistent weather.

Finally, the Straw Hat Pirates manage to reach a period of calm. Everyone takes this opportunity to rest except Zoro who finally wakes up. When he is about to ask Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9 about their real motivation, Nami punches him for sleeping while the rest struggled against the weather. However, she is now fully confident in her navigation skills in the Grand Line for the future, as she feels more comfortable with the climate patterns.

Soon the Whisky Peak, Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9's island, comes into view. While the two take this opportunity to leave the ship and jump overboard the Straw Hat Pirates wonder how their first Grand Line island experience will play out. They ponder if it has monsters, enemies, and so forth. But against all expectations, they receive a cheerful welcome from the inhabitants who invite them to a party.

Mission 87

Recovering at Berlint General Hospital, Fiona is visited by Gerald Gorey, who she coldly brushes off. Before he is ushered away by a nurse, Gorey gives Fiona the medical files for the VIP patients assigned to Loid, asking her to hand them to him. After he leaves, it is revealed that the nurse is Sylvia, who has come to check on Fiona and their operations at the hospital. When Fiona tells Sylvia to leave if she has no business here, Sylvia angrily reminds her that she is filling in for her and Loid's jobs for the day, since neither are unable to work.

Sylvia informs Fiona that despite breaking many of her bones, the damage was less serious than expected, and Fiona will be able to resume work after she is discharged. Fiona then realizes that her mountain training for her revenge match with Yor was what kept her from being more injured and thinks how ironic it is. Sylvia praises Fiona for securing Winston Wheeler and tells her not to get herself killed as she cherishes her as her subordinate, which touches Fiona. Before she leaves, Sylvia tells Fiona to not push herself hard, not even for Twilight's sake. Realizing that Sylvia is aware of her feelings for Twilight, Fiona becomes an embarrassed mess, to Sylvia's amusement.

Meanwhile, the Forgers are having breakfast at home, and Anya says Yor's breakfasts have gotten a little better, which makes her mother happy. Wanting Loid to rest for the day and to make up for yesterday, Yor insists on doing the housework. Later, Loid takes to his room to rest (and also to attend to paperwork). Yor and Anya sit together in the living room, where Anya draws several animals. After Yor asks if she had fun at the zoo, Anya excitedly tells her about it and shows her a stuffed toy lion she got there.

Jealous at Anya's new toy, Bond ruffles his fur to imitate a lion's mane to impress Anya. After attempting to imitate other animals at Anya's request, Yor brushes Bond's fur to normal, saying he looks better the way he is. Yor comments how Bond's fur has become more shinier since they got him, and Anya asks to be shiny too, so Yor brushes her hair. Franky makes a sudden appearance with things that Loid asked for. Anya gets the idea to brush Franky's hair, and the four start to engage in a noisy chatter. Coming out of his room, Loid sees the chaos and quickly goes back inside.


From the summit of Mount Olympus she has watched the gods and pantheons. Their triumphs, their follies. She watched as the legends of Zeus, of Hercules, and all the others were etched into history. The world has descended into calamity, and she can watch no longer. Now, the time has come for the legend of Hera to be written.

By her side stands Argus, her champion, the indomitable agent of her will...and vengeance. Through her charisma and skill Hera has rallied great heroes and whole armies to follow her, yet she is no distant general. Hera is Queen of the Gods, born of the Titans, and any who cross her shall know her justice first hand.

While the other gods are masters of lightning, or fire or death, Hera is master of divinity itself. She can reshape nature, including her foes, and she will hold nothing back as she steps forth upon the Battleground of the Gods.

For the Queen of the Gods has come at last, and she has come to rule.


As the episode begins on the ocean's surface, an artist in a rowboat sketches feverishly. Unfortunately, his pencil slips from his hand and falls into the sea. While screaming "NO!", the French Narrator states the first rule of the artist at sea: "Always bring a spare pencil."

Down on the ocean floor, SpongeBob and Patrick are playing "Rock-Paper-Scissors" using bubbles when the pencil suddenly lands in between them. SpongeBob and Patrick, at first terrified of the large artifact, start to doodle with it. They soon come to discover that whatever they draw with the pencil is brought to life, and thus dub it the "magic pencil."

SpongeBob soon draws "DoodleBob," a sketch version of himself intended to fool Squidward. However, DoodleBob beats Squidward up and steals the magic pencil, going off to wreak havoc across the seascape. SpongeBob eventually turns the tide of battle and uses the pencil's eraser to rub out DoodleBob.

Unbeknownst to SpongeBob and Patrick, a lone arm remains, and in the night it steals the pencil back from SpongeBob and redraws its body. DoodleBob then attempts to erase SpongeBob, and during the struggle, the pencil is snapped in half. DoodleBob has the eraser and SpongeBob has the point. However, DoodleBob sharpens his half and SpongeBob accidentally flicks his pencil out of the window at Squidward's head. DoodleBob corners SpongeBob in front of a bookshelf, but steps on a sheet of paper and finds his foot absorbed into it.

Seizing his chance, SpongeBob closes DoodleBob in a book, in which the doodle is finally happy. The page with DoodleBob is then framed on a wall. Patrick arrives and listens to SpongeBob's musings on the nature of his doppelgänger, taking SpongeBob's photograph for the doodle. Knowing it's too dangerous in the wrong hands, they decide to send the magic pencil back from where it came, shooting it back up to the distraught artist.

With his drawing instrument returned, the artist excitedly prepares to begin a new masterpiece, but when the pencil meets the canvas, the lead snaps. Because of this, the French Narrator concludes by stating the second rule of the artist at sea: "Always bring a pencil sharpener." as the artist screams "NO!".

Chapter 8

Olympus was braced for a storm unseen, but felt by all.

Athena climbed the narrow city streets, dismissing soldiers to their families and homes. Each embraced a mother, a spouse, a child. Joy broke upon those faces. Relief, it seemed, was plentiful this day, but hope was in short supply. Breath held, the citizens of Olympus watched Athena with pinched eyes. Weary and worn, they bowed courteously, but frayed nerves prevented more. A young woman, mouth open to ask the Goddess of Wisdom for guidance, stopped short and retreated home. Children did not laugh and play along the cobbles, but clung silently to doorframes.

Spear grip tightening, Athena headed for the throne room, where Hades held court in the absence of her father. Great doors barred her entrance.

Steel boots rang on stone. Ares, eyes cold as winter's peak, met her. Chaac's axe clutched in one fist.

"Our father's murder is avenged," he proclaimed, chin lifted. "Anubis is dead."

"Anubis was not the murderer. It was Loki of Asgard, in league with Hel." Athena eyed her brother carefully. "By now you must know this."

Ares bristled with accusation. "What I know, sister, is that today, the sun lights the sky. This can only mean Ra's vision is returned and his throne restored."

"Both were done," she confirmed. "Your war left Egypt destroyed and humiliated. I restored their dignity as father would have wanted."

"What makes you think you know what he wanted?" Ares sneered.

"I know he would not wish our people scared of their king," Athena gestured to the city below. "Hades has them cowering, brother. I was warned a darkness was coming."

Ares' eyes lit with flames from Ganesha's temple. "I too was warned of darkness."

"Will you help me stop him?" her hand extended.

For a moment, hard eyes on her hand, Ares considered. Then, without word, he heaved against the throne room doors, opening a grim hallway before them.

Braziers, once lit with warm light, now flickered with ghastly green flames. Gone were sigils and banners of Zeus' lightning bolt, replaced by Hades' skeletal hand. Encircling the throne were bones, piled floor to ceiling. Skulls staring blankly, teeth bared in eternal grimace, white femurs and slotted fingers, an impossible quantity to count. Howling spirits swirled in and out like torn banners caught in the wind. Before it all hunkered Hades, hands raised to the macabre collection like a conductor to an orchestra.

"What is this," Athena entered carefully, breathless.

Hades slowly turned. "For your sake, I hoped this would be done before your return."

Ares brandished Chaac's axe. "Explain this, uncle."

Facing them fully, Hades eyed his niece and nephew as they closed on him. "The Asgardians have incited Ragnarok. That unbridled chaos will spread without regard. To save Olympia, to save our people, I am left little choice."

"For what?" asked Athena.

Hades' yellow eyes narrowed. "To wage war."

"That was not father's wish," Athena said through clenched teeth.

"True. Zeus did not understand. He wanted peace with the other Pantheons, but it is too late for that. I could not convince him, so he had to be removed."

"You did murder him!" Ares growled.

"I have kept him safe!" barked Hades. "What do you think those other Gods would have done to him had I not shielded him in my underworld? What would have become of his soul?"

"I cannot allow this," Athena's stance lowered, spear pointed at Hades. "I will stop you."

"Your compassion blinds you, Athena," Hades chided. "Our goals are the same."

Athena scoffed. "To wage war when peace can still be attained? That is not the same."

"And what of you, Ares?" Hades' hooded head swiveled. "We did not invite this war, but it is upon us. I can give you an army of mortals unburdened of death. Invincible, they could fight Asgard's plague, with you at their vanguard."

Ares remained still, poised like a serpent at the verge of striking.

"Ares," Athena urged. "You cannot consider this!"

Ares whispered, "Why?"

"He killed our father!"

"He's not my father!" Ares snarled. "Zeus' hatred of me was always clear. I journeyed to avenge him. For his approval. But I know now, it was not for him I battled. Or slew those Gods. It was for me."

"They may choose to follow me or be destroyed."

"That isn't worship. That's fear!"

"IT'S THE SAME THING!" He roared so the ceiling shook, spittle flying from his lips.

Eyes hardening, Athena turned to face her brother as he, too, settled into a warrior's stance.

"War is upon us, sister," Ares' mailed fists tightened on Chaac's axe. "I am the God of War."

"Your wars will leave this world dead," Athena raised her shield.

Hades extended his arms to the angry spirits behind them. "That is the exact idea."

It began.

Diary of Koby-Meppo

Vol.20 : "Helmeppo's Return"


Oda Eiichiro

The other day I went to the One Piece anime audition. After much deliberation we personally selected individuals whom the entire anime staff was pleased with. We'll reveal them in the next issue. I can't wait!!


Chapter 107



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107