Chapter 89

Sanji goes underwater to free Luffy, but Arlong overwhelms Zoro and a revived Hatchan chases after Sanji. However, Hatchan's wounds reopen and Sanji successfully frees Luffy. Luffy then begins his attack on Arlong.


Sanji goes to free Luffy from his rock entrapment underwater, but as Zoro confronts Arlong, the fish-man states that he wishes to find out who interfered and kept Luffy alive. Wanting to distract Arlong, Usopp shouts at him and shoots a rubber band at him, but Arlong's attention remains on Zoro. Zoro swings his sword at Arlong's face, only for the fish-man's long nose to counter it. Arlong says that his unbreakable nose is his greatest pride as Hatchan gets back up. Initially frightened due to thinking that Usopp's rubber band was heading for him, Hatchan gets angry and dives into the water to kill Sanji, shocking Zoro. Arlong tells Zoro that his group will die no matter what before headbutting him in the chest, causing him to cry out in pain.

Sanji reaches Nojiko and Luffy at the bottom of the pool, and as he prepares to destroy Luffy's rock with a kick, Nojiko notices Hatchan pursuing him. She goes behind Sanji to shield him from Hatchan's rapid punches, and Sanji is shocked as he sees Hatchan attacking. Above water, Usopp shouts to Zoro as he climbs over the wall to Arlong Park, and Arlong lifts the swordsman by the neck. Wondering why Zoro is bandaged so much, Arlong rips the bandages off, and is shocked to see the gruesome wound on Zoro's chest. He prepares to kill Zoro, but Zoro exclaims that Hatchan's wounds would not have reopened if he had stayed down. Arlong initially thinks Zoro is talking about himself, but Zoro reveals who he was talking to, and underwater, Hatchan's wounds reopen before he can attack Nojiko and Sanji. With Hatchan taken out, Sanji quickly destroys Luffy's rock with a kick, and Luffy's body shoots up to where his head is, sending him flying over Arlong Park.

The Straw Hats, townspeople, and their allies rejoice at Luffy's arrival, and Luffy grabs Zoro and throws him out of the way in order to switch places with him. Luffy then unleashes a rapid string of attacks on Arlong, which overwhelm the fish-man and leave him lying at the foot of the tower. However, Arlong gets up without taking significant damage, but Luffy responds that that was just his warm-up exercise. Meanwhile, Zoro swears to kill Luffy after landing on the ground.

Mission 70

At Eden Academy, the teachers learn about the hijacking of two of their buses. Henry Henderson asks if they alerted the police, which one of the teachers confirms. Henry says he will inform the principal about the situation and ask the teachers to prevent this news from reaching the other students or the media.

On the bus, Billy Squire walks through the bus with a shotgun in hand, and the terrified students' thoughts overwhelm Anya, making Becky worry for her. Damian also notices Anya's behavior, but before he can do anything, Bill gets up and tells his classmates to calm down. He reminds them that their parents are important people and that help is on the way.

Although Billy quickly shuts Bill up by pointing his rifle at him, the boy's words manage to calm the kids and their thoughts, consequently relieving Anya. Billy reiterates the importance of the students' parents, calling out children from influential families. He then reveals his goal to use their lives to negotiate with the government, and if they comply with his demands, the children will return home safely. He menacingly tells them to pray that their parents will use their power to save them, making the children think about their parents, with Anya thinking about Yor and Loid.

Meanwhile, at a WISE Safe House, the WISE Agent informs Sylvia about the bus hijacking and asks if they will do anything. The Handler initially refuses to leave the situation to the police but changes her mind after learning that Damian and Anya are among the hostages. Sylvia gives the order to gather intel, deciding to help from the shadows. The Agent asks if they should call in Twilight, but Sylvia declines as he is away from Berlint on another mission.

Back on the bus, the students wonder where they are going and what they should do. Anya decides to read the Red Circus members' minds to see if she can get an idea of where they are going. After getting nothing, Anya shouts out that she needs to go pee, to everyone's bewilderment. While Billy tells her to hold it in, the driver thinks about their destination: Papier Palace Park. Hearing this with her telepathy, Anya informs the information to Becky, who is shocked and asks how she knows this, to which Anya lies that she read their lips.

The two devise a plan to send a message to the people outside by writing a note and throwing it out the window. Anya tries writing the note, but it is illegible, so Becky writes it instead. Becky then puts the note in her candy tin container alongside her student I.D. and family S.O.S. code. Damian notices their shifty behavior and throws them a note, questioning their actions, and warns them not to do anything reckless or else they will get killed. Anya throws back a reply telling him their plan, but it is once again illegible, so Becky writes it again and throws it at him.

Damian decides to make a distraction to give them an opening, which he does by walking up to Billy and proclaiming that he needs to poo. The girls take advantage of the situation and throw the container out the window, which attracts the attention of some people who find out about their predicament. Billy sees what the girls did and questions them, but they feign ignorance. So, Billy grabs a device and attaches it around Anya's neck. He then reveals to the children that it is a bomb and warns that if anyone tries to act suspiciously or against them, he will blow it up along with Anya.


At dawn, the sun lifts above the horizon, bathing mankind in color and life. At dusk, it sinks beneath the edge of the world, lost to sight, casting all into darkness. While the sun shines on the realm of mortal kind it is radiant Ra that guides it, but at night we share the sun with the underworld. It is not Ra that moves the sun along its subterranean path but Khepri, the scarab God, he who comes with the dawn.

Scarabs form dirt and dung into perfect spheres. Within, they lay eggs from which their young emerge fully formed. Using powerful arms and legs, scarabs can roll these spheres - many times their own size - incredible distances. It is from their father, Khepri, the sacred scarab gained this power. For the Dawn Bringer, the Sun is his sphere and all souls, living and dead, his children.

Khepri is a guardian, a protector and a friend. He is a symbol of power and loyalty. Usually content to stay aloof, Khepri has risen for battle to defend existence from this shattering war. He will fight to shield us until the final sunset. Yet, it is he that brings the dawn.

Adventuring Climatologist

Though many blamed the planet's escalating, unexplained climate phenomena on the advent of new technologies, the rapidly growing Omnic population, and drastically increased consumption of resources, the true cause remained unknown. To find a solution, Overwatch established a series of eco-Watchpoints at remote, critical locations worldwide.

Dr. Mei-Ling Zhou (周美灵 Zhōu Měi-líng) was a member of this multiyear initiative. A peerless climatologist, she had introduced cutting-edge innovations in the field of climate manipulation that protected at-risk areas in Asia and beyond. She was assigned to the program's monitoring station at Watchpoint: Antarctica when disaster struck: a sudden, catastrophic polar storm battered the installation and cut it off from the outside world, leaving the facility damaged and the scientists stranded. As their supplies dwindled, they entered cryostasis in a last-ditch effort to survive until a rescue attempt could be made.

But that rescue never came. It was years later when the team's cryogenics chamber was finally discovered. Mei, still in hibernation, was the only survivor. The world Mei awoke to had gone through considerable changes: Overwatch was no more, the serious climate issues had worsened, and none of the eco-Watchpoints were in operation. Any clues that they had uncovered were lost.

Mei has decided to continue her work on her own. Equipped with a portable version of her climate-manipulation technology, she travels around the world, hoping to re-establish the eco-network and track down the causes of the threats to the planet's ecosystem.

Mei received the recall to join the new Overwatch after Winston reinstated the organization, indirectly awakening her from cryostasis. She has since rejoined Overwatch, becoming the second member confirmed to accept the call.

Act 1

Patchy prologue

As the special opens, it is almost Christmas in Encino, California, and Patchy the Pirate, president of the SpongeBob SquarePants fan club, is deep in preparations for the holiday. With the help of his unenthusiastic assistant, Potty the Parrot, Patchy sets pictures of SpongeBob and Patrick on the mantelpiece, puts up his various SpongeBob-themed ornaments, and bakes Christmas cookies, the dough of which Potty eats. Patchy also takes time to open a letter from a fan, who asks if SpongeBob likes Christmas as much as he does. Patchy remarks that there was once a time when Christmas in Bikini Bottom was unheard of, and decides to tell the tale.

Diary of Koby-Meppo

Vol. 6: "Odd Jobs, Odd Jobs On Deck!!"


Oda Eiichiro

Mr. Sagara, a friend of my editor Mr. 'A'da, thank you so much for setting up my Mac!! I'm so happy I could cry


Chapter 90



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107