Chapter 100

Smoker manages to capture Buggy, Alvida and the rest in mere seconds using a net made of Seastone for Devil Fruit users. When he finally gets a hold on Luffy and is ready to finish him off, a mysterious man named Dragon stops Smoker and a huge storm suddenly starts. The storm helps Luffy, Zoro and Sanji escape to the ship and head to the Grand Line, where they vow to accomplish their dreams.

The Legend Has Begun

A mysterious figure roams the streets of Loguetown as the storm pours down. Alongside the figure, words are spoken about how change cannot be stopped. The man says "Pirate King?" and then adds afterwards "not a bad idea".

Buggy gets up after being struck by lightning, angry that Luffy escaped. When Cabaji questions why he is still alive, Buggy states he refuses to die here. Alvida points out the growing Marine problem. Boasting how Luffy's ship should be burned down by now, Buggy uses his car mode and heads off to the harbor, closely followed by Alvida who takes off her sandals, and slide down a ramp to follow. However, they are caught by Smoker. The Marines succeeded in catching the Buggy Pirates and Alvida. Smoker then chases after Luffy, while Alvida comments on how her Devil Fruit powers do not work on the net. Buggy states it is made of Seastone and the Marines have developed it to capture Devil Fruit users.

At the harbor, Richie and Mohji are in trouble, the rain prevents them from setting fire to the Going Merry. Mohji is startled as Usopp arrives, causing him to slip over and knock himself out while Richie is distracted by an egg launched out by the boy's slingshot, while the marksman and Nami arrive back to the Going Merry.

Elsewhere, Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy race towards the ship followed by the Marines. Ahead, Tashigi calls Zoro out and states he lied to her. She states she will take Zoro's Meito and Wado Ichimonji away from him. As the pair break into a fight, Sanji yells at Zoro for attacking a woman but Luffy grabs Sanji and continue on towards the harbor, leaving Zoro behind. Tashigi is easily beaten, knocked against the wall with Zoro's sword at her throat, Zoro states he will never lose his sword. As Zoro begins to run after Luffy and Sanji, Tashigi is outraged that she wasn't killed and demands he tell her why he refuses to kill her, believing it to be because she is a woman. Zoro yells at her, telling her to stop imitating his dead friend and the two break into a childish argument.

Smoker catches up to Luffy and Sanji and blocks the way to the harbor. Smoker grabs Luffy causing Sanji to leap into action, but with no effect to Smoker because of his Devil Fruit, the Moku Moku no Mi. Smoker uses White Blow and hits Sanji to a building, Luffy tried to fight back with one blow but ultimately failed, due to Smoker's ability. Losing very easily, as Smoker goes to throw the finishing blow, a mysterious man called Dragon appears. The World Government is apparently looking for him. Stating the world is "waiting for our answer", a gust of wind breaks out.

Everyone is blown away from where they were, including Luffy with Zoro and Sanji. As the crew escape, Smoker demands to know why, Dragon states he sees no reason to stop a man's destiny. At the harbor, Nami and Usopp urge the others to hurry on board the Going Merry quickly. Smoker declares he will go after Luffy, Tashigi states she will chase after Zoro. On the sea, Buggy tells his crew to chase after Luffy, and that it is time he returned to the Grand Line.

Finally, away from Loguetown and safely at sea, the Straw Hats spot the lighthouse signaling the way to the Grand Line. They declare their vows and dreams and prepare themselves for the next step in their journey.

Mission 81

Going after the mole who stole their secret files, WISE agents chase after their thief. However, the mole is too skilled and takes down his pursuers with ease. The mole is identified as Winston Wheeler, from WISE's intelligence communication division, and revealed to be a deep cover operative from Ostania's intelligence apparatus, having passed the West's secrets to the East and is likely responsible for the recent spy purge. As the WISE Agent informs this to Loid and Fiona, Loid reveals that he once worked with Winston on a mission before coming to Ostania and can vouch for his talent. Winston is believed to have already crossed to Ostanian territory, but is rumored to be meeting up with the SSS at a hotel in Shellbury, in northwest Ostania. Fiona asks how solid that intel is, to which the WISE Agent tells her that they also have their own moles in Eastern Bureaus.

Loid deduces that this may have been why Yuri ran off while shadowing him earlier and assumes that the SSS has already deployed many of their agents. Due to the risk of this operation, Fiona proposes cutting off all active operations in Ostania, including Operation Strix. Loid rebukes this, saying they will never get close to Donovan Desmond as they are now, and they are to follow Handler's orders to recover the files. Fiona apologizes as the agents enter SSS territory.

Yuri and his division arrive at Shellbury's train station, dressed incognito. One of the agents wonders why they are disguised in their home country, to which another speculates that the current administration does not want to do anything to risk their relationship with Westalis, in particular, the theft of their secret files. Regardless, the SSS Lieutenant tells them not to draw attention to themselves and adds that this would be the most opportune moment to catch Twilight if he shows.

In a lone alleyway, the agents prepare their disguises for the mission. The WISE Agent gives out code names for the agents, telling "Red 1," Loid, to stall the SSS and keep them from making contact with Winston. In a motel, Winston cleans up his appearance, shaving off his beard and receiving a call with orders. The WISE Agent, Fiona, and other agents go in disguise and patrol the street near Shellbury Hotel, where they are spotted from the roof by Winston. He descends to the streets and finds Yuri looking out for WISE agents.

Winston appears next to Yuri, asking if the young man is a new recruit. Yuri is surprised to have encountered Winston and that Winston knows he is SSS. After Yuri confirms that he is speaking with the real Winston by checking his appearance and dress, he nods to his Captain. Winston tells Yuri that the hotel has "a serious rat problem" and changes the meeting location, ordering to meet at a park in thirty minutes. Back at Shellbury Hotel, Fiona and the WISE Agent wait for Winston to arrive but realize he is not coming, and the WISE Agent worries they will lose him. Meanwhile, Winston arrives at the park, where SSS agents welcome him.


Do not pass the black expanse of the river Styx if blood still flows in your veins. For there, upon the opposing shore, stands guard a beast of impossible animosity. Three fanged wolf heads will be your welcome, hackles raised, eyes like embers, burning green with ghostly flame. A sinuous tail whips with a mind all its own, barbed with the head of a serpent, forked tongue tasting the air. Should your body still be warm with life's glow when you dare set foot upon the shore, Cerberus, Hound of Hell, will feast upon your flesh, consuming both body and soul.

No mercy resides in this creature. He is a monster, brought into this world by the Mother of Monsters, Echidna, for no other purpose than to guard the gates of hell. There he remains, eternally chained to the shrouded passage. None of the living may enter. None of the dead may leave.

Hades, master to Cerberus, has unbound his servant to the battlefield of the Gods. With his poisonous breath, his acidic spittle, his gaze that can turn flesh to stone, Cerberus now hunts freely in the world of the living, eager to drag everyone back down to hell.

The Smoking Peanut

It is the annual "Free Day" at the Bikini Bottom Zoo, and Mr. Krabs helps himself to anything he can get his claws on. Meanwhile, SpongeBob and Patrick go to Oyster Stadium to see Clamu the giant oyster perform tricks. Unfortunately, as they enter the arena, they find Clamu is sleeping. Patrick prepares to leave, but SpongeBob tries to wake Clamu up by throwing a peanut at her, followed by her wailing loudly. SpongeBob calls Patrick back in anticipation of the show, only for Clamu, it causes mayhem to thrash around and attack the zookeepers, crying inconsolably all the while.

After being questioned by one of the zoo attendants, SpongeBob and Patrick leave the park. SpongeBob feels very guilty and thinks that he caused the incident. Patrick decides to investigate the crime, determined to discover the culprit of Clamu's distress. At home, SpongeBob laments what he's done, but tells himself that the incident will soon blow over. But when he turns on the TV, the oyster incident is the top news story. The Realistic Fish Head reports that Clamu's sobs are so powerful that they can be heard all around the world (even above the surface).

With his guilt growing, SpongeBob goes to Squidward and Sandy for advice, but just like Patrick, both are concerned with finding and punishing the culprit. To make matters worse, Patrick reveals that he found an incriminating bag of peanuts left near SpongeBob's home, stating that he is getting close to solving the mystery.

Eventually, policemen enter SpongeBob's house and question him on the incident. SpongeBob admits to everything they ask him, but instead of arresting him, they conclude from their evidence that Patrick is falsely the culprit, and drive away with him. SpongeBob is shocked at what has happened to his friend, and dashes after the car.

Patrick is taken to Oyster Stadium, where he is chained to a platform in the middle of Clamu's enclosure and vengefully pelted with peanuts by the angry audience for his supposed crime. Unwilling to let Patrick take the blame, SpongeBob arrives at the stadium and asks everyone to stop. He finally confesses to having thrown the peanut, apologizing to Clamu, Patrick, and the people of Bikini Bottom. The fish in the audience, upon hearing this confession, refuse to accept his apology, somehow conclude that he is Patrick's accomplice, and decide to throw peanuts at both of them. Before they can, however, a zookeeper (possibly the one from earlier) stops them, announcing that he has captured the real culprit — Mr. Krabs, much to SpongeBob, Patrick, and everyone's shock.

The zookeeper also reveals that the true cause of Clamu's distress was not the thrown peanut, but that Mr. Krabs stole her pearl while she was asleep from the last night. The zookeeper returns the pearl to Clamu. To everyone's surprise, the pearl turns out to be an egg, hatching into a baby oyster. Having been reunited with her offspring, Clamu is finally happy again. With the truth of the case finally revealed, SpongeBob and Patrick's names are cleared. The crowd is moved by the touching scene before turning to angrily glare at Mr. Krabs. Rather than admitting what he did was wrong, Mr. Krabs makes a pathetic excuse that it is Free Day, and is promptly buried in a pile of peanuts the audience throws at him, much to his discomfort.

Chapter 2

Asgard was on fire.

Ash blended with snow, filling the ship shaped city suspended atop the branches of the world tree. It eddied into corners, piled in the alleyways, drifted between flames that licked wooden lodge rooftops and rubble strewn streets. All sunlight was choked by a sea of roiling black clouds, angry and flickering with green, soundless lightning. Panicked cries replaced the thunder as mortals fled the devastation. Fenrir, the monstrous wolf, was loose. His howl pierced every heart.

"Ragnarok," breathed Odin, King of Asgard, as he surveyed the chaos. "No legend can embody this horror."

"We must not despair, father," Thor, God of Thunder urged. "There is fight still in us!"

They watched Ymir, flanked by more Ice Giants, smash through a tower, leaving it shapeless rubble. Mortals hurtled through the air, their last moments filled with terrified flight. Elsewhere, shadows ripped free of their makers, snatching them like goblins and feasting. Hel had unleashed terrible foes to aid her wolf brother.

Athena, Greek Goddess of Wisdom emerged from the city, rushed the palace steps to kneel before Odin. "I gathered as many of the mortals as I could and prepared them for evacuation, but Fenrir found us. He is on my heels even now!"

"Evacuation?" Odin's eyebrows came together.

Tyr placed his metal hand upon Odin's shoulder. "It is time, my lord."

"No," Thor growled. "We fight! As we always have!"

Odin turned to his son. "And we shall. But not you, my son. You will lead the people to safety."

"I will not abandon you," Thor gripped his father's arms.

"You must. The mortals must survive. You must be king when I am gone."

Like an avalanche of violence, Fenrir tore through wood and stone to stand at the foot of the palace steps. Heaving, slathering, his monstrous hide towered over all around him. He howled into the air, a sound that heralded the death rattle of the world.

Odin hefted his heavy spear. "Go!" he ordered. "Tyr, with me!"

Athena pulled Thor's arm as Odin and Tyr rushed to meet their enemy. "The mortals, Thor! They need us!" Reluctantly, Thor turned away.

Through smoke and ruin they raced. Through the shattered streets, chased by the horrid clash of conflict. Mortals lay broken and still at every turn. Thor slowed.

"You have done admirably for my people, Athena, but I cannot flee Asgard with only some of them. I must gather everyone that lives, else they will be devoured and slain as these have."

"There is no time," Athena urged. "Your army is broken. Without more soldiers you cannot rally your people to safety."

Thor gripped Mjolnir tightly. "I cannot abandon them as I have my father."

Athena recognized the pain. Her father, too, was taken from her, murdered by the Trickster God Loki. Mistakenly, they had believed Anubis the culprit, but Athena learned the truth and brought Loki to justice, but not before the Greek Army marched on Ra's kingdom.

"The Greek Army!" She exclaimed. "My brother, Ares, took our forces to the Kingdom of Sun. I will retrieve it and bring it here to aid you."

"Yes," determination ignited in Thor's eyes. "Yes! I will hold the city until you return."

Athena nodded and turned to go.

"Athena," Thor called. "Be swift!"

"I will," she said, jaw tight, then raced away.

Oda Eiichiro

AND THUS, IT WAS DECREED, THAT IT WOULD BE AN ANIME~ SERIE~S!! And what's more is that three of my friends will be in the special edition going on sale August 18th!! Mizumoto-san and One Piece staffers Ejiri-san & Takei-kun!! Alright, it's summer time!!


Chapter 101



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107