Chapter 94

Arlong Park is in ruins, but the citizens do not know who won the fight. Everybody is worried for Luffy's. When he appears at the top of the ruined building's roof everyone is filled with joy. The Arlong Pirates have been beaten, putting an end to eight long years of suffering. So when the Marine, Nezumi, makes his appearance and claims Arlong's money, the village becomes upset. Nami strikes him with her staff and tells him Arlong's money belongs to the villagers. Nezumi is forced out of the island but continues to threaten Luffy with revenge. Back at his base, he requests the Marine Headquarters to put Luffy on the Marine wanted list.

Back in Cocoyasi Village, while Dr. Nako is treating Zoro's wounds, Nami makes her decision in front of Bell-mère's grave—she will become a pirate.

The Second

Luffy destroys Arlong Park's roof and pieces of the building are scattered into the air. Zoro, who was sleeping, is struck and wonders what happened. Meanwhile at the foot of the building everyone wonders what happened inside and who won. Suddenly, Luffy emerges from the destruction to everyone's joy and then declares that Nami is his friend. Nami acknowledges his gesture.

Everybody then celebrates the news of Arlong's defeat. However, they are soon interrupted by Nezumi, who thanks them for giving him an enjoyable fight to watch and then declares that all the riches of Arlong Park now belong to him. He then asks that everyone throw down their arms, but is interrupted by Zoro and then gets beaten up by the Straw Hat Crew. Nami then gives Luffy his straw hat back and attacks Nezumi as well. She tells him to give her back her money. Nezumi leaves and tells them that they will regret crossing him, while everyone continues to celebrate with Nami, Nojiko, and Genzo sitting by Belle-mère's grave. Back at Cocoyasi Village Dr. Nako is treating Zoro, who is in a lot of pain.

Later at the Marine's 16th branch, Nezumi alerts Marine headquarters about the Straw Hat Crew.

Mission 75

At Eden Academy, a Stella Star awards ceremony is held for Anya, Becky, Damian, and Bill. Because of these students' courageous actions during the hijacking crisis, each of them has been rewarded with a Stella Star. Everyone but Damian appears to be overjoyed, as he feels he did not do anything to deserve his Stella. Becky tells Anya that a newspaper wants to interview them, which could make them famous, but Henry Henderson clarifies that the interview has been declined for the safety of the students, and the school has been instructed by authorities not to speak of the incident publicly. Regardless, Henry is amazed that they survived the hijacking with not a single child harmed.

Going back to the arrest of Billy Squire and the Red Circus members, the relieved children are released from the bus. Damian gets his collar bomb removed, which he denies being scared of as he also exits the bus. After all the hostages have been accounted for, the SSS Captain allows the information blackout to be lifted. The Police Chief tells a teacher to contact the students' guardians and have them collect the children, who the police will need to see later for future interviews. While Henry gives the dorm students homestay passes, Mr. Blackbell rushes over to his daughter, and the two have a tearful reunion. Together with Martha Marriott, the Blackbell family returns home to their mother. One by one, all of the students reunite with their parents until only Anya and Damian are left.

With the two alone, Damian thinks back to when Anya held his hand and calmed him down, which he gets conscious of, then compliments Anya for her bravery and apologizes for how he has been treating her. Anya also praises Damian, calling the time he asked for her bomb to be put on him a "hero move." Damian quickly gets flustered and says anyone would have done that, as that is how friends look out for each other. Anya is stunned by this statement and believes she has fulfilled the Friendship Scheme. Anya tries to propose going to Damian's house, claiming that is what friends do, along with introducing their parents to each other and talking about world peace, making Damian double back on calling her a friend. Damian then looks wistfully at the children with their parents and says there is no point in trying to cozy up to him since he barely has a relationship with his. Anya pitifully pats him on the back, and he retorts that her parents are also not there. Just as the Police Chief offers to give Anya a ride home, Yor speeds over to her. Yor asks Anya if she is alright, which the girl initially affirms, then begins bawling in her mother's arms.

Yor assures Anya that she is safe and apologizes for not coming to save her sooner. On the sidelines, two strike team officers discuss the outcome of the hijacking. Underneath their uniforms are the WISE Agent and Twilight, who came racing back to Berlint once he heard about the situation. An exhausted Loid is relieved everything ended safely and decides to leave. The WISE Agent asks if he will go to Anya, but Loid says that he needs to maintain his cover and will cook Anya her favorite dinner when he gets home.

As Anya reads Loid's thoughts and gets excited to get some hamburger steak later, Yor notices Damian and informs him that Melinda will arrive soon. Melinda appears, and Damian reunites with his mother, who apologizes for her lateness. Anya hears Melinda's thoughts, which affectionately dote on Damian and remind her of a certain uncle. Damian tries to hide his feelings and behave, so Melinda tells her son not to act so toughly for her. When Damian asks her not to tell his father that he cried, Melinda's face darkens as she thinks about how she should not have come. As she agrees to Damian's request if he agrees not to let Donovan know she was there, Anya is taken aback by Melinda's back-and-forth thoughts of motherly affection and absolute disdain towards Damian.


There are none without admiration for Apollo, God of Music. He is brash, cavalier, and dauntless, with the power to bring hope to the hopeless and change the course of battle with a single arrow. Voices of soldiers, mothers, kings and emperors, even Gods rise in glorious melody in honor of him; and he, basking in their adoration, shines victoriously.

Though Hera, Queen of Gods, challenged his very birth, sending the great serpent Pylos to slay Apollo, his twin sister Artemis, and their mother Leto, not even she could deny him victory. Merely four days old, Apollo, gifted with a legendary bow, slew the Gaia Serpent and defied Hera.

In his humble youth, Apollo was a cattle herder. The trickster God Hermes stole Apollo's charges and led them to a nearby cave. From the shell of a tortoise and the body of a cow, he crafted the first Lyre. Apollo finally caught up with Hermes, saw the instrument, and simply had to have it, trading the rest of his cattle to Hermes for it. Years later, Hermes would send his son, Pan, to challenge Apollo in a contest of musical prowess, but Apollo soundly defeated the satyr with dexterous mastery of the Lyre.

As Apollo grew into his rightful place among the Gods, his victories mounted, and the songs of the Faithful were sung more and more in his name. Now, they raise their voices for Apollo to take the field as Gods clash. Never one to deny his adoring public, Apollo prepares for one last show.


As the episode begins with SpongeBob and Gary playing tag, Patrick joins in and begins to get better acquainted with Gary. At the end of the day, Gary seems to want to spend time with Patrick a while longer, so SpongeBob agrees to let Gary have a sleepover at Patrick's house. The next morning, Gary is still reluctant to leave Patrick, who concludes that Gary wants to be with him permanently, and so claims him as his own pet. SpongeBob refuses to believe this, but when Gary is given the choice of who shall be his owner, Gary heads for Patrick. SpongeBob is heartbroken, and out of jealousy, he attempts to find a new pet to show Gary that he does not need a two-timing snail.

First, SpongeBob gets Rex, a worm, and shows him off to Patrick and Gary. SpongeBob extols all the traits that make worms superior to snails, such as their loyalty. Rex promptly illustrates this by completely abandoning SpongeBob and hitching a ride on a bus. Next, SpongeBob brings home Larry, a snail with a terrible temperament. SpongeBob bends over backward to accommodate Larry, even giving up his own bed to the picky and greedy snail, but Larry's unceasing viciousness leaves SpongeBob forlorn and he probably runs away as Rex did. Even the anatomically correct snail, Jerry, cannot fill the hole in SpongeBob's heart.

Patrick, accompanied by Gary, stops by SpongeBob's house to do some laundry. In desperation, SpongeBob begs and pleads with Gary, offering him the privilege to do whatever he wants if he comes back. Patrick patronizingly tells SpongeBob to let it go, that Gary has already made his choice. Gary, meanwhile, crawls into the washing machine after Patrick throws his shorts in. SpongeBob and Patrick watch, and Patrick is angry that Gary apparently just likes him for his shorts. SpongeBob, however, realizes that all along Gary had only wanted the cookie that was in Patrick's pocket. Right after eating the cookie, Gary immediately returns to SpongeBob.

As the episode ends with SpongeBob and Gary, now satiated and reunited, going outside for a walk, a heartbroken and devastated Patrick stares at the door and asks, "Gary? I thought what we had was special...!"

Chapter 4

North, Susano sailed, across the green sea, toward Olympus and the God, Hades. Aboard the vessel Tide Breaker he spied the swarm of evil darkness converging overhead.

"I have come for you," it seemed to say. "I will break you upon the ocean floor."

Sailors cried in alarm as salt waters boiled around the belly of the ship. Wolf heads burst from below, attached to scaled and serpentine necks. A crewmen raced passed to avoid the hungry monster but were snatched between its fangs. Others dove into the water, thinking it safer, but meeting only oblivion.

Dragged by her monstrous limbs, Scylla rose to the deck. Her child-like visage revealed madness and malice, now driven to dark purpose under sway of the dark cloud. Giggles spilled from her throat, beckoned by the cracking hull and terror fueled screams of the mortals.

Blade scraping free, Susano raced at the demon-child. Feverishly, she hurled limb after snarling limb at him, but his feet danced aside. A leap, like a soaring falcon, brought him to her height. A strike that flared in setting sun. Scylla plummeted back beneath the waves.

As Susano too, descended with the sinking ship, the dark cloud turned north.

Coughing sea water, Susano woke upon the shores of Olympus, surrounded by fractured flotsam and dregs of the deep. If Hades truly was the source of the malicious swarm, Susano could not stop here. With wide sword slung over one shoulder, he trudged northward into the darkness of the wood.

Before long, gnarled branches and fanged leaves strangled all light from the forest floor. chirping crickets and singing birds fell silent. Susano wiped stringy spider silk from his forehead.

Thick as a rope, a thread of webbing propelled from the darkness and tangled his sword arm. At the other end was Arachne, once a beautiful priestess, now a spider-fiend. Red eyes glittering with hunger, she pulled on her snared prey.

Growling, Susano strained against her, the webbing creaking as it stretched between them. With a mighty roar he snapped the web back and Arachne came hurtling towards him. His fierce fist he drove into her jaw, and Arachne crumpled like a crushed insect. Above, the canopy rustled as a swarm of winged creatures took flight, like a stormy gust through the leaves.

Ripping the webbing free of his arm, Susano carried on until the forest was behind him and he stood at the foot of Mount Olympus itself. Up there, atop the clouded peak, was the palace. And Hades.

Black winged beasts, too numerous to count, perched along the high rafters of the Olympian Palace's throne room. A moonless night wandered through the narrow slit windows like a silent stranger upon the road. Only Hades' unnatural black flames, dancing in the yawning braziers along the hall, provided dim light.

Susano entered cautiously, blade gripped tightly.

"You fool," Hades whispered from the unseen depths of the darkness. "Their trap is sprung."

All of the winged creatures abruptly took flight, swirling and swooping around Susano. A torrent of flapping wings crushed upon him, until he could see nothing.

Then, it was silent. He stood in a new place where horizon and ground were one and the same; colorless, featureless. Beneath his feet, the ground squelched with saturation. Thin rain dripped from above. Standing before him was himself.

"You are a failure," the other Susano sneered. "Your sister reviles you."

"No!" Susano hurtled at himself, sword raised. Cleanly his doppleganger parried the attack and pushed him to the mud. Blows were cast upon him. A kick to the ribs. A slash across his back. Susano could only curl up against the onslaught.

Then, that world peeled away and he was again in the throne room. Hades loomed above him where once the doppleganger stood. The swarm retreated through the windows.

"What happened?" Susano asked weakly.

"I have set you free," Hades whispered. "The darkness had taken you."

Oda Eiichiro

I WENT TO SEE STAR WARS EPISODE 1!!! Oh MAN, I was in seventh heaven. Good job!!! STAR WARS!!!

スターウォーズ エピソードⅠ観たぞ!!!も~メロメロパンチだ!!Good Job!!!スターウォーズ!!!

Chapter 95



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107