Chapter 96

Wonder Woman

After taking back their navigator, the Straw Hats are making a stop in Loguetown before heading to the Grand Line. In this town, Roger was executed, starting the age of pirates. Luffy decides to see for himself the execution platform while the others go shopping. On his way, Zoro bumps into an awkward Marine girl who is the spitting image of Kuina.

Meanwhile, the Marines have decided to put a bounty of Beli 30,000,000 on Luffy's head. The world starts to know about his exploits. Elsewhere, Mihawk visits Shanks and informs him of the bounty.

Greatest Evil of the East

Nami argues that the newspaper, and everything else, has become expensive. In the meantime, Usopp develops a new chili marble to blind opponents. Luffy bumps into Usopp, causing him to spill the chili in his eyes. Luffy attempts to eat an orange from Nami's tree but Sanji defends the tree from Luffy. Zoro, on the other hand, is resting. The ship heads towards the Grand Line.

Meanwhile, at Marine HQ, Lieutenant Brannew is reviewing every East Blue pirate's bounty. Every pirate with a high bounty in East Blue has been defeated by Monkey D. Luffy. Brannew shows Luffy's first bounty of 30,000,000 Beli. The Marines are gathered to make a vow of righteousness and justice in the sea.

Back to the ship, Luffy is proud of his first bounty poster but Nami is afraid that everybody will try to kill. Usopp is also proud of his captain's bounty poster because the back of his head is shown. They decide it's time to head for the Grand Line. When Zoro sees an island, Nami informs them it is Loguetown, "the city of the beginning and the end", where the legendary Gold Roger was born and executed. When the crew arrives on the island, Luffy decides to head to the execution platform, Sanji looks for food, Usopp wants to buy some tools and Zoro thinks of buying something, which leaves Nami offering to lend him some money with 300% interest.

While Zoro walks around the town, he sees a girl getting picked on because they cannot fulfill their dream to go to the Grand Line. The girl, being a swordswoman, quickly finishes them off but drops her glasses in the process. Zoro is impressed by her skills and helps her find her glasses. When the girl thanks him, Zoro stares in shock, as she is the splitting image of his long dead friend, Kuina.

In the meantime, on an isolated island, Mihawk is looking for someone. That someone is soon revealed to be Shanks, The Red Hair captain of Red Hair Pirates. Mihawk informs Shanks about Luffy's first bounty poster and that he remembered a story that he told him once about a kid in a little village. Shanks, eager to meet Luffy again, throws a party to celebrate Luffy's arrival and first bounty.

Meanwhile in Luffy's hometown, Foosha Village, everybody is happy because Luffy is infamous. The villagers wonder if he is going to become a great pirate from the village. The mayor of the village, however, is not really happy of the outcome, saying that it is Luffy's dream or destiny.

Mission 77

Cecile Hall's dorm tutor, Thomas Austin, wakes up in a cold sweat after suffering from nightmares. Recalling a recommendation from Henry Henderson, Thomas goes to Berlint General Hospital to consult this problem with Loid. Loid takes the opportunity to have Thomas in his debt and gladly accepts to help. As Thomas tells Loid about his nightmares and other symptoms, Loid finds inconsistencies in the Thomas's remarks and physical gestures. Shortly after Thomas finishes his session, Fiona arrives and has come to the same conclusion as Loid, who asks her to investigate the man.

In their next session, Loid asks Thomas about his marriage with his wife and if she knows he is seeking therapy, to which he answers no. Loid informs Thomas that after some investigation, he concludes that the symptoms started months before the bus incident and that his stressor is something he is exposed to daily: his wife, who scares him even more than the terrorists. After going through his memories, Thomas realizes this and begins to panic. Loid and Thomas then discuss how the latter can resolve this problem with his wife, but Thomas is too afraid to do so. Loid starts to try easing the fears with talk therapy, which proves difficult for the men, and Loid concludes that authentic marriages seem difficult.

Thomas slowly begins to be able to talk to his wife again, and he thanks Loid, making the world a little bit more peaceful.


Feared by his enemies, reviled by his father, adored by the Goddess of Beauty, and worshipped by warriors, Ares, a tortured and lonely soul, is the bloodthirsty Greek God of War.

Ares is not loved by the people. He represents everything they fear and despise: war, strife, chaos, and murder. It's said that the sky darkens when Ares takes the field. That he rides to battle on a chariot drawn by fire-breathing steeds and delights only in the clash of battle and smell of bloodshed.

Ares is not loved by his father. Zeus has many sons, but only two with his wife Hera. However, the thunder God has long suspected Hera of having an affair that led to the birth of Ares, perhaps as revenge for all of Zeus' infidelity. For this, Zeus is disgusted by him.

Ares is not loved by his sister. Athena and Ares are both Gods of War. Where Ares represents violence, force, and slaughter, Athena is the embodiment of intelligence, strategy, and leadership. Ares is quick to act and leave a bloody trail. Athena is thoughtful and careful with lives. Often they have been on the opposite sides, most notably at the Battle of Troy, where Athena viciously wounded him and forced Ares to retreat.

Ares is the lover of the Goddess of Beauty. Though Aphrodite is married to Ares' brother, Hephaestus, Ares takes what he wants, and Aphrodite gives in willingly. Their union created offspring almost as terrible as Ares himself: Phobos and Deimos, Fear and Terror.

Ares is loved only by the Spartans, who revere the God for his masculinity, his merciless warrior spirit, and tenacity against all odds. The Spartans, however, know the unpredictable fury of their patron, and bind his statues in chains. This is, in part, to prevent Ares' spirit of victory from escaping Sparta, and a vain effort to keep the God of War contained.

I'm Your Biggest Fanatic

As the episode starts off, SpongeBob and Patrick are attending the Biannual Jellyfish Convention. Patrick takes pleasure in touching every display in sight, much to the ire of the security guard. SpongeBob, meanwhile, focuses on the "Jellyspotters," a famous jellyfish enthusiast club, and fawns over its leader, Kevin the Sea Cucumber. At first, Kevin rebuffs SpongeBob's adoration. However, after realizing that SpongeBob will go to any lengths to please him, Kevin decides to let him try out for the Jellyspotters, thinking his antics will make for a good laugh.

Kevin's first test for SpongeBob is to catch a jellyfish, which proves quite simple for SpongeBob as one immediately flies into his net. Kevin smacks it out in annoyance, causing it to sting him. He revises the quota to two jellyfish, and two jellyfish nestle into SpongeBob's net. Even an increase to 20 jellyfish simply prompts more of them to arrive. Kevin angrily kicks the net, inciting the wrath of the jellyfish. He then puts the jellyfish jelly on SpongeBob's mouth to attract the jellyfish, and while the jellyfish were licking SpongeBob's mouth, the jellyfish tickle SpongeBob's nose causing him to sneeze the jellyfish at Kevin's eyes so that Kevin gets stung again. Undeterred, Kevin continues to give SpongeBob many more tests, all of which SpongeBob passes effortlessly while Kevin gets stung relentlessly.

Kevin, covered in stings and extremely frustrated, tells SpongeBob that his final test will be to catch a queen jellyfish. He then ties SpongeBob to a post, provides him a whistle that produces a "Queen Jellyfish call" which sounds much like the word "loser" and leaves him there.

After a great length of time blowing the call, SpongeBob is very tired and prepared to give up before a queen jellyfish finally arrives. SpongeBob's joy is short-lived as he discovers Kevin has gone and the large jellyfish begins chasing him. Eventually, the queen corners him at the edge of a cliff, where it is revealed to be a robot piloted by Kevin and the anchovy club members. Kevin reveals his true intentions to SpongeBob and shows him several other people at the bottom of the pit below, all of whom were his former "biggest fans."

Kevin and his crew start calling SpongeBob a loser. However, before Kevin can force SpongeBob off the cliff, an even larger king jellyfish appears and falls in love with the robot queen. Puckering up for a kiss, the king pursues the contraption until it crashes and reveals its occupants. The furious king chases down SpongeBob, Kevin, and the anchovies, eventually cornering them in a cave. Kevin panics, admitting that he has no actual expertise in dealing with jellyfish and that he was only in it for the fashion. SpongeBob, the only one with actual Jellyfishing expertise, confronts the king jellyfish. He blows for him a giant pie bubble, which the king happily accepts and leaves with. When an incredulous Kevin asks how he was able to do it, SpongeBob simply tells him that everybody loves pie. The anchovies cheer SpongeBob for his heroism, but Kevin denies SpongeBob club membership for not actually catching a queen jellyfish. Fed up with Kevin's attitude, the anchovies forcibly remove Kevin's crown which is actually his feeding tentacles and place it atop SpongeBob. SpongeBob is amazed by his new hat, Kevin painfully informing him that's not what it is.

Back at the convention, SpongeBob tells Patrick about his experience and reveals that he turned down the Jellyspotters' offer to join; jellyfishing is, most of all, about the jellyfish themselves. Patrick remarks upon how much SpongeBob has matured regarding hero worship and the episode finishes as the pair depart with the former's own hero, Jeffrey the Jellyfish, tied up in a wagon with a sad look on his face.

Chapter 6

Atop the branches of Yggdrasil, Asgard was barely visible, swallowed as it was by black storm clouds. Lightning flickered within the roiling mass, like a thumping heart beating to an impossible rhythm. Possessed as Thor was, he spared no mercy for his home, nor the people within. Susano lowered his head and climbed the multicolored Bifrost road that wound to the gates of Asgard.

He found the wide wooden doors open, silent. Icicles hung like spears from ramparts and gutters, snow gathered heavy across rooftops and alleys. Where citizenry should have been, heavy clouds crowded the streets.

A lone shape stood shadowed in that darkness, feet wide, hammer gripped tight.


"Come," said the God of Thunder in a voice that was not his own. "Mjolnir will give you a kiss and take your teeth in the parting."

"This is bloody business," Susano slowly pulled his heavy blade free. It scraped like the moving of mountains. "Shall we get to it, then?"

Thor hurled his hammer, crackling with lightning. Susano dove aside. Mjolnir smashed through the wooden wall where Susano once stood before hurtling back to its owner. Twice more the hammer came and twice more Susano leapt for cover, but Thor's weapon tore through wood and stone like a boar through brush. Susano was cornered.

"Face me!" Thor bellowed. "You hide like a craven."

Slowly, Susano rose. This time, he would not be able to avoid the hammer. Their eyes met. Mjolnir whirled.

Thor's malicious grin spread while Mjolnir crackled and spun. Susano recalled the wind blowing through a cherry blossom's spindly branches, casting her delicate petals to dance. It reminded him of his sister. This was the end.

Time slowed. Susano watched Thor rear to throw. In that moment, from behind the thunder God, Tyr emerged from clouded obscurity and clamped his iron fist around Thor's thick arm.

"Awake Odinson!" Tyr bellowed, and hurled his prince backward. Thor smashed through wooden walls and vanished from sight. Time sped back up. Susano moved at once.

"Tyr, we must find Hel if we are to stop Thor's madness. She controls a swarm of darkness that has stolen his mind!"

Tyr shook his head. "As soon as this foulness began, I concluded the same and imprisoned her. This power comes not from Hel."

Lightning clawed and chewed at the wreckage where Thor was thrown.

Tyr's heavy breath froze in the air. "Odinson returns."

Susano clutched tight his sword. "Alone, we cannot defeat him."

Tyr agreed.

Thor burst upward, sheathed in furious lightning, splintering and shattering structures around his ascent, scattering shrapnel. "I AM THE GOD OF THUNDER!" he roared.

Tyr leapt, snatched Thor's ankle and hauled him back to the ground. Susano's blade swept in a flurry that sparked across Mjolnir as Thor defended. Tyr withstood a fierce punch from the thunder God before wrapping his great arms around Thor's waist and slamming him to the snow. Susano knelt upon the prone God, sword to throat while Tyr's iron hand wrestled Thor's wrist, trapping Mjolnir. Thor strained against his captors.

"Awake Odinson!" Tyr pleaded through clenched teeth.

The screeching swarm converged.

Thor's eyes cleared and he ceased struggling, finally free of the dark influence. Susano rose to meet the descending cloud of flying beasts that had consumed the minds of Gods from East to West. A final battle against himself.

"No!" urged Thor. "It will take you!"

But Susano was resolute. Down they came, swooping and swirling, closing in, choking all sight. Snowy Asgard disappeared. Susano waited to be transported.

Bleak, empty, and devoid. Susano was again in the colorless realm. Instinctively he raised his blade, blocking an attack from his doppleganger.

"You are reckless, Susano!" the other him crowed. They pushed against each other, blades locked, scraping in the silence, spraying white hot sparks.

Susano grunted, leaning against his blade. "Once. But no longer."

"Look at the devastation you have wrought pursuing me," his clone sneered. "It is no different than before when you shamed your sister. When your father sent you away!"

Without vanity, Susano thought. "For that, I have atoned."

"And what of the crimes since then? What of the failures you've yet to commit?"

"They are mine to make," Susano declared. "But I will no longer be bound by guilt. I know who I am!" Susano heaved and his doppleganger went sprawling into the mud. "Who are you?"

Throwing back its head, the clone belted out laugher as it tore apart into thousands of winged beasts.

"You want to know who I am?"

Diary of Koby-Meppo

Vol.12 : "Morgan's Escape"


Oda Eiichiro

"We are gonna chug Pepsi like there's no tomorrow!" "OKAY!!" "We're not gonna stop until we've collected ALL the caps!!" "YEAAAH!!" That's essentially the resolution I just made with the staff.


Chapter 97



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107