Chapter 102

On their way down from Reverse Mountain, the crew is eaten by a giant whale.

And Now, the Grand Line

As the crew heads down the canal stream towards the Grand Line, a loud roar rings out into the air. Usopp announces he can see a giant mountain in the way, but Nami dismisses it as they should have open sea ahead of them. Suddenly they discover the giant mountain is actually a large whale. The crew concludes that the whale most likely does not know they are there as it appears just like a wall and would not be able to see them with its eyes. They try to come up with ideas before they hit it, but to everyone's dismay, Luffy's way of stopping the ship via cannon works but the idea is to fire a cannonball at the whale. Going Merry's bow figure is broken off as it bumps in the whale. They wonder if it felt the cannonball and call it "stupid" if it did not. But as the crew try and get away from the whale, Luffy hits it in the eye with a punch for breaking off "his special seat", which angers the whale.

The whale spots them with its eye and Luffy threatens it to a fight - resulting in the ship being swallowed. Luffy, however, ends up on top of the whale and is wondering how to get free his crew. He pummels the whale's head as the whale begins to lower into the water. Luffy spots a metal hatch on the surface of the whale just before it submerges.

Inside the whale, the crew wonders if they've entered a dream since there is an island here, and they appear to be outside. As they get near to the island a giant squid appears and is harpooned. Sanji and Zoro comment there must be a man living here and hopes he is friendly. Meanwhile, Luffy finds himself inside a tunnel in the body of the whale.

Mission 83

Yuri and his impostor, Loid, shoot at each other. Loid's arm gets shot, but he shoots Yuri's gun away. Yuri kicks Loid's gun from him, and the two men jump away from one another to create some distance. Gripping his injured arm, Loid wonders why he hesitated. Meanwhile, Yuri is shocked to be directly witnessing Twilight's abilities for the first time. He pauses to wonder why Twilight chose to imitate him and suspects that Twilight could be someone close to him or has been observing him. Yuri brushes those thoughts aside to focus on capturing Twilight, and the two begin to fight.

Loid quickly knocks Yuri to the ground. Yuri gets up and orders him to surrender, saying that the sewer is surrounded, but Loid tells Yuri to leave if he does not want to die. Yuri rushes at Loid, who removes his belt and strikes Yuri's jaw, once again knocking him to the ground. Believing Yuri is unconscious, Loid walks away but is surprised to be blocking an attack from Yuri. The two resume their brawl, and Loid continues to pummel Yuri.

Loid is astonished that Yuri keeps getting back up and questions if this is what being raised by Yor does to someone. Loid decides to stop holding back and bashes Yuri's head with a pipe. To his fright, a bloody Yuri gets back up but collapses. Loid prepares to deal a final blow but hears Yuri mutter an apology to Yor. Loid stops and tosses away the weapon, heading further down the sewers with a low expression.

Meanwhile, at the Shellbury Hotel, Fiona and the WISE Agent decide to change plans after Winston Wheeler does not make an appearance. Using a disguise that Loid brought, the Agent disguises himself as Gascoigne, the SSS agent in charge of securing Wisnton at the meetup location. Using himself as bait, the disguised Agent walks around Shellbury to lure out Winston. On the other hand, Winston had arrived at the meetup location but never got the signal from Gascoigne. Sensing that something was wrong, Winston went to the top floor of another building to observe the streets. Spotting the disguised Agent as Gascoigne, Winston realizes that WISE has beaten them to Shellbury. He then assumes Gascoigne is the real deal and being followed. Winston decides to follow him to see where he is going, but not before taking caution.

The Agent walks around for a bit to lure out Winston, to no avail. He calls in a fellow agent to start an incident, crashing a car into a pole. The Agent observes anyone who quickly turned away after looking at the crash as they might be a fellow WISE agent or Winston. The agent is shocked to find no one, but Fiona notices something. She observed a man in sunglasses who looked at the accident, but his eyes moved to the building across the street, meaning he was following the target through the window's reflection.

Fiona would not have been able to see the eye movement had the man worn darker sunglasses, but Fiona knows that Winston would not have time to get any. Fiona concludes that this man is Winston and sets her glare upon him. Winston senses that he has been found out and runs, and Fiona gives chase. With the help of other agents, Fiona corners Winston, declaring this "game of hide-and-seek" over.


The dangers of the sea are many, but few so fearsome as the creature known as Charybdis. Ancient poems and songs speak of the destruction she has wreaked on any ship unlucky enough to pass too close to her turbulent waters.

A sister in spirit if not blood to the nightmarish Scylla, Charybdis is a smasher of vessels where Scylla is an eater of men. She catches them in her whirlpool and breaks them into flinders, before drawing the pitiful remnants into the depths.

Once a daughter of Poseidon, she had the temerity to aid her father in his perennial feud with his brother, Zeus. At Poseidon’s behest, she used her control over the waters to engulf those lands closest to the sea – including those that belonged to Zeus.

This encroachment so angered the King of Olympus that he captured Charybdis. But such was Zeus’ wrath that he did not settle for mere imprisonment – rather, he transformed Charybdis into her current monstrous form as punishment for her defiance. He then cast her into the waters of a narrow strait, opposite the similarly cursed Scylla, and there chained her to the sea bed.

In the centuries since, Charybdis has taken out her frustrations upon any who dared pass over the swirling waters that hid her now-hideous form. The whirlpools created from her unquenchable thirst either crushed ships, or drove them into the teeth of Scylla. Together, the two terrorized the waters of their imprisoning strait – until, that is, Scylla was freed to bring horror to the lands of the gods. Charybdis was left alone.

But now, the chains that have held her fast since Zeus first cast her down have been broken. And mighty Charybdis is free at last to vent her rage on the gods who mistreated her so cruelly...


One morning, SpongeBob starts his morning off by opening a box of Kelpo for breakfast, featuring "one of eight essential prizes inside." He pours out the whole box and searches, but cannot find any prize. Suddenly, a giant anchor crashes into SpongeBob's house, which SpongeBob naïvely believes to be a "baby" that came from the sky. He then alerts Squidward, who explains that it is merely a giant anchor while Patrick comes up and has the same stupid conclusion of the anchor being a baby. Squidward ceases their idiotic talk and tells them to get lost on the anchor. Suddenly, the anchor shifts, crashing into Squidward's house as well. An annoyed Squidward begins climbing the anchor's rope to complain to the owner about dropping his anchor in the wrong place, with SpongeBob and Patrick following behind him.

They find out that the anchor was dropped from the Flying Dutchman's ship. As the trio investigates the ship, the Flying Dutchman emerges from his cabin, terrifying Squidward. Unperturbed and oblivious, SpongeBob tells the Dutchman of Squidward's intentions to complain to him, earning Squidward a scorching. The Dutchman prepares to do the same to SpongeBob and Patrick, and they attempt to jump overboard but land back on the ship every time they try. The Dutchman explains to them that for setting foot on his ghost ship, they shall be forced to work as his ghostly crew for all eternity.

Squidward proceeds to complain about this, so the annoyed Dutchman tosses him into the Fly of Despair, a zipper-like portal leading to a chaotic dimension. Watching their screaming friend disappear in the unknown realm, SpongeBob and Patrick are frightened into submission, helping the Dutchman in his quest to terrorize the citizens of Bikini Bottom. However, the pair's idea of terror proves incompatible with the Dutchman's, so the ghost reveals that they won't be his crew. SpongeBob asks if they will be released, but the Dutchman states his true nature of informing them that they will be eaten as their reward. Locked in their room, SpongeBob and Patrick's only avenue of escape is the dreaded "perfume department." Surviving this ordeal, they manage to steal the Flying Dutchman's dining sock, which they overheard that he cannot eat without.

The Flying Dutchman catches the two as they try to escape. However, he is unable to hurt them without damaging his sock. Therefore, SpongeBob and the Dutchman begin fighting over the sock until the elastic threatens to give. The Flying Dutchman decides to grant them three wishes in exchange for the sock's safe return. Patrick wishes he knew about this earlier, thus setting the clock back one minute and using up the first wish. Although initially irritated, SpongeBob, in his excitement, wishes that Squidward was with them. Squidward, who managed to pass through the Fly of Despair and arrive safely home, is immediately transported back to the Dutchman's ship, in which the two see he is still alive, realizing that he escaped from the Fly of Despair. The trio begins arguing over who shall get the last wish until the Dutchman uses his method of choice, which he calls his "mystic other-worldly powers," to decide (which is actually the eeny-meenie-minie-mo method).

SpongeBob is chosen to receive the last wish, and so he defeats the Flying Dutchman by wishing that he turns into a vegetarian. Pronto, he does as punishment for his true colors and SpongeBob and the others are transported in front of a familiar-looking pineapple, but before they could celebrate the Flying Dutchman's defeat, they soon realize that they have been turned into fruit and are chased by the Flying Dutchman who is now a hippie around his ship that is now a hippie van with a sail while the episode finishes.

Chapter 4

The Yellow River ran heavy with rain.

Izanami pulled on her silken leash like a hound eager to hunt. Ares held fast the reins. For days they had surveyed the river's Northern banks, searching for a crossing, but the waters feverishly churned, flooding the sides before breaking into countless waterfalling cascades.

"Why do you deny my crossing?" Ares roared at the river.

In answer, a bubbling torrent geysered upward, spilling and roiling, forming the lower half of the God, He Bo. "Because you bring that demon with you," declared the River God, white eyes flashing at Izanami. "No abyssal monster such as her will cross this river, nor venture further into our land!"

Ares ground his teeth.

"Kill him!" Izanami hissed. "Give me your command and I will slaughter him for you."

Scanning far Westward, Ares spied mortals at the river's side. They drew long nets to collect fish. Their mills used the water's force to grind grain. They washed their clothes and bathed. This river was their life and without it they would die. And without the mortals, He Bo would fade away.

Further West, still, massive mountains erupted from the landscape, shrouded in clouds spilling rain into the valleys that fed the great river.

Ares hefted Chaac's axe.

"With this axe, I command the rain," Ares bellowed over the river's roar. "Let us pass or I will rip those clouds from the sky. Your river will dry and those mortals that worship you will die. You will be God of nothing!"

He Bo's face tightened, then fell. "You, Ares, are as much a demon as the creature you bring with you," He Bo raised a hand, the waters calmed, and a path across formed. "But I will not risk the lives of the mortals. You may pass."

Izanami glared and sneered at the defeated River God as Ares led her across. "We can still kill him," she whispered to Ares as they climbed the Southern bank.

His grip tightened on the Axe. They had crossed the river. Anubis was ahead of them. He Bo was nothing. And yet…

"Kill him," she urged.

"I shall do worse than kill him," Ares hefted Chaac's axe and swung. Those distant clouds split then dissipated like smoke. Weeping rains ceased.

"No!" cried He Bo.

"Now," Ares turned away. "No one will even remember He Bo the River God."

Diary of Koby-Meppo

Vol.17 : "Helmeppo's Determination"


Oda Eiichiro

How about this, Kita no Kuni Kara Episode 1: Kunie's Younger Years. Is it hot in here or is it just me.


Chapter 103



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107