Chapter 104

Crocus helps the Straw Hats to exit the whale. He tells them that he is a doctor and that he modified Laboon so that he can treat him from the inside. He also explains the reason why the whale hits his forehead on the Red Line wall. Laboon believes his old crew will return as they had promised. Crocus knows they are most likely dead. He has told the whale already but Laboon does not want to listen. Luffy pulls out the Going Merry's mast and fights with Laboon. Everybody thinks Luffy is out of his mind, but Luffy's actions become clear when he stops the fight and makes a new promise with Laboon; they are both strong and cannot decide the winner yet. Luffy will conquer the Grand Line and come back so that they can finish their fight.

Cape Promise

The Straw Hats are amazed at the construction that Crocus has done inside Laboon. Crocus reveals that he used to be a doctor and has worked in a clinic and a ship. This prompts Luffy to ask him to join his crew as a doctor, but Crocus refuses, saying that he is too old.

After exiting Laboon, the crew wonders what to do with miss Wednesday and Mr. 9. Crocus tells them to dump them into the ocean, which they do. When Luffy asks who these guys are, they realize that such a pirate crew could be useful to their organization, and decide to leave after warning them to prepare themselves, and threatening Crocus that they will be back for the whale soon.

As Luffy begins to wonder where Laboon's crew is located, Sanji tells him that they are most likely dead. Crocus tells them that they did not die but merely abandoned their quest as well as Laboon, fearing the vast dangers of the Grand Line. Usopp ponders about how the promise made to Laboon was so casually forfeited. He then goes on about how he tried to explain the situation to Laboon, but Laboon wouldn't believe any of his words and that's when he began his habit of ramming his head against the red line.

Luffy, having listened to the story, decides to do something seemingly odd. He breaks the mast right off Going Merry. He then runs on top of Laboon's head and nails him with it. The whale, screaming in pain, immediately retaliates. Laboon crushes his head, with Luffy on it, on the rocks. After a brief fight, Luffy declares the match a tie, which will have to be sorted out in the future. Thus, Luffy made a new promise with Laboon to meet again, after they have sailed around the Grand Line, to settle their fight once and for all. Luffy's move made everyone rejoice and gave Laboon a new reason to keep on living.

Mission 85

The injured Yuri is awoken by his teammate, Chloe, and the Lieutenant. Knowing Yuri was defeated by Twilight, the Lieutenant has Chloe bring Yuri back for medical treatment and goes ahead by himself. On their way out, Yuri wonders why he was not killed by Twilight but cannot put his finger on what that would suggest.

Further down the sewers, an enraged Fiona draws her gun at Winston, who is still attempting to unmask Loid. Winston pulls up Loid toward him and holds his head in a position to snap his neck. He orders Fiona to throw away the gun, to which she angrily complies, crushing the gun with her foot. Winston realizes that Twilight holds some importance to Fiona and reminds her that they cannot have any attachments in their work. As Winston talks, Chloe is shown pulling Yuri to the surface while the armed WISE Agent disguised as Gascoigne walks through the sewers.

Winston says that he has a rule to never trust or invest anything in anyone, which is what gives him a clear view of everything and makes him strong. He then says it is why Twilight and Fiona have no hope of beating him, but she jumps at him with blind rage. Winston can easily read her attack, but the speed of her punch is so fast that he begins to overthink his options and move to block it with his arm. Fiona lands a powerful punch on Winston that knocks him down, but she also breaks her right arm. Rattled and confused, Winston struggles to get back on his feet.

A narration explains that human beings are normally prevented by subconscious mental inhibitors from using 100% of their strength, as doing so would seriously damage their muscles and bones. However, in Fiona's case, she was so furious that all of her mental inhibitors broke. Fiona declares Winston weak for his inability to trust anyone, deeming him an empty man meddling with the world for his own amusement. She then says that her belief and thoughts of Twilight make her strong, and is why she will not be beaten.

Fiona swings her left arm at Winston but dislocates it when he dodges. However, Fiona twirls from the miss and kicks a powerful blow at Winston with her leg, breaking it in the process. Winston is shocked but believes that with Fiona's injuries, he can try making a safe distance away from her. To his surprise, Fiona quickly swings a hook at Winston with her dislocated arm, knocking him down and defeating him.


Existence is measured in age. How many years has a mortal lived? What was the construction date of the Parthenon? When were the cosmos formed? Time begins at birth, at creation. But, inevitably, time for all things comes to an end.

Except, of course, time itself.

Bearer of the clock of eternity, rimmed by signs of the Zodiac, the Keeper of Time, Chronos, counts every tick of the second hand, preventing interference with that essential forward momentum.

If he knows who or when the eternal clock was wound, Chronos does not tell, but upon the first stroke, he came to be. Emptiness was the ocean, then, and his only companion was Ananke, Queen of Fate. Together, their powers divided the vastness into heaven and earth and sea and sky. Thereafter, Chronos became an observer, the watchman of infinity.

Patient to a fault, Chronos knows no urgency. He does not fear pain, or war, or death, for he is time itself and will outlast all. For this reason, his presence on the field of battle is alarming. This war between Gods must portend a conclusion so dire as to threaten the very existence of time. Perhaps, all the Gods should begin counting the seconds of the eternal clock. There may be few of them remaining.

Gary Takes a Bath

SpongeBob checks the clock and realizes that it is time for Gary's bath, but as usual, the snail does not want to take it. SpongeBob, wary of the battle he is in for, tries various methods he learned from his family to get Gary into the tub.

First, he throws a ball to the bathroom and tells Gary to fetch, but it is a Boomerang Pet Ball, so it comes right back. Next, he straps a bomb to his own chest and tells Gary that it will explode in three seconds if he doesn't take a bath, but Gary does not move. SpongeBob then tries to hypnotize Gary with subliminal messages and accidentally made Gary see a girl saying that he is sorry he had to see that, but the disturbing imagery does not help. He calls a French restaurant, but cannot understand the receiver's accent and appears to talk very fast.

SpongeBob then plays leapfrog with Gary and tosses him towards the bathtub, but misses and breaks Gary's shell. He then tries to bribe Gary with a dollar bill, but Mr. Krabs appears and snatches it. A dance routine and a fake treasure hunt leading to the bathtub also fail, as do his attempts to physically force Gary into the tub.

Furious, SpongeBob decides that if he cannot bring Gary to the water, he will simply have to bring the water to Gary. SpongeBob absorbs all the water in the tub and tries to spray it at Gary, who swiftly dodges every shot. Outside, he corners the latter in a tree and climbs up, unloading his ammo at what he presumes to be Gary.

At first, SpongeBob fears the force of his water jet tore off Gary's skin, but realizes he only sprayed a gramophone playing a record of meowing meaning Gary tricked him into thinking that he is stuck and that his skin is pulled off by putting the record on the tree. The real Gary then steals SpongeBob's ladder, leaving him stuck on top of the tree, saying that he is not the boss of him, and he does not have to take orders from him as well as saying it is a free country. Then, SpongeBob notices Gary sneaking towards a mud puddle. He gives him a three-second count to get away from the mud puddle. However, he refuses and accidentally causes SpongeBob to fall out of the tree into the mud himself. SpongeBob is then forced to take the bath under Gary's supervision instead, ending the episode.

Chapter 6

Smoke rose from the ruins of the Kingdom of the Sun.

Athena stepped through the shattered gates, streets strewn with rubble from broken sand-colored structures on either side. Countless fires, left blazing after the assault, further blackened the eclipse stained sky. Greek soldiers, her soldiers, having long since sacked the city, now marched imposingly down the wide thoroughfare, sending locals scampering for safety. Other soldiers lounged curbside, feasting on looted food and drink from nearby homes. At the sight of her, they hastily rose to attention, dropped their prizes, and saluted, hands on hearts.

No words came to her lips. No scathing reprimand could she give. Was this the same army she had trained? Is this what her brother, Ares, had done to their honor?"

She fell still before a raised pedestal that decorated the center of a busy intersection. Nearby were smashed remains of a Deity's statue, pulled down from this platform, the features stomped into unrecognizable dust. Where the statue would have stood was Ra, God of the Sun, bound in chains, bent to his knees, a bandage across his eyes, stained with blood and dirt.

Athena leapt upon the pedestal, lashing out with her spear. Chains shattered. Free of his bindings, Ra slumped, groaning. Reverently, the Greek soldiers slowly approached to watch their Goddess of Wisdom.

"Is this what you would become?" She called to them. "Is this what mighty Greece would be? My father, Zeus, built this army to defend our home. Instead, it has been used to conquer another. In but one campaign under Ares you have fallen to looting homes and frightening the defeated. I ask you, does this make you proud?"

None met her gaze.

"Then, if shame is what you feel, and regret, aid me now. Ra is a king among Gods. His wounds blacken the sky. Show your faith. Pray to him. Honor him that he might be healed and the sun shine again!"

It began slowly at first. A few bowed heads. Then more. Soon, the entire crowd were on their knees, praying to Ra. Then, a single brilliant shaft of light lanced from the darkened sun and struck the hawk-headed God. He leaned back, absorbing the glorious ray. Hand shaking, Ra reached for the bandage over his eyes and pulled.

Sunlight, bright and powerful erupted across the land. A day as clear and white as the first that ever dawned. Ra's glittering eyes, now healed through faith, reflected the naked sun. The eclipse was undone.

Yet, he did not behold the world about him, nor the dazzling light from above. Not yet. Ra was beset by a vision of Asgard, smoldering in the fires of defeat. Mighty Thor lay beaten, broken, his simmering hammer sparking inches from still fingertips. Odin the All Father grappled still with the fearsome beast Fenrir, but his arms shook with weariness while the wolf slavered with intent. Surveying it all sat Hel upon Asgard's throne. Her face a perfect pale personification of victory. And then, it was gone.

Rising, Ra placed a hand upon Athena's shoulder. "Asgard," he croaked weakly. "The end draws near.".

"Then I have no time to waste," she replied before turning back to her soldiers. "There is honor yet to regain. A battle yet to be fought that would bring peace. Let us undo the atrocities that have been done here. March with me. March North!"

They raised their spears, they battered their shields, they cried her name, "Athena!"

They would follow her anywhere. Even into Ragnarok itself.

Diary of Koby-Meppo

Vol.18 : "Vice Admiral Garp's Negligence"


Oda Eiichiro

This summer I was given a priceless treasure. The opportunity to embark on the sailing vessel 'Kaisei' into the open sea. Thank you!!


Chapter 105



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107