Chapter 87

After Sanji defeats Kuroobi, he and Zoro are confronted by Arlong as the work to free and revive Luffy continues. Meanwhile, Usopp plays dead to escape from Chew, but eventually grows disgusted with his cowardice and confronts Chew again. Chew overwhelms Usopp with his attacks, but Usopp manages to play tricks on him and successfully causes a bottle of rum to rupture on him. With Chew covered in alcohol, Usopp sets him ablaze with Kaen Boshi.

It's All Over!!

Sanji sends Kuroobi crashing into Arlong Park's main building, and Arlong looks on in shock and anger at Kuroobi and Hatchan lying in defeat. Sanji waves the two fish-men off as nothing special, and Arlong confronts him and Zoro in a rage, saying they are still far from winning. Zoro asks Sanji what he meant by his mixed report on Luffy's status, and Sanji replies that Luffy will not die, but he will need to go back down to the ocean floor to free their captain. However, Arlong will likely be standing in their way. Meanwhile, Nojiko looks on as she holds Luffy's head above water, shocked that Hatchan and Kuroobi were defeated. Genzo comes back up for air, cursing his inability to hold his breath long enough. Nojiko offers to switch places with him, and Genzo asks about the situation with the Straw Hats and the Arlong Pirates. Still surprised at what is going on, Nojiko states that there may actually be hope for all of them.

Elsewhere, Usopp lies on the ground in a bloody mess. Thinking he killed the pirate with a single shot of his Mizudeppo, Chew walks back to Arlong Park, complaining about the trouble chasing Usopp had caused him and saying that Hatchan and Kuroobi should have dispatched the others by now. However, Usopp is actually fine, having used his special Ketchup Star to fool Chew. He does feel sorry for Nami about all the destruction the fish-men have caused, but decides to cut his losses and pretend that he lost to Chew in a hard-fought battle, packing dirt on his body to make his lie more believable. However, as he does this, he recalls the words of his crewmates and the Cocoyasi Village residents he met, remembering how determined they all were to stop Arlong and what they had told him about Nami's dedication to freeing the village. As a result, Usopp can no longer justify his decision, bitterly denouncing how pathetic he is. He then yells out to Chew, who turns around to confront him. Usopp reflects that he needed to leave his comfort zone behind when he left his village, knowing that the true joy of being a pirate can only come from putting one's life on the line and giving one's all every day. Knowing that he has no right to sail or laugh with his crewmates if he does not fight seriously, Usopp shoots a Kaen Boshi at Chew.

However, Chew easily snuffs out the shot with his water abilities, and punches Usopp hard in the face. With Usopp's blood dripping from his fist, Chew says it would have been smarter if the sniper had continued to fake his death. Usopp initially seems to be giving up, and Chew stomps on his chest, but he suddenly pulls his hammer out of his bag and hits Chew's leg with it. Usopp then shoots Chew with a rubber band, giving him enough time to run and hide in the woods. As Chew looks around, a bottle of rum suddenly comes flying toward him, which he catches. However, the bottle suddenly ruptures as Usopp shoots it with Namari Boshi, covering Chew in rum and cutting him with the bottle shards. Chew gets extremely annoyed with Usopp's stunts, and sucks in water from a nearby pool in order to draw out the pirate from his hiding spot. Though he is hiding, Usopp is intent on continuing to fight, although he becomes very frightened when Chew fires a large blast of water that brings down many of the trees nearby. The exasperated Chew finds Usopp while the latter is looking at the destruction, and barrages him with Hyappatsu Mizudeppo. Despite being utterly overwhelmed, Usopp still promises the people he left behind at home to act like a real pirate, saying his pretend pirate days are over. Chew then kicks down the tree Usopp is hiding behind, drawing blood as he is caught by its sharp edges. Chew wonders what Usopp said was over, and Usopp replies that it was their fight, shooting a Kaen Boshi that ignites the alcohol covering Chew's body, setting him ablaze and defeating him.

Mission 68

During a mission, Yor hits Steel-Gut Gullickson with a powerful palm strike, launching him off the port. The following day, Yor's hands have swollen from the attack. She tells Loid and Anya that a fire door slammed on her hands at work, and if she rests them all day, they might get better. Suddenly, Yuri bursts in to have fun with Yor on his free day from work. He sees her injured wrists and immediately blames Loid. Upset to see his sister suffering, Yuri tells Loid to do the cooking in Yor's stead, something Loid usually does anyway. Loid and Yor head to the kitchen to start cooking, where she apologizes to Loid for always having him cook. Loid assures her that it is okay, and Yor thanks him for always being so kind to her. Craving her praise as well, Yuri decides to take over the cooking.

Yuri cooks several more dishes than Loid, but they all emanate a strange aura. Since Yor cannot hold a fork, Yuri offers to feed her his dish. After eating, a nervous look on her face grows, and Yuri gets worried. Yor thinks Yuri's food is not as good as she remembers and wonders if it is because he has lost his touch or if her tastes have grown more refined from eating Loid's cooking. An upset Yuri tells Loid to feed Yor one of his dishes. Yor protests, but Yuri insists it will prove Loid's love for her. Loid tries feeding Yor, who quickly starts blushing. Yuri yells at Loid not to feed her in front of him and makes Anya do it instead. After feeding Yor, Anya asks her if the food is good, and Yor replies that it is delicious.

Defeated, Yuri slams his fist on the floor and pushes for another battle with Loid in cleaning the dishes. While they clean, Yor thanks the men for helping, making Yuri so happy that he drops some dishes. Upon finishing, the adults look at the results and see that Loid cleaned the most, whereas Yuri has broken several of them. Yuri challenges Loid to several more chore battles and loses. Realizing that he cannot beat Loid, Yuri begins to wonder if Loid is more capable of taking care of Yor than he is. Yor says they have used up all their detergent and garbage bags, so Yuri declares a final bout with Loid to see who can buy the best stuff the fastest and for the least money. After obtaining the list from Yor, Yuri dashes off. As Loid steps out, he thinks about all the stores he should stop by to get the items, including replacements for the dishes Yuri broke.

Yuri goes to a shady part of the city to meet with one of his informants. After revealing his Secret Police badge, Yuri demands where he can buy all the cheapest items on the list, bewildering the informant. After buying everything, Yuri rushes back to the Forger home, ready to prove to Loid not to underestimate the power of the SSS. To his shock, Loid had bought everything and returned sooner than he did. Yuri cries and admits defeat, falling to the floor and spilling the items from his bag. Yor walks over and spots a package of whistle candy, one of their childhood snacks. The siblings recall when they would go into the mountains and whistle the candies to scare the bears away. Yor cannot believe Yuri found the candies after all these years and thanks him. Loid then praises Yuri, saying he knows Yor better than him. Yuri eats up the compliment and declares victory before leaving. After he leaves, Yor apologizes to Loid for her brother's antics.


Behold the rumble from the deep, for it is the bellow of rock and stone. A titan of immortal ages has awoken from fitful slumber to crush all who tread upon his realm. A lumbering giant, patient, deliberate, unmovable; he is Geb, God of Earth.

When a mortal's heart is weighed in the halls of Ma'at, Geb sits among the Gods in judgment. Those burdened with guilt and regret are claimed by Geb and dragged through the earthen crust to the underworld. Hearts free of such heaviness are taught words of power and ascend to the sky.

Ah, the sky.

It is but the one thing Geb longs for. In his eye, she is glorious sapphire, an unreachable object. But it was not always so. Once, the earth and sky were as one, Geb and Nut, Goddess of the Sky, locked in a lover's embrace. Ra deemed their union unfit and sent Shu, God of Wind, between them. In his rage, Geb thundered and broke the earth, but for naught, Nut was now forever out of reach.

Though his desire has not weathered with the ages, Geb has rested peacefully for time immemorial, nurturing Mankind through bountiful harvest and stable ground for pyramids and palaces. It is the clash of Gods upon his surface that stirs him. He has risen to war, though his motives are unclear. Does he fight to prevent the destruction of his realm, or will he seize the chance to shatter the wind and reunite the earth and sky? Whatever the outcome, the earth will always remain.

Junker Demolitionist

Jamison Fawkes, AKA Junkrat, is an explosives-obsessed freak who lives to cause chaos and destruction.

The attack on the Australian omnium's fusion core forever altered the landscape of the Outback. After the detonation, the area was transformed into a harsh, irradiated wasteland, littered with debris and the twisted fragments of the ruined facility, and unlivable to most.

But there were some who survived. Calling themselves the Junkers, they scavenged the husk of the omnium and formed a lawless, cutthroat society in its shadow. Junkrat was one of them, eking out a living reclaiming metal and components from the ruins. Like many others, he was affected by the lingering radiation. This touch of madness made him ideal for handling dangerous explosives, a love which he turned into an obsession.

He came to notoriety when he discovered an extremely valuable secret in the bones of the omnium. Though few knew the nature of what he found, he was nonetheless pursued by bounty hunters, gangs, and opportunists wherever he went, until he made a deal with the Junker enforcer Roadhog, who grudgingly agreed to be his personal bodyguard in exchange for a fifty-fifty share of the spoils.

Now, with Roadhog in tow, Junkrat has left the Outback, and embarked upon an international crime spree leaving nothing but havoc and bedlam in his wake.

Prehibernation Week

The episode begins at Sandy's treedome, with Sandy raking her tree's autumn leaves into a pile that forms the shape of Texas. Sandy finds leaves SpongeBob was meant to rake up, but cannot due to his comically small rake. Sandy tells SpongeBob to move on to something else as she continues her own chores at a brisk pace. SpongeBob doesn't understand why Sandy is in such a hurry, so she reminds him that she will start hibernating the following week. With only 168 hours left, Sandy has many activities she is desperate to do. SpongeBob promises to commit all the time he doesn't work for Mr. Krabs to do these activities with Sandy, an offer she enthusiastically takes him up on.

Their activities that run day and night include sand-boarding, trying to knock each other off the top of the Sea Needle with giant ear cleaners, "extreme jacks," and "find the hay in the needle stack." These prove to be extremely dangerous, and SpongeBob, much less hardy than Sandy, injures himself and avoids death several times. Not wanting to do anymore dangerous activities with Sandy, he goes into hiding under Patrick Star's house to escape from her, and Sandy, panicking for his safety, forces everyone in Bikini Bottom to form an unnecessary search party for SpongeBob.

Sandy has them search in dangerous places such as sulfur fields, a leech farm, and a poison sea urchin cove. After days of searching with no success, they all want a break, but she does not relent. They ask for time to take care of their children, but Sandy merely suggests to have the children crawl into places that adults cannot reach. With the dissent growing, Sandy angrily demands that no one leaves until they find SpongeBob. The townspeople try in vain to fool Sandy with objects in SpongeBob's shape and color like a cereal box and a banana. One fish points to SpongeBob supposedly up in the sky, but as Sandy looks up and turns back in confusion, she finds that everyone has gone, taking their chance to also hide under Patrick's rock.

Still frantic, Sandy starts literally destroying the city in her search for SpongeBob. The townspeople express how safe they feel under the rock, as does SpongeBob, whom they unceremoniously throw out for Sandy to find. Hearing this, Sandy rushes to SpongeBob as he desperately tries to hide again, to no avail. Sandy joyfully pulls SpongeBob for a hug before tugging him along to go "atom smashing," but he pleads for her to wait and listen to him. SpongeBob finally explains to her that he can no longer play the dangerous games she wants to play and begs for her to remain his friend. However, he realizes that Sandy has already fallen sound asleep, and the relieved and exhausted SpongeBob falls asleep as well. Patrick returns home from the grocery store to find the townspeople (and Squidward) staring out from under his rock and frantically yells, "Who are you people?!", ending the episode.

Diary of Koby-Meppo

Vol. 4: "Study, Study!!"


Oda Eiichiro

I've just discovered a fantastic musician!! Her name is Yoko Kanno-san. Miss, you are just…wow, awesome!!


Chapter 88



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107