Chapter 11

Zoro, having sliced Buggy into pieces, turns his back on him and prepares to break Luffy out of his cage. However, Buggy reveals the abilities of his Devil Fruit, the Bara Bara no Mi, by stabbing Zoro in the back with a disembodied hand. Zoro flips the cannon that was initially aimed at Luffy back at the Buggy Pirates. The cannon fires, causing massive damage to the rooftop they were on. Zoro ignores Nami's complaints about needing to find a key to the cage and instead escapes while carrying the cage. When the Buggy Pirates recover, they find nothing, as the escapees are instead hiding on rooftops. Buggy, furious, declares war on them.

Li Li's Travel Journal


Zoro stands seemingly victorious after slicing up Buggy. However, as he goes to free Luffy from his cage, Buggy's crew starts laughing. Nami questions to herself why the crew is doing so when Zoro suddenly finds himself struck in the side by a hand holding a knife. Buggy floats behind Zoro as he finds himself fighting the hand and boasts about his Devil Fruit powers, the Bara Bara no Mi.

Buggy sees he missed Zoro's vital parts, but Zoro is still injured and finds that he needs rescuing even though he had initially come to rescue Luffy. While Nami is simply shocked about the whole thing, Luffy calls Buggy "Big Nose" while claiming he is a jerk for striking Zoro in the back. Buggy gets angry and sends his hand out again, this time to kill Luffy; however, Luffy grasps the knife between his teeth. As Luffy claims he will finish Buggy, Buggy and his crew laugh. Luffy tells Zoro to escape, but Nami does not understand. Zoro, however, gets the idea of what Luffy is going to do.

Zoro attempts to escape, but Buggy launches his Bara Bara no Hou. Zoro heads for the cannon and turns it over to face Buggy and his crew. Nami lights the fuse and the cannon fires at the Buggy Pirates, destroying part of the rooftop they're in. Zoro asks who Nami is and, while she says she is just a thief, Luffy tells him she is their navigator. Nami denies Luffy's statement and follows behind them. While Buggy's crew is down for the count, Zoro goes to Luffy and, ignoring the request to find a way to open the cage, he grabs it and makes a break for it before Buggy fully recovers. Buggy's crew begins to find their bearings and find all three of them gone, as well as the key to Luffy's cage. Buggy's crew starts to search the town, but Zoro and Luffy are on a rooftop. Furious, Buggy declares war on them.

Short Mission 9

After Anya fails a history test, Loid despairs over how to make her a better student. He recalls when Anya correctly said "two eighths" when referring to a scene in Spy Wars and concludes that using cartoons is the best way to educate her. However, because of the lack of lessons left to teach Anya from the Spy Wars cartoons and comic books, Loid decides to craft original stories via the cartoon. As Loid heads out to begin his new mission, Anya waits with excitement.

Loid meets with Franky, and the two start creating a new Spy Wars story. Franky is surprised by Loid's replication of the show’s art style, and Loid explains that after studying the art and composition style, he can draw a passable imitation. The two work on the rest of the production, providing their voicework, music, and sounds. A disheveled Loid and Franky celebrate upon completing the episode, but an angry Franky reminds Loid that he is an informant, not an animator. Loid pays Franky for his help, and he quickly changes his attitude.

Loid returns home to show Anya the "unaired Spy Wars episode," which contains many lessons concerning her school subjects, although they are crammed in inconsistent dialogue. Anya says she cannot understand the cartoon and tells Loid that it sucks, leaving him in shock.

Sun Wukong

Warrior, rebel, trickster, monk, Sun Wukong is known by many titles in the East, yet it was a Journey to the West that made him a hero.

In his youth, Sun Wukong gained leadership of the monkey tribes, learned secret arts and spells from a Taoist monk, and acquired the legendary Ruyi Jingu Bang from Ao Kuang, a staff that could change size according to his whim. He defied death itself by wiping his name from the Book of Life and Death, and united many of the other monster tribes who sought to ally with him, an act that garnered the attention of the Jade Emperor.

In an effort to better control the Monkey-King, the Jade Emperor awarded him a title, but when Sun Wukong discovered his new position was little more than “stable boy” he grew angry and declared himself “Great Sage, Equal of Heaven,” and waged war on the heavens. For this treasonous act, he was finally captured and imprisoned beneath a mountain for five centuries.

At long last, the humble monk Xuanzang was seeking disciples to protect him while on his legendary Journey to the West to collect the Indian Sutras. Sun Wukong gladly agreed to serve him, but the Buddha wrapped a golden circlet around the Monkey King's head so that Xuanzang could control him. With three other disciples, they faced eighty one trials during their quest, and collected the sutras. For his service and strength, Sun Wukong was awarded Buddhahood, finally ascending to heaven and gaining immortality.

With an epic battle between Gods taking place, Sun Wukong's presence is all but assured.

Boss of Ratchet

"Time is money" is a saying all goblins live by, and Gazlowe is no exception - or is he?

As a youngster, Gazlowe was a thief but he managed to make enough coin through his adventures to start his own legitimate business. That business boomed into one of the world's most successful trading ports. Gazlowe manages the trading operations on Kalimdor in the town of Ratchet.

After the events of the Third War, Gazlowe was approached by Thrall to be the chief engineer in the building of Orgrimmar. He was tasked with finding a reliable water source in the dry, harsh climate of Durotar. Digging tunnels outside the city in search of an underground well, Gazlowe and his team ran into a den of kobolds, who flooded the tunnels and drove the goblin miners out. Gazlowe sent Rexxar to deal with the nuisance.

Years and profits went on without much trouble. There was the occasional 99-Year Old Port stolen by Mad Magglish and pesky pirates to the south but nothing questing adventurers couldn't handle. It wasn't until upset fire elementals laid blaze to Orgrimmar that Gazlowe was again asked by Thrall to rebuild the city. Settling on a price, which was lowered several times, the former Warchief departed for Outland.

Following the death of the beloved Cairne Bloodhoof, the treacherous Grimtotem tribe rose up to take control of the tauren city, Thunder Bluff. Cairne's son, Baine, sent a trusted ally named Stormsong to ask Gazlowe for aid in their fight to take back the city. The plan called for outrageous amounts of explosives and weaponry, as well as zeppelins to transport troops. Demands were met and Gazlowe received an enormous sum of money and, very, very rare of a goblin, he gave most of it back as a gesture of respect to Cairne and his son. Gazlowe is keen to remain neutral for profits sake, but retains strong relations with the Horde.

Oda Eiichiro

Even though the serialization has exceeded 10 issues, I'm still not used to the weekly pace. Oh, how amazing the professionals are.


Chapter 12



Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 107