Chapter 111

Nami makes a deal with Igaram: they will save the princess for a 1,000,000,000 Beli reward. However she only wants the money and asks Zoro to do the fighting. Showing us her great powers to manipulate people, she is able to convince Zoro. Meanwhile the princess tries to escape Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, after Mr. 9 it is Miss Monday turn to help her but she is no match. While Mr. 5 is about to kill her, Zoro appears suddenly and saves her. Luffy, on his side as woken up too and seems to have a grudge against Zoro.

The Secret Criminal Organization

Igaram is exasperated by Nami's offer of a Beli 1,000,000,000 to protect Vivi. With Luffy still asleep, Zoro asks whether Nami should still be unconscious from all the alcohol she drank at the welcoming party. Nami retorts that she didn't want to drink and lower her guard, due to her suspicions of the Whisky Peak villagers' behavior, before bragging that she could have drunk much more if she had intended to, much to Zoro's chagrin. Turning to Igaram, Nami happily asks him whether he can guarantee the payment and additionally reminds the head of the Arabasta Royal Guard that without their help, Nefertari Vivi could die.

After some bartering, Igaram tells Nami that she will have to negotiate the payment with Vivi herself, only after her safe journey to Arabasta has been assured - Nami agrees with a haughty sigh and subsequently commands Zoro to assist the Princess.

A shocked Zoro at first refuses, claiming that the monetary scheme should be her responsibility, before Nami quips that even if the money is hers, the contract involves the entire Straw Hat crew. They continue to argue, whilst Luffy wakes up from his slumber in order to urinate, ignoring his crew-mates' squabble. Nami finally coaxes a frustrated Zoro into assisting her, by offering to rescind the unpaid added interest of 200,000 Belly on the money she loaned out to him at Loguetown.

As Zoro leaves to assist Vivi, cursing that Nami won't have a peaceful death, Igaram laments his weakness in failing to protect Vivi. Nami reassures him that Zoro is 'monstrously strong', with Igaram iterating that Vivi's survival is incredibly important for Arabasta's future.

Meanwhile, across town, Vivi is attempting to escape Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine by riding Karoo to a ship docked behind Cactus Rock. Mr. 5 comments on how her efforts are useless. Miss Monday aids a grateful Vivi by standing in the path of the two Baroque Works agents, reasoning that the whole band of bounty hunters in Whisky Peak would be punished anyway for suffering defeat at Zoro's hands. Disappointed with her sullying of Baroque Works' name, Mr. 5 incapacitates Miss Monday with a single clothesline that explodes on impact.

He continues to explain to a shocked Vivi, that his very person is a human bomb, being able to make any body part explode, having eaten the Bomu Bomu no Mi; he then picks his nose, flicking a bogey and subsequently launching a Nose Fancy Cannon. Suddenly, Zoro slices it in half, rescuing a surprised Vivi; the resultant explosive fragments destroy the buildings lining the road. Mr. 5 ponders who the swordsman is.

Zoro is disgusted at having to slice a bogey in half. Vivi at first believes that Zoro is there to prevent her escape, attacking him; Zoro casually blocks it, informing that he is in fact there to rescue her.

The scene then jumps to Nami, who asks Igaram about Baroque Works; he tells her that it is a secret criminal organization in which none of its members know the true identity of their boss, a man who bestows orders ranging from intelligence gathering to assassinations. Nami asks why the organisation members follow the commands of an unknown entity; Igaram replies that the ultimate aim of the group is to create an ideal nation, with high-ranking positions being awarded to those individuals who bring great success to the organisation. He also reveals that the boss has a codename of Mr. 0, explaining that the lower the number, the higher-ranked and the stronger that particular person will be within this ideal nation; he stresses that the strength of those with a number ranking of 5 or below are 'abnormal'.

Luffy is now seen walking by the river running through the town, having just urinated. He becomes shocked at something off-panel.

We return to the two Baroque Works agents, who identify Zoro as the one who defeated the town's agents; they ask him further why he is protecting Vivi. After an ambiguous answer from Zoro, the pair prepare to attack, Miss Valentine boasting about her Devil Fruit ability.

However, Luffy interrupts, shouting from further down the road that vows to never forgive Zoro and challenges his crew-mate to a fight, much to Zoro's surprise.

Mission 92

The term finals are finally looming over the first-year students of Eden Academy. Anya is determined to make sure she does not get a Tonitrus Bolt, while Becky reminds her that the results will determine their next classes for the second term. Meaning, if Anya does not get good grades, she will be all alone while Plan B fails. Anya reveals that her method of "reading minds to cheat" has not worked out due to the other thoughts of her other classmates getting in the way of her target classmate, who sometimes will solve problems faster than she can keep up. Anya concludes that she must figure out the answers for herself as much as she can.

The next morning at the Forger home, Loid is also concerned about the final exams, well aware of his daughter's consistent history of poor grades. After the incident with Daybreak, Eden Academy discovered evidence of a break-in and strengthened their security, causing Loid to lose the option to change Anya's test answers. Despite that, Loid sees a possible road to success in the Classical Language subject, which appears to be Anya's singular academic strength, and hopes that if they focus on it, she could possibly earn a Stella Star. However, Loid's dreams are dashed after watching Anya play with her snot, and he reminds himself to stay in reality.

Loid tries to help Anya with her studies, but his teaching skills are falling short. He considers calling Yuri again to help but quickly decides against it due to Yuri's suspicions of him. Suddenly, the Authens arrive at their door to invite them over to have cookies that Barbara baked as she hopes to get her new neighbors better. After learning that Anya is having a study session, Sigmund suggests that everyone needs a break. Loid would rather have Anya focus on studying, but after deciding to probe the

The Forgers go to the Authens' apartment and chat over the cookies. When Barbara talks about and teases Loid and Yor's marriage, Loid changes the subject to the many books the Authens own, to which Barbara explains that Sigmund used to be a university professor. Loid inquires further and learns that Sigmund taught neurology and helped rehabilitate wounded soldiers in Covenia. Having done background research on Sigmund beforehand, Loid concludes that Sigmund does not appear to be a threat, but still remains cautious. Loid sees that Sigmund has books on language, and Sigmund explains that he did a bit of cultural anthropology in the past. When Loid mentions Classical Language, Anya exclaims that her goal is to get the top grade in that subject. Sigmund offers to help Anya study, and seeing no harm in it, Loid allows it.

Sigmund starts by asking Anya her favorite book, and Anya says Spy Wars, so Sigmund reveals the first volume of the comic to use as their textbook. Observing them, Loid sees that method as a lost cause due to him not succeeding when he tried it. At Sigmund's instruction, he and Anya repeat a Bondman quote in the classical language, and then he teaches her how to properly use the language. Loid interjects when he thinks the lesson might be getting too complicated, but Sigmund encourages letting Anya find joy in studying.

As Sigmund resumes his lesson with Anya, Barbara remarks how happy he looks while teaching her. Loid thinks about Sigmund's teaching philosophy, which he had never considered doing before for Anya due to the difference in their beliefs, as he held knowledge and understanding only as tactical weapons and tools of survival.

After a fun and successful lesson with Sigmund, Anya and her parents make their leave, with Sigmund offering to teach her again. Anya accepts, saying she will come every day so she can earn a Stella Star. Sigmund asks what Anya will do after she aces her exams and becomes an Imperial Scholar and what her goal is. After turning to her parents, she replies that she wants world peace. Sigmund is happy with this answer and hugs Anya, saying that children like her are the nation's greatest treasure.

On her way to class the following day, Anya talks with Becky about their test prep, with Anya saying she has now started to enjoy studying a little bit, shocking her friend. Throughout the rest of the week, Anya studies hard, with Sigmund assisting her. The day before her exams, Anya returns home with a rugged look and stubble after having "mastered the art of Classical Language." When Loid asks about her appearance, Anya says she wants to look like she overcame rigorous training. Loid sees that she has been doing well in her practice tests and wonders if success could really be possible.

After promising the Authens that she will bring back Stellas, Anya heads to school to do her exam. Henry also questions her stubble, which Anya explains that she drew on herself with a permanent marker and it would not wash off. Moving on, Henry officially commences the final exams, and Anya readily takes them. Five days later, the final exam grades are posted in the quad, and all the students gather before the board in anticipation.


The episode starts at Mrs. Puff's Boating School, where SpongeBob's class receives an assignment for an 800-word essay on what not to do at a stoplight, due the following morning. SpongeBob cannot wait to get started and, upon arriving home, prepares his materials and workspace. However, he has trouble thinking of what to write, and gets distracted by seeing his friends playing outside.

Time passes as SpongeBob tries to create the right mood for writing. He does some calisthenics, feeds Gary, cleans his kitchen, and takes copious breaks in between. It eventually becomes clear that SpongeBob is only looking for excuses to avoid the essay. Even Patrick points it out when SpongeBob calls to chat with him in the middle of the night.

While wasting more time deciding on the proper bread to use for making himself a sandwich, SpongeBob hears a knock at the door and rushes to greet the mailman delivering a package. When SpongeBob attempts to engage in small talk, the mailman cuts him off and suggests that SpongeBob has an essay to write. Suspicious, SpongeBob slowly heads back inside to find a newscaster on TV reporting on SpongeBob's unfinished essay. He soon discovers that many of his possessions, now suddenly alive, are conspiring against him to prevent the completion of his work. Their interference results in the immolation of his house which, also suddenly alive, begs SpongeBob as it burns to, "Stop wasting time."

Finally waking up and realizing much of his procrastination was part of a nightmare, SpongeBob looks first at his woefully incomplete essay, then at the clock, marking five minutes before class time. In desperation, he suddenly realizes that everything he did (or imagined doing) up to that point was something that should not be done at a stoplight, and so he quickly writes it all down to fulfill the 800-word requirement.

Excitedly bringing the finished essay to school, SpongeBob finds the classroom empty. Mrs. Puff arrives and explains that she tried to call SpongeBob to give him an update. Due to a teachers' convention, she must attend, Mrs. Puff has canceled the assignment and will instead take the class on a field trip the following week to see a stoplight. Left behind with his grin frozen in place (when he realized that he crammed in vain to complete his assignment). Before the episode ends, SpongeBob then rips his essay in half before he splits himself in half.

Oda Eiichiro

Did you see the One Piece anime!? Isn't it a phenomenal piece of work!! The second episode is a ways off but while we're waiting let's watch the encore broadcast on the 13th and relive the excitement




Chapter 21

Osananajimi no Imouto no Kateikyoushi wo Hajimetara Soen Datta Osananajimi ga Kowai

Chapter 24